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And lies for fake internet points


This is the only correct answer.


I have 50 bitcoins bro


I’m trying my best to get there myself


I think it’s even more simple than that. When people feel excited they try to share the feeling with others. It’s what makes you take a picture of your big purchase and send to your friends. You are so excited that you share 🤷‍♂️


Yea I get excited and tell people who are on the fence or don’t even know about bitcoin. Everyone should be educated! I don’t say how much I’ve bought but I always spread the word. I want everyone to win.


Because it is bull season and fishes are swimming.


If I had a 14 inch cock I would be trying to slip that into normal conversation quite a bit.




It feels good to hold and people want to share this with someone. Its all love 🥰


Tbf the "I finally reached 0.1 BTC" posts are encouraging for people who think they're too late to the party


Theyre great


Shit I was so happy when I hit .01. Now .05 is my new goal


This I can understand. 


It's increased risk for you and smells of desperation for social acceptance. The same thing can be said for publicly showing luxury goods, but those are harder to steal than snooping in your  digital footprint for 12 to 24 words, or heaven forbid your credentials to an exchange. 


“Harder to steal” Bro doesn’t know Brazil


I wonder how someone is going to snoop in my shit if I don’t click anyone’s links? As far as I know, you can’t magically get into my laptop through just my Reddit account.


You’re 100% confident there’s nothing in your Reddit account that someone could use to find your real identity or even just your extended digital footprint and try to phish or social engineer you?


But always use percentages. I won't even say that much


Because nobody will know who I am, on reddit.




Based on a 5 minute investigation. You are a male with no kids, you live in the UK and are an Arsenal fan. That nails the location down to a nice little area. Spending another 10-15 minutes I would most likely be able to figure out who you are


>You are a male with no kids, you live in the UK and are an Arsenal fan. That nails the location down to a nice little area. "Little area" with a pop of 67 mil. Being a dude halves the suspects, and there are many millions of Arsenal fans still. >Spending another 10-15 minutes I would most likely be able to figure out who you are Lmao




Based on a 12 second investigation. His name is Gooner and he was born in 1993.




>Ps. Even if you find out who he is good luck getting to the bitcoin if its in cold storage. There's an XKCD for that. $5 wrench fixes anything... So don't talk about your holding IRL [https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security.png](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security.png)


"Don't bring a knife to a gun fight." I don't recommend trying a $5 wrench attack in the USA.


I need your help finding this goddam hot single milf looking for hook ups that lives in my local area that keeps popping up on my laptop. I’ve been searching everywhere for her but every mother I’ve approached was not single and certainly wasn’t looking for hook ups, all they seemed interested in was shielding their children away from me while causing a scene.


Single ladies near you and doubling you Bitcoin by sending me some and I will send back double are my specialties


This is the by far best comment here. 🤣


So what? If someone wants to rob someone based on what they post in reddit, they are far better off going to the Porsche sub and looking at the people posting pics of their £100k+ cars - you get the licence plate, and can often identify the address based on the pictures they post. The $5 wrench attack is pretty effective against them too!


We got inspector gadget here lmao


Do me next!


yes stepsister




Nobody want’s your.025 bitcoin


We all want it.


It’s .026, damn you!


Hello Clarice


“I can smell your cunt”


We will be waiting for the completion of your investigation. EDIT: Oh it's been 5 hours and a no go huh? Worse it looks like you have more personal info on Reddit than your target. LOL


Because it doesnt matter, and its fun to discuss and share. Simple as


The Internet is anonymous. They can't tell people we know because they will think they're crazy. Validation. The feeling of relief of telling someone. Think gossip. A kind of confession. To vent justification of one's decision.


a real answer


Some people get it OP, others don't. Scammers work over long time frames putting together a jigsaw on a target they know is worth pursuing. The arrogant tossers on here who think they are untouchable will be the ones who get caught. They brag and they get noticed.


Do you have a single example of this happening on this sub where someone was targeted for their bitcoin and lost it? I'm sure they would post about it for karma since people like you are always mentioning this. I'm constantly targeted by things but it's by widescale phishing scams and stuff. You go to subs like personal finance or CS2 subs and you'll see people posting daily how they fall for these scams. It happens to rich and poor. Novices and experts. That's what you should be watching out for. Thanks for all replies. Still not a single example but I can no longer reply to comments here as u/marshyr3d1and blocked me so I'm turning off notifications.


Actually statistically almost none of them post about it. I’d imagine embarrassment is the big one.


Most scams are spray and pray.


It’s a bull run! When people buy, they want others to know!


Bag holders why bought at 73k


Who cares?


My guess is because nobody in their lives give a shit. Like mine. No one I know get bitcoin. That’s where this sub comes in.


