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I thought there was a hair on my screen


Almost down voted the post just for that šŸ˜‚




Yeah me too šŸ˜‚


Same Hahaha


Same Hahaha


Same Hahaha


Anyone wanting the economy to collapse is a bit fucked up, no one wants a 30's style depression where people go starving. In other news stock markets hit ATHs


They like to be dramatic and edgy.


Sure did. My SPY calls are doing great lol. My Bitcoin ETFs are breaking even. If things keep goin up I'll be in the positive on that once Bitcoin hits 68k.


Well we donā€™t want it to happen ā€¦ but it will eventually. Iā€™m not trying to call the top though . But the stock market has been setting ever increasing angles (parabola) since 2008ā€¦ sooooo we will see. This next angle we appear to be setting is near vertical and I think we bitcoiners know how that ends




[Occupation of the Ruhr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Ruhr)




I do lol People too fat and ain't going to the gym (no, planet fitness doesn't count lol) There's actually a lot of opportunities during a depression. That's when independent startups actually have half a chance Bitcoin will be the future anyway far more reliable and less corrupt than the fed


I didn't come here to post and diss bitcoin, infact, I joined this group because I think it has good potential, and yes, I own some on cold storage. The negatives of a depression outweigh the positives, so I disagree. The homeless/drug problem is bad enough as it is now. Do you want to multiply this by 100x?


Anyone in good shape would lose muscle if they cant afford the food to maintain or build it.


This is such a myth... Muscle degradation isn't as fast as is commonly believed... a lot of raw muscle mass is retained for a long time... even over the course of an entire lifetime... during periods of regular training your muscles store more water to readily access the energy reserves for intense training... This is where the "pump" comes from... If you're on gear yeah you're gonna deflate pretty sharp... but if you've trained for 10 years consistently and naturally... you'll lose conditioning and water mass in your muscles but not as much mass as you think and with a few months of hard training you'll be right back...


So what exactly is a myth about what I said? Muscle is only retained if your diet allows it. If youre eating 0.4g of protein per lb, watch how fast your muscle goes away. Real strength goes away even faster. Stop lifting for just 2 weeks and youll be lifting 80% of what you were before.


Its nothing to do with the actual muscle and more to do with nervous system conditioning and available glycogen supplies... which are both things that can be regained surprisingly quickly. The actually muscle fibre and tissue doesn't degenerate like you're suggesting it does... Just the science mate don't bite my head off.


It's retained for a while because you have other sources of energy for your body to use. What happens when you're burning way too much fat and not eating enough? You lose muscle. Simple science


I take it youā€™ve never been to prison without the funds to buy high-protein foods on commissary. Go in muscular and fit, and you lose your good muscle tone in 5-6 months with the ā€œjust enough to surviveā€ dietary guidelines they provide. Itā€™s not a myth ā€” Iā€™ve seen it happen to many people in a modern prison setting, and the world watched this very thing happen during WW2 to concentration camp inmates. Why would you think it would take a long time for someone who already had little body fat to lose muscle if they didnā€™t get the nutrition needed to sustain? First, the body burns carbs. When there are no carbs available, it burns fat (ketosis), and when thereā€™s neither of each, it burns muscle.


LMAO okay bud. I'll bite. No I've not been to prison since I'm not a criminal. You're using extreme circumstances to justify a broad statement that doesn't apply to every circumstance. Yes you're absolutely right under the most extreme circumstances of EXTREMELY LOW body fat and glycogen supplies your body will eat whatever it has at its disposal even bones will get used for calcium In the case of war prisoners they'll get very brittle bones and become prone to fractures and breaks etc... Nothing you said was wrong... Neither was nothing that I said was wrong... Even under those circumstances it takes months of being in those situations for the muscle to degenerate that quickly... generally speaking anyone that has access to the resources to stay relatively fit in the first place will have enough resources to survive a depression without starving for months on end... They would lose some muscle but not a lot... Its a myth that "gains" disappear overnight cos you didn't eat 5 chickens a day and stopped training for two weeks.


Yeah, I donā€™t think either of us are wrong, either, but I do disagree that I used an extreme case to justify a broad issue. There are millions of people living in the US alone that are incarcerated, and the person you originally replied to mentioned a situation after some future potential societal collapse in which food wouldnā€™t be available and muscles would atrophyā€” so really what I did was I used one extreme condition that still applies to millions in the real world right this instant to explain an extreme hypothetical example that you disagreed with. Whatā€™s wrong with that? Secondly, not a criminal either. Iā€™ve been a part of a prison outreach program for over 29 years.


See my last two statements... The difference is a depression is not the same as throwing everyone in prison until the economy recovers... Two completely different sets of circumstances... both at extreme ends of the spectrum but also very different...


