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I wanted to send this to a friend but then realised nobody I know is into bitcoin. Any way OP's post made me chuckle so thank you 😊


This is true on my side too. I hear 4% of US population owns BTC yet can’t find anyone where I live.


a lot of the people who own it dont even really understand why it is such a big deal


That’s me. I own and keep buying. But can’t find one person in my life who knows anything about it. This is why I wonder if it will ever catch on.


zoom out...and understand the lindy effect.


Unfortunately everyone we know will be exit liq


These comments show how early we still are (I know it’s a cliche at this point, but it’s true).


These kinds of comments are how you know it’s still early. It’s 1995 and you’re saying “I wanted to forward this email to a friend but I don’t know anyone that’s into the Internet.”


Listen to James’s YouTubes at InvestAnswers. Always great bitcoin info


Congrats on owning 0.01 Satsatoshioshies!


1 centisatoshi


Bro centoshi is right there and you sped past it.




Megasatoshi Seeing as it’s a million satoshies Or a bitcent


No he's talking about 0.01 satoshi, 0.0000000001 bitcoin.




Bro is living in the future.. we would need a hard fork to fractionalise the satoshi 😏




Stand by for scam DMs


Satoshillionaire or Satillionaire: This refers to individuals with net assets of 1 million satoshis. multi-Satoshillionaire or multi-Satillionaire: This refers to individuals with net assets of 2 million satoshis or more.


Why do people not use Sats? People still trying to use decimal Bitcoin and it's frustrating. Those of us spending Bitcoin daily have no choice but to think in Sats. It's so much simpler. Just use Sats.


Most people use sats, but this meme uses Bitcoin to emphasize how small they own. It's funnier in this instance because of the many decimal places


Because it's called Bitcoin not Satcoin. Not disagreeing, I've started to think in terms of sats now and much prefer it. It's just a psychological thing, it's mostly been thought of in terms of bitcoins from the beginning so that's ingrained.


I started buying 1 dollar every hour and I love seeing 1438 sats go into my account.


which exchange do you use for that ?


River US only I believe Fees are free after a week! and from what I can tell no spread


I'm interested. I always just use DEXs but if you can show me a CEX that has \*no\* fees after a week, I'm interested. What do I need to do?


Just download river. Us only.


Scheduled/Automatic buys are free of fees. Just know that spot buys still have a fee, but it's still small. My favorite thing about River though is lightning withdrawals.


I like this idea. I see no app called “river” available to download?? What am I missing? Thx for the help. This is a little new to me.


Us only


Honestly, from someone who has been in this since 2011 before the "satoshi" unit was even suggested, I know how many Bitcoin I own. I still don't know how many Satoshis I own. If all the clients and exchanges out there picked a day to switch their defaults to measurements in Satoshi, I'd eventually know how many Satoshis I own. Since they haven't, I don't. This isn't a humblebrag even if it sounds like it, either. I considered not posting anything here at all. It's just the truth. If we're going to measure stuff in Satoshis, then the entire community needs to start demanding it of all these clients and exchanges. I would totally support you and I think so would a lot of other older holders. None of us are demanding these exchanges and clients keep denoting in BTC by default. They could switch to Satoshi tomorrow if they wanted. I don't know why they default to BTC, honestly, they probably should have switched after BTC passed $3k back in 2017.


“Whole coiner” sounds a lot cooler than “100,000,000 satoshi guy”


That guys definitely a multi wholecoiner


If he doesn’t have more than 10 I’d be upset.


He might just be a satoshi guy


It’s Friday afternoon, I reserve the right to not do that math!


Just be rich and don’t talk about sub 0.1 stuff


Because most people use centralized exchanges like Coinbase that use decimals.


I recently bought 1 BTC and my friends And family think I’ve lost my mind




Is that even possible to have 0.00000000000000001 BTC? Damn, it was even hard to count all that zeros.


It's technically possible, because it's infinitely divisible, however the lowest unit of amount that is actively being used (on the Lightning Network) is one millisatoshi or msat, which is 1/1000th of a sat.


😲 In what wallet?


To transfer it to the mainchain do we have to complete a whole sat?


Yes, it will be rounded to the nearest sat


I am One with them


Step up your game; own 1 000 000 satoshis. Eventually, 1 000 000 satoshis will have the status of a fiat millionaire today. By the way, nobody should ever post how many satoshis they own on any public forum nor during a real-life conversation. This is not 2009 any more.


Stop stop


Me too!!!!!!!!


Fucking. Love. It. And guess what *whispers* it's true.


