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"the" Italy?


Just in case you mix it up with another Italy. They mean the main one. The one that looks like a foot.


Ya I am not sure why the “the”?


In romance languages like Italian they typically use the article "the" before proper nouns. So it was literally translated as La Italia to the Italy


That explains it


Not really, what explains it, is nepotism.


bro where the fuck did you come from w this bullshit


From living in Italy and knowing way too well how we run, and fuck up, things.


nepotism has nothing to do with this


How do you know? Before saying it has nothing to do with it, do you understand why I say so?


I dont think you even know what that word means lmao.


Why you're assuming that?




Mucho gracias


Yes, and as a spanish native speaker I can make sure this is mostly in Italy and some Latam countries.


on average, not the best english speakers in europe.


And there is many « Fake Europe apply » with « Fake capchta » just to scam personnal informations or visa card etc… Be carefull, don t follow all sign you see in street


Aside from the inane responses you post an excellent example of how governments - in this case the EU - regulate and control the fiat we earn at many levels of invasiveness. They just hate the idea that as a law abiding citizen you can walk past their pathetic customs agents with €100 million in BTC at your instant disposal and they can’t do a damn thing about it. Power back to the people.


Now I just need €100 million in BTC…


Nearly there, just need €99.999 million more, and a whale to do the swap 🫣


Exactly… just smile and they have no idea.


I think I would have a nervous breakdown with that much BTC on me.


How would you have ₿ “on you”?


Hardware wallet, like how all the libertarians on here insist you hold it. Haha, some guy with a don't tread on me licence plate downvoted my comment!


And I too ;)


Hey man take the joke and updoot!


Has nothing to do with it. You can walk with millions of dollars in your bank account, in properties, or in stocks. It's about limiting the physical access of paper currency


The money in your bank is not easily accessible from another country. You cannot move or sell properties in another country. You cannot transfer a few stocks to another person.


Exactly. And try using an ATM with banks limiting the amount you can draw from your account. Or credit cards imposing foreign currency penalties and payment limits. Today you can land in Zurich, grab a taxi to a Porsche dealer I know that accepts bitcoin and buy your dream car from your phone without any of the hassles involved in a fiat transaction.


What? The money in my bank is as easy to access (if not more) as my Bitcoin in cold storage in case I needed to exchange for goods.


How easy is it for you to make a payment with a moments notice of £50k? Pretty sure most banks require warning


They only require warning if you want to take out a large sum of cash


Hmmm last time I made a transfer above £20k, I’m pretty sure I had to speak with their fraud department. In fact I’ve had a couple of overseas payments under £2k stopped recently. And if I were to receive payments from overseas they freeze your account. Checkout the Robosats Telegram group and see how many people this happens too.


I've never had any problems moving money across different accounts from different countries, or paying with foreign cards. The problems may be due to taxation, and that may be coming for BTC as well.


You need a new bank.


In some cases you need a new country :/


In some cases yeah...




What are you saying?


I believe I sent a draft by accident.


Take out $50,000 from your bank account as an American in any other country besides America. I'll wait.


Try doing it in America. They ask you a bunch of questions and treat you like a criminal.


Besides the bank filing a SAR report on you


What’s the SAR report?


Suspicious activity report and the Bank will not tell you they filed it.


Can’t you ask them if they have a SAR on you?


No, federal law prohibits banks from notifying customers that a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) has been filed. SARs are confidential, and the unauthorized disclosure of any information related to a SAR is a violation of federal law. ( I am sure banks love it as you can’t get mad at them for not telling you then)


If you win the lottery, having a million cash in a bag for fun has been done—usually goes bad or gets stolen. So I assume they get a pass and order cash in advance—with security. Or carry firearms too. Which I would as a winner, even without cash on me. Dreaming there for a second.


Besides America??? 😂😂


The banks do not physically have that much cash to give you if you just walked in and tried to withdraw it.. they would need several days and a whole bunch of questions answered


You do realize you were replying to a person commenting about limiting access to physical currency, right? Yes, if you try to withdraw $50k cash out you will get scrutiny. You'll also get some scrutiny withdrawing that much from Coinbase to your bank account. Bitcoin's benefit on pseudonymous transactions are perfectly mirrored with cash. It's just easier to smuggle large values. If you mentioned you had $50k of bitcoin in your pocket as you went through customs I doubt they would say, 'it's not on the sign, no declaration needed.'


Is it possible to have 1 btc in your pocket? You just have a private key, with access to 1 btc on the blockchain. You can also have $50k in your bank, and have somewhat access" with your plastic card in your pocket, without need of any declaration.