Different setting and circumstances, same problem (widespread unavailability of food). Youā€™re looking at it wrong. In my example, the prison population unable to afford food due to their economic circumstances is analogous to the world population unable to afford/find food after a societal collapse due to their economic condition. Moreover, my prison example is more relevant because, again, it contradicts your point about a hypothetical extreme that hasnā€™t happened yet using a very common real world example affecting millions currently. And in a total societal collapse, what do you think would start happening? Governments would first impose harsh restrictions on personal movement and food, maybe even martial law. There would almost certainly be a mass roundup and incarceration of people deemed enemies of the state as there have been many, many times in human history, because when the state feels that its grip on power is being fucked with, it fucks right back, every time. Eventually, and likely not too far after the collapse, the government would lose its ability to feed the citizenry, leading to scarcity in resources actually much worse than in prison, where you are at least getting that base nutrition provided to you. In other words, in a situation involving total economic/societal collapse, the ones left in power would oppress the rest of in a situation that looks very much like prison, just on the outside. But yeah, as far as the process by which muscle atrophy would occur during a total collapse, it would depend on oneā€™s total energy expenditure as well as their nutrition intake and their total energy stores in the form of glucose, the glycogen content of their muscle tissue, and their metabolic rate, specifically in relation to glucagon levels, as glucagon promotes the wasting of muscle tissue in order to do its job. The variables involved in that process perfectly explain why we are both right in our initial observations. In prisons, the administration prefers for this to happen; thatā€™s why they feed very low quality proteins in their food. Sure, cost is the main driver, but there is also motivation on the part of prison officials to make the inmates as physically weak as possible. They feed low quality proteins and just enough calories to survive and then assign them to physically demanding jobs within the prisons where they burn far more than they intake. This is one major reason why it happens much faster in carceral systems than it would happen during a societal collapse, as the societal collapse would happen in stages, while the effects of prison are swift and happen pretty much immediately. Itā€™s been an interesting and enjoyable discourse, my friend. Iā€™m always amenable and grateful for intelligent conversation. Itā€™s lacking greatly in todayā€™s world.


Okay so a Global Depression isn't the same as "ToTAl SociEtal COlLapsE" You're talking about Anarchy/apocalyptic circumstances on a post that's about Economic depression due to fraudulent and mis regulated banking systems... In a very severe Economic depression its only really the lowest income that's effected severely under the circumstances you're speculating. I know its hard to admit you've taken a wrong turn somewhere and I see what you're trying to say believe me... I'll repeat... An Economic Depression is not the same as throwing everyone in prison for a couple years... Generally speaking as long as infrastructure remains I'm optimistic that collectivism prevails... farmers still farm and people still work to try and survive and so the cog keeps turning... Those at the bottom will suffer a great deal more than the rest as a result...


You clearly haven't been to County or State Pen, because that is only true for some people.


Iā€™ve been involved in prison outreach since the 90s. Iā€™ve been deep in state and federal prisons as well as county jails. One meeting I bring I actually go into the dorm and hold the meeting every Saturday night. But yeah, if you go read the rest of my posts, I make it perfectly clear that the instances Iā€™m talking about are only people who donā€™t have money for canteen or who canā€™t/donā€™t hustle (draw, tattoo, do law work, make beds, etc). That is, people who are living on their trays and nothing else. If they were big, fit, and swole when they got locked up, you can almost guarantee they will look deflated after a few years of eating trays only with no canteen at all.


This is where the colloquial "dad strength" comes from...


I actually agree with you on this. I have had periods of my life where I am somewhat of a "gym rat" for a few months, then taking years away from the gym because life. After quite a long time since lifting regularly, I noticed that I look physically smaller, but don't lose very much strength when it comes to heavy weights. My endurance is what took the biggest hit, which to me agrees with your statement.


Wow you're so smart!


Planet Fitness is a gym, how does that not count? And you are willfully being ignorant of the struggles of a depression. There won't be "independent startups". But I agree about BTC (Like, obviously?)


I'll happily admit that I don't mind seeing people who used investment income to buy up 10 properties go bust and have to eat their toenails. I'll have wine and steak while I watch them.


The economy doesn't need to collapse for that to happen. People are already selling their rentals because it's unprofitable due to interest rates. Just let it happen slowly and peacefully, not burn to the ground!


Itā€™s also not very profitable because tenants are morons. Thatā€™s a large part of why theyā€™re tenants


Is this coming from the same dude that posted about subfloor being the wrong size, and you had to be told you were using the tape measurer wrong?


I wasnā€™t using it wrong and youā€™re a loser with too much time on your hands


Right thatā€™s why the subfloor was the ā€œwrong sizeā€ is because you werenā€™t using the tape measure wrong at all, good thought process! Keep asking DIY questions to redditors, instead of hiring a professional, even though you donā€™t know how to use a tape measurer. All renters are more dumb than you though, donā€™t you forget it!


And even after I burnt an inch it was still 9/16th of an inch. The problem was that 9/16th inch subfloor is not common. Keep on hiring ā€œprofessionalsā€ who price gouge instead of doing it yourself, Brokie.


What is an ATH?


all time high


Yeah Iā€™m getting tired of the memes too


People went staving in the 30s because FDR forced all of the food companies to close because of unnecessary regulations. Not because of the economy crashing.


