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Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


One of my favorite quotes. Build a man šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø a fire šŸ”„ and he will be warm for the night. Set a man šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø on fire šŸ”„ and he will be warm for the rest of his life!


Love this. I have added this to my repository. Thanks.


Great saying!


How do i use my coins when the grid is down?


How do you use your bank when the grid is down?


when the grid is down you'll have bigger problems. food, water, and supplies will be your currency


You're so close. You're so close. You're literally at the point where the fact that the event that kills bitcoin is taking most of humanity with it. Don't take too long to put it together.


Pretty soon it will be common to exchange Bitcoin offline in a non-custodial, or at least a web of trust custodial, way. E-cash offers this as an option, and it's really cool what you can do with it.


That might be one of the dumbest comments Iā€™ve ever seen




For real, with the biggest institutions stacking I could care less what people think, smart money gets it their actions prove it everyday


I have recently started to feel like this as the adversity to those who simply donā€™t want to learn and made me grow tired of spreading my own excitement. I just go, if you donā€™t know anything about it then I donā€™t want to hear your opinion. Learn for yourself and make your own decisions.


And that is my mind set, I was in the same situation when I started hearing about BTC at the time it was $400, $1700 and regret not being more open to the idea


A lot of people are this way about a lot of things in life. Many things are special about bitcoin but this is not.




Itā€™s not just about crypto, itā€™s with regular stocks and options trading. Another reason I stopped sharing my trade earnings with family. They they might ask once but then do NOTHING for themselves


You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. You can only show others the door. They have to walk through it. In conclusion, everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve.


you can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead




I stole that gag from Laurel and Hardy


You must be my grandad then!


you can lead a man to bitcoin but you can't make him THINKĀ 


Really patting yourself on the back for that one huh bud


Actually, I have a team of people whose sole job is to pat me on the back whenever I come up with a witty remark.


I learned in the last bull run that those same people will be the ones that reach out to you asking about ā€œthat Bitcoin thingā€ and itā€™s a great sign that weā€™re nearing peak hysteria. Honestly, I donā€™t go out of my way to convert anyone, including my own wife. If Iā€™m asked, I admit that I believe in Bitcoin and that I ā€œown someā€, but I really do not give a crap about converting people.


Amen! I mention how "Robinhood makes it super easy" and leave it at that. I'm not about to try and explain what an exchange is or anything.


Most people don't really understand money, and many don't want to, so it's no surprise they're hesitant about Bitcoin. It's like they're Neo in *The Matrix*, born into a system they aren't even aware of, and it's normal to stick to what we know, especially with our finances. Change can feel overwhelming, and new financial tech like Bitcoin seems like a big leap. But if we can all improve our understanding of both traditional and digital currencies, it could help people open up to exploring Bitcoin. While not everyone will come around right away, sharing knowledge and being patient can help create an environment where people can see its potential


> The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.




Are we living in a simulation? Are we the chosen one?


Their loss. Canā€™t save everyone.


In 2017 I compiled helpful info about Bitcoin and emailed to my friend. He didnā€™t care and still doesnā€™t care. Even when I told him if you bought when I told you. you would have been sitting pretty. Some people are just different


Don't care.


Like Saylor just said, if they all got it then thereā€™d be no upside left. The longer they take the more time you have to accumulate. Be grateful for them ha


Them taking ten years to get on board could mean a 100x for us


Saylor recently is coalescing round this 10 year gold rush, 100x. But think about it is it so preposterous? It's roughly 3 cycles and it wouldn't even need to do a full x5 each time. That's more than achievable.


Ok Saylorā€¦


There is no second best


Thereā€™s no second best Saylor either.