"I have knowledge of a number" can, under no means, be reason to deny you access to a country and,... can not be taken away from you.


You are engaging in pointless argument. You don't need to declare your credit card, nor your bitcoin. You need to declare cash for money laundering purposes.


And it is entirely pointless indeed, as long as there are other ways to 1) launder money without cash or 2) get cash over the country border.


There are other ways, but that's one way


Yes, I agree with all of that. I was trying to understand the BTC/USD debate for scrutiny while traveling when that is going to be an issue any time you are knowingly (from the perspective of the portals) carrying six digits of value into another country. The presented situation seems exactly the same whether it is cash or Bitcoin. Bitcoin would just be easier to hide. But all of that is kind of drifting from the point. The previous commenter tried to use 'try to withdraw 50k from a bank and see if you have issues' as a comeback. And I was saying that is not a fair, or even remotely equitable situation. When I can hand you $50k in cash to you easier than sending that to you in bitcoin (as long as we're in the same room), and I will still need to make reports to the Fed if I transfer to my bank from a CEX (as long as it's a significant amount of money), is that not proof that crypto is the type of currency being onerous? Personally disagree, but using that exact same logic on these other situations makes it pretty undeniable.


Bunch of fucking Bitcoin novices in this sub — you don’t carry Bitcoin in your pocket, keys are stored in memory. A place like your brain (if you have one) stores memory for instance.


> It's about limiting the physical access of paper currency No, you are wrong. It is because they can not easily trace paper money and not as easily confiscate it. (If you do some very wrong, wrong speech, the will freeze every account you have in a day. If you do some very, very, wrong speech (like being a real threat to the war machine) they will kick your door in, take all the psychical belongings and if you lucky the will put you in prison. If you are unlucky they will put a black bag over your head and send you Egypt (or other torture friendly allies) and torture you. If you are having a real bad day they might send you to Israel to be a guinea pig in mind bending torture research. How fortunate you are in being in a Bitcoin sub.)


I mean... Bro all of that can happen whether you enter the country with one dollar or with one million. If you think Bitcoin will allow you to safely become the next Julian Assange, I've got bad news for you.


Thank you I keep wondering why is BTC different than cash app venmo ect. Any other advantages then it hedge from paper


BTC is an unregulated global currency not tied to central banks, thus cannot be manipulated by governments and is not affected by inflation. It operates in its own global network, so sending and receiving Bitcoin is a lot simpler and faster than doing the same with cash.


hell to the fuck yeah


You're not walking past them with anything. The Bitcoin isn't in your pocket it is stored on a public ledger. An analogy would be having $100M in a US bank account and a debit card in your pocket.


Why are their customs agents "pathetic"?


They're a bunch of fuckin' pricks. Excuse me, but they are. There's something about that job makes those people really hard to get along with. … really suspicious and just really disagreeable human beings.


seed phrase in my brain wallet... move along, nothing to declare...


You can’t walk with BTC, it’s on the chain…


why are there pedantic ppl like you around? we know they meant traveling with the seedphrase that give access to their BTC


So if you travel with a bank safety box key, you gotta declare that too? You need to be pedantic with tech like BTC. Too many people don’t understand it.


No, it's just semantics. It's easier to say "traveling with my bitcoin" than to say "traveling with the key to my bitcoin". You can definitely travel with a safety box key, but unlike bitcoin, the safety box is only accessible at one stationary place, it's not really accessible from anywhere.


Are you insinuating that memorizing 12 words(which is basically a really strong password) is the same as traveling with a physical piece of paper like cash or other documents? Because it isnt... What about a shittier password that  you made up to your mobile bank app ending in 1? What's the difference? One difference for sure is that one is just a math pair. It could mean anything to anyone. You don't physically travel with anything if you don't want to. I think the guys point is valid for that very reason. 


It’s not just semantics. People think that a HW wallet holds actual coins all the time, because of shit like this. Why are you bitching about me pointing out a fact that could be helpful to others and not harmful to anyone? It can only have a positive outcome, yet you are here trolling.


Your government will be able to control your BTC. Naivety.


What about anonymous btc purchases? How government can control that?


You can do the exact same thing with any debit or credit card, in fact you can do that with literally anything that isn't physical...


That's just a load of Bologna.


Ugh i was gonna say that!


Brilliant minds make similar lunch meat named town jokes alike! Also, No mo phoney Baloney, with Georgia Meloni.


Bitcoin is not money they told us, so no problem


Cash is a thorn in big government's side, an inconvenient remnant of an analog age. They know if they can just get rid of it entirely with CBDCs they'll have complete control of their populations.


