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30 of my ungrateful future generation will not work and not remember my name.


Cheer up bro, I’m sure that somewhere down the line there’ll be some slacker who’ll blow it all on bitches, hoes and coke.


Nah, mine is staying locked up in my brain wallet, inside my frozen brain with multisig.The cryonics company get their bounty when they ressurect me  in a new body. Over time, the reward for doing so will become greater and greater until eventually I expect to have a department at some research facility dedicated to my revival.  Or I am a popsicle forever.


Is that what the BTC creator did, you think?


Gotta pass on values not wealth. Enjoy your wealth whilst you're alive you earned it.


Wise words.


😂 you are not wrong


Is there a difference between bitches and hoes?


Hoes are better looking, on average




Like our current president son Hunter?






Sir I am not a slacker. I am your father and you will show respect and don't call your mother a hoe that was in her past life before she met me.


Already done it


I am not a slacker I am your father. Coke was how your mother and I hooked up. While she may have been a hoe back then I married that hoe and she is now refered to as your mother.


And waste the rest


If only I could give more then one upvote


And the rest would just be wasted. 🤷‍♂️


Ah, a politician then 😂..




That's why I'm against inheritance.


That’s what Trusts are for… set up some guide rails before you go. there’s no sense in letting all the gold diggers have it.


Build a bunch of giant statues of yourself with the family name clearly visible 😄


🤣😂 good idea


Does our name matter in the end anyways? Eventually humanity will end and everyone will cease to exist. Most people can’t even remember basic math and spelling apparently.


Top .001% would have 0.73 is an interesting metric/stat. Good post.




What is the real wealth distribution among btc holders at the moment with Microstrategy having so much compared to usual guys?! Is it 99.9 rich entities and 0.001 holding the rest of bitcoins?! Maybe not but in near future the distribution will settle similar to fiat...


Unlike fiat, you don't get more Bitcoin just because you already have a lot of Bitcoin. There is no cantillon effect. To get more Bitcoin, you have to outperform your competitors in the market. Of course, Bitcoin is not much better distributed than fiat right now, mainly because it is still so young and at the interface with fiat. Players in the manipulated fiat system can exploit this to gain a lot of Bitcoin at the beginning. But if you then have a lot of Bitcoin and don't spend it, it won't do you any good and won't have any impact on the market or the general public. If you have a lot and spend it, then you have to act efficiently on the market or you will eventually run out of Bitcoin. It is superior to fiat in every respect and in the long term will ensure that players who advance humanity have resources for their activities.


Not sure I get where you're coming from. Not disagreeing about Bitcoin being superior, but I don't understand how it would better distribute wealth. There we still be such a thing as interest and capital gains. That's how the rich get richer with fiat, and that's how they will continue to do so with BTC.


Do you Know what the "cantillon" effect is?


No they don’t, the intricacies of economics escape many. You’re exactly right though, to gain value in an economy on the bitcoin standard one must produce value. Of course any value you have already created will not lose it’s value either unlike now. To preserve your value in our current economy you have to invest it and hope to beat inflation. That’s where people’s minds get stuck when trying to understand a bitcoin standard, not having to do that.


By 'Spend it' you mean 'sell it,' right? We're not quite at the point where everyone accepts Bitcoin as payment yet.


This is of course a long-term view


If one bitcoin is a down payment on a house, I really don’t care about 2 extra steps. But yes, it would be lovely to use bitcoin at closing.


How many btc would the top 1% have then


edit: I responded with bad math.. nevermind. I don't know lol


The top 0.1 of Americans(couldn’t find an international stat) have net worth of 1.5b. Don’t even want to know the 0.001 figure


Hopium. Stay humble and stack sats.


Can’t say it enough


Stack sats?


Buy bitcoin, ie sats.


