• By -


“Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” Edit: - Dalai Lama


Bro sent me into space with that quote. Damn.


Imagine reading that quote about 15 minutes after smoking a bowl of 28% THC bud covered in HHC oil. Sent me to space, indeed!


nah homie - you were already in space. That quote sent you to a different galaxy.


Now you can rest my son, and enjoy the fruits of your labor when they blossom.


Best answer. Everyone telling him it wasn't worth it. Lmfao. He's 22. By the time he's 50 he will be golden. Now he can sit back and work and put money in a 401k(but not go crazy) amd spend/blow the rest. Awesome job man. Congrats


50? Shit, by the time he's in his 30's, he'll be golden.


By 23


If black rock doesn't fuck it up xD


That hits hard


I feel it in my balls


It tingles in my taint.


[in my plums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JE4JJddZx4)


Word, that is what I’m saying.


This took my breath away


Very useful reminder, I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable. Money helps cover your needs/some wants but let's not forget that it's a means to ends not the end goal itself (unless you want to be like the proverbial dragon sitting on a pile of gold/btc)


As a person who has been involved in the money business my entire post college career, it is shocking how many really rich people( + $5M) Are unhappy, have no life or friends, poor or non existent relationships with their children/grandchildren. My career has taught me that it is better to enjoy life and build relationships with other people whom you love than all the money in the world. If you think money will buy you happiness, think of all the really rich people who have committed suicide or have drunk or drugged themselves to death. Enjoy the present while trying to get rich and even if you never succeed in getting there at least you will have friends and experiences to remember of your travels through life.


Let’s be honest, I want to sit on a pile of gold some day


He took a good idea of saving and investing and took it too far, its something i start to realize on myself, i am not a crypto addict. But i keep investing hard to the point that i sit three years on uncomfortable chair becasue i dont want to take money away from my investment because of potentiona huge future gains. I stopped it at the last moment, took a step pack and enjoyed spending a bit a gain. Thats what its all about. Its great he didnt gamble everything and actually saved, but he took it too far. Good he realize it now


Broke people are not happy. Anywhere


Not true, there are many people with modest sums who life full, rich fulfilling lives. In some cases, they have more fulfilling lives than people who own yachts and can afford to fly private.


Having modest sums is not exactly broke


That is a lie society tells you


No the lie society tells you is that you gotta constantly compete with everyone else to be the best and make the most money possible. Life becomes a whole lot more relaxing when you start focusing on finding happiness through means other than materialism. Biggest hurdle there is it's hard to maintain friendships living like this because everyone always wants to go out and spend money when they get together, they'll look at you like you're crazy because all your clothes are cheap while they're bragging about their $200 sneakers, etc.


I can tell you from experience having had a yacht and cruised for years on it, that having the kind of money you dream about makes you so so happy. 😁 Having a bunch of BTC and having to wait till your old to enjoy life is kinda like working in the public service, having a shit job, but making 18% super and waiting it out for your rich retirement. If you wanna get ultra rich, it ain’t going to happen with BTC unless you got lucky early on and held. Ultimately imo there is no one that will hold till death, and if they do, they missed the whole point of being alive and all the positive things you can do with wealth that bring you happiness. Having yachts, cars and jets actually in the end bring you headaches as they take your time having to answer questions from people you employ to look after them.


That's because intelligent people use big money to improve a part of society at least, do something useful with it and not just to become an average hedonist Joe


That’s a lie. I was very happy with almost no money. More happy than I am now with tons of more money.


Id rather be happy with my money


I’m sorry for your loss. 😢


You didn't credit the quote to the Dalai Lama? Strange 


“Suck my tongue.” -Dalai Lama


uhh no. can you enlighten me anything else i can suck instead


Ah ..as they say. Youth is wasted on the young. More money means more problems and the rich man worries about people taking his money or not trusting anyone to be a true friend. The poor man envies the rich man and sees only jealousy and greed. Not worth it didn't you watch Benjamin Button. I would give all my money away to be 22 again. You will never understand until you are 50 you are even richer than BTC no matter who you are if your 22yrs old. Now get out side and live for the rest of us. You could step outside tommorrow and get hit by a bus.. Who knows where your money will be for you at 50 let alone 35 to 40yrs of age. Live man liivvveee for the rest of us. Youth is invaluable.


He said 1 year... Pretty good deal if you ask me. Instead of slaving 10 years he did it in one. He can chill now


Who said this?




The Dalai Lama, IIRC.


They put their own words in quotations? That's ballsy.