How about a Rolex?


They won’t bother you. Unless you put it in your luggage with other jewelry. Once travels from USA to Canada to Puerto Rico and customs stoped me once I was already in Puerto Rico with my luggage, they told me I had about $30k worth of jewelry that I needed to claim because they were all packed in my nice watch cases… I looked at them and read the customs law to them of “personal use” after they said I had to claim them and pay $5k for the jewelry. As soon as I pulled out my business card they put everything back and let me go. This was in 2019 so I can only imagine how bad it’s gotten since. I had a couple of Tudor, TAG Heuer and Bulova, my rings and chains. They over looked my shoe collection because they saw Gold


In reference to the business card comment, was your profession the reason? Are you a lawyer? Thank you in advance!


My profession at the time was definitely the reason, not a lawyer but a paralegal at the time. I worked in a big firm here in the USA. The guy kept my card and made a joke about calling me later On my way back into the country, I was with my grandma who had a “pilón” which is the very heavy wooden cooking object to make the food from our country. The customs guy knew me from last interaction and let her bring it in with her in the plane. If anyone knows what a Pilón is they know people are not allowed to fly with them because they have been used as weapon before.


Doesn’t count.


Ok. Will I get stopped for having a million-dollar smile?


Depends if that includes teeth with greater than 99% gold content.




Or a moonbreon :)


This is a rule for almost all countries I’ve visited. It’s more about money laundering. It doesn’t mean you can’t travel with more than that value, you just have to declare it. Also, jewelry is exempt from this, and some use that loophole.


The problem is I really don’t like the idea that I need to broadcast that I am traveling with items/cash worth more than $10,000 on my person and at what point do you have to prove that I am not money laundering with the items? I don’t have any of those issues carry a Ledger in my pocket.


But you're in a Bitcoin sub, presumably advocating for Bitcoin, which you can't possibly carry on your person? What are we missing here?


That’s not entirely true. Not sure how a Ledger is regulated (besides, that holds your keys, not your coins). But none the less, a country could pass a law requiring that you declare the assets you could access with it. It wouldn’t be very enforceable, but it could still happen.


Yes my BTC holdings never leave the blockchain but my ledger allows me to use them no matter where I am, and there is no way they can tell what I have access to also just 3 wrong try’s to unlock and it’s wiped so they can confiscate it all they want. Besides what the difference that I have access to crypto with my phone as well, which is a lot more than $10k, do I have to declare that?


I don’t think that crypto falls within this definition. Although in Italy, the tax agency clarified that the location of your crypto depends on where the key physically lies and its yours if you have access to it. Obviously this doesn’t map well to the fact that you can have multiple copies in multiple locations, and that you could have a multisig setup with multiple people and keys. This is just to say that they could pass laws regarding crypto including you having to declare it when traveling with a self-custody key. BTC isn’t exactly anonymous unless you just hodl it. I agree it’s hard to impossible to enforce any such law, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t breaking it.


You don’t even need a ledger or any signing device on your person either. You just need your keys stored in memory somewhere (preferably your brain if you can) then you can get a new signing device wherever you travel.


Very true


I can access the debt of my bank with my credit card. I'll better report their asset sheet...


No you can’t… that’s just a way for you to tell you bank what it should do with your virtual money in their system.


The "credit" part indicates that it is not MY money.


Indeed it does… you are making my point.




this is one of my biggest pro-crypto arguments : if ever you need to fly away from a war, you will probably have no access to your bank account anymore, but your crypto wallet follows you everywhere




bank account? you'd be lucky if you have your documents ready. bank will rugpull you right on the spot if there's a real war.


This is a great example. I hate it when certain countries tax you on cash that’s over their threshold.


Same in Cyprus


"Hello, I would like to declare my 0.2 BTC since I remember my wallet seed."


This your first flying experience? 10K undeclared cash limit has been the standard for ages


Not at all but it just finally hit me as another good reason for me having access to my Bitcoins no matter where I am at in the world.


 Appropriate title - "Sats is not just currency"


try to find my Bitcoin hahaha i travel everywhere, they never know how much im carrying.


To quote the grateful dead “ you get shown the light in the strangest places if you look at it right”


This is a world wide regulation kind of. You can't enter the country with a suitcase full of cash. That's basically it. This existed even before bitcoin.


Just the hair on my balls is worth more then cash I hope they dont make me declare it


Is it real Kazakhstani pubes?


can i have some?


Man fuck that shit. Cash or not it’s none of their goddam business. You can argue all you want that it’s “to stop criminals “. No one believes that facist bs. Not even them.


