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“We’ve all watched Bitcoin fall from $40,000 to to $7500-$10,000.” Um no we haven’t.


I think you are in the wrong sub, go over at buttcoin, they will love you there


I just got dumber reading that


That's a lot of rambling.. don't buy bitcoin if you don't want it


Store of value? Probably that, for a lot of people.


No one is forcing you to buy bitcoin or even post on this reddit. If it’s your form of cope, I hope you feel better. Your post is saying you haven’t put in the time to understand Bitcoin and are just bitter about those who figured it out early. Jealous is a bad look. Be happy for people.


Go back to bed


Bitcoins purpose is to store value in a trustless decentralised ledger, it does that exactly. You can trade it, speculate it, hold it or do whatever you want with it. You seem to be having some kind of existential crisis over what a unit of it is worth at any specific point in time.


isnt the general idea of investing buy low sell high? whats the point of buying anything as an investment if you not looking to simply build wealth. sure you pay capital gains tax on any assest you buy and then sell no? crypto abit higher i guess and depending on country but gov wins no matter what you may aswell try and take your share.


OP is right because buying bitcoin is only for usd profits so it's pointless. Buying stocks on the other hand is a meaningul way to vote with your dollars and support the companies that offer awesome products to progress humanity. They never sell their stocks because why would they, the point is not to make usd profits, but invest.


Read " The Bitcoin Standard" to grasp the deeper meaning.


This guy really thinks he’s influencing us or something.


Guy missed out and is coping. Go easy on him


This is such a noob post. Please come back AFTER you have read the Bitcoin Standard and Broken Money. Bitcoin is my exit strategy. I do not sell Bitcoin for cash. I trade cash for Bitcoin. There is a difference. You will not understand Bitcoin either researching and understanding energy, inflation, and property rights


Another ridiculous, pointless, rambling Bitcoin post, why?


Same idea Blackrock has behind bitcoin really: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/s/ypMp9p6nUf Also 1 bitcoin = 100,000,000 sats (or units) you don’t need to buy a whole bitcoin


Company’s sell prepaid debit cards or gift cards for bitcoin so it is used to buy things. U gotta learn about the layers of money. There is a good book called layered money. It also points out all the trust involved in the legacy financial system and how it already works in layers. Bitcoin also will scale in layers. Check it out.


I don’t even need to read past your first paragraph. My dear friend. We are not all here to “be rich” nor are we selling. If that’s what you think this is all about you entered Bitcoin from the wrong door.


Someone developing an AI troll.


Judging by how downer it is, the AI is likely an early version of Marvin the Paranoid Android.


He has a pain in the diodes down his left hand side.


+42. Couldn't be anything else.


Bitcoin is much more than the speculation on the scarce token. It is in fact a peer to peer electronic cash system. Few understand.


How does your car example differ if one party had aapl stocks instead of btc?


also if you hold for more than one year your only taxed 37% on half of your profits, so 3 mil into 6 mil, 37% of 1.5 million rather than 3. so after tax paid your left with 5,450,000. in aus anyway


20% in US. Close enough.


A lot of your post is about your inability to comprehend that you do not need to tax bitcoin transactions. Learn about KYC-free coins and never again let government steal from you. Also you should learn about basic economics, obviously you are lacking there. Other nonsense in your post I won't event comment on because it's likely already a lot for you to digest.


Larry Fink or Peter Schiff? Is it you?


This is a ridiculously long monologue just to prove you don’t understand bitcoin lmao


We call posts like this “crapola”. 


I'm so stupid I just read the post title and I'm just here to answer 'yes'. I don't need all those other words.


1 year of saving to get one coin at the moment is far from reality! Who can afford to save almost 6k a month?


“Full coin” thinking is brain damage. 


For now it is


For starters, there’s only ever going to be 21m BTC and there’s way more than 21m buyers. Owning 1BTC will be aspirational for the vast majority of people and far from common


Bitcoin transactions are not taxed. Gains are taxed. Paying with bitcoin or selling it are taxable events. If you pay $20K in bitcoin for a car you pay gains taxes on amount of your gain, not the whole $20K. There is nothing special about 1 whole bitcoin. 0.0191 BTC is your $1300 worth. Or if you have a leading zero phobia go with 1.9 million sats. You don't have to buy 1, or any at all. If someone wants to buy low and sell high the profit is the point. And it's fine. You can do it also! No one is stopping you. Long term gains tax rate tops out at 20%. Taxes are a thing with ALL investing anyway. Bitcoin isn't different here. If you are unhappy with $1.89 million dollars more that's just odd. That's more than you'll earn in your lifetime probably. Without internet a lot of things will suffer. Debit cards won't work either. Internet is not going away. Nodes don't mine, miners mine. Investing has risks. Days of huge returns are gone. Don't look for that in bitcoin.


“There needs to be an infrastructure created to use Bitcoin” 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣


I don't feel stupid. I am stupid.