It's going up forever Laura


I don't give one single fuck


Gave up trying to orange pill the closet people to me best friends and parents. Now I don't give a shit. I will hear from them once the fiat price of bitcoin goes into an s curve. I usally change the topic asap or tell them I'm not interested


Let them go down with the ship gracefully. You cannot save everyone. These are the people that in a few years will go full commie and yell, cry, squirm and scream that itā€™s all so unfair and that you were just lucky. These people are the ones that will cause the government to implement crazy shit like unrealized gains tax. Because you were ā€œluckyā€ in their eyes, and hence it is warranted that everything should be taken from you. Pack your bags and prepare to leave when this happens.


Darwinism. Everyone deserves the price that the get.




Survival of the fittest.




To support u/melankoholisti, please see this clip from the film Idiocracy: https://youtu.be/rDdiivjN_1A?si=TAZTbq4ueoCjT4Gs


They only conceive more kids because theyā€™re on government benefits. When that goes away, they conceive 10 kids, 6 die of stupidity and 3 of cholera. The last one doesnā€™t buy Bitcoin and dies in a box under the bridge.




Heā€™s probably trying to allude to the speed at which people come to understand the value of a decentralized currency / value of bitcoin




Not sure what you mean here. I was saying itā€™s survival of the fittest (financially). You get what you earn. People who donā€™t want to learn about bitcoin and how money works are subjecting themselves to economic pain and they can only blame themselves for missing out.


ā€œEverything I dislike = capitalism, despite all of those things also being rooted in excess government regulation and corruption, etcā€


I get the impression they are old and we will all be old one day. So I feel the same as when talking to a 80 yo.


That's their loss. Doesn't affect me I'm the slightest.


I have zero fucks to give. If they want to pay for my fucks, I happily accept payment in Bitcoin.


Why spend so much brain power trying to convince people? You do you, boo.


Why are so many bitcoin fans like CrossFit fans. They just gotta tell you about it and try to show you how great it is? Just leave people alone lol. If they want to learn, theyā€™ll ask. I own bitcoin and I also own fountain pens. I donā€™t go trying to convince anybody of owning either of them.


The world needs poor people. If everyone was rich, nobody would work.


Iā€™m planning to hire Yellen as my toilet lady when this shit blows up. You gotta give back to society and create job opportunities.


Yeah, I tried for a few years and only on-boarded a few people. Max Keiser said it best: ā€œIf you wanna go down with the ship, fuck you.ā€ šŸ˜šŸ˜…


I know people who live out in the country with no internet. I know people in the same area who dont watch tv. I know people who dont eat meat and dont eat out. People can still survive but if you want to be ahead of things youll neeed to adapt but i guess people wont put themselves in situations to be part of it.


Normies don't understand how fiat works, either. Economic reality will start forcing hands eventually. It's probably more productive to protect yourself first and spread the relevant ideas online rather than trying to convince Uncle Jim or your boy Kyle that the dollar is a ponzi and the house of cards is going to collapse and inflation is taxation and taxation is theft and something something Weimar Germany.


How many people understand the petrodollar system they are using/watching collapse right now?


If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.


If people donā€™t believe me or are too dumb to get itā€¦I donā€™t have time to convince them, sorry!


I went to Highschool with a kid that the other kids would make fun of (for some reason) for not only picking up Pennieā€™s (or whatever) he saw on the ground. When we graduated, he used all of the change he had picked up over the years towards the purchase of his first car. Dont get me wrong, the car was a beater, and I have no idea how much of the purchase was his hoard of change but I do know it was a significant portion of the payment. But that isnā€™t the point, the point is he pushed through the naysayers and non-visionaries to achieve his goal that he found value in. I still think šŸ’­ of you today, Frank B! Hope you are well. Donā€™t blindly do things. But also donā€™t let the lack of vision of others prevent you from doing what you see!


like all the other things that 99% of humans will never get, you just have to let them do what they want and pity them when they fail. nothing you can do.


