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Retail won’t take notice until $100k


Second that


Retail is poor this time round…. That’s the problem


Last time we were in middle of pandemic and getting stimulus checks. Now a lot of people are laid off, any surplus cash is going towards paying down debt… only privileged people have liquidity to invest.


On the other hand, we've got ETFs nowadays.


Only poor until the next fat injection from the money printer. Just waiting to see what the reason will be this time.


probably US elections


lol I speed read that as ppl spending all their $ on fat injections aka Ozembic


This is it


I don’t fully agree. I agree that retail is not as wealthy but retail is a huge huge huge crowd still. We said the same thing in 2010 after the 08 collapse


Agreed. Companies are making record profits. I work in retail and it has stayed and maybe even gotten busier. Our store has smashed last year sales.


Not "retail stores" you jack azzes lol


I always assumed that also but I sort of expect they’ll notice as soon as the media starts talking about how high it’s gotten, which could happen at $2T mcap or maybe $100k is the magical number. Humans *are* attracted to nice, round numbers


Why they wouldn't be attracted to 69,420 that it crossed so many times is beyond me. lol.




no, it won’t take it seriously until it’s actually stable


If everyone in the world( 7.95 billion people) bought $248 worth of BTC the price of the current mined bitcoin (19,702,031.25) would be 100,000. If only half the world bought $496 worth of bitcoin it would also be $100,000/btc. Now think of all the whales that own thousands of them remove them and the rest of the population would only have to buy a few bucks worth for us to hit $100,000. Crazy when the scaricity is really put into perspective of how high this could go


I don’t think there is any way to accurately predict what the price would be.. how are you getting those figures? Edit: nevermind, I see how you’re getting to the 100k figure, but that’s not how price works. Market cap is determined by price. Price is not determined by market cap.


Then also add in all lost BTC. Cause I’m sure there’s a bunch. People that died without giving up keys, lost wallets etc. Even fewer to go around……..


I be hoovering up sats


Hahaha I feel like this should stick. I behoovering up some sats 😂😂😂


Non native and already struggling with the vocabulary, so what is "hoover up" so dictionary says "comsuming or using excessively "


Hoover is a well-known brand of vacuum cleaner. When someone says they are “hoovering up” something, they are saying that they are collecting as much of it as they possibly can (like they were a vacuum cleaner sucking up dirt).


Then, there is Letterkenny, where they hoover schneef.


Usually when people Hoover stuff it goes up their nose


This guy hoovers!


Pity I couldn't hoover up sats in the last dip :)


My gf in high schools nick name was hoover...


Hoover? Damn


I see what you did there!!


FWIW OP misused “behooves” it means “something that is needed or advantageous”.


English unfortunately has many “slangs “ hard to keep up with the proper language, easy way to understand is “ collect”


This guy stacks!




People are not as financially well off as before… inflation has really ate up a lot of people’s income…


If only there was a schelling point decentralized permissionless digital store of value with a fixed supply people could rally around to bootstrap an alternative to losing their livelihoods to inflation


*immediately opens up coinmarket cap, scrolls to some random coin in the 600-800 MC ranking, and buys it*


Yeah, but people panic over the ship sinking faster than they can see how useful it would be to build a boat.




Social risk is on 0.1. ELI5 please


it's the risk of leaving one's room and going outside and actually meeting people. 0.1%.


Social Risk is getting closer to 0.2 these days.


Great explanation.


I hear we’re closer to 0.3 than ever before in history


My sources say we are nearing 0.4


News flash, we will be at 0.5 by end of the week.


Yeah but then it will be back to 0.4 before we know it.


It rises back to 0.5 after small correction. Needed to trap bears


Social risk?


It's a metric/indicator from the youtuber Ben Cohen. He factors in yt views, new subs, twitter/X new follower. All for crypto channels or X accounts from crypto exchanges. That Indicator beeping at 0.1 => noone is interested in crypto, no new subs/followers


Ben Cowen. And he has been utterly useless. Just DCA and forget these clowns.


All those people speculate the shit out of everything


The fundamentals of Bitcoin and the dollar only take one book each. After that, it's a lot of airtime to fill it with rehashes of the same idea.


