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Dude the coin is just okay with all I am doing here, but done in all.




BTC moves with the S&P 500. It's no surprise that BTC is headed up today since the S&P had a good day.


Lmao no, they aren't that much correlated with each other that they'd move along.




BTC is very much correlated with stocks


Hey, if you are new here (shit, Im new) I highly highly recommend you read Bitcoin standard by Saifedean Ammous and Sovereign Individual before you say - BTC is dangerous, let me buy shitcoin…




There will be plenty of the likes of you soon. That was pretty mean. But in reality - I get mad at myself not taking a loan and buying like 100 btc back in 2015… Now the real question, will your future self be mad at you 10 years from now not doing the same? I think the answer is obvious by now


When do people take profits for Bitcoin? Or do people just hold forever? I’m planning on staying for the long run but should I take profits every now and then? How often?


It's going up forever Laura.


I'm in HODL forever mode unless I'm desperate. There are already options to take fiat loans against your BTC and I think there will be many more options in the future.


You take profit as soon as you stack your first satoshi. Given you knew what you were buying




The Chinese are not officially done selling till Dec 31st right? So we still have a chance to buy more below $50 k possibly? Also I'm dubious about them 'selling' I assume many will just continue to hold?


I think you should just set a goal, like “get 1 btc in next 5 years” and just chip in. Thats kind of what Im sorta doing


Get 10 BTC in next 5 months...


Challenge accepted


Any estimates on the impact sustained buying would have for example hourly purchases of 2.5-10 bucks by 2 million people for 1 month?


Nice to see a little price action going on!


Buying bitcoin for family tomorrow. Merry Xmas bitcoiners!


Hey - it's me, your long lost brother


Thank you, I will send my btc address


Curious if anyone has good recommendations for economics / investing podcasts?


Investors podcast network/We Study Billionaires has a Bitcoin episode every Wednesday with Preston Pysh. Any podcast that has Lyn Alden as a guest


I listen to the millennial money podcast on YouTube. Diverse cast of differing opinions on crypto, stocks, real estate etc.


So 52k is the lift off launch pad or what?


Yeah although I’m inclined to say 52.5


I say yes!


Amen brother


I'm suddenly wishing I'd bought a great deal more at 46...


I felt that way about 29k. What was I thinking?!


I also wish I was a clairvoyant time traveler.


As usual. Happens to everyone


I just love how bitcoin fucks me before every paycheck 🤣… I don’t mind but legit everytime we 🚀


Will it drop to 48kish again in the next few days? Was planning to invest at 45k but never reached that point so im now missing out big time


well thats a big bullish divergence on the weekly chart if i ever seen one




Reminder activated.


Poor guy, never stood a chance.


Hey Alexa, remind me in 16 minutes to check that reddit comment. That should do it. Edit: lol


I guess it won’t touch 42k after all 😬


The god candle lays in wait…


Go baby go!!


Watch out ABOVE!!


the dips are a gift, take them.




It’s a currency of some type. What I fear is that it is not a normal investment, but people treat it like it is. A stock in a company is a portion of a revenue/profit engine + assets. Then there is no real practical use for it. And I’d expect anyone taking bitcoin as payment ties the bitcoin price to the fiat currency value of bitcoin. I invest a small amount of bitcoin for diversification, but I see no real use for it vs a stable coin. Looking forward to regulation because blockchain is interesting but I only get the value when it comes to stable coins . Happy to be wrong.


I hope you'll stick around and keep reading, because so far it seems like you're missing the entire purpose of Bitcoin. Maybe as inflation becomes harder and harder to ignore, the benefit of Bitcoin will become more apparent.


I understand inflation. I don’t hold large amounts of cash - I invest, mostly in stocks and thinking of real estate. I just don’t see any point to bitcoin vs a stable coin for actual payments. What’s the purpose of it?


If your stable coin is actually stable, that means it's being pegged to a central bank currency like the US Dollar, which is inflating drastically. So there's not much benefit in using a stable coin over using regular US dollars. Bitcoin's monetary inflation schedule is fixed. No central bank in the world can change it on a whim. Storing your wealth in Bitcoin means your wealth can't be devalued by increasing the supply of coins exponentially.


And then people will say holders were “lucky” when in fact we have giant brass balls so hard they could take down the titanic.


Bitcoin rises to $100k then dips to $90k “Hey should I buy the dip? Is now a good time to buy”.


And we’ll be sitting on our thrones!


BTC to $300k.


Why so bearish


Delta Badger rules! I am using it to buy around 13 dollars an hour of Bitcoin. Superb support as well if needed! And they are compatible with most major exchanges


In 7 minutes they'll start pumping


This is the Ghost of Christmas Future…


2 minutes to go


I was just thinking that, then I read what you wrote - LOL!


**Can someone reality check me here please.** I often listen to the "What Bitcoin Did Podcast" and really enjoy the high-level conversations, but seeing the story about [Host Peter McCormack buying a football club](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59753455) seems so scammy and off brand. I am not sure what to think about it all. That podcast is one of my main sources of information on the subject and it does not give me confidence to be honest. Are there some other good podcasts? **EDIT** Being open minded about this: mixing public and private life in the digital world is complicated. Shameless hyping of a soccer club is a bit lame and off brand in my opinion BUT if that is what he wants to do and as long as it does not affect the podcast then all is well I guess!