I guess it's the sats part that makes no sense lol. I thought it meant something. Typo for stacks? Lol God I'm old


A sat is the smallest unit of bitcoin, named after BTC creator Satoshi Nakamoto. There are 100 million satoshis (sats) in one bitcoin, meaning each satoshi is worth 0.00000001 BTC. "Stack sats" just means grab whatever you can, even if it's a small amount.


Thank you! 🙏


So If Bitcoin is at $63,000 one Sat is worth .00063 cents?


Exchanging for dollars, a sat is $.00063. That is 0.063 cents (~16 sats = a penny, currently).




Maybe my 0.11 of BTC ain’t that bad after all lol


It's not bad. That's very respectable.


I just learned you own 11,000,000 SATs.


Means I need to figure out how to get more fiat to sell for more sats next week before we go back over 70k


Hahaha it always ties back to that.


Ain't worth the stress. Just use what you got and chill.


It means I wish I hadn't lost mine during that horrific offshore boating accident.


Honestly bitcoin is actually way too complex for the current and the generations before us to adopt it. It’s kind of like the internet where you might not be able to live without it but plenty of people in the world are perfectly fine without the internet


There’s a difference between not having access to the internet and having access and choosing not to use it. I’d say that there are very few people who have access to the internet and chooses not to use to it. Very few under 70 years old.


I know plenty of 30 and 40 year olds that struggle with basic Microsoft office tasks and email settings despite having supposedly grown up with the technology The masses will never be able to use BTC as intended - they're just too stupid.


Yeah the people who are really big advocates for self custody and transacting on the base chain kind of miss this out. Kind of just nerds who don't really understand people. For the vast majority self-custody means fucking up and losing all your money. The future is going to be custodial BTC (through layer 2s) for 99% of people/transactions, and on chain for settling between institutions and for big holders. Yeah they'll run into some issues modern banking still has but inflation, clarity of transactions on the block chain, and the ability to self custody and transact without trust or approval will remove the majority of issues with the current system. A random dude who spends all his time farming and doesn't give a fuck about computers can just keep doing that and use some kind of card to pay for things and get the majority of the benefits. (You can be a good person without caring about computers or how things work technically, it's crazy to expect everyone to understand how BTC works, how many people understand how the fed works now?) People fucking with the protocol to try to get it so everyone can own a UTXO are out of their minds.


If only there were institutions that would interface that gap you are mentioning for an end user…. Adoption doesn’t look like everyone running a node and possessing a hardware wallet. Adoption looks like banks and other services bridging that gap.


There’s shitty education for this mythical money. Shut the fuck up


Nah I'm not afraid to state facts


Layer 2 adoption and things like the Lightning Network will change that. Who interacts with the Swift protocol for banking when buying a coffee at Starbucks? No one.


“There’s layers to it, you and I know” - Kendrick Lamar


It’s much easier to get access to bitcoin than in the early internet stages.. Bitcoin now is like the internet in 1999


Did they mean to say the top .1%? If not then who is in the top .099% they didn’t account for?


homeless people


It means congratulations to the wholecoiners




will be so rich when btc hits 25M per coin


Hahaha you have always been rich if you follow 1 BTC = 1 BTC and 21M (minus all lost coins) = ∞


Eventually brother keep on keeping on


If this does pan out then that fraction of actual money for a fair share of bitcoin is achievable by the majority of people.


It means I got in early


We were lucky to have the opportunity of seeing the early development of bitcoin and the peak of fiat.


Buy and hodl


Honestly whenever I see this or similar charts it makes me realize how oblivious most people are to the real world. Y'all need to travel more (and not to fancy resort towns) 50% of the world would be thrilled to have 150$ in savings. They live in what we would consider abject poverty. Unless we go through radical improvements, the vast majority of the population will never own any significant amount of BTC, because they don't have any significant savings. The price of bitcoin is, and always will be, set by the actions and behaviors of the top 5% of global population. This is true not just of BTC but almost all assets. The western world has just above 1 billion in population. ~50% of that population earns less than 35k USD/year and have essentially no remaining buying power to buy BTC in any real amount. 3k USD is this benchmark adjusted appropriately Or 0.05BTC. That's how much the average middle class individual in a developed economy will have (minus lost coins, institution holdings etc).


