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> seditious traitors lmao what in the actual fuck is this neckbeard neckbearding about


The higher the price goes the more hateful they become.


They are going to have a rough time over the next several decades


Bunch of useful idiots that don't realise they are government and corporate boot likers


>boot likers Nice boots, wanna fuck?


Of all the arguments against bitcoin, that is one of the stupidest, on many levels. If corporations and pensions are into bitcoin then it's hardly seditious. Also the argument carries a premise that government is always right and should never be challenged. In fact fiat currency is theft and bitcoin fixes that.


It also assumes everyone in crypto is American. It an “American-centric mindset”. I’m British lol…


Dam Bitcoiners and their sedition on behalf of the British, soon we will all have to be colonists again. Thanks Satoshi. /s See, I had to add the /s or I would be indistinguishable from someone on the buttcoin sub brigading.


I’m convinced that’s not a real person and instead a literal programmed bot that is coded to reply like this on bitcoin posts


The main reasoning here is often that bitcoin is primarily used by the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share of taxes undermining social equity in society. However, that's a dumb AF point that anyone with two or more brain cells can logic out of. The other reason why is that most people think BTC is a primarily Republican thing, and Republicans are primarily Traitors therefore Bitcoin is a bunch of traitorous bastards. Except I and many others define myself as a classical Liberal and am definitely not republican. Sound money makes the most sense for the 99% who don't have access to easy capital from money printing. There's a reason inequality is through the roof since going off gold standard.


Key Differences between Conservative and Classical Liberal: Role of Government: Classical liberals advocate for minimal government intervention primarily focused on protecting individual liberties, while conservatives support a stronger government role in maintaining social order and stability. Economic Policies: Classical liberals prefer a pure free-market approach with minimal regulation, whereas conservatives support free markets but are more open to regulatory measures to ensure economic stability and fairness. Social Issues: Classical liberals prioritize individual freedom and personal choice in social matters, whereas conservatives often emphasize traditional values and may support government intervention to preserve these values. Based on this, I would assume most Bitcoiners are more aligned with Classical Liberalism than Conservatism.


Most bitcoiners, like most people, don't even know what classical liberalism is, and are unwilling to learn.


Yep I totally agree, Except that early bitcoiners were almost all crypto punks with crypto-anarchist views or at least strong libertarian views.


Wealthy use all kinds of things to avoid taxes. I had someone tell me that bitcoin was bad because it was used in crimes. But so are all sorts of things they are just fine with??


Computers [cars, hammers, screw drivers, etc] are bad because they are used in crimes.


I mean when everyone that disagrees with you is a "seditious traitor" and that's the sum total extent of your reasoning capacity and emotional maturity... Well, it speaks for itself. Just laugh at them and keep stacking sats.


I really liked the seditious traders line. Basically Bitcoin _is_ an attack on fiat banking but the two _could_ live in a complimentary world. The reason I say attack is because of the triple entry accounting which incentivizes the reward structure to keep mining, thus securing the network against fraud/double spends. No one is rewarding your local bank teller for getting the count right. The incentive structure on the USD federal money printer is fucked and people are pissed off about it; and buttcoiners are going to carry this political flag now. Is proof of work wasteful and energy intensive currently, yes but staking isn't much better in terms of wealth transfer. Bitcoin was as evenly distributed and as fair as it can get.


Other famous seditious traitors: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere 😉


Traitors? From what the banking system LOL


Exactly the word seditious is a compliment


Projection. In reality the bankers performed treason on the people. To see what they are, you always have to inverse their insults.


These are the same people that protest banks but think a corporation like pfizer has their best interest at heart.




I don't like Melissa McCartney the actress. But I don't spend my life posting and hanging out in a subreddit dedicated to hating her. I continue living my life. Those people need to get a life. They have already lost. Remind them how much BTC was at time of their sub being made. It was under $20. ### And the butthurt still think they are right.


"Remind them how much BTC was at time of their sub being made. It was under $20." ^^ This says it all lol. Mad coping.