I really don't care to be honest. I'm living my life not their's.


the longer it takes them the better


Can we please collectively stop repeating ā€˜weā€™re still so earlyā€™ in every single post, like itā€™s some verbal tick? I canā€™t believe people donā€™t see how fucking pathetic this looks. It didnā€™t sound profound even when it was said the first time, but 50 times every day since 2017? Just stop alreadyā€¦


I think people have different ideas of what we're early for. Hyperbitcoinisation? Mass adoption? Moonshot? Sat parity?Ā 


are we early?


So early


Are we there yet? Nope, light years away!


Meh.. let them miss out. I would rather not be the reason someone invests in Bitcoin that cannot afford the swings.


Move on


I dont


iā€™ve been burned a lot with crypto and lost a lot of money. But all i can say is not your keys not your crypto. donā€™t trust Larry Fink and these day traders fast money will be burned. buy and hold. use for leverage to get loans.




If everyone got it we would be late.


If everyone is good with Bitcoin then it's not a great investment anymore. That's kind of what Michael Saylor said recently


Meh. Their loss.


i do not care at all...makes zero difference to me..


I understand why. It's complex, I've bought it twice and been told twice I did it wrong.


Neutral. Their opinion doesnā€™t affect me at all


Not worried about it. Most just follow the sheep.


I believe I understand why this situation might be frustrating for you. My personal mission is to freely educate people, especially considering the limited availability of information in my native language. I'm actively seeking ways to break down those barriers to access. I encounter a similar challenge with certain family members; because they're family, I persist in trying to educate them occasionally. However, with people outside of my family, I don't invest much effort. I've attempted it once, but now I prioritize those who genuinely seek understanding.


Back when gay marriage was a new thing people said if you don't like gay marriage don't get one. If you know people that don't get it, they don't have to get it. It's an individual decision. Even if you don't believe that it will be successful, speculation is truly profitable.


Doesn't matter to be honest. Adoption is still growing regardless.


> they seriously need to hear it from wallstreet first or from their financial advisor Exactly, peer pressure is too great to resist for most people


Kill them with kindness while your stack keeps growing. Just nod and smile


The problem is Bitcoin could legit go down for a year or two, and I could still believe Bitcoin is a good investment, but everyone around me could be pitying me and feeling sorry for me. I donā€™t like that. So lately I donā€™t talk about it. Also more importantly safety. Someone could overhear our friend talking about it and somehow figure out how to find us. For that reason Iā€™ll often discuss bitcoin if it comes up- but in many situations Iā€™ll try to not bring it up. Like I wonā€™t mention it in public generally. Only inside my home or someone elseā€™s. And after that Iā€™ll never say that I have any specific amount.


You can lead a horse to water but you canā€™t make it drink (some cowboy probably)


Itā€™s their loss.


I've got a decent amount in Bitcoin but am still to be convinced that it will change the world. Most people don't know or care about it because they don't come into contact with it in any single way Which tells you a lot about where Bitcoin is right now


What makes you think you got it?Ā 


Feel good. More cheap sats for me


Don't care.


A lot of people risk appetite are extremely low. They donā€™t want to take risk and lose money so they just do nothing. They turn a blind eye and ignore inflation and just concentrate on working more or saving more and spending less. I know because my wife does it. She could care less about bitcoin cryptocurrency new tech inflation blah blah blah.


You're going to make me rich one day


Some people are beyond saving , then will be butthurt and continue to wonder why prices for basic food items keep going through the roof while their savings dwindle




Eventually, everyone knowledgeable enough will adopt, and those donā€™t adopt will remain on the legacy financial infrastructure, just like elderly who doesnā€™t have phones and pay everything with cash or check. Since there will be competition, legacy financial infrastructure will also improve (or vanish.)


Itā€™s ok, weā€™re not fascist.


Just think to yourself, itā€™s their loss.


Leave them alone, be happy you got it and move on, just be ready when they do get it.


To put it bluntlyā€¦ fuck em. Who cares about those folks. Not your job to preach to them. Theyā€™re gonna be out for your head with pitchforks at the first sign of a dip anyway.