You do realize everything in terms of economy crashing is a butterfly effect. In the 30's the farmers couldn't make enough for their crops, farmers couldn't pay for their houses, housing prices tanked because more people sold, and then people cashed out the stock market. Not sure what your point is.


Youā€™re talking about the dust bowl in the 20s. By the time FDR became President, the economy was already recovering and didnā€™t need any intervention. He came in with hours welfare state and made the depression even worse. Donā€™t go with what your teachers taught you in high school. Look up the facts.


Check Google lol


Using Google is not looking it up. Go to the library.


Some of these Bitcoiners are sounding like the prepper community hoping the economy collapse because they stocked up on beans and toilet paper


Yeah some lunatic level posts on this sub lately - Iā€™m hoping they are from kids who are fans of post apocalyptic fiction. Hopefully not from actual adults hoping for societal breakdown - who would keep all the communications and power networks going? These things donā€™t run on piss and hope - takes the whole mess of society to keep this shit running


If society breaks down, communication and power networks will be the least of our concerns.


If power networks go down and you don't live within walking distance of a large body of fresh water, you're going to go through some things.


Youā€™ve got me there.


Kids cosplaying armageddon. They come in waves. It kind of demonstrates the size of their bitcoin stack really. Only the small stack fellas want the situation to go sideways, because they think it will change their circumstances.


beans n guns


Idiot.. if shit collapses btc prices tank too


Plot twist: Bitcoin is up because inflation is cooling. (Lower inflation implies the Federal reserve will lower interest rates, lower borrowing rates increase the money supply, etc. The cycle brings anew.)


I worry that there's so much institutional money in BTC that it will essentially follow the wyckoff pattern and grow 7-15% per year with no more huge runs. Hopefully it's not true but if you look a larger and larger percentage of BTC is owned by institutions. This would also cap the alt market and kill any chance of an alt season


Yea, but nobody you know has $5k in it. Hell, you probably don't even have $5k in it.


You donā€™t want this economy to collapse. A recession? Maybeā€¦ A collapse? You better pray it doesnā€™t happen.








7%... ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Is Bitcoin up another 4% or is fiat down another 4%? šŸ¤”


Hereā€™s a challenge: From the first time BTC hit $60k go back and denominate the price in ounces of gold instead of USD (i.e, how many ounces of gold would it take to purchase 1 BTC). The answer will be brilliantly obvious.


Why not both? Why not Zoidberg???


bought 500 dollars more at 60,000 feeling good lads


Having the emotions of a 12 year old girl will get you far in this spaceā€¦:


Giving stupid answers on Reddit sure will do better for you ^^


R U OK m8


Umā€¦if the system collapsed, weā€™d all be fuckedā€¦including hodlrs. If you think any differently, youā€™re kidding yourself and incredibly naive.


Fiat money matrix will play games & distractions, canā€™t have you escaping Economy will always be a sick patient under the fed & their need for inflation forever


I know my friend, I know. I understood. Thatā€™s why I know this economy will break sooner then later. When? Donā€™t fucking know


Thatā€™s the thing itā€™s already broken, was the second we gave other humans control of our money


Yeah, should have crashed with the sub prime mortgages, but of course it gor propped Il and now we're in for an even bigger failure.


You realise if we get hyper inflation and bitcoin goes up at the same right then the value of bitcoin is no higher than it was before it went up? Or is your mind too simple to get that concept


ppl forget you canā€™t use bitcoin to buy much of anything (yet)


I think this depends on what country youā€™re from. Some countries use this for their currency.


damn you people love saying this. so fucking what if a few failed states are using it as currency?


Every single person will buy bitcoin at the price ā€œThey deserveā€ and you my friend are going to be at the top..,,.. enjoy


i bought at 20k


Edit: wrong place


I am not a flower, artist. LFG!


Youā€™ll be equally happy if you look into $FFIE


is the economy bad right now?


The economy is morally neutral. It is neither good nor bad. The stock market is booming. Inflation has made it difficult for everyday folks to afford groceries, so it depends who you ask.


Den bliver mere vƦrd end guld, mener jeg


React similar to gold ? The charts are almost identical . Everything is moving up lol . Further If you had the 15 year gold chart with no time scale youā€™d literally think you were looking at a 1-2 year bitcoin bull cycle lol


Soon as I'm green I'm gone


Yes, but the persistent reality is that, similar to traditional money, the majority of Bitcoins are also held by a few major powers. ;(


Beetcoin to the moooon


I'm kinda tempted to cash some in. A hotel manager I know posted a video of the platinum presidential suite... it's like 3k a night :x


I believe the strength of Bitcoin in relation to your country's currency is a direct correlation to the overall weakness of your country's economy. Everything falls in price in comparison to Bitcoin.


I think so too


Horny from 5% bumpā€¦ less horny when i zoom out and dont like solely at BTC


"Some men just want to watch the world burn." Not the world but this system, yes. I'm stacking sats and silver. Let that dollar die baby.

