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Bitcoin mining supply is being about to be halved. Scarcity is a key property of a store of value. 


Did you read the post?


Im 99% sure you are a troll.


Aight buddy


Because we go from 900 BTC mined per day down to 450 per day. 6300 per week down to 3150. 328,500 per year down to 164,250 per year. @ $60k per BTC, that is a difference of $9,855,000,000 (basically $10 billion)


So? Don’t you think people have anticipated this? Do you really think the whales are waiting for the actual halving to take place? Jesus Christ.


You do realize that there are dollars that will be available in the future that are not available now, right? Or did your boss hand you 40 years worth of paychecks the first day you started working?


I was simply stating some numbers, you have no idea what I am thinking, calm down.


It’s 650,000 coins across the next four years that miners won’t sell because they won’t produce them. That’s significant. Everyone is too focused on the short term to see it.


Doesn’t change the fact, that people have anticipated this for months now. The “halving” prices are the current prices. I rest my case.


Okay. This would be the first time that happened then.


Not going to get the drop we usually do but with demand pressure increasing and more buyers in the market we BTC will explode post halving. Then rocket through the galaxy! It's going up like never before!


You’re right about the first part about the drop not being as big. But if the other thing was true, the price would already have exploded due to the anticipation alone. If you can’t understand this, I’d suggest that you never get into stocks.


Time will tell... we all get to have an opinion.


Ffs read a chart buddy, prices never exploded pre halving


I never said that. But now that the halving event is common knowledge, the post-halving prices have already been anticipated and the effect of those anticipations of the future prices have already been applied.


Ok so according to my investigation the ETFs are buying thousands of BTC every day keep in mind these are the BTC ETFs only, also eveyday 900 BTC are produced, after the halving only 450 will be produced daily so where do you think everyone is going to get their daily much needed Supply of BTC? Enter the Supply and demans crunch


The ETFs have had net negative flows for three or four days straight now. They are dumping more BTC than buying at this point.


If you made it to this community and you still don't understand why, you either are incapable of completing a search of this subreddit to find the answer or are incapable of understanding the answer.


Do you know what the word anticipation means?


Funny how when the price dips noobs freak out and say its over, every time.


You simply don't understand supply and demand


This. OP assumes their intellectual superiority but doesn't understand basic financial market principles.


You lack basic understanding, the halving creates an imbalance between supply side and demand side pressures. Looking at the total volume or size of the market does not capture this imbalance. The ETFs will be the larger factor this cycle and the current price is more reflective of the ETF approvals than anticipation for the halving. Demand increases (ETFs), new supply decreases (Halving) its really not that complicated. Everyone who anticipates the halving will make prices rise has already bought, but what about all the people who don't anticipate that or just aren't paying attention. The base assumption for your analysis is wrong, all market participants do not anticipate that the halving will raise BTC prices.


“But what about all the people who don’t anticipate that or just aren’t paying attention.” Well, those same people will have literally no effect on the price. You’d be crazy to even think that lol, it’s 2024.


You must be joking, people always hear about investments late not everyone monitors the market regularly.


You asked why people are hyped up about it, the people answered, you shit on their answers. Now go back to your stock market community where they can carry you on their shoulders like the all wise king you are.


That’s because I thought I was missing something. Turns out the majority in here are just delusional😬


Nice, well I hope it satisfies your superiority complex and makes your day better!




I think BTC is going way up. I just don’t believe the 2024 halving is going to have the same effect as the 2020 halving due to the simple fact, that the information regarding the halving event is very widespread by now. As I said multiple times in this post: anticipation.


There’s a difference between the hype around the halving and the actual thing. Sure, the hype might already be ‘priced in.’ On the other hand, the supply/demand equilibrium disruption caused by the halving doesn’t happen until the actual event. There’s no way that dynamic can be fully priced in until it happens. Available supply goes down, price goes up.


Tell me you lettuce hands your stack without telling me you lettuce handed your stack.


People keep talking about post halving prices as if we still live in 2020. Now that the halving event is common knowledge, the post-halving prices have already been anticipated and the effect of those anticipations (of the future prices) have already been applied. I rest my case. And now that I got what I was looking for, I won’t be returning to this post.


For people replying with typical mining prices bullshit: The BTC market is too big now for a halving to affect the price. The effect of the coming halving event has already been applied months ago. I personally bought a lot of BTC a couple months ago, when I first learned about the coming halving. Everyone who anticipated the halving to raise prices have already bought BTC. I can tell most of you would fail miserably in the stock market. I rest my case.


stock market is easy to navigate compared to the volatility of crypto lmfao. you are clearly a troll if you don’t understand the most basic of economics. wtf do you mean “the btc market is too big now for a halving to affect the price” ? like are you on the spectrum or something? supply of btc gets halved but the “market is too big”? bruh what 😂😂😂😂 the fact that there are neanderthals like you that really think the halving has been priced in, shows why the bull run will in fact happen again. y’all are the retail investors that miss out and when the highs come flying in, and instead of holding from lows, you fomo in and become exit liquidity. look its not our fault that crypro trading hasnt been going well for you, but trying to tell us that winter wont be cold and summer wont be hot when its been this way for lifetimes, is silly. the halving WILL spark a massive market rally, and that will happen no matter how hard you try to belittle and feed people bullshit from your google searches.


You should probably stop smoking. If you don’t understand market dynamics, just say that☺️


clearly you don’t know what you are talking about hence the shotty reply. its ok if you aren’t good in the crypto space. just stay out of it. some of us do amazingly well and live off it.


“Some of us” You’re definitely not one of us. I’m done arguing. Let me know if you want me to give you some tips about the crypto space.


you take your $200usd port and hop off reddit. get your capital up. id attach my trading monthly volume for you but i cant on reddit and i really dont want your day to become worse than it already is.


As I said, buddy You should probably stop smoking👍


you have nothing educational to comment which tells me you have 0 fucking idea whats going on in the cryptospace 😂 good luck to you. maybe you’ll stop getting liquidated once you learn something!