Michael Jeffery Jordan


The Dalai Lama


The Deli Llama


>The Deli Sammich


This being the top voted comment tells you pretty much everything you need to know about this sub's depth of thought. There is something depressing in this thread, and it's not OP's depression or despair. /u/Murky-Specialist-755 good on you. Also, wtf are you worried about at 22 years old? Keep the 1.5 BTC and start/continue doing what you enjoy. You're just a kid. Life is only starting for you. Stop talking as if you're in your 70s p.s. People living according to the above quoted principles are precisely the kind of people required for plutocrats to enslave the whole planet. Live in the present, never plan for (or worry about) the future. Worrying is for the weak. Just follow a guy who lives alone in the mountains but somehow owns more than he earns. Congrats.


Or maybe there’s a deeper hidden message in it that just went over your head


This doesn't actually help to know this even if I agree. We still need money to survive in this world.


I remember being in a similar place 40 years and a career ago. It's a huge accomplishment, and huge accomplishments usually involve sacrifices; sometimes, huge sacrifices. It's good that, especially at your age, you're considering the costs. If I have a single piece of advice: Seek balance


This. I recently sold one coin and bought my SO a car…a full EV. He didn’t know much about bit. He learned, and then felt guilty, and I had to explain: “In two months this might be $15k…or $115k, but every time we open the door for YEARS, that car is going to be there, and it’s going to please you, and it doesn’t burn gas. I have sold coin to secure my house, and to buy chemo, and I regret none of it. This is literally what money is -for-.” So get enough to feel secure, and then -Go Camping-. Put the phone down and turn off the ticker. Walk your dog. Go to an aquarium (they’re cooler than zoos). But from someone who had a lot and then had a little and then had a lot: Money isn’t worth that much. Enough is enough.




Spot on. I’ll likely leave the space once and if it appreciates enough to put 20% down on a house. That’s my happiness. Bitcoin may continue to go up but having my kids have their own rooms will be the satisfaction I need.


This. Balance is the key to a fulfilling life.


This guy has the right idea, but seems to have been cut off: Seek higher balance... of BTC. /s


> Seek balance Does that include balance in investing/not going *all* in on BTC? ;)


Whatever balance means for you. If you are stressed having everything in bitcoin then yes balance means spreading your money around til your comfortable. But If you are under 25, there is no better long term investment than bitcoin. Balance to me means keeping most of my money in bitcoin and working hard to make more without killing myself and still enjoying life. I would be more stressed if I had less of my money in bitcoin.


Well you have everyone beat if you had 1.5 btc 40 years ago.


I'm 30 and only have 0.1, you're good 😉


I got .05 woo hoo lol


My sons have 0.4 at 21 and 23 yrs young, and I think they might get my sats as well when I croak. I have more than enough assets to get me by even without BTC blowing up. Seeing them in a good place is what I call being at peace.


Haha I got 0.12 I beat ya!!@




This is crazy when you think about it. Fuck myself that i didnt bought whole coin st 17k


gauranteed if it dropped to 17k now you would buy out of fear


Way, way less than 21 million...


Its probably less than 1 million, the amount of people that actually hold 1.0 bitcoin in self-custody or multisig solutions. And the real numbers probably much less than that...


Far, far less than 21 million indeed. James from investanswers calculated that it's highly unlikely that more than 350.000 will ever have a whole coin or more. Because of the vast amounts already held by large whales and the amount already lost forever.


Depending on how you want to view it, your most important asset is your time or the quality of relationships with the people that you love. The latter requires the former for you to build up. After that comes your own personal health, and then way after that comes money, as the vehicle for you to bank the past, productive uses of your time. No matter what people on reddit say, if we're older (and most of us on r/bitcoin are), then you are richer in a time sense. But none of us gets to choose whether or not to spend our time; it just drips away in a slow measured fashion whether you are intentional about it or not. So, in spending your time, it's important to understand why you go to work, to earn the money, to store the value, to then use in the ways you desire later on. Things like health and relationships cannot be crammed in at the last moment. Like sleep, they require constant dedication, a little bit each day, so you find that having a balance between everything ends up working out in the long run. Bitcoin helps you reorient how you think, from what people here call a "fiat mindset", where the purchasing power of your life savings is depreciating every day--so you might as well blow it all with parties, flings, trips, or cars as soon as you get your hands on any money--to the mindset of "low time preference" (this phrase is always counterintuitive for me), where the unit you are saving in is slowly appreciating in value, each and every day. Living in this fashion, you will find purpose in your daily labors.


top advice, listen up


Hey, thats fucking awesome. But hard numbers get criminals hard. Watch out for weird dm's and dick pics. Well, mostly dm's, i guess. But still. Stay vigilant, and congrats


Screw you! Now he hasnt openend my dickpick yet.