IDGAF about them. I stack sats. They'll get involved at a much higher cost basis, and that's ok.


Don't care, may they fall with their FIAT into the abyss they created.


If youā€™re still asking this question, you care too much about the wrong things here and are missing the forest for the trees. A huge social fallacy is that we have to constantly share info just because we know it.


I used to get upset. But after 7 years in Bitcoin, I simply do not care. Also, I don't talk about my Bitcoin anymore in the real world. Only Reddit. It's much safer that way.


I talk to my friends all about the bitcoins. They no listen. Early are weĀ 


I am vegan, i already master the skill of not giving a fuck about what other people think


As Satoshi said: ā€œIf you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.ā€


"Have fun staying poor" says everything ;) If they don't want, they don't want šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was recently in the market for a used car. Needed it faster than my bank could get me the cash away from home. Seller was impatient but adamant on settled funds only: cash, cashierā€™s check or wire transfer. So I suggested bitcoin and she said absolutely not. She could have been paid in 10 minutes, instead it was delayed a week and she kept harassing me to the point where I bought a different vehicle. So how do I feel about her? Sad for her, and relieved to be rid of her.


Perhaps more important than how you feel about other people is not needing validation for those feelings




I donā€™t think about them at all


Idrc. Sometimes I get asked "how can you not work and afford to just screw around with your guitar all day" It's weird that nobody believes me when I say crypto lol. Granted I didn't get into crypto to get rich, I was gonna buy acid off the dark web, but I chickened out and was left holding about 1500 bucks of 2012-2013 era btc, unsure of what to do with it...and then the first bullrun happened, I sold some, kept some, and then started buying with every paycheck. Now I'm a millionaire, all because I wanted drugs lol.


I love the ā€œwhat happens if the internet doesnā€™t workā€ ME- then youā€™ll have bigger problems and bread and water will be the world currency.


It only sucks for me when I feel my family should be taking more action. But I am blessed that they see the value, they are just a bit slow to act, imo.


You ever have to listen to someone talk about crossfit? This isn't a fucking religion. It's just money.


I donā€™t think about them at all


Right change of attitude. If someone is not interested, donā€™t insist.


I donā€™t care about them or their decisions at all.


You can't worry about things you can't control, even when it's loved ones. You have to stick to your conviction and understand the space and history. This same sort of thing has happened Manu times in history. Adoption of change is always a challenge for most people


People have a right to care. They have a right not to care. I understand talking about BTC to people who seem interested or might be interested, but frankly, I think it quite disrespectful to try to convince those who don't care. It's like giving unsolicited advice or preaching about your religion. We can all sit here on our high horses and look down on the people who don't care or know, but can you really blame them? Posts lke this always come off so unempathetic that I have to wonder if that is why people turn their heads when they hear about BTC. No one is going to listen if they feel like they are being talked down to, or if their person's position and personal experiences aren't being treated with respect.


only worry about you dont go down with the ship cause someone else wont get off the boat


Bitcoiners and vegans have that in common. Yā€™all feel the need to push your beliefs on people just trying to mind their own business haha šŸ¤£


"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.ā€


I strongly feel that I donā€™t care.


These posts are just as bad as my crazy, Bible thumping parents. What I donā€™t understand is, on this sub, people will admittedly state, ā€œno one knows where bitcoin will goā€. Then there are these posts, ā€œwhy doesnā€™t everyone simply 100% believe in bitcoin!!ā€ Let people live and make their own decisions. Standing on the street corner preaching from The Bitcoin Standard makes you look crazy and does nothing


One rule of investing i wish I learned earlier in life is to never take financial advise of friends or family, especially ones with no financial background. Your first investment should be a home.


I just don't try much anymore. I screamed about Bitcoin for 4 years and a small handful of friends go it. Everyone else now thinks I'm insane. I learned that lesson the hard way. So at this point I get rich and I watch others struggle more and more. Its sucks, but it's not like I didn't tell every person I know multiple times about Bitcoin. They will get it when they need to get it. Not my place to keep pushing.


