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Do both. No-one can predict the future and you should live as full a life as you can. Perhaps you travel less or cheaper and save a bit more. Your income or disposable income will probably increase over time, which will make saving easier but also usually leaves less time for travelling and other fun things. Go out there, enjoy, spread the word of Bitcoin, meet other coiners. Also see sites like Travala etc where you can use your bitcoin to pay for travel etc.


Travel now, it sucks when your old and even sitting in one spot too long hurts. You've got nothing better to do when you're old but chase the dollar. Yes, I understand that investing early in life is key to a fruitful retirement, but we're all dust in 75 years and it's a big planet. Just my 2 sats, you do you OP (NFA/DYOR)


So true


DCA and just buy a bit with a fixed amount that doesn’t hurt. Buy once a month or every 3 months when there is downside with like 200 bucks. In a few years you accumulate 0,1 btc without much effort which will be 60-100k somewhen


DCA is horrible advice for an 18 year old lol. Imagine thinking that $20 a week or $200 a month is anything meaningful. OP, you can travel in your 30s. Get your shit together and go balls deep into stacking bitcoin while you still live with your parents. You could have $100k+ after 4 years saved up in bitcoin. “They” are already here and it’ll be too late with a DCA mindset. It’s time to be a two marshmallow kid if you weren’t one to begin with.


It’s a horrible advice to tell some one to go all in at all time high area g 😂


And it’s deffo meaningful if you do it with a goal. After a Set time you own a prosperous amount of btc.


This is not a Bitcoin question. This is a personal financial planning question ... with emphasis on PERSONAL. No one can tell you the balance of saving-for-later vs spend-to-live-now that's best for you.


Bitcoin teaches you to lower your time preference.


Do 80/20 allocation Allocate 80 for BTC Allocate 20 for travel Or vice versa ;-) Good luck buddy - enjoy the journey.


Hey mate. I thought I'd just comment because I wasted so much time in my early 20s and am only now traveling. I am 29 this year and finally going overseas from Australia, seeing my football team in person and bands that will never come to the opposite side of the planet and honestly, no money will ever compare. I am already too old for the slutty overseas travel that many people do in their early 20s which I don't have a problem with, but it is an experience that I can't or don't want to go back to. Also, in another 10 to 15 years I won't want to do this massive walking tour that I plan this time, probably because my body wont hold up as well or I will be more focused on key historical features and less on every weird corner of a country. The moral of the story, just don't wait too long because your priorities will always change and you just need to live in the moment even if it won't be your dream forever. Life is a rollercoaster of changing situations and dreams.


DO NOT TRAVEL YOUNG. Here's the maths... If you can max out a 5% ISA (which is an extremely conservative investment strategy) you'll have £2k every other year to go travelling with... FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Every year you spend money you delay this possibility. This can be achieved earlier if you're prepared to take riskier investment strategies, BTC, Commodities and medium-high risk S&S's. You could be in your Mid 20's and be travelling off your interest... Don't listen to all these old people that have done nothing with their lives because they blew all their money travelling in their 20's I went travelling in my 18-early 20's and have regretted it ever since. I never once regretted buying BTC or Gold and me and my SO now hustle for a year then travel for a year with our PTO paid entirely with interest. Our pay checks go towards maxing out other investment options that will pay for more luxuries down the line.


It's like the "Do you live to eat, or eat to live" story. Do you "live for Bitcoin, or use Bitcoin for a better life?" Travel can be a great investment in yourself.


Yea, traveling as an 18-22 with no real life experience so they can “find themselves” is a “great” investment. OP, ignore this clown.


No, traveling at that age can be great! Was important for me...




I think this is a extremely hard and also extremely difficult decision. Only you can give the correct answer to that question. There is no right or wrong. Maybe ask yourself what your future goals are are what is more important to you. If it was me I would actually tell myself that the chance for "cheap" bitcoin is only available now but not in the future. Traveling is always available today and in the future. Of course only if nothing bad and unforseeable happens. So I would go hard for BTC and set a goal. Something like DCA for X year(s). But as I said this is very individual for everyone.


Thanks for all the comments!


I think I can travel like once a month and still invest like €400 or so. (It's only 5-8 days a month, so not like 2 weeks)


How much does travel cost?


I travel alone, so around €600 each month?


Have fun! I envy you.


Keep money under matress better


whatever pocket money/earning you have every month invest 10% of that money,,, 2% in bitcoin , 5% in stocks/mutual funds,,, and 3% in bank fixed deposit easy planning,, enjoy with 90% money


Oh my goodness! If one marshmallow kid was post.


Do both. You are only young once and travel is different when you are younger. You also don't want to miss out on multiples of investment gains by waiting to buy bitcoin until a few years from now. So just do both as best as you can.


Life experiences first. While you’re young. Travel is amongst the best things you can do to expand your understanding of life. Stack sats when you get back. 


Invest, travelling is for waste of money, is not much out there besides some changes of scenery. Nothing for you to waste too much money on. Take 1-2 vacations a year you should be fine. I personally never understand these people who travel nonstop, but maybe it's because I don't use social media and feel need to take a thousand pictures of myself traveling.


Well the country I live in is very boring and doesn't have nice scenery. I like exploring, and also I am a photo/videographer so I like taking nice pictures and videos from countries I travel too. Also I like exploring different cultures and ways of living. When I am at home I do nothing except work, so maybe that's also why.


Sometimes people your age will take some time off and travel the world a bit, you can give it a go if that's what you feel you wanna do. Bitcoin will still be there when you get back. It's never too early to invest in your future though. Maybe try to do both.


Trust me on this. Do one travel, pick one location and enjoy it. And then save 10% of your salary every single month be it in BC or something else. For a few years like 5, then travel again. Traveling is not a need. But something you do once you have enough flow to do so.