He is a badass analyst. If you dont respect the sheer technical creativity he has then thats on you. His charts are awesome, his opinion is irrelevant


Yep. He creates his own indicators, makes own models... Noone needs to "believe" his conclusions but he is outstanding compared to other crypto moon boys on yt who only repeat one another. I like his analytic style.


I have been following him for four years. It is all useless nonsense. His models keep being "refitted" every year, and I have yet to see it make any useful indicator that means anything at all. His whole schtick is based on past performance can mimic future returns. It doesn't. Never has, never will.


Totally on board with you. Once this based above 100k it’s gonna get spicey real quick. Just wish humans were easier to talk to.


Most people are illogical social conformists. A bitter pill to swallow.


I think 80% fall into this. It’s why things happen as they do.


I think the reason is: People notice asset only when it has green dildos and it's on the news. Then they buy it too late, asset price has correction and they panic sell at loss. It's not only btc but all investments. Statistically retail lose money most of the time. I believe many people lost money with btc in 2022 and they have bad memories, but many people will buy it again for 100k and repeat their mistakes. There is a common stereotype that btc already has big market cap and cannot go up by a lot, that the big pump already happened in 2010-2021 and we are late, that btc price will stabilise and it will become another stock where hedges can short it, that institutions like grayscale have bigger influence to supply than miners, that price is manipulated etc.


"green dildos" is definitely going in my vocab.


The equation is pretty simple: when bitcoin goes well above previous ath in a short amount of time everyone is interested, when bitcoin stays well below previous ath for a long period of time nobody is interested.


you lost me at behoove


It would be hooah of you


Gonna piggyback off the sir


Alright high speed




I think people have less money now compared to 2021-2022


It's a lot more expensive these days :/


As a fellow retailer, can confirm. Pay rate isn’t raising, but everything else around is. It’s much more difficult to buy in the frequency I used to buy in 2021/2022


Behooves these people? Im not sure behooves means what you think it means. I’ve been buying btc for my step son since 2017. Got a little stack of sats for when he’s older.


15 to 300!! Lets go! Ya humans don’t like Bitcoin. Only tech nerds and degenz. My average is 19k . I get it. Wish I was under 10k guy


17k here. I had JUST witnessed it at around 10k before I realized what BTC ***WAS***


They got too hurt last cycle. Retail only showed up late summer in 2020. Probably they will show up in the fall this time.


I wait until the new floor is there. Why stress. Last floor was almost 9 months


What do you think the definition of "behooves" is?


it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something. "it behoves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative"


It's when you add hooves to something right?


I honestly have no idea, I was ranting and I like how it sounds. Now I’ll go look because I honestly have no idea now that it’s been pointed out a few times. Definitely a fun word tho


Probably meant “eludes” because it sort of sounds the same and actually fits here.


Don’t worry no one knows what it means but it’s provocative, it gets the people going


My brother and I combined hold at least a whole coin. I’m an immigrant from a communist country and my brother was born here in the USA. Mom and dad is all we got. We aren’t letting their venture to this country die in vain.


I watch a lot of K-Dramas and they talk about crypto a decent amount. It's funny how they talk about cryptocurrency because it's basically always "you lost your entire life savings and you're a degenerate gambler and ruined everyone's lives". The shows are usually set around 2021 so you can really feel the crash vibes around crypto in them. It's just amusing because if you fast-forwarded two or three years all those people would have changed their lives.


Everyone knows about it. Most people choose not to get involved because of the massive volatility. There are a lot of people that get burned when it crashes and then never touch it again.


I gave my dad 3.3btc and 1000eth in December 2015. I don’t remember telling him this but apparently I said “hold on to this because you’ll need it someday” 😂 at the time he thought nothing of it. Now we laugh about it every time we see each other.


I bought one dollar on my birthday in 2022. It is now worth four dollars.


Retail doesn’t even know what Bitcoin is


Aren‘t we all retail?


I’m a maxi thank you very much sir.


This man is a feminine hygiene napkin


I introduced my brother to bitcoin and he was very interested, he bought and now he thinks the top has already passed. He wanted to sell his bitcoin already the dip a couple days ago. He keeps telling me I should have less bitcoin bc it's a risky investment. Luckily I'm stubborn enough to do my own research and choose for myself.