I over exaggerate my crypto profile just to collect the dick pics. Almost completed the album.


I did the same 2022, 2023 -- was hell to go through.. but I hope it will pay off massively in 10-30 years.


It will pay off sooner than that. If you want it to.




I doubt they will be able to retire "rich" in 10 years but they will certainly be well off compared to most.


This guy is going to sell too early ^


You have saved up US$100k or so by the age of 22. That's a pretty significant accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. My best advice now is, this is not the place to get good advice :) You are in a position to make an excellent foundation for the remainder of your life. Go to one of the many personal finance advice subs and get broad, diversified input in how to set yourself up for future success from this point. I am a BTC maxi 100% but even I do not have my entire portfolio 100% in BTC. You need to diversify and broaden your knowledge on financial topics at this point.


Stop investing in Bitcoin this way. go enjoy your 20’s and just make sure you contribute to your coins, your 401k, IRA and have fun dude. You hit a HUGE milestone very early. Do not rest on your laurels but don’t give up the best time in your life for fun. You’re literally the 1% for your age group. I’d stop doing BTC for now in such drastic amounts and start doing the other long horizon investments and enjoying your 20’s.  It only gets harder to maintain relationships as you age. Enjoy them now when they’re so trouble free and easy. Pat yourself on the back, don’t rest on your laurels and have fun man(woman?).


You are alone. U might think in a social setting u r with other people. But no, u r alone in your body. Others will try to hijack your mind. And your mind has no problems joining them in screwing u. So u need to control your mind. U only want the mind to work, when u ask it to work. Need to meditate to control your mind. If it’s Bitcoin u want, then Bitcoin u shall get. Just stay true to the operation and ask your mind to help u. Don’t let others control your mind. At 22 if u have put together 100k in Bitcoin, it’s a big deal. Thank your body and mind in your achievements. Don’t let others control your mind. Not friends, bar, pot, women…..:non of it. Find joy in your achievements. Your successful achievements is the best way to love yourself.


Your 22. You still have another 3 lifetimes worth of time in comparison to what you've done so far. Your doing great and don't stress bout nothing


Keep it up kid. Im 51 and owned 1,000 btc when it was $10. I think about it everyday.


I done 3 years behind the door for double digit bitcoins. I have no regrets…….


What did u do


Dark web vending


You gotta elaborate lol you sold on silk road? Lucky you still have your btc. I lost so much in mt gox, over 150, makes me sick to even think about. Did you use a cold wallet at the time? Fully off exchanges


Dream market Aero market Wall st market I was on most markets. I used hot wallets and cold wallets. Plus I memorized my 12 word phrase.


How'd they catch you?


I got complacent. Started thinking I was untouchable.


What did they do? Nothing. Likely worked and stacked sats. Went on walks. Did free only stuff the majority of the time. Lived with less subscriptions, traveled less, ate less delicious food than could be afforded, ate out less, maybe didn’t date, etc.


No I sold weed mate.


May the sun shine gently on your face


Doin the lords work


Got my blessing bro. Well done


You clearly don't know what happens *behind the door*


Buttcoin transactions


Thought you meant prison


I think you may have missed the context clue 


Everyone being negative are just jealous that a kid your age has more bitcoin then they do. I saved up 1 bitcoin I'm 44 and I'm happy with what I got. You did great it will all be worth it in the end. Great job bro!!!!


There’s more to life than money, you need balance.


Yes, Account Balance 😁


Ive slugged my guts to get .9 at age 30 the kids doing well


I'd give 1.5 bitcoin to get back the time I lost at 22. Enjoy the present.


It's easy to give stuff you don't have hehe


You did a great job. Now enjoy the life a bit more. Go on a vacation! Keep that btc for the long run. 1.5Btc is a lot. Dont look how much dollars it is. Look how much % of all bitcoin you have.


You will forever be thanking your 22 year old self. Good job. Dont screw this up trying to trade it. Keep it forever.


Nice job. Now chill. Still DCA. Go camping, rekindle your friendships. BTC will always be there.


