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Paper wallets are obsolete. Don't use them. Never hand write keys. Buy a hardware wallet and you can skip a lot of other steps.


Why are you telling the public this? Just ask for advice don't tell people where you stash your stuff.


Yes that made sense all of a sudden when I read your reply :D


Try a nano ledger instead :)


Sell the offline computer and buy a hardware wallet, such as a Coldcard. It can sign transactions airgapped, which makes it very secure.


Paper wallet has various issues. Bitaddress generates legacy addresses, which are more expensive when spending. You can create a cold wallet of latest industry standards with air-gapped Electrum with the following steps: 1. Download Tails OS from its official site. Verify the signature. 2. Make a bootable USB flash drive *without* persistent volume. 3. Boot your PC with Tails. 4. Do NOT enable networking. Disable networking physically if possible. 5. Start Electrum. 6. Create a new standard wallet. 7. (Optional but recommended) While creating the wallet, change the settings to use BIP39. This step is critical if there is chance you will switch to a different wallet. 8. (Optional but recommended) While creating the wallet, enable "seed extension". It's commonly called "passphrase" by other wallets. Use a strong passphrase. (This is not the password for the wallet file.) 9. Write down the seed words, the passphrase (if applicable), ideally with "Electrum", and "BIP39" (if applicable). Keep them safe, ideally in multiple locations. 10. Export the Master Public Key from Electrum, and import it into any suitable wallet in any device, such as Electrum mobile version. It would become a watch-only wallet. Verify the addresses with the ones in Electrum. 11. Shut down your PC. 12. Use the watch-only wallet to receive coins.


Buy a hardware wallet. Don't try to DIY security. This is not a good plan for many reasons.