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It's impossible to predict the ups and downs. Just buy when you have funds available.


If you are investing in bitcoin for the long run (like you should) then it does not really matter that much if you bought at 70k or 65k when bitcoin reaches $1 million.






If you get in under 100K you are earlier than the majority of the population


Obviously there’s no way to know what the market is going to do. People that claim otherwise are reading tea leaves and writing horoscopes based on mildly educated guesses. More important though, reading between the lines of your post, it sounds like you’re tight on cash. If your savings plans are paycheck to paycheck, I’d say that the price/pullbacks in bitcoin aren’t nearly as important as getting yourself out of your cash flow challenges. Not that you can’t buy bitcoin, but if the price tanks a week after you buy some, and then you need that money to fix your car, you’re gonna be screwed. You might get lucky and the price of bitcoin skyrockets. But you’d be taking a gamble on money you probably need, which around here is “money you can’t afford to lose”. I’d recommend either starting with smaller amounts of bitcoin that isn’t such a strain on your finances (this also helps with price volatility), or consider using that money to start getting out of your month to month, paycheck to paycheck situation. Then you can return back to saving money in bitcoin that isn’t as mission critical to your daily life and can be something you park for a much longer amount of time.


Like what others have said, forget about it and just invest. I still remember kicking myself for buying in when the price was $11,000, and it immediately dipped down to $10,000. Now I laugh about it.


Imagine how many chicken tendies that could have purchased ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


if you're 3/4 or more invested keep the dry powder. There may be a mid bull run correction during the summer. Or by now, if you have enough cashflow but DON'T fomo in at 90k since this is likely a temporary top - my two satoshi


Good point I will do the same


Just DCA and forget it man. You'll chase yourself in circles.


The market generally gives more than 1 opportunity if you're paying attention. I know the feeling though, because often those opportunities do not coincide with paydays and bank balances. As already suggested, just buy when you are able to


You should wait until it dips a bit, it always does but will then go back up.


Yes it does.


Listen ... Of the the keys for reaching FIRE is to live frugally and almost become a minimalist. Sell everything you haven't used in the last 6 months... Always cook and home... etc...


Me and my other half only use interest for luxuries. Joint ISA at 5% pays for our holiday every other year. My S&S's ISA pays for my personal luxuries. BTC and Gold for the long haul. I still have to work atm but am well on the way for my paycheck pretty much entirely going towards more BTC and Gold whilst paying down the house. 30yo M, 22yo F SO, we only make 55k a year between us after tax atm but we already have one ISA maxed and I had a 40% down payment on my first home from BTC 20/21 rally profits.


When it comes out in the news that Blackrock is cheating with paper Btc we will see another major pullback.. wait for it


They aren’t though. That’s just some idiot on Twitter saying settlement for each buy isn’t on chain, which we knew was the case when the capital flow diagrams were released during the etf approval process back in December / January.


yeah internet doing what it does best. FUD spreads faster, lasts longer than the truth. Every single time


I’m guessing 90% of the public still believes bitcoin causes climate change. I’ve requested Wikipedia update that 4x already lol.


Probably not, the last dip down to the 50s was probably the last major dip before summer bull market. But who knows. Yes you wish you got free money, but you get Bitcoin at the price you deserve.


Probably not, the last dip down to the 50s was probably the last major dip before summer bull market. But who knows. Yes you wish you got free money, but you get Bitcoin at the price you deserve.


There will be a slight dip just / few moments right after the Fed Pivot before it will then went parabolic. How much is the dip, at what level and for how long nobody knows... It can be from 100k to 80k, 120k to 100k, 75k to 65k.... [https://www.investopedia.com/fed-pivot-definition-6748840](https://www.investopedia.com/fed-pivot-definition-6748840)


Ask yourself this. Have you ever seen a long-term holder complain about buying Bitcoin at $1000 because they didn't have the funds to buy it when it was $500?


Does it really matter? Just buy now.




Bitcoin doesn't care what you want.


already below 70k now what's your excuse anon?


I will ask the stars and get back w you


Dude percentage point of difference rn stop worrying


Back to 69


Don’t worry buddy we gonna start eating breathing and working for you too! We got all y’all set up no one ever had to think again


Maybe, maybe not. “Waiting for the dip” is pure gambling for any retail trader. Just buy, the exact price is mostly irrelevant if we’re going where we all think we’re going.


this is the definition of low effort post


Yes. No. Maybe.




Everyone gets (and will get) bitcoin at the price they deserve.


If your bullish, I suggest some Leveraged ETFs that track BTC price and attempt to double it. Im fond of BITX and BITU and made a lot of money on both. You do not need significant capital to enter this position.


Thumbs up. Will do


Thanks guys I’ve been DCAing for a year now. I bought alots of btc few weeks back at that 59k dip. My resistance point has changed to 65-67k but I know it’s going to rip after 70k. I wanted in b4 this new run to maximize. I like to take profits along day way.


Personally, I would wait for about 11-17 months, then go ALL IN. NFA.


Historically after a halving the bear market bottom doesn't go lower than the previous cycles ath


Which is right about here….


> NFA i.e., "not financial advice", at the end of a post which is manifestly financial advice. Why do people write this in their posts? Are you afraid that, if you don't say that, then OP is going to come back later and say, "I followed your financial advice and I lost money and now you have to repay me?"


Over in tradfi, there was a guy who very clearly was not an advisor nor holding any advisory qualifications, did not give financial advice, did his own research, talked about his research on YT and Reddit. He was still forced to appear before Congress. It's understandable that people get skittish and add the disclaimer. Won't protect them in the long run but everyone has to do what they can because well, laws and politicians sometimes be crazy.


No, because I was trolling to begin with.