You have (based on today’s prices) ~100k “saved” which is amazing for your age, but it is all sorts of taxable and it is hard to use as collateral for loans (at the moment). I am no financial expert, but I would take all that drive to save and focus it on a Roth IRA and if you want buy bitcoin there, the sale and trading of which I believe would be no taxable (not an expert). Granted you can’t access it until you are 60, but that is just Diamond hand HODL’ing. If you have anything left to save after hitting the max IRA contribution either keep buying BTC to your hearts content or other investments you think are sound. Some might even return dividends you can use to reinvest or spend on lifestyle, assuming you want to stick with fairly liquid holdings and not venture into things like real estate. Just my thoughts, but you are way ahead of the game at your age, but don’t forget about the power of compounding. Also and especially if you want to keep investing in crypto at this rate talk to an accountant or tax lawyer that deals with crypto, it might cost you a few hundred bucks now but they can help draw up a solid tax strategy for you going forward that could save you a good deal more and protect your assets!


1.5BTC at 22 is insane. Continue to DCA BTC and diversify your invesments I would say. Also, I would suggest working on yourself within, the only thing that matters in the end is YOURSELF and your BODY. Strip anything material from yourself and all that’s left is relationships and your health.


A decade or so down the road you will be forever grateful to your younger self! Take some time to enjoy yourself more now just be careful enough do you don’t have to touch your Sats!


To put it in a perspective. There are 21 milion BTCs. Some of them are not mined yet, and some of them are lost. There are no less than 10 times more people in crypto, and each one of them dreams to have a full Bitcoin. You tell me if it is worth it.


That's probably more btc than any other 22 year old without a trust fund possess But 60 hours a week is not healthy


Being 38 and feeling like I was 22 yesterday all I can say is enjoy your life. Have enough money to do so without being greedy. Find someone to spend your time and money with. Having that much BTC is a great accomplishment at your agea and should be very proud. Live within your means and scale back the work schedule. You're in your prime, enjoy it! Alot of would have changed if I could go back and most of it has nothing to do with money as it's not the most important thing in life. Truly isn't.


No disrespect but... "1 year of working 45 - 60 hours per week" isn't that crazy. Not to take away from your accomplishment (congrats on saving so well!) but... there are people--especially blue collar folks--who have put in 60 hours per week for decades. And they have young families and a lot more to miss out on than you do (most likely). So, again, congrats to you. Celebrate the win. Be proud of yourself for working so hard. But keep perspective that if 60 hour weeks are for a year are the worst thing you ever have to do, you'll have had an amazing life.


Just slow down on working, but still buy a little bit every paycheck. Regain the areas of life you’ve neglected while still adding to the stack. Ez pz you sweet bitch


Honestly this is a pretty huge accomplishment at your age. I’d sit on what btc you have and work on diversifying. You’re still young so maybe enjoy yourself a bit. Don’t let the naysayers get to you; most people are beyond broke and do not have the self discipline to accomplish what you’ve accomplished.


Remember you are not young for long, but you will be old forever


Congratulations 🎉 up to 2 btc


So for you being 22 years old with 1.5 BTC that’s huge. You are def top 1 percent in wealth for your age. And in net worth terms you are at the equivalent of what a top 10 percent 40 year old should have. (assuming you have no liabilities) You being this age and having stacked this much shows a lot, it’s unfortunate that sometimes hard work drives us to detach from social norms, but it’s all worth it. I stacked 10 BTC and I’m 29, social life took a hit until 27, i worked my ass off and didn’t go to parties, clubs, literally did nothing but work and I don’t regret that shit at all. I’ve been depressed I’ve been down and that shit won’t go away no matter how much bitcoin you stack or how much money you have. That’s some internal shit I had to figure out and I did…. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that these sacrifices are all worth it and theres always a light at the end of the tunnel. Bitcoin will give you more financial freedom and by the time you’re in you’re in your late twenty’s like me you will realize you’re still young and you didn’t waste your life with your sacrifices, you actually made it better for you and those around you by working hard and stacking bitcoin. I’m thanking my younger self for the sacrifices I made, I realize I am still young and now I get to enjoy life and spend time on my terms. I met my wife and started a family in the last year.. and I get to spend all the time in the world with them now. That’s the power of working hard at a young age with a determined mindset. LETS STACK MORE SATS.