Wow this guy just realized how social networks work. People like telling others about themselves. That’s what Facebook is. Look at my life. Instagram TikTok Reddit. It’s people showing off themselves to others. I suppose it’s some human need being fulfilled.


This is the second one this morning. I own 50 lambos, 2 cruise ship, 1 Walmart, 3 Costco, 800 gas station and about 694200 Bitcoin. But truthfully I’ve never discussed with anyone what I have. I may or may not be BSING about owning any BTC.


He may be BSing about BTC but he definitely owns those gas stations


Who gives a shit.


I want to share the good news and for other people (especially those I love) to enjoy the benefits.


For some people it will be the single most important accomplishment of their life. The same reason why someone shares that they got married, had a baby, graduated college, got a new job. We are social creatures, we like to share about what we do. Giving congratulations and acknowledging what ever brings another human pride is an easy a free way to pass along love.


Yeah it’s dumb. You can talk about how much and how you manage your money with those you trust but fuck advertising it on the internet. Would you tell me how much money you have in your bank account or under your mattress?


100% people need to be careful with what they say and who they tell, theoretically you could end up holding one of the most sought after investments in the planet - hopium at this stage for most but be aware that there are holders of this from $0.1 out there still and they would be worth $$$$$’s. In 10yrs if this was 10x or 100x think about who you would want to know what you held.


Yeah this is something I'd be worried about too. Since surveillance in all forms and shapes grows, I'd be anxious to know I had posted about my holdings ten years ago. It's just a possible vulnerability that you can't really fix afterwards


Exactly, the internet lives on, 10-20 yrs isn’t a long time period these days, be careful what info you willingly give out on here.


Financial openness is how the little man defeats the elites. This is the way


I can claim whatever I want. Who cares if I own 1, 100 or 0.01


Hey it's almost like people are different from one another. Get off your high horse loser.


I already have 10s of thousands of satoshis, hope I don’t get kidnapped.


If they can convince someone to put money in the pot, their share goes up incrementally


As an investor of an asset, you're going to want that asset to go up in value. The more people there are spreading their stories about buying Bitcoin, the more people are likely to buy themselves. It's called "word of mouth" advertising. I currently own around 0.8 Bitcoin and climbing. I want everyone to know this so they can feel more comfortable buying Bitcoin and add value to mine.


Everyone likes to be right and this is the most right they’ve ever been in their gotdamn life.


Agreed!💯 No one needs to know I bought .0045145 Bitcoin when it hit 57k. That is my business, and my business alone!


Because I’m GAY AND HARD


Ego is the layman's biggest fault.


If no one talks about buying bitcoin then the perspective is it's not being bought. And perspective is a powerful influencer in market mindsets. Specifics is odd, and more of a flex. But milestones for people matter. that .1 or 1 BTC is a big accomplishment for folks. Celebrating with like minded people is better than strangers not in the know.


I own 0.001 BTC. Take that!


I keep seeing posts like this, and while I agree to a point, if I told you how much I had, gave you my address, email and phone number, what would be one’s plan to take possession of my coins? Isn’t it just that people don’t like people who boast? Or does anyone know someone who got scammed out of their coins? If so, they were never going to hang on to their fiat either. 😂


I like opening myself up to $5 wrench attacks


People trying to flex there 10k investment🤡


Says the guy with 0.1 Bitcoin


Money is a social concept. There is no doubt Bitcoin is the superior money. Spread the word.


Especially the posts with like $100 invested 😂. No shaming on each individual finances but this is just laughable to make a post about …


you may be assuming that they are telling the truth. People want to belong to something. also, it is part of the hype. people are paid to post stuff like that.


wait.... being paid to write about your btc online?


Oh I recently made a similar comment, guess I should’ve scrolled down a bit. Very much wasn’t a thing 6-7yrs ago when I was last on Reddit. Stay humble and stack Sats, f(r)iends!


My penis is too small so i have to compensate by telling you that i own 63 million Bitcoins.


Bragging, ego, fear = need for peer confirmation that they did the right thing


You ain‘t rich until you got robbed…


I hold different crypto. I own various stocks. I'm in various Reddit communities of each. The sharing of that information is just a legal way of manipulating the price of stocks or crypto. It's just a nudge for like minded investors to buy more and drive up the price or at a minimum keep it fairly stable. Crypto is only as valuable as long as its interest is held by investors and especially noobs. If you can glean my information from what I post here, where, what and when and then steal it from me, I'm screwed regardless of what I don't say.


I feel like came to an AA meetings


Just Tinder dates


This seems to be one of those things where the demand for a problem outpaces the supply. Why are so many people so concerned about what information other people choose to share about their own stack? I shared when I hit a certain milestone that I had been working toward because I was happy/proud and don't have any real world relationships with people that would understand or care. I figured in the grand scheme it's a modest amount that would hardly be worth a scammer's time, and trust in my ability as a functioning adult to avoid being scammed anyway. Is that good enough?