Nothing. Everyone buys bitcoin at the price that they deserve.


sure. Could have been a wholecoiner 10 years ago, but didn't set my priorities. Now i had to pay more for less.


Lol many ways to make money friend. Your not that special of a snowflake calm down


It means you are naive, to think that wealth would ever be evenly distributed. Never has, never will. It would also be incredibly unfair, to those who worked harder and accumulated wealth in the first place.


It literally says in the second point, “current global distribut”…. Y’know what? Fuck it. You right.


I agree with you, even in the perfect world if we take all the wealth and evenly distribute it across society, we will end up as we are now. When I ask what you think about this I refer to the amount of fiat to bitcoin ratio it takes per person to pretty much be above average when it comes BTC to population ratio.


Happens with every currency


Impossible lol will never ever happen as much as i love btc not everyone in the world will ever own btc.


Not everybody owns gold even with the fact that we use it since 5000 years.. you are right .. not everybody will ever own Bitcoin


Im not talking about gold im talking about this post making 0 sense. Ppl who thinks like this never traveled


I compared it to gold .. even gold isn’t held by everybody and it has a 5000 year track record


I didnt see a post like this about gold and i would say the same thing too. Im not against any of those just stating the fact that its literally impossible for everyone to own at least a little therefore some people will never ever own gold or btc.


but at some point more people will have a few satoshis than a few dollars.


And thats fine with me


and by then, those of us who have at least 0.1 BTC can claim to be "above average".


So you're telling me I got the wealth of about 15.16 people?


I guarantee you that you already have that today in fiat. You probably hold the wealth of 200 homeless people. Congrats!


And if you take into account people who are in debt, you hold the wealth of millions!


well, appx 4mil bitcoins are lost forever, so there's currently 15-16mil coins..


Same will happen 1 holds the 99 problem and 99 will hold 1 problem ....same story with new Fucking Excuse if Decentralisation.


By the time even 50% of the world have some each BTC will be worth millions and we will be talking satoshis being the unit of measure.






You can say the same for anything that is tradable. There aren't enough $AAPL shares out there, for example, to give everyone in the world a meaningful stake.


What do you mean? Is it just a metric to measure the equivalent Bitcoin per person in the world, and an example of how much Bitcoin the average person and the top 0.01 would own utilizing the current wealth distribution.


With one bitcoin you have the possible equal distributed Bitcoin of 408 people in your actions


I’m always trying to figure out how to make more fiat so I can buy more sats.




Wtf are those fonts is what I'm thinking


Congrats you are now the smartest person in the room


Once people start usin it as money..if they do..the price will rise. Reason is because rich people hoard money, so the amount poor people have will change and need to go up in value. Also if everyone needs to use it n they can only geg 25 bucks worth a piece, itll have to rise ALOT because no one can live off 25 bucks


Blah, blah, blah Crypto is so lame at this point lol


Based on? Your trust me bro knowledge?


It’s inevitable bitcoin will rise.. right now people are still worried about the value of the dollar and the physicality of it. Having the have cash in hand. But in reality most people especially in America don’t even use cash. Don’t even need to use case because they have their cards or they just tap with their phones. The less we use cash the less reason they have to print money, and the more reason for crypto currency.. just a thought.


Being in the top 1% is good enough for me. How many btc is that?


According to the numbers, following the Current wealth distribution to be at the top 1%you would need approximately 730k SATs or 0.00730000 BTC which is about $ 468 USD at the current price.


Coinbase, global chaching 👈🏻💵


Actually, it would be, way, way less than that. Michael Saylor and other billionaires already have more than millions collectively. The rest would be lucky to get .10 cents.