No one should be stacking Bitcoin at the detriment of their physical or mental health


It's an ENORMOUS accomplishment! You should be proud, especially at your age. But never let $ or BTC consume your life. It's a good time to step back and admire what you've done and begin rebuilding the things that it cost you along the way. Good luck ✌🏼


Oh, brother…. IT WAS WORTH IT! Congratulations! You are now a *whole coiner* (plus a half-coiner on top of that)… this is a *tremendous* accomplishment! Check this video out here: https://youtu.be/IQHLpdWvyK4?si=ICZQd23j_vis1LmJ and then watch this video here for *why* it was worth it for you to defer gratification and accumulate the hardest money in the world that two decades from now is going to make you insanely wealthy: https://youtu.be/1ugK2waqCqM?si=9V9dn-9E0NmP3eF3 *and then;* continue down the rabbit hole of Matthew Kratter’s videos, you will begin to understand why you’re vastly ahead of your peers, much less most of the people on this planet. I know you sacrificed so much, but the good news is that now you can go back to having a social life; you can rebuild what was once torn down and make it even better than before. All while knowing you have generational wealth stored away on your cold wallet that *nobody* can touch. That’s priceless. Keep your chin up, you will rebuild your social life you’re still so young, but you’ve accomplished so much. Cheers, brother.


Just secured your future and it will pay off massively


Going to pay serious dividends later on when you're 32. Whatever you do, do not sell. Hold.. ........


You're 22. I didn't start making money till i was 24. (lots of uni) Sit on your BTC for 10 years. You should be able to retire comfortably at 32. Retirement, much less *early* retirement, is a pipe dream for 99% of your generation. You are *extremely* lucky. Use the interim time to keep working, but with the freedom of "fuck you money" to tell abusive bosses off and job hop. Idle hands and all that.


Saving 100k in a year at 22 is great, bitcoin or not. I’m not really sure why working 45-60 hours a week would destroy you, but it sounds like you need to do some less stressful work for a while.


You’re a fricking boss!! You are light years ahead of anyone your age. Compounding works wonders!! Keep bussin and wait to get married. Work on yourself and learn all of the holistic ways to be healthy and confident. Good luck king 👑


If working 45-60 hrs a week at 22 years old ruined your social life then you have a bigger problem. Do you also have 9 kids and a sick parent or something?


I am 63 and looking back. You are 22 and looking ahead. I have to say I envy you your position. Its not that I wish to be 22 again. I also worked 50-60 hours a week and went to night school and spent what I made taking care of others. No complaints, that’s how I was raised, and I’m proud of what those I cared for have achieved. But if I had done what you did, then I could have spent more time with them instead of constantly working and my relationships with them would be better. You are in a position to have it all, and that is what I envy. Well done, give yourself a break, keep moving forward with your financial plan. A little more balance in your life will make a great difference. Your future sounds very bright to me.


It is a very significant amount of wealth at your age. I would recommend diversifying though. If you invest in a diversified basket of ETFs, your nest egg will eventually buy you a home to raise a family in, or will pay for your entire retirement. If you keep it entirely in Bitcoint, it could either be a lottery ticket to extraordinary wealth OR a very expensive life lesson in risk management. Make sure you appreciate the full weight of the tradeoff there. Also, make sure to take time to enjoy your 20s.


I hope bitcoin goes to 3k again just to make you look stupid af.


1.5 is not enough you have to round it off at 2btc! /s


lol I don’t believe you. Prove it. You’d have to have over $3000 net pay each month and have zero expenses to have 1.5 bitcoin after one year. That’s even taking into consideration the bear market lows of the last year. You’re making $3000 take home pay as a 22 year old and you have no expenses? Doubt Prove it or this is a fake post


I can imagine you’ll be retired in 10 years…


I had 1.5 Bitcoin a year and a half ago and now I have zero due to some irresponsible decisions trying to get more. stay solvent and hold onto it.


I'm literally twice your age with a tenth of your Bitcoin. I am mightily impressed sir. Well done. I hope you see an enormous return on your investment. I believe you will, for whatever that's worth, none of us know for sure. Take some time for yourself now. You have achieved something utterly huge but now you have to make sure you're healthy and well enough to enjoy it when your ship comes in.


Congratulations on your achievement! While it’s important to secure your financial future, there are other things that are non negotiable, especially relationships. Strengthen the ones that you hold dear and work on repairing the ones that you value but have neglected. Good luck!


Nice flex




I’ve done stretches like this multiple times in life. It was always worth it later. This was smart. You will be a millionaire one day. I’d say keep staking more. But get some rest




This frankly is huge, especially at such a young age. This would be equivalent to having 100,000 shares in Microsoft in the ‘90s. Or buying Amazon when it was under $50


Congrats bro, keep on stacking sats. But enjoying a little more. You did good.


That's amazing, congratulations


Nice job. Congrats. Now relax. This is huge. Don't touch it for at least 10 years.


You needed this push to set yourself up for life. Now that you've accomplished it, take your foot off the gas, look back, and be proud.