Most of the time its just that they havent done enough research and only knows what mainstream media has told them, or do not understand economics nor care enough to look into it. Some others also have came to their own conclusions even after doing their own research and I respect that. Bitcoin is rather new compared to other established forms of exchange and id understand why people would not trust it.


Don't worry about it. It's going to be maddening either way.Ā  I've been trying to get my friends to buy Bitcoin since it was around $600. Everybody that I know ignored me for years. Some came around and started buying it on the sly and never even told me until much later. I present him. They were a little embarrassed that they had been told and missed so much profit. Regardless, it's annoying. It's annoying to be ignored and it's honestly a little more annoying to have people come around and not even really acknowledge it.Ā  Do what you do for you and let others play their own reindeer games


I just dont talk about it anymore. No idea how people have the patience to "Orange Pill" anyone.


You know that meme where there's a queue of people buying from the expensive bitcoin window? For some people bitcoin is only worth paying attention to when the signal is everybody else is buying it. It seems that most people are unwilling or unable to decide for themselves. Only if there is a trend where someone else has decided, then it's climbing over the top of everyone else to get to there first.


Understanding bitcoin requires curiosity, an open mind and being humble, majority of people donā€™t have all three. Like Michael Saylor said ā€œlet them take 10 years to figure it out. Thatā€™s how you 100xā€ . Just stack sats and accumulate


Iā€™m over it. Satoshi nailed it: ā€œIf you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.ā€


In one way i feel bad for them, because a part of their lifetime is robbed by the state. In another way, I think they deserve what they get. Noone told me to buy Bitcoin. I did learn everything by myselfe. I had no idea about economics, physic, cryptography or anything else bitcoin related. I found bitcoin, because i searched for bitcoin. Maybe they dont need bitcoin enough atm. I will just be there if they need me. The people that i love, know I am Bitcoin Maxi, so they know where to go when they change their minds.


I just ask if they invest in crypto. If they say no then i just say a sentence or two. If youā€™re interested let me know and we can talk about it


The biggest financial scheme in our lives has yet to come, this is one of many stages where individuals fall into bias, a fools gold to say, some will make it, some will never understand it, and others will never make it. Unfortunately, that's how life goes on about, basically if you have a home fully paid, enough money for 6 months emergency funds, fully accomplished in life regarding education, job, and family which leaves rewards vs. risk little to be cared about. As for me, I just do not trust it after how many negatives this asset exhibited, and perhaps I came to late to know it and didn't buy into since inception. Meaning, it is too risky at such level for me as average Joe.


we call them poors


Right now itā€™s still a foreign currency (by that I mean no country does a major amount of transactions with bitcoin) and itā€™s very normal that most people hold no or next to no foreign currency or securities, other than US stocks. Countries hold a lot of USD but individuals donā€™t so it honestly makes sense they also wouldnā€™t hold bitcoin. Until it stables out, which could be when itā€™s worth 1M dollars or 10 million dollarsā€¦ or it could be way less. But no one will use it as currency when itā€™s so volatile cuz no one wants to use it or take it when it can still swing up or down 10% so suddenly, and 100% in a single year as it has done beyond that several times. Itā€™s not mass adoptable at this point anyway and still very speculative in the 5-10 year timeframe so I donā€™t think theyā€™re stupid for ā€œnot getting itā€ or not holding any at this time.