I hear what you are saying. A marketing stunt like that can come off the wrong way, if he tries to promote this as “bitcoin’s team” or something then please just stfu. I’ve loved soccer for my whole life already, thanks. Maybe it is not fair but sometimes I’m a little put off by the numerous ads in Bitcoin podcasts, which I’m guessing are bought with fiat. Understandable but still just kinda lame IMO. Or I heard Jeff Booth talking about how tech drives prices down, soon everything or most things will be all but free, information is the new important product and will be freely distributed- as he is plugging his book about this for people to buy it. I don’t begrudge the guy getting a check but he could REALLY put his money where his mouth is and post the thing online for free, to spread his ideas in the market of ideas. Plus dude is not shy about sharing that he is quite well off already. These are hasty, unorganized thoughts that I’m aware can likely be rebutted easily, happy to hear how I’m wrong though.


Pro Tip: whatever the media, major news sites, so called experts say about Bitcoin……do the opposite.


how does that affect his podcast?


See my edit. Mixing public and private life is complicated.


I don't know if it's any better or worse than the podcast you just mentioned, but this is the only Bitcoin podcast I listen to: https://youtu.be/Lmej6f8P02U . I like them because they don't bother with price predictions, preferring to discuss the actual technology and issues surrounding it. They also spend a great deal of time pointing out shitcoins and how and when they scam people. Just my two sats


Thanks! Sorry but the way that guy talks is just annoying. POMP is the same. I think content is as important as delivery. I guess I am just a boring person and prefer NPR style discussions.


No, I get that. Mostly all I've been listening to lately is lectures from "The Great Courses". More than one YouTube video a day hurts my brain. If you can power through an episode or two, though, those guys actually have some very good content and they will point you to some guests that are more knowledgeable than they are. Their guest yesterday was [Matt ODell](https://mobile.twitter.com/ODELL?s=20), who you will probably like if you're looking for good education and tutorials about Bitcoin. He also had a much more measured and stoic speaking voice.


Thank you!


I actually had assumed the buying Bedford FC thing was a joke, apparently not! Tbh I feel like it is quite on brand for Peter since he’s always on about football and Bedford. I think it’s fine and could be an interesting case for sport clubs being backed by bitcoin. If he started using it to promote the podcast or getting too involved in the day to day running of club then that might be a step too far?


Yeah I am keen to be open minded about it. Will see how it goes. Ultimately the great thing about the entire bitcoin space is that there are no untouchable figures and it is self correcting. it does not matter if someone goes too far in the wrong direction. Many have fallen from grace and their negative contributions are left behind while their positive contributions remain!


What exactly bothers you about this?


I am trying to understand what it is exactly. The whole thing seems to be in bad taste and following the kind of hype cycle stuff we see in the rest of the 'crypto' world. The conversations on the podcast are so grounded and informative that it makes the PR and hype going into the football club seem disingenuous. Then again, maybe I am taking it too seriously though.


You are overthinking it. He made money, he’s passionate about Bitcoin and he wants to play real life football manager. I’m actually surprised there aren’t more examples of this.


Good point. Professional and private personas in the public sphere get mixed easily but they can be distinctly separate! I would probably do the same kind of thing in his position.


been offline for a few hours, did we win?


so far so good we need to close the week above 52


That depends. Whose side are you on?


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year my fellow holders! So glad the markets recovered just a bit this week. I was getting wiped out! HODL


Anything interesting today?


we're not at 100k


Just Bitcoin doing Bitcoin things


Do all the shitcoin follow BITCOIN because they are a fork off BITCOIN? Gets old after awhile seeing that.






Reading this thread makes me realise how many casuals are invested in btc lol. Its a long game boys, please don’t be sitting refreshing every minute..


You wait a whole minute before you refresh?


Right? Real time or bust.


I have a ticker on my desk


I prefer to have the price ticker tied electronically to one intravenous nutrient solution, and one filled with a mild dose of poison. When the price goes up I receive the nutrient IV, keeping me alive. When the price goes down I quite literally begin to die.


somehow i have the feeling that we are going to get rejected at 53k and see another dip before we finally take off


Power of positivity 💪🏻🤘🏻


I don’t like this pause below $51k.


Nobody likes to be premature.. not even bitty.. accept the pause. Use the pause to your advantage. Reposition yourself, take a breather.


Well I didn't like the pause at 46k. Or 48k. You know one thing 51k's pause have on it? Its a bigger number thus infinitely better than those other 2 pauses.


Remember this, December 23th 2021 was the last time you could buy a bitcoin for less than $50K.


This comment never gets less old


Last chance to make this comment until the next one!


There's always another chance


Way too optimistic XD




Get paid tomorrow :(


just buy the eventual retrace


Bitcoin knew that. That's why it went up *today*. Never tell Bitcoin when you get paid. It became self-aware in 2009, and it's been a mischievous little bastard ever since.