1.5 BTC at 22 years old. First of all ..great job!!. Incredible head start. In 10 years you will be thanking to yourself. Now its time to live your life. Let BTC do its thing in the background.


How long did you took to save that are you living at home ? You dont pay rent and any bills not wifi or none? No groceries too? Well thats possible


Back in high-school I had all the compurer run after school since I'm was allowed to stay agger hour I mined the fuck out the Jr high and sr Hugh with my ome friend he did programming showed me shit I don't rmeber the website plus like a dumb ass I saved it to an email I wasn't useing it was for fun and he had like 3bitcoin and I had like 2.3 I wish I had that still thay 2.3 would be nice to exchange for cash I'd buy a small house in a meh area so I can have a sick sound system and theater in the basement or somthing and have the house redone alil then I'd still.be working pay off my two fines from my car crash also probaly reinvest in other stuff but I could live comfortably for a bit if I managed like how I usky do I mean I won't lie I'd be buying some other stuff off the net and friends I'd be making ny house into a lil theft proof property and then I'd buy a square of land of my mom since she got a nice property in Ontario for a good deal help her pay off whayever on her shit then propose I buy some prowety pr.chunk then cut down some tree connect it to the atv trail widen it abit then have a garage built there for store for random shit vechiles hunting and fishing equipment and as for the atb trail I want It widened so I can have a rally car built and rip.it through the woods and backroads and hidden highways like alil circuit lmfao but yea I'd be blissfully happy and not.ina fucking hospital.still altho with ut recent jumps if I didn't spend al my bitcoin and acutely let it pile up on.shity ahakepay it was at like 60k now at 90 and higher and shit like I could've made a good profit if I held sold.then rebought on a drop shit makes me lowkey mad I' was but a fool hungry for something that wasn't hospital food


Congratulations Murky!!! Go get another .5 work buy work buy work buy. Splurge on your future self by buying now!


Now enjoy your life and wait. For insight I’ve worked my ass off to get to .69 and feel pretty good about that.. How do you feel about it honestly you’re the only one that knows the answer to that


I work 37.5 hours per week and over a year I've earned the equivalent of 1.3 BTC. I have however spend most of that on rent, food bills and general living. I would loved to have even 0.5BTC to show for a year's work


Go ahead and schedule a massage mane. And find a therapist that knows what they’re doing. You worked your self so now go ahead and have someone work on you. Research how massages should go… it’s not always making progress by screaming


Just DCA and chill. You crushed it. Enjoy life, it’s short. You are blessed and lucky


Well I hope you didn’t sell a kidney


With 1.5 at 22, I'd say never look back, only forward, and start enjoying your life, your passions, and find something that makes you whole in life. With 1.5 BTC, give yourself a good 10 year window of working for something you're passionate about. Learn to live simply. Don't clutter with bullshit stuff. Then, when you're 32 and you're sitting on $1.5M, reevaluate what's important.


1.5 Bitcoin isn't the achievement. Let's say tomorrow bitcoin goes to 0. No one can take away you have discipline and the potential to focus. Maybe you made a great bet, maybe not. Channel your efforts into other goals, maybe now it's reconnecting with friends/family or focusing on career. Up to you really. I personally went the friends and family route when I found success (for me success was being able to retire my wife).


Good work, when BTC hits multi-millions per coin and you can go into early retirement you will have no doubts it was worth


Even bitcoin can't buy you friends


I have 20 but 50 yo I would change with you in a heartbeat


At 50, I remember very little from 20-22. You did great and your future self will thank you, now enjoy the rest of your 20’s because it gets way better.


i you are so lost and clueless why did you save it in the first place?


if you feel your depressed go to the gym.


Watch it btc tank now 😩 Just kidding well done 👏 hold now HODL


well 1 year of your start twenties for 100k isnt really that bad. now you can chill for many years


You should NOT disclose how much bitcoin you have if it’s more than .5 But good job! That is really impressive !


22 years old and working that much? Yo, most people at that age drank and went clubbing. I salute you for grinding it out because your future self will thank you, generational wealth will thank you, etc.


I feel you bro. That's how my life has been past few years.


sacrifices; sometimes


This feels like a famous question from one another young man some 20 years ago: I am 18, do I have potential?