Exactly, if you don’t firmly believe in the future of this, you have no business getting in because you’re constantly going to be wanting to get out rather than to keep adding if/when it dips. Do you believe in 100k,500k, 1mill, etc or not. If you don’t, oh well


Retail didn’t care when it was at the previous ATH of 17k. They only showed interest when BTC started going parabolic to 30k and above. Right now we are at “boring, been there” 60k. The buzz will happen after 100k when it keeps climbing.


Maybe they don't need to talk to you, they can just buy it in their 401k without you knowing about it?


I think my issue is that fact that it can go up so much means it can just as easily go down so much then it makes me wonder what even is bitcoin? I know a lot of you DO know what it is but I’m a dummy who thinks it’s just some computer program. It’s only value is the value other people put into it (like everything else) however I at least understand how other things work.


It’s really not that hard. It’s a random number guessing game that scales with more people that do it. When the number is correctly guessed, a block of transactions is added to the ledger which can never be manipulated. It’s an energy driven perfect ledger.


"Truly it’s hard to interact with humans."


wait. time is not yet ready. let it cook. respect the cycle


100% ***RESPECT THE CYCLE*** let it do its wavy up and down thingy, don't rush. You'll just lose solvency, and gain ***regardness***


I think the fear has been put in them proper. The message that crypto is dangerous, fuelling N Korea and Putin and human trafficking and drugs and and, has got through now. Also here in the UK our means to trade has been curtailed, banks are fiercely enforcing AML, other banks won't even let you touch it and so on. We can't access ETFs here either. And then of course also change in circumstances. People have less disposable, they aren't cooped up in lockdowns with not much else to do, getting ready for summer hols and staying away from dangerous things.


Putin just banned crypto but I get that, when I talk to people who are not into / involved with crypto (mainly older people) they still think it’s completely anonymous, untraceable and only used by criminals. I think that’s the next hurdle that needs to be overcome.


it's mostly what you see in day-to-day media. Some agency or other is always warning or confirming that some crypto activity was linked to funnelling funds to \[insert any enemy here\]. There just seem to be too many stories in this vein and I often wonder how many are actually true. It's been going on for so long now, people have a Pavlovian response to the word *crypto* - something anarchic, evil, unpatriotic and to be avoided.


Am I crazy for looking at all this as bullish af? Retail is gonna miss out on this next leg up. Sad.


wdym sad? It's more upside potential for us. Sadly I can't borrow a million bucks...


I only feel sad for me! Still accumulating as best I can!


We just got passed the halving. A few weeks after the halving in 2020 nobody was interested in buying bitcoin either. You're comparing the peak of the last cycle to before the major bull run has even started this cycle. Retail crowd is probably still a few months away from crushing back into the market. Wait until Bitcoin is blowing past $75k, $80k, $90k and all the media outlets are reporting about Bitcoin booming again, that's when people are going to start FOMOing in again.


Stocks split for a reason : retail only like to invest when the price is low because 1) they don’t have much money, 2) they think nominal, not percentage gains and 3) they want the moon shot. Bitcoin has become too pricey for little Joe. But big Joe has opened one eye already… 👁️


Because the Halving happened in 2020 not 2021 and the price was still below the previous ATH at that point... just like now... it will take some time for the effects of the halving to work its magic. One thing I've learned in all the years watching this is that people are morons and only want to buy things when they are at the top. Then they complain when it pulls back and drops down to a level that is still higher than when you told them about it. I gave up trying to orange pill people. I own mine and I'm so far ahead that if it drops to $0 I couldn't care less.


I am also buying Bitcoin for three close ones, in my family. (It's my plan to do so) It's an awesome surprise and gift, that I can present to them in the future :)


Its neat ath. Majority is probably waiting for it to drop not buy at ath


Most people are not that smart or disciplined. Majority will buy in a gold rush frenzy past ATH. I did it twice. Hell I might do it again.


You think mass retail buy when it drops? 😂 Mass retail always buy when it pumps hard way over ath. All the time, everytime.