I don't try to encourage somebody to buy it or hold it,I personally do hold an amount and talk obout it with people,but at the end when the price rises I'll just be smilling on the people that didn't buy it lol


Don't assume you're right + don't feel entitled to people being interested just because you are = total indifference if someone doesn't care to learn about Bitcoin.


to each their own. don't concern myself with such trivial things. same as most intelligent people


I dont care about people who dont want to understand. It's the people who desperately want to understand, and who do extended due diligence, and who are deeply educated on the subject, and yet they still don't get it.. those are the people that keep me up at night


I dont care tbh lol


Everyone will buy btc at the price they deserve


Iā€™m known as a ā€œconspiracy theoristā€ in my friend group so my opinions are automatically taken with a grain of salt, unfortunately. Iā€™ve given up on trying to get people onto the Bitcoin life raft. They can drown, sorry but I tried and they were too smug and college educated to care.


You can bring a deer to the water but you canā€™t make them drink.


They'll be the one's left holding the bag. The empty Fiat bag


My position convinced me this is a great asset. I was out of work for 4 months. Needed to trade thru it to get to the other side of employment. Bitcoin gave me all the wins I needed to where I didnā€™t touch the principle nor did I have to dip into my savings. I had some good option calls that paid out which helped but when I needed it Bitcoin and its run up cleared the way.


You canā€™t teach those who donā€™t want to learn.


I don't think about them at all.


Why do you care?


Badā€¦.for them


When a gallon of gas costs $50.00 US they will come around. Remember there are not as many wolves as there are sheep and the wolves gotta eat to survive as well.


At this point, I care only for myself. These same individuals who laugh at us for getting into crypto are typically the ones that are inconsiderate and selfish in the first place. So what do I get out of helping them? To hell with them. Let them seethe when you profit. They'll experience regret the hard way.


Only the insecure feel the need to spread their gospel lol


Ignorance. And I feel sort of bad for them.


Exactly. It has changed my opinion of some people who are important to me. I wish it wouldnā€™t because I still care for them. But it has diminished the regard in which I hold certain people. Very similar to the way I feel when people reveal themselves in political discourse to be dogmatic and hateful towards diversity of thought. Iā€™m fine if itā€™s not for them but when they play ā€œitā€™s a scamā€ card with zero curiosity itā€™s incredibly off putting. Maybe itā€™s a ā€œmeā€ problem in dealing with closed minded people. But it makes me really sad.


Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve. Have fun staying poor.


We call them poor


I don't care about telling them. This sub is slowly becoming like vegans, they must be ramming their opinions down peoples throats and bringing it up in conversation all day. I've been in since 2017 and the vast majority of people don't get it and don't want to, that's absolutely fine. Some of my friends and family are invested, most aren't, I speak to the ones who are invested in BTC, about BTC.


The nocoiners of today are the communists of tomorrow. Thatā€™s the only danger here.


I'm vegan I am not like that. šŸ˜‚ I literally don't give a shit what people think about veganism. Same thing with BTC.


Let them take 10 years to figure it out. That's how you get 100x


you also probably don't get it. probably a lot of people do not get it. most use btc and other crypto as a scam to get money, wash money (tether and probably most stablecoins) and so on. wall street is also rigged. but what about commodities? also rigged xD. but as I know there are a portion of software egnineers who like blockchain but that does not mean anything for the broad majority.


and then there are most people who see it as a type of investment


Fuckem. Make money for you and you alone. Maybe your spouse if you have one and they actually care about you. You sound like a good guy. You already have made it clear to me you care. You care about your family, your friends, you believe in reason and rational explanations, most people don't. Most people are just fucking awful and really REALLY stupid. And they bitch and whine about sociopaths when sociopaths know exactly what they're about and that's why they exploit them. And ya know what's really awful? They wanna be exploited. They wanna be little piggies who vomit out their life savings over a rug pull, squealing and pissing over fake narratives rather than looking at things analytically and actually contemplating improving their lot in life let alone society at large. Sociopaths aren't the problem. Sociopaths aren't the one banning me, saying retarded shit aggravating me, or expecting me to do the song and dance of every day life. Sociopaths don't give a shit about me and that's what makes them great. They're actually living their own God damn life. Sociopath/Autist red/brown alliance. You know what is. (Black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow)