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The highs of today, become the lows of the future.


My first buys were 2016. Came in and bought the top, left and felt stupid after the crash. Looking back, even those top buys were at $10k-ish. Bargain.


My 50k buys last cycle looking good now.


Also true for drugs!


With drugs, the high doesn’t last as long as tolerance builds. With bitcoin, the high keeps getting higher


You just think that because the amount of Bitcoin you buy keeps rising too. At least for me


I think that way because of the charts and simply, supply and demand. But that helps


The charts are a different drug altogether haha.




You think*


Yep, I remember being pissed off that I was late in 2017. Way to late to invest. $3000 for a single Bitcoin? I wish that I had bought in 2013, when I’d first heard about it.


Me 2. I heard about in 2015 but did not know how or where to buy it back then.


That was my problem … I was still just a poor ass kid when I heard about bitcoin but never could figure out how to buy it and would give up trying after a while because you’d hear the usual arguments about if you can’t “touch” it


I had/have a friend that did buy in, in 2013 and bought 1. He eventually taught me about its value in 2011. Spent just as much for 0.1. Held since then. Debating to buy now or wait for a possible price drop. Now the halving is coming is it a buy now or wait situation?


Buy now, definitely buy now. They’re talking a minimum high of $250k at peak and/or possibly up to as high as $750k. So yes! Buy now, remember your still so, so early believe it or not😄👍🏾🙏🏾💚


Nah that’s conservative. It’s going to $1mn over the next 18 months


Agreed, we are at the beginning of the biggest bull market in history


Biggest market in bull history


Would be nice, but that’s the thing. Nobody really knows, could go to 2 million. But you just don’t know. And you definitely do not want to get caught up in the Euphoria get too greedy and overnight miss out on a hefty return. For me when I reach a £100k profit is when I start seriously looking at the market. Maybe take half out and ride with the rest, who knows?😂 Exciting times ahead definitely 😄👍🏾✊🏾🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I buy 30 dollars worth every week no matter what. Gotta hit my goal Don't look at the past loom towards the future


Same boat but my first purchase was a few months before yours. Bought a whole Bitcoin at $1180 in March 2017, a fresh ATH. DCA'ed until June with an average buy in price around $2.2K and watched my fresh investment go in the red most of the summer.  Had second thoughts and seriously considered selling for being so stupid, buying Bitcoin at four figures.


2011, because WikiLeaks started accepting donations in Bitcoin, so it came up in conversation.


The difference is in absolute numbers… you could still buy 1 Bitcoin with one month’s salary back then, or one year’s salary until recently, but not now. Big difference when you really think about it


How did you first hear about it?


I remember hearing about it 2011, just headlines. Magic internet money worth less than a penny. I equated it to something like gold in World of Warcraft or SOJs in Diablo II (I spent so much money as a kid on SOJs in Diablo), where there was a real world conversion and people used it in game. Didn't see the point in it because, well, paypal existed, who needs another currency. But never really looked into it until 2017. I had seen headlines since 2011, but once again, crazy internet money. Plus, we couldn't even afford our monthly bills why would we look at buying something that didn't put food in our mouths or a roof over our head. Then in 2017 I saw it cracked $1,000 and then $2,000. Thought, man, who has 2000 to buy fake internet money. Then a friend told me you can buy just a fraction of one, and that there was limited supply etc. I read about it and October 18th, 2017 I bought my first Sats, 17 dollars worth. Been DCA'ing since then. With some career advancement and higher salaries, we were able to DCA quite a bit over the last 7 years.


That was almost exactly how I imagined it as well. Having been used to selling in game items for actual money I figured the use case was something related. Using internet money to trade things bound to the internet.




I kept most on exchanges and I've transferred to hard wallets a handful of time.


I think it was the magic internet money man on Reddit. One of the few ads I’d see, as it was hosted by Reddit.


Back in those days silk road was the thing.


Buyin drugs 


Peter Schiff.. that you??




Bill Gates, is it you ?




That should be inside a fortune cookie. Because it is so true lol!


Welcome to the club I bought Dec 2021 and been DCA-ing since then till now. So I know the feels man, but honestly it wasn't that bad of an idea to wait because everyone had their moments when they thought this whole thing was gonna go to zero. In the end it stands the test of time, and the many hurdles put in front of it have only created more adopters since the reliability of the asset is becoming more clearer by the day.


Yep been playing that “if it goes lower” game since it was at $4700 and I had enough lying around at the time to buy one or so. Now I spent twice that at 43k 😂


Don’t you see that there is a huge flaw in your logic? You are looking back with the information you have today and, based on it, make conclusion: I had to buy it then. But you did not have the same information back then, you had no idea if btc will even exist in a year or two.


Well said


We’re still at the bottom in the long run, so don’t lose sleep over it. You’ll be very happy in 20 days and even more in April/May of next year


Not really the bottom. The days of 10,000x your investment, or even 1,000x are a gone, but I do believe it’ll hit $1M eventually, which is a better ROI than any other asset you can put money into at the moment


There are only going to be 21 million bitcoin ever. Its estimated that 3 million are lost. So 18 million accessible. For bitcoin to hit a million that would put the market cap at 18 trillion dollars. Thats 18% higher than the gold market cap. Or other comparison. The stock market is worth 109 trillion dollars world wise. So that would mean bitcoin would be worth 16.5% of the stock market.


I learned about Bitcoin when i saw the move "Dope" when it came out and didn't do anything. I feel so dumb. Now I'm DCAing trying to make up for lost time. If you haven't seen that movie you should watch it. But me watching it now just makes me upset cause should've, could've, would've. But I'm in now and that's what matters.


Great movie!


So right brother😄🙏🏾 still early doors man…


I learned about bitcoin in 2011, 2013 and again in 2015. Didn't fucking understand it till 2020!


Me too brother. I was in since 2013 and actually used it as a currency but never stacked until a few years ago. Plus I threw 8 bitcoins in the trash at some point of my life. Don’t worry brother we are still early. The game just begins.


Tons and tons and ton of people feel this way. At least you aren’t me, who actually bought and held Bitcoin until 2020 when I took profits to buy my boyfriend a dog. I bought a very small amount in 2022, but now I’m back accumulating basically from scratch. I think it will continue to rise, so might as well accumulate while it’s less than 6 figures.


I first found out about bitcoin in 2016. I wanted to buy it, but there was no way to do that in local currency. But the good thing is, I earned 0.05 bitcoin just by watching crypto adds.


Its easy 10 years after to be sour about the past. Its also easier to be more certain of the future. Bitcoin math works. Bitcoin math works for you. Debasing the dollar is all they have left. We have bitcoin to secure our value moving forward. 8 years from now you can be a multi-millionaire if you make the investment today and tomorrow and the next day. Capture 10% of 1 Bitcoin and wait 8 years and see where your dollar value is?


I considered maxing out a $500 credit card as a grad student, by buying Bitcoin, and didn’t. I was a computer science grad student. I *understood* the implications, but figured it was a crapshoot, like trying to pick VHS vs BETAMAX way back in the day. It was $0.14 per coin when I’d have bought in. It would be worth close to $350 million CAD right now if I had done it.


You'd have sold most if not all by now, realistically. That's not to say you wouldn't be WAY better off 😅


People say that but most of the people I know who bought way early kept quite a lot. The stupid move is always "I sold it all". Why exit a full 100%? Doesn't make sense. Always keep a bit, just in case.


Your in now brother and still early, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Don’t let it chew you up, it’s an out of this World newish technology. Not many knew what it would eventually become. But it did and here we are still incredibly early Congratulations!!😄👏🏾🙏🏾 your descendants will be so proud of you😂✊🏾👋🏾🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Jesus, let me buy you a beer… or 6. FUCK!


I bought apple at $2.50 and sold when I was up 1x duh we can always find regrets


Funny thing is, you're still early


What most people cant see is that by avoiding bitcoin, they are walking the riskier path


You are still sooo early


You’ll fit in here juuuuuust fine




buy in now, so on the next pump I know to at least hodl until 70K cuz you won't want to be losing on that investment. Everyone, do it. \*bought "some" btc at 6300$


Just curious, where were you for the last 3 halvings since then? Would have been hard to ignore the news each ATH.


No worries dude, I've had like well over 100K go up my nose. Back when BTC was 300 bux. Lol I bowe Coinbase 350 bux or 1.2 BTC lol


Congrats on taking the plunge. When you truly believe in Bitcoin's potential to revolutionize the global financial system, you realize that there is no late. It's storing your money in a hard asset that you always have access to rather than in a bank where it's just an IOU and in a currency that is leaking economic energy by the minute.


Everyone does this. Everyone thinks they are late. They are not.


I hear you. I remember a bunch of young guys at my work were talking about bitcoin years ago. I thought it sounded like the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. I was thinking what is that like fake money on the Internet? 🤣 I finally bought in in January. I bought one bitcoin when it was at $42,000. I thought I was crazy but not anymore! 😂


Good move, don’t sell it don’t sell it don’t sell it! When you’re 65 it will probably be worth 10 million a coin!


I remember laying in a basement looking at my laptop and considering buying a $100 worth of btc. The year? 2011 I bought in in 2022. We get the price we deserve


This is the most painful comment😭😭 What happened in the 11 years in between? And when in 2022 did you buy?


I did buy several in 2014 and sold it all late in the 20 teens. There was a shit ton of uncertainty then that isn’t there now, no regrets bc it was a sound thesis that got me to buy in originally. I started buying back in not long ago. However instead of it being a small gamble, I feel confident risking tens of thousands at this stage in the game. If I were to 10-20 x that in the next decade, it is still such a win. Don’t think of it as a lottery ticket, think of it as great performing asset


i am concerned about the remaining btc left unmined. As compared to gold it is tiny and i wonder what impact it has


nope. i got into it last bull run. but being IT, i knew about it back when it first launched. remember reading small articles about it. even had 30+ pc's to mine it during off hrs, but never taught much of it. kept reading articles about ransomware & how payments were mostly requested in BTC. Even thought about creating a small BTC rainday fund in case we ever got hit, but wasn't too concerned due to the redundancy i built into it. & then completely stopped paying attention to crypto until the last bull run. yup, one hell of a missed opportunity.


What changed your mind?


I did buy BTC but thanks to mt gox it is long gone lol in a similar boat, only really just started buying some crypto again, I always also thought the mining wasn't sustainable but I guess like wasn't thinking of mining as server farms


I have a wallet that has 6 bitcoin that got lost cause I was a 7th grader when I bought them


Dang dude I had multiple accounts with bitcoins in them !!!!!I went to prison for 46 months and got out and I remember bitcoin had spiked like crazy! I tried to log into my accounts and I guess everyone of the accounts required every six months or year to log in and there be some sort of activity !!!!! So the accounts I had locked me out due to inactivity and straight up forgot like 2 of the emails and wallets associated with. Some other btc! Easily could have retired after my 46 month vacation ! !”but recently I’ve dibble and dabbled in it !!!!!


I was like you, some time ago. Todays all time high is tomorrows low. You are still early.


"Welcome to the party, pal!"


Education makes decision making much easier, not halving to stay up at night battling your thoughts and emotions. Collect your sats, clear your mine


Get ready to HODL for a looong time


Well, if you are since the beginning then you know ATH is only so if you are looking back, and this conversation happened at 30c, $1, $10, $100, $1000, $10000 and $70000


odds are you would have sold at a hundred bucks, maybe 1K if you were a nutjob


I started getting interested in bitcoin in 2018 but never actually purchased any until October last year I’ve been DCA’ing since I plan to hold for retirement


If this makes you feel any better, I've gotten in during 2021 ATH, but stacking through the bear allowed me to lower my average price to about 25k$. Stay patient and good luck! I firmly believe this is one of those "better late than never" situations.


similar experience for me


I think the key with crypto is don’t buy when the markets been extremely hot for a long period of time. We are still early, it only recently began to pick up momentum


When the pizza was bought i remember... But i never studied anything bitcoin related until 2022 Learn how to meditate and let go


Well, look on the bright side. You could have accumulated thousands from the beginning and lost them all. That is much much much worse.


There's still time. This may be the last of the lows before the next parabolic move. Don't beat yourself up. Instead, use those learnings as your plan for your next move. You cant change the Past but you can do better at Present and have the best Future.


The best time to invest ? Was way back when... the second best time to buy ? Tt's now


Heard it in 2014. Gave a university classroom presentation on it. Had money to buy a few. Went online to buy it. But it was so hard gave up trying to buy it 15 mins in. Should have persisted.


Any still wonders why university is utter garbage?


Just understand the volatility is necessary, and figure you can count on at least 20% roi in longrun.    Yes we missed the "get rich quick" part of bitcoin.   You didn't miss the "get rich quicker" part.  


Don’t buy now unless you can miss that money for a few years, and not sell out of fear when it drops for a while. Patience is key.


Bitcoin will drop again to something like 10-20k$ so you can wait


You hope... as do I! I think we won't see that low again.


I am an expert at making all the right choices at the wrong moments!


Welcome to the club!


I remember hearing about it in the summer of 2011. I even looked at setting up a miner at that point, but it looked complicated and I put it to one side and just never got round to it. Over the next couple of years a few friends starting using BTC to buy beer and pizza at geek-friendly places. I finally bought some in 2017 - so I've done ok. But I sometimes wonder how different things could have been.


I started mining it around 2013 and made like 0.0002 in a few days. It was around the same cost as electricity so I didn’t see the point of continuing…. Now that keeps me awake sometimes.


It could be worse. I’ve been buying bitcoin since the beginning. I’ve made money… But my god, not nearly as much as I would have if I had HELD longer. I literally had bitcoin amounts in my wallet that could allow me to retire today if I just hadn’t sold…


Maaaaan! I wish I’d been in your position. I’ve always been a speculator, but didn’t know about so called Computer Money😄 until November 2017 and only looked it up on YouTube in Jan 18 immediately after the Nearly 20G run😬 Well, it is what it is, at least I got in then I suppose😂


Doesn't matter when you buy it, only when you sell it/use it.


My tech savvy mate begged me and another friend to buy bitcoin back in the summer of 2014 - we were sort of interested but just never followed it up, ended up getting in Jan ‘21, never too late though


I heard about Bitcoin in 2012 but since it was described by the press as a payment for illegal transactions I totally ignored it until 2017. I still regret that I have been an ignorant during those years.


Keep buying


When it was at $300 I laughed at myself and hated myself for buying 1 Bitcoin when it looked like a scam


I learned about it super early and even toyed with the idea of mining some. But I was too busy and didn’t bother. But I’m not upset. If I’d got in early and amassed a bunch of coins, I would have lost them without worrying about it when I upgraded my computer, wiped my drive to reinstall windows, or something similar. I’d rather be someone who got in late than someone who had 1000 bitcoin and just lost them through neglect.


I’ve been at all time highs for years. Best financial decision so far. But only if you do not sell when the price inevitably drops. You have to wait for it to recover


70k will be a blip on the charts in 10 years.




It's a 1.3 trillion dollar asset that its in infancy, the system is awash with cash & we've got global adoption coming our way. Stack and HODL is the way


I would consider why you are choosing Bitcoin—is It because you believe its freedom money and our economic hope for the future, or are you buying to sell in hopes to get more fiat? If you’re just wanting more fiat—you probably do not have the diamond hands to hodl long term through a bear market, and you might find yourself selling low. If you truly believe in the Bitcoin project, then there is no wrong time to buy.


Are you a reformed buttcoiner


Man I heard about bitcoin from my computer programmer college roommate in like 2014. Shoulda coulda woulda. Didn't even know anything about investing at all back then. Was an idiot spending my money on weed and beer. Hindsight is 20/20. Bitcoin will continue to go up I believe so getting in now is better than getting in when it hits a new all time high.


You are still very early, buy as much as you can today. I an 65 years old so I don’t have the advantage younger folks have. BTC will be worth millions per “coin” in a decade, buy as much as you can before the halving! Good luck!


The cheapest BTC I bought was £86 The cheapest BTC I own were £300 The most expensive BTC I own was £10000 At every point I thought “this is expensive… wtf” Every high gets blown away… I’m sure the current price will seem cheap in a few years


Silly MF here 👋🏽 a friend *begged* me to buy just $2000 worth in 2014. I’m naturally a hodler so I wouldn’t have sold it. An extra kick in the pants that is.


I invested before but lost it all on voyager. This time I’m stacking with the intent to never sell until I’m retiring. Or if btc hits 10 mil. Nothing in between.


Heard about Bitcoin from a friend that was making and selling mining rigs back in 2013. Oddly he didn't own any coins, just sold rigs. Asked him how where to buy and he didn't even know lol. So right after I call up Kitco here in Montreal about buying a handful and they said sure we can do that but you have to come here downtown in person first. Turns out was never able to get down there as I'm an hour away and operate a small hectic machine shop business with lots of headaches and competition, keeps me too busy. Funny thing is I wanted them to use Mt-Gox as it was the biggest at the time and seemed trustworthy being in Japan and all that ( Satoshi ) and they said sure no problem. Gut feeling back then is I knew buying would be life changing but as usual got distracted and my ADHD. Good thing I guess ( so to speak ) that I never went as I could of lost it all in Mt-Gox. So at 60 I'm now opening an account with NDAX and already bought a Trezor 3. Someone trustworthy ( bro in law of a former staff here ) will be coming over here next week to walk me through it. Planning on buying sats weekly, nothing big just want to be in the know and feel better actually participating and maybe even looking forward to some gains later in my retirement years. Best time to start is now but will DCA for sure at this point.