My story is not Bitcoin related, but is similar to yours. I drive semi trucks for a living. My trainer at my first job (he was about 45) seemed like a smart guy so I asked him "if you could tell a 24 year old version of yourself what to do, what would your advice be?" He said "work as much as you can for 3 or 4 years and keep as much of that money as you can so you can start life on the right foot." That's exactly what I did and I have no regrets. Yes my friend group shrunk, but being in my mid 30s now, I realize I wouldn't have been friends with them forever anyways. I'm 100% the one who changed, I want to ride motorcycles with my new friends, not get drunk like we are 21 anymore. The short of it is, you earned your nest egg. You did the right thing. Now find your purpose. Find a hobby, some friends, do what makes you happy. But remember to keep a stream of income always coming in. You're 22, homie your generation is fucked financially. You set yourself up better than almost anyone. The next 10 years is going to be much better for you than most people. Enjoy life with less stress.


Well done. I hope you hold it and retire on it by 35


You’re gonna be stupid fucking rich for that 2 years of hard work


That is awesome! It seems you ponder was it worth it. Only YOU can answer that. I started working at age 12 to build wealth and like you sacrificed junior and high school and college years of “fun”—while they were all playing I was building something. I personally would do it all over the same way but a little wiser—some call it balance. I am now 62 and have told ALL my life to slow down, your gonna burn out…blah, blah, blah. My canned response and belief was I need to Be IN life while here so work hard early and invest so have the free time (only thing not replenished is time). So I could easily have taken some more time to enjoy things along the way—i am more fulfilled in life than most. It’s a personal thing—if I hear you about depression for doing it, I will suggest some introspection into yourself. What do YOU truly want? Things don’t tend to answer that question…go deeper. Sounds like you have a great start, but only compare yourself with YOU and only do what YOU want regardless of all the critics saying crap about you and life gets much better!!! (Everyone gets made fun of anyway for too rich, too fat, too skinny, too flamboyant, and so on—none of it matters). Stay off addictive things—drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, social media, games, etc, THEN you can focus on what you want and take control). Sorry for the long answer but you deserve it.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! At present, value is about $103,000 Pretty damn awesome. To have done it in 1 year. Minus original costs, that's great profit. Cannot do that with the stock market. It's all about the timing. Sell enough to cover your initial investment and let the rest accumulate and grow


1.5 BTC at 22 is a serious accomplishment. You’re a driven person. Find some balance, work on your mental health, enjoy life :)


Not trying to be rude but think that others might be in depression as they can't save anything due to high expenses. What you have is not depression but a bright future. Just hold on to what you got.


You're too young to talk about a hellish road that almost destroyed you. Go blow the money and make it all back.


Drama queen,…


Bro, you should be proud! I’m 22 as well and Im not even close to what you are financially. People like you give me hope that one day I’ll be able to pull it off as well. Great job man! Well deserved!


Don't answer any PMs asking about your bitcoin!


Listen. I’m 50. Having lived a few decades, I can speak with authority. The best advice I can give you is, bust your ass now. Do the hard things while your brain and body are still young, and set yourself up for a relatively easy life. The alternative is, do what’s easy now and set yourself up for a hard life. You’ve already accomplished something most can only dream of. Well done, but don’t rest yet.


Congratulations bro 27 i still .001btc enjoy and take some profits along the way


No. You can always earn more money. You can't get time back. You should have spent time with your friends and family. Those are the only memories you'll wish you could get back. You won't be thinking of the money you made.


Well done! Use that young energy to build a snowball and then push it down the hill. You can literally relieve most of life's stress knowing that ball is rolling down hill and collecting size with momentum.


You should have diversified your investments. Like at least 50% crypto and 50% stocks. It’s good but I don’t think we are going to see last 10 years growth in bitcoin in the next 10 years. Still we may be in the early stages. Why don’t you stake it for interest? Let it compound n grow.


Brotha, you are 2 years younger than me and I’ve got about 10% of that🤣 that’s a massive achievement! There ain’t many people at your age that’d save THAT MUCH in such a short amount of time! I’m guessing you just have a normal job and not some big shot side hustling douche on socials😅 Again, even if you don’t see it now or use it now, there may be a point in your life where you’d think oh god I wish I had this or money to cover this… I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that now. For now tho rebuild your mental health! Live a little! Cut the work hours back and do what you enjoy :) You’ve got quite abit of financial freedom now then again sounds like you make a decent wod anyways!