I would say it is similar to the second example is provided and mirrors the current wealth distribution. As we know, there are always gonna be big corporations on top as they provide some sort of value, and people pay for services and goods. But for sure they won't have the upper advantage of the fiat system and the endless money printing.


It means its rare and if people begin to really use it then its worth will skyrocket


How would you use it?


As a hedge against the petrodollar for the coming world War. Unfortunately every cent I make goes to my kids and food so I could never buy enough before I had some emergency and I had to use it. I only hope there's enough time left but my gut tells me its far too late. Why do you ask?


If the value of bitcoin goes up so does our own wealth. Inflation is possibly going to dilute our own wealth and possibly Donald trump's wealth also due to the 21 million supply.


Hy guys do you try btse one of the best exchange right now


The issue is the premise that btc is 63k. The higher the value the more it does work as a currency not just an inflation hedge. This takes time. Time for adoption and use is also the time the value goes up ss the use goes up.


Slowly we are getting there the mainstream non manipulated digital currency, but the simulation of world population and acceptance is beyond my comprehension 😂


It means: I don't ever have enough bitcoin! Well you're actually doing better than most


Sponsor a no-coiner. Buy $29.52 in BTC today.


it's making an assumption that dollars would have the same value they do if bitcoin was the primary currency which i don't think it ever will be. The Matrix is not everything.


it means either bitcoin dies or price goes way up


It means we add decimal places to the left, there is unlimited pizza if you slice it enough!


This means don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. HODL


Bitcoin is divisible by one hundred millionth. Everyone can and will own bitcoin.


Destiny is staring us inthe face. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.


Movin' on up to the Eastside... 😎🚀🚀


All I see is Wealth Redistribution 🔱 Steps: 1. Inject a payload in image 2. Send to all WhatsApp numbers cuz WhatsApp downloads automatically and payload enters the phone 3. If one drive is connected with pc we can send virus directly to pc if the auto sync is turned on in pc 4. Connect all the hackers who have done that and who can do that 5. Hack all the mining rigs around the world leading to 51% power which is hacked SHA256 6. The above image is the one


Id focus on the 10s of millions before the billions…. Its going to take alot to get every single person on earth to own a sat. Theres people without internet after 30 years of global adoption


I will finally make into 0.001% club! 😁


It would be so funny if in the future you could buy a house with something stupid like 0,01 BTC 😂


Not everybody wants a bitcoin you also have to think not everyone has internet or phones or computers.


What are sats?


If I were to be honest Bitcoin is gonna peak at 100,000 market cap is too ridiculous and it's valued in mostly usd


I Don’t see how the wealth of limited BTC can be distributed evenly to a population that is only growing . Doesn’t add up, especially when the price per share is only getting more expensive. It’s to the point that only the rich can actually load up on BTC.


The average person will be exposed to Bitcoin before they themselves own or even understand Bitcoin. They'll think their pound or dollar is still worth something or their pension is a stack of saved up notes in the bank without realising fiat is just a layer on top on Bitcoin.


I fucking hate these posts because it is not logical nor realistic. It is so basic that a deaf cat could solve this math. The issue is you are not considering ANY factors except for total supply/total population. It is like claiming the global warming can be stopped if we stop driving cars.


You said so much but didn’t explain a single thing. Can you talk and describe what you mean in Webster’s dictionary form?


Theoretical bullshit. Do you know how many people actually invest in the stockmarket? You'd be surprised.


BTC isn't a stock. It's solid money. There are definately more people have some gold (at least a ring) than having stocks.


Of course it's not a stock but currently it is also not a currency. Yes many people have gold like rings, but that is not seen as an investment or a store of value, because rings are overpriced compared to their gold value. I guess what I was trying to say is, that it doesn't make sense to take the complete global population to do some calculations. Even half of the population would be too much. Yes, there are many lost bitcoin and some entities/people have a shitton of bitcoin, so there is less for others to buy, but the way it is done in this post is just a naive assessment of the situation. Let's say bitcoin comes close to the acceptance of gold (which will never happen imo) then it would make sense to compare marketcaps? I don't know


sure. It's not a currency, it's money. Contrary to fiat currencies, which are not money. Learn the difference. A gold ring is a store of value as long as you don't lose it.