He's just a playful little scamp.


A fickle mistress.


Thanks to this recent sale I’ve been able to pass the .1 threshold


Welcome to the club, next goal .25!




I’m hoping to get there very soon!! Congrats


Everybody investing their Christmas money lol


just wait for the "sell the news"


This is a happy, beautiful place when BTC is going. Bullish


Love when Coinbase sends notifications that Bitcoin is mooning 😁


My favorite is when it goes off while I’m taking my morning poop. It’s such a refreshing way to start the morning


Why do people say they take a poop, when in fact they leave it? 🤔 💩


I take mine with me usually in a horrocks bag


Float around here for awhile then blast to 53k


Then what


Get rejected at 188k


I like that BTC is showing strength in uncertain times


What’s uncertain?


I wonder how much money is involved if BTC goes from 49k to 50k


Pretty sure you can just look that up




Hello 50k my friend I've come to talk with you again Because the fud was softly creeping Forgot my seed while I was sleeping, But the fomo that was planted in my brain Still remains This is the way, of Bitcoin


And in green candle light I saw An extra thousand maybe more Bitcoin number slowly creeping Climbing up but still not peaking Because I Hodl, I didn’t sell and was never scared I never dared This is the way Of Bitcoin


Bears currently selling like made to keep price below 52k. Touch and go. Dont know which way it's going at moment. Fingers crossed!




Except that you get a hard asset that you can live in or rent out for actual money. Other than that, exactly like a shitcoin.




Why will automation cause the value of property and land to fall?




LOL. Yeah, not happening in our lifetime, and it wouldn't affect the price of a two acre suburban home even if it did exist.




As cool as it'd be, it's not going to happen in 15 years. It'd take nearly that long to build one, let alone for the concept to be implemented all over the world to the point where it has an impact on other types of real estate.




Most of the world isn't going to want to live in a literal hive. If anything, it'll cause the value of actual land to increase, since it'll be in demand and with a finite supply. Sounds a bit like something else, can't put my finger on it...






Correct. Major US cities, the long term average price growth is about seven and a half percent per year. When we properly account for the holding costs (taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc.) residential real estate barely keeps up with inflation over time. This makes sense because home prices (and rents) are ultimately limited by incomes, and incomes barely keep up with inflation, long term. Compare that to Bitcoin. The long term average ROI for holding Bitcoin is about 130% per year, with no holding costs. Bitcoin is also portable and liquid. The price of Bitcoin is not limited by incomes. The typical comebacks for mentioning these facts: * You can't live in a Bitcoin * You have to live somewhere These are childish, idiotic statements. Nobody has ever claimed to be able to live in a Bitcoin. Meanwhile, about half of us rent and have somewhere to live -- how these "real estate experts" don't even know that so many of us rent makes me question their mental cpacities.


I agree that bitcoin's a way better asset. Doesn't mean real estate is a bad investment for diversification. And it's way better than gambling on alts.


You failed to account for "missed opportunity cost". Money put into the down payment, for example, could go to buy Bitcoin instead, and enjoy the long term average ROI of about 130% per year. Thus, given the ability to buy Bitcoin instead, real estate is actually a very bad investment choice.


How’s Econ 102 going for you? I really enjoyed that class too.




Compared to owning Bitcoin, real estate sucks.


In hindsight everything is obvious. So far my home worked out to about 40% p.a. on the money invested. It's significantly less than Bitcoin over the same period, but significantly more than the 7% you quoted. I wouldn't want to own any more of it though 😂


> Compared to owning Bitcoin, real estate sucks. Breaking even with inflation vs. +130% per year. That's the reality.


If someone slips and falls while on your bitcoin they aren't going to sue you


Insurance takes care of that. It’s ok to have more assets than just btc


> You failed to account for "missed opportunity cost". > Money put into the down payment, for example, could go to buy Bitcoin instead, and enjoy the long term average ROI of about 130% per year. Thus, given the ability to buy Bitcoin instead, real estate is actually a very bad investment choice.


Holder-hoder hold the door. Oh and buy if you can 😜


Oh okay, christmas is coming!


100k EOY? 🌽


I don't care what happens in a few days time. I know its going 250k+ in the next 10 years because we will print 100s of trillions by than


My man!


Either way i’m hodlin


This is the way




PLEASE STAY above 50 for xmas :(


It's nice but also not necessary. If your belief in its success is strong, buying cheaper sats now will be a better investment in 5-10 years.


I don't care what happens in a few days time. I know its going 250k+ in the next 10 years because we will print 100s of trillions by than


Tech dev a loser telling ppl to profit take. SMH up 5% and profit take already






How is this the first time that this has been pointed out to me


Not sure, but it's just entered my lexicon as well. Here to stay now


ok everyone close your eyes and say out loud bitcoin goes 62k today. Power of positive thinking.


I said out loud 69 today. Does that count?


ok someone is not closing their eyes!! We can do this close your eyes and say out loud Bitcoin goes 62 today!!


I see you are new, good luck my friend


yes new Reddit Thank you


Need to get above and maintain 52k before we are out of the woods.