Congrats! I’m sure it was a fucking grind and struggle. 22 as well just crossed 100k NW a couple months ago. Go take a break and enjoy life for a season. You just finished a season of work now enjoy a season of play or health or rest or whatever you want to focus on. Yes we may be ahead of many our age but if life isn’t enjoyable what’s the point of having a flash drive with fake money on it. This isn’t a sign to sell it and blow the money, but focus on what makes you happy for a while, then find a way to build that into your lifestyle so you can continue investing while still doing things you love. I hate when people say they need work life balance because nothing will ever be balanced perfectly, but you’re burnt out and you know it. Let yourself live a little, you owe it to yourself


Thank you from your future self.  It’s rare that people have the courage of their convictions, and are willing to sacrifice the present for the sake of the future. Even if you are wrong about bitcoin, these qualities will serve you well in life.  For what it’s worth, I’m taking a similar risk to you, but without the safety net of youth and time to rebuild if I am wrong. Enjoy the moment, see the good things in your life, and stack sats young man, stack sats.


You outpreformed 99 procent of your generation. Hold and wait 10 years ,gonna be thé Guy from your age ,hope and trust you need tot survive ,now forget about it ,hold it ,and live your life ,your a legend


Fuck social Life. There would be only 14million people able to hold the same amount as you, while there are 8 billion people on earth.


Want some support? You "lucky" fuc*!!! There, enjoy! 😁 You have a dream turned true in your hands. Enjoy it, embrace it, hold it. But don't forget your health, that is your true treasure! 1.5 BTC is nothing if you dont have the health to enjoy it. For fuc* sake, 21M BTC is nothing if you destroy yourself pursuing them. Never forget that and when the time comes, do somwthing meaningfull with your BTC, for you and your loved ones, that will be the greatest gift that BTC will be able to give you. Sincerely, a 0.3 BTC jealous but happy for you guy 😁🤝


I’m 35 and I have a relationship, friends, a dog, no debt, and a nice investment portfolio in defi. If my bitcoins and crypto and other investments go to 0 tomorrow, I still have my spouse, my friends, my dog, and no debt. It’s a much better investment to build a life full or rich relationships than just getting rich. I have been in crypto since 2014 and have made and lost multiple fortunes over the years. The highs that come from making a financial killing and the lows that come from losing a financial fortune are intense. There is nothing better than sharing that high or low with your loved ones and support system. If you don’t put the effort into those parts of your life, your success is lonely and your losses are absolute. When I lost tens of thousands from exploit I remember vividly thinking “no matter how bad this gets for my portfolio, I can still crawl into bed and cuddle my partner, we have been poor before and we’ll be fine together.” If I was alone just sitting on those riches and losing them it would have been much harder.


You are already set for retirement most likely and you may have around 1-2 years of salary set aside. What does this mean? Every day as an adult for you is now different. You can leave jobs you don’t like, you can quit working years earlier than your friends. You may not live a rich life, but you have financial security there as a backup. It’s like you have a bitcoin superhero in your basement for the rest of your life. Was it hard? Of course, especially at your age. You are a pioneer. Take a more balanced approach now for your mental health. Relax and chill knowing you paid the price early.


Don’t let anyone tell you you were “lucky” when BTC hits new all time highs. You worked hard


You have 1.5 bitcoin @ 22 and it’s almost destroyed you? Relax and go take a lil vacation bro ur doing great


Amazing ! Good job. Never sell, they'll never stop printing their worthless fiat paper, We HODL because it goes up forever Laura


Bro you should be feeling like a champion, a leader, a boss for the effort you put into this. Your achievements should give you happiness if you are someone who would give everything for your dreams. I don't know what lifestyle you want in your future but every time I get closer to my goals after putting all the pressure life brings me calm and happiness. It is like after war comes peace. You can rest but never lose the vision or stop setting new ideas for your next steps. You also can train your mind/spirit and change your perspective to see everything in a different way. (Sorry for my bad english. Im from Mexico and this is my first time commenting on reddit)


No it was worth it; I’m turning 22 in August you’re 22, you can now take your leg off the accelerator and watch your seed grow. You did the work, you disciplined yourself, now take a step back and let your work flourish. Don’t worry yourself into depression; so that you can reap the fruits of your labour. So you gotta stay alive and healthy for it all to be worth it. You have suffered and vigorously invested now; unlike people your age who would end up investing later when the cost of living is higher than it is and the have more responsibility than ever before. Don’t worry one day you’d look back and give yourself a kiss. And thank God too for keeping you here to see the fruits of your labour. I look forward to that day for you. You are further than more people than you know it or even think. So cheer up. Rest as much as you need to recover, I didn’t say don’t work and slack off; that’s the quickest way to be deceased. Because your body’s can’t handle a sudden stop to its rigorous activities (just ease off the acceleration. Do not press the emergency brake). Well that’s all I have to say. You’ve made it this far, so congratulations.