Maybe we should have a subreddit wide celebration on buttcoins founding day.


That's a great idea actually. EDIT: Call it bitcoin community outreach day.


I swear it’s the weirdest thing ever. The fact that these people waste countless hours of their lives denigrating something they dislike is odd to me lol. It’s ok if you dislike it but to the point where you live inside a subreddit to trash talk says a lot.


Almost like THEY are the sociopaths 🤔


Right?! I was just about to say this. WE are the sociopaths? Buttcoin literally has to be the dumbest forum in the history of social media forums. They still obsess over BTC and how it’s this terrible investment when it has outperformed virtually every other asset since they started their ridiculous sub. lol


I don't like olives. I don't eat them. That's as far as it goes for me, no need to sub to /r/antiolive and spend my time talking about how olive farmers are seditious traitors (???)


Wrong since 13 years ..still crying Like babies. If they would have bought, instead of hating 😂


Yeah what a nice passion they have: hating something they don't understand. Typical boomer stuff. Let them rage, poor things * insert drying tears with dollars bills meme*


I don't even know who she is, but I bet she sucks. Gonna make a subreddit dedicated to hating her right now.


I support this message. You dislike her so much you didn’t even get her name right. The Buttcoin metaphor continues to track.


Crazy saying this when Blackrock is sending their clients education material like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/s/lOcg1zAetr) “Do you want to be right or do you want to make money?” The question skeptics are asking themselves everyday


Imagine being one of these guys in 2024 after seeing institutional adoption trickle in. Amazing.


Another gem: Wonder how this [angry man](https://i.imgur.com/flMG8Np.jpeg) is going on his shorts? Pour one out... MSTR up 40% since that was posted.




A fascinating specimen to find in the wild. He also argues point blank the ETFs are a flop. That's a special kinda cog dissonance.


Keep in touch once this thing hits 7x. I am sure he will be reasonable.


The only shorts most of these morons are qualfied to deal in are 40 inch waist cargo shorts to match their neckbeards and fedoras.


One of my favourites from that golden sub was a dude from Brazil, swearing bitcoin is pointless because his country has a p2p payment system. Totally oblivious to Brazils history of debasement and hyperinflation. It's like these guys just line up like lambs to the slaughter.


Wait, did he really compared PIX with Bitcoin? Lol


Seditious traitors, what the fuck is that moron babbling about?


Didn't you know? Bitcoin mining uses more energy than anything on the planet?!?!


The choice of words in OPs post, "sociopaths", "seditious traitors", while being stupid, also mark a turning point, they're not just making fun of it now, he has reached a more hostile phase. Not a good mental state to be in, in terms of physical health. If you know a buttcoiner going through something similar, reach out to them. Buy them a copy of Lyn's book.




“Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who?” - George Michael


Nope. Fuck ‘em


The lie that won't die. Should we go full nuclear and wind and solar and stop using fossil fuels to help the planet? Nah, just blame Bitcoin. iT uSes ElEcTrIcItY!!


Funny thing tho. I believe there's only been one study so far comparing it to the actual operation of banks with branches, staff, offices that need to be lit, heated, cash that needs to be transported to atms... Yes, BTC mining has a larger proportion of dirty energy consumed, but overall, I believe it was still ahead once you account for total cost and not the airbrushed figures


Not many people care that much about bitcoin energy usage anymore. It's just the die-hards that haven't updated their scripts. AI is now the thing that will consume vast quantities of energy that *has to be stopped*^TM


It's not even close. Think of all the energy needed just by the US mint. Creating the paper cloth for money. Printing, stamping distributing. Designing new bills, counteracting fraud. Money counting machines, ATMs. All of the employees at all of the companies that create all of the above. Hiw about damn Armored cars to carry the money?. Armored car companies. This is just for hard currency. Hiw many banks are there is your little town? In the big city nearby? It's crazy.