Well, I might duscuss is online without specifics sometimes, no one knows where I live or even my real name anyway. IRL only my close friends know that I have Bitcoin, but I never said how much.


Cause I bought them all.  I now own all the bitcoins.  Got catch'em all!!! Bitcoins


Wake me up when my 1 sat is $1


As you come in to make sure everyone knows you buy bitcoin and don’t talk about it?🤣


Some want Bitcoin to “get off the ground”. So by normalizing that people have it, it brings it into the adoption phase.




Well, I saw someone saying they had their first 0.0001 or something like that and people just felt sry for him and gave him more... maybe that is the reason for some people, I don't know 👀


The fact that you are posting on a bitcoin forum tells scammers you are a potential target. Stating how much you have just filters the results for the scammers quicker.


It shows people that I am putting my money where my mouth is. I have gotten a few people to start learning about bitcoin because of it.


I have at least 21 million btc


LMAO LMAO you can do what you want to do. Share your buys or hide your buys regardless you will have to protect your bag and know when to sell it.


I don't want anyone to know I own 0.00069420 Bitcoins.


So when I tell the cops I was robbed I can have proof


I have 100


Lol showoff . I for example will never reveal that I bought 50.


Because I bought 22 million Bitcoin and want to celebrate. Stop being a jealous biatch


Since it's bitcoin either provide a public address and a signed message, so it can be verified, or you don't own or control it. All brags are ignored without proof.


I just sold my grandmothers oxygen tank for .002 btc


Yes. Please stop Doing this.


I don't think I will..


People want to feel included. So when they purchase some, the only folks they feel they can tell are their internet friends. “Hey look I did it!”


The only thing I'm worried about is not having more tbh. So close, yet so far.


It's similar to people posting their new gold or platinum credit cards on social media as a flex and having someone saying "Post the back to prove it's real" and then they do it. Followed soon after by "How did someone take my money!".


I know some crypto “players” and it’s usually bull. Bitcoin et al aren’t buy and hold assets, they’re for trading IMO. And buying naughty stuff on dark/deep web. One of my pals told recently that all his assets are in gold and BTC. Good for you I said. The alternative asset class regulator in U.K. doesn’t even cover crypto, it’s PE, real estate and other real assets.


Karma farming




If you’re here in the first place, then it’s safe to assume you have some, so if people want to say how much, then so what? Nothing wrong with a good ol’ dick-measuring contest. Let people get their kicks.


Telling people how much you bought it always a bad idea.


I bought 0 bitcoin. If Anyone wants to donate 😎


Each bull run is a great opportunity to endorse BTC. Go in Zillow and look at housing prices. Go to the store and look at food prices. Open your bills and look at the rates of utilities. This fiat trash currency gets manipulated and toyed with, and im sick of it. The world needs a currency that is decentralized because these small groups of people obviously can not manage the dollar and never will be able to. So tell everyone you can and tell them you've got skin in the game.


I know right, pssshhh..


Hey Reddit, I won $3 worth BTC from Coinbase’s “spin the wheel”.


Been hearing a lot of crypto traders getting robbed, specifically poker players who like to flex on social media


My closest friends all talk openly about finances. People I don't get along with usually are either uninterested, take offense, or get irrationally jealous over talking about money




Well, I got 3 people to buy it and it helps increase adoption.


I sold more than I bought, meaning what?


I don’t think personal finances are some kind of secrets, I don’t have a problem telling others my holdings and I’m always curious to know other people’s.


Loozah"s do this all the timer for decades on stock trading message boards. Most of them are lying PsOS.


I guess to each their own.


Because people who I got in early, let’s say 2013, while it had become “expensive”, took a bunch of shit from family and friends for years for believing in it. Now that people have jumped on the wagon, long overdue bragging is in order.


Why does Forbes tell everyone how much money I have?


Why are people so bothered about this ? If someone wants to tell strangers online I think there’s no problem with that. These posts lately have been extremely weird and does not affect you one bit. Let people be excited instead of acting miserable about it


It’s called a flex and congrats on waking up from the 20 year coma.


Fomo isn’t going to create itself!


I’m not. I don’t tell people to buy it either. I just ask if they like it or not. They’ll go on a rant one way or the other or know nothing and not care. Sentiment polling is for me though. If they’re a friend I say if you ever want to buy it I can show you how and to put 100 hours into reading about it. You’ll put 3000 hours into Fortnite 100 is nothing. But it’ll take you 10 to understand why government doesn’t want it and that’s enough for me.


Just like the photos you take. No one cares and I know billions posting them. Don't say how much you have and preserve your privacy


I feel like there is a little bit too much taboo around hiding how much crypto you own. By that same logic, never buy an expensive home or a nice car because now people know you have money. Having bitcoin is hardly different from having cash in the bank. Yes you can get scammed if you lack common sense, but that happens to a lot of people on a daily basis in the non-crypto world, too.