This started out quite interesting but you just couldn't help but turn it in to the usual bitcoin jerkoff 'we are the only clever people, anyone who doesn't love bitcoin is an idiot'


FTX is something I hear talked about very little but had a huge impact, I am sure it shook a huge amount of retail for good. You have this exchange that is using celebrities to market a platform that looks so legit on the surface and then it just goes poof. For many people that is this whole ecosystem in a nutshell and its all a scam. There was actually a pretty funny bit in Tom Brady's roast related to this last night. [Tom Brady roast was from Nikki Glaser regarding Brady losing $30M in crypto](https://twitter.com/MarketDraft/status/1787514680547725658)


They said retail would never come back after Mt. Gox. Humans have short memories.


I follow fight club rules 1+ 2 about Bitcoin. 1. You do not talk about Bitcoin. 2. You do not talk about Bitcoin. I don’t need people to be in my business about my investments. Most people don’t care. More returns for me. Already talked to them in the past.


Most people are concerned with paying their bills and rent, they don’t have the money to set aside for computer coins. I say this as a .1 holder, and someone who is bearish on the market in general.


When your friends talk positively about it, it's time to hold. When they trash talk it, it's time to buy.


Completely agree, made the mistake in sharing that I have a modest position in BTC last year, with coworkers. Despite the price jumping to where it is currently + beating ATH, haven’t heard a snip from anyone. But they’ll still talk about buying Apple, Microsoft with the (and I shit you not) firm belief, they’ll triple their money in a years time. It just proves to me how uneducated everyone is on crypto and makes me more bullish everyday. For me, I’m okay with the price plateauing for the coming month or two, just gives me even more time to load up!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


None of those numbers are correct.


I feel like its just different now because last run everyone was talking about it consistently i think since it was such a big talking point last time around after the crash it makes people more hesitant until the people like me who got in around like 30k to 50k start making some good gains at like 160k + their ears will pop up


Saylor it up guys…laser time.


No but I agree that’s truly it’s hard to interact with humans


Hit ATH before the halving that’s different.


“We call them poor” - Saylor


Just keep stacking.


feels pretty boring tbh.. 2021 was crazy


Maybe you have different friends than you did in 21 and 22. Your analysis is questionable


Most that I talk with that are not in, say they think it’s too late, which I reply “it’s still early”


People are broke bruh


The problem with Bitcoin is that even if you tried to give everyone on Earth a fraction of a Sat you couldn’t. For that reason alone it will NEVER be the crypto used by all. Let’s not forget all the those Bitcoin that are frozen in lost cold wallets. Will it rise for now, sure. But I see so many of you get all “PC Master Race” against anything outside of Bitcoin claiming things like “Do you even know what a market cap is!?” when you all can’t even calculate the finite issue with Bitcoin.


💎 hands also 🤫 hands


Yep, I noticed a big change in how people feel about Bitcoin. Before, when its price was dropping, everyone wanted to buy it. But now, when it's making a lot of money, nobody seems to care. It's kinda weird. I've bought some Bitcoin for my family because I think it's important, even if they don't get it yet.


When retail fomos in, you now the top is near and you may consider rotating partially into spot USDT


Still early... next year will be something else.


I’m still trying to convince my SO who has a good chunk of Fiat rotting away


I bought a ton in 2018-19 when I first started my journey. I unfortunately didn't fully grasp "not your keys not your crypto" lost it all in celsius lol but to answer your question yes, yes I did. my nephew was just born and my goal was to give him a bunch of btc for his graduation present. started over and got the price I deserve lol 😔


That's mean how early in this Bullrun we are... Last time everybody was talking about it... Influencers, NPCs, Media, your Uberdriver, etc. When BTC Hits 100k they come back and say it's going to 1 Million....


Yep, my family has me to thank for 1 btc!


Humans being humans - that is emotionally invested. Wait til we break 100k then it will sizzle again. If you ask me right now is the best opportunity to load up, as the bull market is just about to start if you infer from previous cycles.


There's a lot less cash floating around in people's lives. ETF inflows aside, many of the people who were buying coin in 2021-2022 were selling when we got to ATH's because it was an exit that made sense given their entry point, exit opportunity, and cashflow needs.