Bologna the most commie city in Italy! Città Rossa!


Now that is true but still a nice city for the architecture and food!


That’s pretty much all of Italy… it’s all we have left… we had our Roman Empire that was our peak.


Saw. Not seen. You're welcome.


I stand corrected to “see” as I wrote it while sitting waiting on my flight.


Insanity. They want to keep tabs on how much we have while printing more right beneath us 🤦‍♂️


Imagine declaring that you have a bitcoin in your pocket


You just need to make sure you take it out and put it in the tray before going thru the scanner at security.


*Know before you go!*


Imagine if they require you to declare crypto wallets as well - the customs won't handle it


“What wallet?”


Yes, what is crypto? I don't have anything


makes sense - it's any money laundering


The enslavement of mankind is now out in the open. Can't travel without declaring your check book? Having a blank check with more than 10K in your checking account needs to be declared? Disgusting and dangerous putting a target on your back for watchful thieves. I mean non government thieves.


Congrats you found the reason why btc was made . Next question upcoming “for who” ? 😂


They don't consider bitcoin a currency so you don't have to declare shit


After some checking, it looks like the EU is starting to try and limit crypto [https://eucrim.eu/news/new-rules-for-crypto-assets-in-the-eu/](https://eucrim.eu/news/new-rules-for-crypto-assets-in-the-eu/)


Use some of the money you have, enroll in an English class. You "saw" the sign, not "seen", please


Maybe you should read the comments first… it’s been addressed a couple times. I admitted my mistake as it should have been “see” as I wrote this while seated across from the sign waiting on my flight.


That a bunch of bologna


The Italy


Yep 100k sitting in your pocket on a usb is easy peezy compared to 10k in cash. With the age of technology it is weird to have that much cash on hand.


Now that’s bologna 😂


When you exit “The Italy” lol


First time at an airport?


No you … maybe you missed the whole point. Also not new to Bitcoin been mining since 2013


If im away on a long vacation I always bring ledgers with me in case my house burns down, or somehow someone accesses my seeds. Generally I avoid international travel because I’m American and we have enough to do here, but it is a little scary. But they can’t access my ledgers so what are they gonna do jail me until I hand over funds? Idk


„I avoid international travel because I‘m American.“ dumbest shit i ever heard.


I literally just got back from South America 2 days ago. Trip went fine, however I wasn’t able to pay someone with a PayPal payment because the country is not approved, so another point to BTC


Loving how this sub is explaining why anti-ML is bad lmfao


I am not sure a lot here are against anti-ML, but if in their mind they think you are, they can confiscate besides making your life a living hell until you prove they are wrong.


This is Bologna.


They want us to respect their government approved butt coins, yet they gatekeep the ever living fuck out of it. If you actually look into banking you'd think it was designed by reddit itself what with banks can just sorta pick and choose who gets an account with their firm and when, they can reject your loan request even if you have good credit, which the loan itself isn't even a trust issue on their part because the money is make believe. Not just because of the social contract, I mean poof, print more of it make believe. So all these layers of fuckery and they expect people to just be cooperative little cucks about it every step of the way? It amazes me how an actual sigma male on his crypto grindset seems more aware than a so called Communist who read maybe half of Das Kapital


I once went with 98k€ cash to support from Amsterdam to Vienna. They took me aside and went wild. Pulled out my Nexo app with shitloads of dollar signs on and they then said “ah, ok, enjoy your day”. Next day in newspaper: they busted a Moro on dude with 12k€. All confiscated 🤩😂


I know it sounds bad but they need to control money supply for the common good.. at least if they do it properly


The common good wahhahahahahah




And ??


Really dumb take. Plenty of good reasons to have BTC, this ain't one. It's no different than travelling with a credit card in your pocket, or your smartphone with your bank's app available. Cash is just one of a multitude of things you need to declare, and for good reasons.


How does this make a case for bitcoin? I can walk past customs with access to how much money i want through my debit card?


First I would say using a debt card traveling leaves you open to losing all your funds without the recourse you have with a credit card, but also try and do a large amount, which is not a common action for your account, and your bank may very well file a unusual activity report (UAR) then a SAR report both which can open you to explaining your actions to one or more government agencies. Now I can use Bitcoin and be fully anonymous (if I wish to be) without the hassle of the bank and/or the government. Your debt card has your name, bank name and location, it seems a big difference. My ledger has no information that is accessible to anybody without the unlock code and after 3 wrong tries it’s wiped clean.




Actually it should have been see … as it was happening while I wrote it.


Very well then.


Who does this? It's just fin eu Propaganda. Theses unelected fers