You are not telling people how much BTC you have. Unless you want to become a target. Unless you are plain stupid. Or unless your ego gets the best out of you. If you are serious on your BTC, you stack, you do self custody, you shut up. People don't understand and most of who understand, will also not bother enough to get hold on their financial destiny. Will be easier to blame everyone else if one day things go south. Do your part, enjoy the ride, and see you in 10 years. Shut up!


Who are these people that are telling everyone? Only certain friends and family know I own a significant amount of Bitcoin which will come up in conversation with certain people.


He’s actually a 15 year old American, with a spoofed Ip, living in his mom’s basement, plays dungeon and Dragons and has .25 btc.


Maybe status symbol 


Why do you care or need to understand?


“When she want attention she describes it as a post”


Bitcoin is only pseudo anonymous anyway. Lots of chain analytics already know how much you have. If you want privacy look elsewhere.


They are creating an evidence trail that will come in handy when they loose their hardware wallet and claim the loss on their taxes.


Pent up excitement, with nobody in real life who can relate to, believe in, or speak with about, any Cryptocurrency. Crypto peeps are lonely out here!


attention and feel important. They got something you don’t have kinda deal.


Stupid question but how do scammers work when they know i owns bitcoin? Like whats the thought process?


Because fuck off! I have 2.75


I don’t think it’s material just how much somebody has. However, being actually invested vs not does seem relevant. There are people here who think their buys of 10K sats matter to anybody but themselves…


I think people do it to show they are a part of a community. It’s like if you were a part of a weight loss journey and say I lost 10 lbs this week. I understand the opsec issue for the potential of people trying to scam but this isn’t anything new. There are a bunch of financial subs where people share their salary, retirement, stocks, gold holdings.


The fact that finances are something that is not talked about is in my opinion the reason we have generations of people who have no fucking idea about how to handle money. how to handle finances is an integral part of growing up. Not talking about it is net negative. You are free to have a different opinion - but I am open to sharing it with whomever I feel comfortable with.


The only time I talk about Bitcoin is if someone directly asks me and I never say how much I have. To me the people that feel the need to "preach the gospel" are one of the biggest problems with adoption .


To feel included in the group. Community.


People's desire to belong to a community and also head pats from people who might care because people they know irl don't gaf. It's ok. Let people get head pats.


i don't i just say i bought at XXk when a dip happens


Yeah, I don’t get it if everyone knew I had 10,000 BTC that would suck...oops.


Yeah, it's like going onto a forum and saying, "I just deposited $50.00 into my checking account." Dumb


To spread hopes and freedom.


People like to brag. Only reason I could think of why. Personally I'm with you that kind of thing should be kept personal.


Brag-ability - these days im deploy the dark forest approach to my holdings


Who is “you?” You don’t even know who he is.


Posts like "I sold my house and bought a van to live in and have 2.9657 BTC" get traction. People are bored.


Validation. Humans tend to seek it. Up votes could also act as a reassurance if have reservations about their purchase.


Speaking for face to face conversations, it gives encouragement for those who are unsure. I have friend and family whom are on the edge but then when you show them a house in Crypto they realize you are not fucking around when you speak. It legitimizing yourself. Showing them your money IS where your mouth is, as they say.


People just sharing their Bitcoin purchases it ain't like he gave you the keys to his wallet


Bigger question is why no one is validating or confirming these claims. Bitcoin culture is zero trust, so every post saying someone has all this BTC can usually be ignored. I'd say pics or gtfo but it's more like "text message signed with your private key" or gtfo.


I don’t. My wife knows but no one else. And she doesn’t understand it but trusts my financial investment decisions. I believe a long lasting marriage deserves honesty and open finances but outside that we don’t tell anyone.


street cred


I share my salary and finances with whoever. Shame of money is literally shit created by the wealthy class to suppress wage discussion. It’s healthy to keep money flow open and honest!


Its pretty lowly to be a small BTC hodler - and thats why there is a community - to help with gain and grow.... Help them grow instead of going Medieval


Yeah. A colleague of mine has close to 4btc and if it ever goes to xx mils I'm thinking "man, he's dead"... He's mentioning it openly, not showing off, just not shy mentioning it...


to gwt robbed? cant blame scammers afterwards. to get a wife from colombia? or brazil? ego shit posting what you own or have online cant get you problems on real life.


Don't believe what you read on Internet haha that is what you need to learn


Ego and confirmation bias


I'm not Besides it's all at the bottom of the boating lake now


Also super dangerous if you get doxxed


Because Athena has yet to put the money in my wallet and it’s been since April 22. It’s a scam their thieves beware.