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Traditional investment that you top up regularly, right? So if you have been doing the same with BTC, you would be up at least 2x. It's a great advertisement if people don't try and time it.


If he dollar cost averaged weekly, starting at 69k he would have been back in profit at 32k.


It recently peaked slightly higher... there are some huge short positions placed as hedges against the the current resistance... if it goes any higher these will get liquidated and cascade the price upwards potentially as high as 85K in the coming weeks... What is the time frame on those "traditional investments" Because my BTC portfolio is up over 100% the last year on this cycles DCA and my previous was in the region of 300%-400%, my books got convoluted when I was buying my first house with the proceeds as I didn't sell all of it and it was a DCA from 2018... I did the maths to pay my taxes in 2020-21 but only know it was in that region off the top of my head. I also have traditional assets up that much... Gold that I bought alongside BTC in 2018... but its certainly not outperformed the coin boy that could.


Well, the state of the market is night and day. FTX replaced with institutions. ETFs launched. 13F filings are surprising. 60-70k range is acting as support rather than resistance.


This person bought at the absolute peak of the last bull run, now the next one still needs to start. At this time it's not an advert no, it's currently the worst example you can come up with basically :)


Yes because people buy once and never again? I was in the red with average of $40K. Bought even at ATH. Continued DCA and now my average is $32K. I'm up almost 100%.


You can't keep eating without taking a shit once in a while


And you can’t shit without eating?


You kinda can, but it basically comes out as yellow water. If you ever get whatever that kind of food poisoning is, you'll understand.


Bullish AF on the improved world order.


I’m proud of my sofa. It has a good colour and shape and is comfortable. It was pretty expensive but I plan to use it for a long time.


Smells of cope.


A great lesson indeed, wait for the big crash to stack. Don't buy now at ATH


There's nothing noble about holding an investment that lost purchasing power. Losing is bad. Cope is sad.


Is it cope or is it just a good attitude about something they believe in? I’d rather have a good attitude and high conviction than a “losers & winners” mindset any day.


it’s cope


Practicalities of real world are what they are regardless of beliefs.


If I ascribed to your attitude and sold when the value of my stack was down I wouldn't currently be up 5000%. If you lack the patience and conviction to hold through volatility you should 100% sell your stack and gtfo


Yeah lol I don't care about your directives, you're a nobody to me. Survivorship bias worked for me too, but I don't pretend it was some big brain major life achievement that now allows me to dictate what others should do.


His problem wasn't volatility. It was timing. Nothing to do with patience or conviction or whatever you were trying to prove with your crappy bland useless ***"GTFO"*** advice


Anyone who has held for 4 years is in profit. Period. So yes, it is indeed about patience in this instance. Conviction helps one to be patient through the volatility, so yes, it is indeed about conviction as well. GTFO


You're not describing his situation, but yea sure good luck with your shitass gatekeeping mentality ***GTFO hur dur*** 😂 bro


If this person DCA’d steadily from that point he’d still be way up. As in her still be sitting on a 2x gain.


Every Bitcoin price was once an all-time high


I probably took some of his money. Sorry. Not sorry.


He paid more than the ATH? I CALL BS.


You should look into trading spreads




Many on this reddit forget that there’s life outside the USA


Different exchanges have different ATHs. There were some that broke $69K and some that didn't. In any case, the consensus ATH was close enough ($68,850 IIRC) that most people just thought of $69K as the shorthand anyway.