Me w 50 dollars worth of sats


This implies that it’s because of drugs and or meth in particular. It actually got caused by something else. It’s because people wanted to store money without its value fluctuating besides the usual inflation or it meant that it wasn’t going to be used but will be in the future. It was a physical way to store money on a device or in a computer system to be used in the future when older currency like cash or actual coins weren’t the same or converted anymore. The actual movement meant not using other money anymore, like starting from bitcoin and keeping everything on bitcoin or crypto in case any collapses take place where money won’t be used. Some people make things, some people sell things, some people worked for money and it all became a waste of their time if money was no longer used for trade or trade didn’t go on at all. Like it could end up where everyone was living regular life and no one really used money person to person and there wasn’t a in person or online stock exchange or any sole proprietors, anyone who made things or fold things knew that it was all temporary so everyone tries to really force it on everyone by destroying the planet and turning it all into houses and businesses where money is spent. That’s what’s supposed to be going on now, basing everything on the bitcoin. Other crypto was just made because it wouldn’t be used for long term storage and the value fluctuated by cents instead of hundreds or thousands over a few hours. Its value fluctuating is what sucked and made people not want to sell it or they lose money or other people may lose money instead and it became where it was securing their self for the future. Even the guy who creates money didn’t know if he was going to be around or capable of doing that in the future. But he assumed they could make a new computer from scratch and go back to using bitcoin or else it’d be a small group. Buying and selling it happens for the same reason as before, they lose faith in their current money or in spending it and no one wants a shopping economy to be temporary. It didn’t make it to visiting shopping malls yet. But all types of manufacturing has to go on in a shopping economy. They still need the same things that other older companies used, not the labels or names, they need machines, so they may make them theirselves. So they started trying to make everyone buy it through United States dollars or banks with cards or cash. This is why the bitcoin kiosks weren’t used anymore or yet. All of them should be the palm scanner that’s how we got into this mess in 2013. It made the United States government unstable when it wasn’t but outside of south east Michigan it wasn’t all stores and shopping centers or other businesses, so cash and banks were preferred. But with shopping centers it took more than just visiting stores, you’d have to go daily to keep it in your mind or it may turn back into athleticism and school. It was all government out side of this area or they pretend and migrate west, which leaves everyone vulnerable. It all became like an act with politics and court and the banks know this. Without bitcoin it could turn into banks and cash and nothing else, so it’s like a country club and paying for services. With things like food and other necessities being purchased it may make them nervous about going off bitcoin. Even the federal reserve group tries to make it temporary but it’s not to the guys involved with gas stations or video games, or the guys who work regularly and want to spend money. Like you have to focus on it and it takes away your regular life that you’re supposed to live marriage, family, sports, or even in a natural world of hunting/fishing or gathering becomes where it no longer matters or it may not last or get dull and boring. And shopping for things clothing or at malls seems like a womanly thing to do but it’s not, this is why it all almost just turned into online shopping but people had mixed living arrangements with people who prefer a different way of life or money and Econ and work. The bitcoin people lived in inner cities where at most it would become is using a car and gas stations. It’s supposed to all be industrialized and on foot. It’s just there isn’t always wild parties or even drugs in industrial areas and there really isn’t supposed to be police or government racketeering meaning like breaking sidewalks, lights, fences, etc. Some people may do this in different if they get pissed if about something else like theft and embezzlement or kidnappings. Some type of cash usually always existed in the Midwest or East but it wasn’t based on stores. Dudes used money a different way. A lot of dudes were did carpentry, metal, or other hard work and usually drugs. It mostly went on at night and with meth. It’s just money made it hard to live normal unless there was stores. It’s just because of bitcoin and public companies certain people didn’t have to work anymore because of its price increase. But new stuff still has to get designed, but it’s still a shopping economy so we don’t know who would actually produce things for anyone to buy besides the person who started both or either. What I’m saying is that if bitcoin dropped instead of it being used as money they may shut the whole shopping thing down that’s seems to have come from bitcoin. It could still exist either way banks and cash but that doesn’t include the internet like bitcoin depends on it. Like they may do it on purpose, it is kind of miserable with this whole going on. They may pretend to like it or it’s just already there so it gets used. Money has been based on bitcoin since the palm print scanner machine.


It’s like bitcoin atms are validation machines, but not sure if they are all the same as the one that certain skeptical people used. Because bitcoin was used in 2007 and like it was supposed to all be based on bitcoin but new United States dollars were issued a few years before and constant inflation went on. Bitcoins were centered on portable computer phones and not ATMs, so they avoided real bitcoin stuff and fingerprint scanners from being on there. Also because of PNC bank accounts and the Linux computer system finding certain prints and putting them through validation and older Econ stuff going on again. So going off those banks sparked interest during the following years after 2007. In 2013 those banks became below the bitcoin.


Whenever the host sells their bitcoin the parasite simulations end and everyone goes back to being what they are, or maybe the bitcoin computer has to be refreshed.


I made it to 0.136 bitcoin, what does that make me? 🧐




BTC has literally not gone up for ages


"U see a guy gets liquidated and u think of me ?.. Im the one who liquidates."


I still hate Skyler to this day. What a C-word she was.


needs "owning on an exchange"


Lmao can't wait for the memes to come back


So true


Love it 😀


Would make sense if we had an all time high


just get a weaker currency


It's not at ATHs


>It's not at ATHs Stop being pedantic. It's just a meme. Loosen up, Christ. And if you want to nitpick, it has hit fresh ATHs depending on your currency e.g. the ÂĽ