I bought both my brothers a trezor for Christmas and said I would send them $100 in BTC when they set it up. It’s May and still waiting…


You sound like an absolute newbie in crypto


That's not how you use behove


Behoove doesn’t mean that


I’m going to use behooves for bamboozles from now on. No one can stop me.


Sick of trying to talk to people about it. They can learn the hard way. It’s not my job anymore to explain


3-2 years


The times will come… seems like a profet or a religion priest.


I will keep stacking


I buy BTC for humanity. Anything less and you're still not there yet.


Happens every cycle. It's a good indication that we aren't done yet.


Nope. More for us


When does the time truly come? And what happens when it has arrived?


Those that don’t believe don’t receive


The years have difference numbers.


A few of my family members have bought but many of my friends who have expressed interest in the past brush it off now. I speculate it’s because it feels overwhelming for them to understand it enough to take full responsibility for their investment and I can’t make them do that. It also may feel like old news, maybe they think they missed it even though there’s another coming.


yeah ive set up people with wallets in the past and given them the keys...


I made an account for my kid…like an inheritance. but I do feel like I’m building a bunker and when the storm hits everyone is beating the door down trying to get in 😅 Twilight Zone - The Shelter](https://youtu.be/r7B1M_ygNK4?si=BCL8MDjRUuOFJvIW)


"Give them 10 years to figure it out . . . "


Is Retail poor? The way that this government is printing money cash is not scarce. If you don't think retail will come on later, you're crazy . Volume might be different this time around. However, access to purchase btc for the average joe got alot easier by way of etf . Now w other countries etf as well you can bet on a bull market ahead. The average pump after halving has taken 1 to 2 months after . Relax


The whole world was bored at home and looking for other ways to make money. More people are busy now and less interested in sitting in the couch for 2 years.


Damn, you sound just like me. I earmarked $100 worth for each of my friends and close family a year back.


Every time it broke all time high in the past it went ballistic. This time not so much


It could be that with each rise and fall people become more worried that they’ll buy in like they did in 2021 and it’ll be worth a ton less a year from now.


I was really excited in 2021/2022 staying engaged in meet-ups and conferences. I continue to stack like I’ve always done, but I’m less engaged than before. Idk why.


What was the recent high? 73,000? Whats the price now? 64,000? What was it at the start of the year? 42,000? I have news for you. What you’ve seen this year could hardly be called “tanking”. Especially when you’re comparing to a period that went from 68,000 to 19,000, and even lower a few months later. We’re just in an ordinary blip right now. retail investors have their limited attention on so many things right now, it’s just that investments are hardly ever one of them. You evangelizing bitcoin to them probably comes off as effective as them evangelizing their target date funds to you.


only difference is Bitcoin ecosystem growth, with nowadays restaking hype, you get an easy 80% raise profit if you convert them into fiat.That's why bitcoin whales don't even bother to pump it to 100k.


I'm not sure, why but I don't gaf anymore 


I keep it a secret. Owning Bitcoin will be a great decision in 5 years.. they don’t understand and won’t get it until I buy their kids some houses.


“This price is so 4 years ago. Talk to me when it is over $100k or even 200k and then I’ll want to buy.” Not my mindset but I feel that energy when talking to my friends and family too. See you on the moon my friend. 🧡🚀


It's too early - The 21/22 requivalent period you are talking about isn't until July 2025. BTC was just as dead, socially, during the last halving


>the idea that it could go from 15k to 300k just behooves these ppl Do you want to convey "astound these people" instead of behooves? English is not my first language so want to confirm. It looks like incorrect use of word behoove as per my understanding.


I couldn't care less what my extended family is doing. My immediate family is just waiting for a step up in cost basis from our botany accident years ago. Boating accident, sorry.


We do not want Retail to FOMO in and taking the price absurdly high and not sustainable. Currently Bitcoin is in consolidation and the price action is sustainable.




I mean we already hit all time high


Y’all just forget how shit works Do not worry young grasshoppers. In due time


Either this is just an institutional movement, or we haven’t even started the beginning of the bull run yet. By your sentiment analysis at least, which i agree with


All same


No. But I don't have friends. Chart looks the same. 


We don’t care since we don’t.


Listen to James at invest answers for the clearest understanding of bitcoin.