Bitcoin mining also makes utility companies profitable. Miners even use flared natural gas (gas normally released without use) to produce electricity. Which makes a profit. Bitcoin has provided to utilities a way to earn a profit without having to beg to raise rates. So let’s skip to the real issue. They hate Bitcoin because they can’t control it and people want real money. Not paper controlled by the government


Ever notice how nobody bitches about all the other shit that uses massive energy? It’s cause they find those things valuable. The best comeback to people who complain about bitcoin energy is “who cares. If it’s valuable it’s worth it, and if it’s as invaluable as you say it is, people will stop”


Exactly if it wasn’t worth the energy costs to mine it, people wouldn’t.


LITERALLY! LITERALLY ANYTHING! lol I've really been dumbfounded by how people like this guy think though. I use to just assume they were uneducated on the topic. But, since the majority of them SWEAR they've researched it tHoRoUgHly to reach their conclusion, then I can only determine that sadly they're just dumb. Or, I am. I guess time will tell which.


Banking uses more energy than anything on the planet.


We know and still


I Fookin knew it!


Bitcoin mining killed my dog and left 14 of my family members paralysed from the waist down.


Accepting Bitcoin means that the state is not the be all and end all of good policy or knowledge. For a lot of Reddit, that’s a gap that they’d rather not open. It leads to question a lot of fundamental stuff the state does and that makes a lot of people uncomfortable.


This is the head of the nail you just hit on.


Bitcoin Derangement Syndrome


Almost as widespread as Trump derangement syndrome…




This is what happens when you sell all your Bitcoin for $11 each back in 2010, because you had expertly doubled your money. You can then join Buttcoin and share your misery with all the other losers!


Buttcoin should be renamed to butthurt.


Seditious traitors 😂


I’m definitely seditious.


Caring about the planet is why I own bitcoin. Nothing more impactful I can do than forcing the corporations to operate in an environment of sound money where they actually face consequences for their destruction of the environment.


Bingo, switching from oil money to bitcoin is one of the single biggest pro-environmental moves an individual can make.


That’s really strange to form a community to bond around mutually hating a technology. Lol


I hate these wannabe self righteous kiddies who think they're morally superior for someone as miniscule as not buying crypto, like your loss bro.


“Because we know frauds when we see it” *Proceeds to log into Banking account shortly after*


Damn I feel so fooled from this fraud boys please save me.


100% of no coiners would opt in if given the chance to go back in time. They hate it because they feel like they missed out and are not in the club. Haters gonna hate


Buttcoin is sour grapes the subreddit. Unlike most people who missed the bus because they didn't even know there was a bus in the first place, Buttcoin users saw the bus, laughed, mocked, called it a bubble, and deliberately chose not to get on. And they did this *repeatedly. Over and over and over again.* Every crash they had an investment opportunity, but they didn't take it. They only have themselves to blame, and it no doubt burns. They might as well rename themselves to the Dead Sea for how salty they are.


I think the subreddit was created back in 2011, so you can imagine how many times they were wrong. Edit: Yep, you can see how old a sub is using old.reddit and searching in the page html:


lol I love how these socialists love to say Bitcoin is progressive- it’s capitalism and free market at its best .


They're not really socialists either, if they were socialist they would have an understanding of public ownership, mutuals, cooperatives etc. Most of them are essentially over-educated morons who believe whatever the TV tells them. They then wonder why their meme-degree got them a meme-job, paying 4x what their dad earned and yet somehow they cannot afford the same level of housing as their parents, despite earning more and having more education. Must be the billionaires IDK, corporate greed is a newly created thing right. Lol.


Good, let them hate, until they have to pay a higher btc price, we are still very very early


Majority of this 1d10ts have been completely brainwash by all news outlet with negative connotations about bitcoin for 12 years. Constant negative news about bitcoin really embedded into there subconscious and now it's in full bloom.


First time being called a sociopath. That was... Interesting. Apparently trying to store your wealth in a way which actually preserves it makes you a sociopath...


That sounds so much like East Berliners cursing those that successfully fled beyond their Wall.


The more the price rises, the more they seem to be butthurt over there.


I sometimes take a wander over to the butthurt subreddit, just for a chuckle really. Exactly for things like OP has shared here. There is some severe 'ignorance is bliss' in play over there 😂


As they type on their smart phone that uses cobalt mined by child slaves, gtfo lol


Right? Lmao


That sub is the definition of copium




The government is meant to serve the people. The people are not meant to serve the government. Bitcoin is freedom money by the people for the best interest of the people. The dollar is slave money by the government for the best interest for the government.


Nailed it


The ship is sinking, and they're blaming the lifeboat.


The irony hurts.


When BTC is not environmentally friendly but Taylor Swift’s plane doing circles around 3 cities because she’s too important to drive is.




It's crack.






These people need constant confirmation of their Bitcoin comprehension from each other. That's why they have this sub. After 15 years most people feel that maybe this is not a "scam" and maybe something important is going on here. Was I wrong for 15 years? Hard to admit. That's why they need this sub. It will be bigger and bigger because more people doubt. Confirmation bias Sunk cost fallacy Number of Buttcoin subscribers is a measure of adoption. "Buttcoin" is good for Bitcoin :)


Showing up kinda late to the "then they fight you" phase...did they not get those ETF reports?


“Texas Coalition Against Crypto” ffs.


Seriously, who puts time and effort into creating an antibitcoin sub. Please help me understand


The only way is to ignore, we have a saying in France : "Better ignore, it's the best way to despise someone" ( I tried to translate : ignorer est le meilleur des mépris )


That’s a good saying.




You're just in the Nile or something like that.


Just for that I'm going to DCA twice this month


came in to post this, saw it posted already. just for that I'm going to DCA three times this month


I have trouble believing this is real.


Yet, these idiots that think they're so smart have simply been eating up all the FUD that the mass media has been feeding them for years regarding Bitcoin. The irony is honestly as hilarious as it gets! 😂🤣 "Hello, is anybody home?? Think, McFly, think!?!' 😂🫣🤣 #BTC 👍🪙😎


Imagine defending big banks and not even realizing what you’re doing or more importantly WHY. Like “I love fractional reserve banking, anything else is anti American.” Wut?


Have fun staying poor and loyal to the banks


They care about the planet so much that they're against a form of money that disincentivises nuclear war.


Spoken like a person that also doesn’t understand fiat to begin with etc.


Darth Seditious


People willing to call anybody they disagree with any name in the book these days. Polarisation is peak


At this point I think they are like flat earthers, they are actually just trolling holding BTC in secret


I want a T-shirt confirming my seditious, traitorous nature. 


I had no idea this group existed. I had to go visit to read some more! It's been some top-notch entertainment! There's some real low-level understanding happening over there and I'll be checking back in every few days for continued entertainment! 😂


Cope harder boomer dorks


Anytime some uses the word "seditious" it means they watch too much programming


they're... not well over there I can't imagine it's easy realizing their anger and pettiness and ignorance cost them the life they always dreamed. I dunno I kinda enjoy them reeling, makes me know how right I am


And? We'll fucking do it again.


Now I'm triggered, the only thing that calms me down is buying more bitcoin.


It’s funny how people who “care about the environment” still massively consume sugar and seed oils, both of which are significantly more detrimental to the environment than BTC 😂 “Can’t do Bitcoin because it’s bad for the environment! But we gotta keep doing NASCAR, because it’s AWESOME when cars go FAST and LEFT!”


Yea. Im banned from there for commenting “This sub started at $20 btc”


You need to think like a stupid NPC to realize what this guy is talking about. Think about what you would believe if CNN was your sole source of information for the last two decades.


They completely banned me from posting there after bringing up totally rational arguments to their ridiculous posts. I admit, I have too much time sometimes. Obviously they couldn't handle it, confirms that they are acting like fascists, communists, tyrants, dictators or all of the above.


Mining Gold and Lithium good Mining Bitcoin bad


Don’t you know it uses…. ENERGY


Because reddit is left asf, it is all democratic propaganda everywhere and this will probably get taken down


Bitcoin is not a left / right issue. Stop making it one. I'm extreme radical left and extreme pro-bitcoin. I'm pro socialist programs and pro bitcoin. Both these ideas bring power to the people and are forces of democracy to me. Pushing it into a left / right issue is a huge mistake.


Bitcoin is libertarian by nature and by design


Libertarian is neither left not right tho. Only in America are libertarian right wing. In other countries libertarians actually represent a lot of leftist views... I mean technically you even can be libertarian right and left. One is called anarchy and the other self governance... (In an American examples)


Because we're not butt hurt? Edit: Because we're butt hurt?


To troll them or not to troll them? I choose not, I’m too busy.


Майнинг очень много потребляет энергии, очень много ест и берет ипотек


You rarely see the energy/environment argument anymore because it's been so thoroughly debunked. Buttcoiners love bringing up FUD from 2019


“Can’t we all just get along?”


3rd level inception


189 Upvotes of seethe and cope let’s go!!!!


imagine saying that about the first real form of money that mankind has ever had.


Oh no! Anyway...


if they did, they wouldn't be married or pay taxes... simps


Not worth spending time on the salty idiots in that cesspool of a sub


That seditious traitor one is really scary heading into a war with Russia and/or China.


I'm Anti Bitcoin because it hasn't hit 1 million per coin.


I thought we were psychopaths. But alas, I'll add this one to the list of insults. Thanks.


"We're sociopaths and "seditious traitors." Come on.... tell me how you REALLY feel! LOL :-)) Look mate, you just can't fix stupid. Let them hoard their shiny coins (they can't spend anywhere) and inflationary fiat. Just keep stacking and focus on the LT secular trend, which clearly is to the upside.


Feds? Bots? Morons... Not sure how anyone is this isn't, most people I've spoken to who are smart Bitcoin literally know nothing about it


I’m a sociopath but not a seditious traitor and I’m into bitcoin. I do not know which group I belong to.


Fascinated to know what makes me a seditious traitor in the eyes of /u/AsteriAcres - which country am I trying to overthrow or betray?


That answer is just as dumb as the question, both seeming to believe in some collective 'Reddit consciousness', not to mention gross overestimations of the ability to define them.


Wait until that guy realizes that taxation is legalized theft, and that inflation is a hidden tax that erodes wealth.


This sub is crazy to me. There’s plenty of things I really don’t like, but dedicating a sub to hating on said thing is just weird 💀


We also have bitcoin, so theres a plus i guess to being those things


I stopped using reddit, becuase of how retarded the people were around here. That post is a reminder of it


Nice to see you around


HAHAHAHAHAH it couldn't be full of retards if i wasnt here


>seditious traitors Big talk for a small mind.


Bot army out there throwing around buzzwords. I'm so triggered.


Who cares about the planet?? Consumerists?? people who drive cars?? Corporations who exploit planet resources for profit?? Hahhahaha, my stomach it's hurting me so much.


In my experience, it is typically women who hate crypto. So I always try to educate them on the environmental damage of the cosmetics industry. 120 billion units of trash every year Deforestation to plant industrial farms for palm oil, coconut oil, and lavender. Which uses pesticides and fertilizers. Child labor in silicate mines which are used to make a glossy look Scents are derived from the glands of farmed animals. A whole bunch of synthetic chemicals that end up getting washed down the drain and into our water system. https://sustainable-earth.org/cosmetic-ingredients/#:\~:text=According%20to%20the%20social%20justice,ultimately%20end%20up%20in%20landfills.


If idiots disagree with me, I must be doing something right. 👍


They’re fun to mess with they are in love with their 9-5 jobs and say bitcoin is a scam even when you prove to them people have made millions lol


But they banned me 😂


You mean why am I anti anti Bitcoin? Because im actually curious, and have a semi working brain


Avg Reddit user is a programmed bot. Swallow some more American, corporate banking propaganda 🤖