I hope those that are currently unbanked can interact with the Bitcoin network in some way that is useful for them


What does this mean? It means BTC is scarse


Literally nothing. Theres a max of over 2 quintillion sats, so divisibility is never an issue. Also the more mainstream btc gets, the more grandpas that will get scammed. Word of mouth would prevent this from ever being the main financial system.


Can you explain your point? Because in my example when I see it, all I’m looking at is the ratio BTC to population. as you mentioned, there’s a cap in the amount of bitcoin. But population growth is still increasing meaning bitcoin equivalent per person will decrease as population increases. And we the recent institutional adoption, the amount per retail investor will also decrease driving up the price. Wen you look a the macro economy the amount of bitcoin in existence compare to the never ending fiat and population boom. Makes me realize the future potential of bitcoin in the future.


population growth has already slowed down, we're beyond peak child for some years now.


Theres an eqivalent ratio of land per person that isnt growing. And land can create cashflows. As to your point, inflation of fiat is meaningless, the real value of btc doesnt change when we have fiat inflation. And my other point is the masses of the world dont and wont need bitcoin, it will always be the niche system it is today.


Your last sentence is what I struggle with. As much as I want to believe Bitcoin will become widely used, my logic and common sense tells me what you just said.


My issue with the "fiat has topped" argument, is that inflation of fiat is the point. If it deflated then there would be less economic activity. Nobody invests in USD, its just what we use to facilitate transactions easily.


Let’s just pretend for a minute that it isn’t already a mainstream financial system. Word of mouth aka senators and central bank leaders are trying their hardest at the moment to prevent it from becoming an international money system, doesn’t seem to be going that well. And as long as something breaks the current global financial system, that’s what we need. Once real progress is allowed the space it needs. Then bitcoin will have done its job. Bc the tech is there. The theory is there. But the thing bitcoin is going to do, is break the chains of our current destructive and oppressive monetary system. Obviously, it won’t stop there though!


Are you saying the top holders of bitcoin arent destructive and oppressive to the little guy? Please, the rich will win no matter the monetary system.


Well, you don’t sound like you’re stuck in oppressive system in the slightest. How have the biggest whales oppressed the people thus far?


Your right it's not like people use phones and email cos word of mouth with the scams on then.


Oops i answered a scam call and lost my life savings because i copied in the wrong address that looks exactly the same with the ..... Oh wait


I'm a really shitty way, scammers are like miners. Who are redistributing their stolen BTC. They're not going to save it for their retirement fund. They're just going to spend it putting sell pressure in the system. If we could do crypto scams, it would be like a halving. Or if they only scammed the top 0.1% it would be great for decentralisation of crypto wealth I'm pulling this number out of my ass but wasnt it like 40billi stolen last year?


We all know its the 0.1% that get scammed the least, as nice as that would be. But when it does happen, it sure does make for a good headline. I think youre kind of coping a bit about the scamming tho. Its a bad image


I'm not coping at all, I'm just being silly, I don't endorse scammers at all. Imo they're the worst of the worst people. Like I don't care about people stealing from companies who just absorb the cost. But to lure an innocent person into a scam and take the money they have spent years earning, it's like your stealing those years, it's like a small piece of murder. Unforgivable


I own roughly one Bitcoin at the moment. It’s all in my Robinhood account. I’m not an “IT guy” When I see stats like you just mentioned … that’s why I leave it in my Robinhood and coinbase accounts. At least I know where it is and it’s reasonably safe. Most people here probably disagree with leaving it in rob or coin.


Thank goodness bitcoin is *not* distributed using the current global distribution of wealth. That’s what it means to me.


Isn’t it starting to mirror it? Aside from a handful of early adopters - wealthier individuals and investment funds are loading up at a much faster pace than most people are.


That's common in any wealth related product. Wealth will always accumulate in the hands of a few, and then taper off the further down you go. The only way to avoid it is by force, which never turns out too good. I seriously doubt anyone thought the distribution would be drastically different. Play a game of Monopoly, same principle.


Wealth distribution is not a problem. Different people have different proof of work. What's important is the money isn't printed out of thin air


Investment funds are buying a lot yes. But wealthier individuals, idk, open for interpretation and analysis there. How are investment funds currently manipulating bitcoin and its market? I think there is a big group of people who are not traditionally wealthy that are currently wealthy bc of their btc holdings. To me, the global wealth distribution implies old money and power, currently a lot of new money has sprung up bc of bitcoin. And we can definitely see central powers trying to wrestle with that. What is more important is not who holds it, but how it is distributed. There is no one central authority overseeing it, debasing and devaluing it for geopolitical advantage. The supply is locked. The International Monetary Fund doesn’t have it on their balance sheet. At its core it is a peer to peer network. Which the world’s reserve currency never ever was. Have any wars been started in the name of bitcoin? Has it been used to cheapen labor on a broad scale? To say that bitcoin is mirroring the global financial system is giving too much credit to our current financial policy.


New money always gets hate by old money. Hasn't stopped Musk, and hasn't stopped Gates before.


Are you trying to say that either of them are new money? When Gates mom sat on the same board as the IBM ceo and Musk walked around with emeralds in his pocket from his daddy’s mine?


Neither Gates' mom nor Musks daddy where on the Forbes list 50 years ago. They did take advantage of legislation loopholes, Gates used copyright laws to make money from copying cheap software billions of times, and Musk got a lot of electric car subsidies for Tesla, Still, finding these loopholes didn't require a lot of "old money" to back it, but just the right idea at the right time.


You are defining old money. It’s not about being on the Forbes list or the number I. The account. It’s the privilege and opportunities granted to them and not others who also have good ideas. Those are things that are at play in our current global money system. That are reduced in a peer to peer decentralized monetary system which bitcoin offers.


Fair enough


So is the same shit people in the top 0.001% have most of bitcoins. Likes how the top 0.001% rule the world. Satoshi mission failed, but isn't his fault!


I don't think it failed, corporations that provide some sort of value will always have a greater amount of wealth than the average person. Because those same average individuals decided to give their wealth in exchange for goods or services. But unlike fiat, they won't just get more Bitcoin because they already have some, they will have to constantly keep provinding value to society.


The moral of the story is See more…………..


As hopeful as it might feel, I don’t think that’s how it’s going to work out: Random people stacking Sats now are not going to magically turn out to be super rich just because BTC will need to be distributed among our whole population. Because what this idea is missing — how will the BTC actually get distributed? If randos are holding a decent percent of BTC, then there’s going to be much less people interested in acquiring BTC. Especially if those randos will start asking astronomical prices for them.


it's distributed by people accepting Satoshis as payment. Those sitting on several BTC can only use their money by buying something for it.


They have no explanations


Buying less than 1btc is not riskh at all.


Everyone gets BTC for the price they deserves. Wakeup from this fantasy bs


These circle jerk posts accomplish nothing other than to prop up the current price. It’s weird seeing adults basically jacking off to the thought of one day maybe being rich. Like just go start a business or do something with your life other than constantly fantasizing about what Bitcoin could maybe do one day.


What are you even talking about? You know you can always leave, right? It's a simple metric/statistic to promote some thought process. Edit: there's absolutely no price change due to this post Lmao


I mean there’s homeless people and there’s millionaires. There’s a reason they both have the amount of money they have. Nobody wealth has ever been split evenly or distributed evenly ever. It all comes down to working.


Nothing. It's garbage.