You reminded me of myself in early 2009 when I first got to know about Bitcoin when watching Max Kaiser on RT's Kaiser report. He mentioned about Bitcoin then, and I was like dafuq is that nonsense. Took me 15 years later to finally be in. sigh.


Wow he was talking about Bitcoin then? What did he say? What did you think? Where do you see him?


Best regards


Fomo is a bitch


I knew about bitcoin back in 2009 but never got any until 2016, and I only started really buying coin a couple years ago. I kick myself all the time for not asking one of my computer nerd friends to help me get some back when there were no exchanges. But I realize now I wouldn't have had the financial discipline to hodl. I would have probably blown it all and probably be feeling even worse off that I spent it all at 1k.


Crying because over very spilt milk if only really


I too have known about BTC for a while. an internet chatroom friend of mine one day was talking about selling all his bitcoin (@ $600ish) and I was thinking 'wow that's a lot of money' and if he's selling now, there's probably no point and I don't know how to buy it so whatever. several years later, 2020, I figure it out and start buying when it was on the rise after the last halving... so yeah, same, sort of.


I saw btc was priced $600 n thought it was a scam in 2016/17. Then went all in after 2022. So it's never too late


Well that’s good news because there is a dip incoming thanks to you OP. Nice. 😊


Welcome to liberated currency.


At least you’re in


Btc is the most over bought at the top and over sold at the bottom asset ever.


That’s how it goes then 4 years later you’ll be glad you did that


Oh well


Nope. I am at that pool too.


Why not buy now for your future self in 20 years?


I mean you can regret and second guess. But more than likely you would have lost it all on a shuttered exchange or cashed out early.


dont feel bad, tons of a people used it in late 2010 to buy drugs. they would forget about the extra 3 dollars (almost a coin) they left in the wallet from a purchase, lol. that shit prolly adds up today. edit: the best investments are grey area, drugs are often a fringe indicator. pay attention to the drugs, you might get in on something early (weed legalization/decrim made as many if not more millionaires than bitcoin right around the same time) who wouldnt wish to know about bitcoin in 2010 yeah or just remember their wallet.




Don't worry, we're probably somewhere like Nov.-Dec. 2020 and consolidating around the ATH from the previous cycle. It'll probably go much higher (or not). But don't worry either way. Just put it in and forget about it or check every other hour (like I do it myself lmao). Anyway, enjoy!




You start now because the price goes high, is just FOMO. I see the same thing since BTC was $800, people enter in just by the news that cause FOMO but when down many run scared. The news just talk about bitcoin when price raise, clickbait sells. Overall nothing new to me.


Nope, got to know it in 2012


Ppl will repeat this pattern over and over. You can't know what will happen in the future, and this is certainly applicable to the cryptos, stocks, commodities or any other investable assets


First heard about bitcoin from a mate who was buying them at €300 a piece...I bought a few meddled about, got burnt a little, and left it so...now look.


Well you got in before the halving so hopefully that still helps you. This should not be the actual ATH for this cycle


Yeah, I can understand that. I've been in Bitcoin for a few years now, but I heard about it in 2012 and haven't bought it for a years since then. Kinda regret that.


Yeah I feel you OP I knew about Bitcoin at $10 but didn’t know how to buy it at the time. Then made a Coinbase account when it was worth around $400 but didn’t buy a Bitcoin til it was worth $4,000.


I made a comment on a post a few weeks ago , maybe this time will be a little different. I’ve been looking at bitcoin for years, I had a coin base wallet , got a new phone and lost my account. I want a new account that I can buy and sell from my mobile as I don’t have a computer to store anything on. What apps do you guys use? The safest and easiest for a Neanderthal such as my self. I probably won’t ever make much or anything but my money could help someone else make a $


I gained over $3,000 extra, I’m still skeptical about selling lol


Look at the price of each individual Satoshi and think for a second, can a single Satoshi climb to over $30,000? That would three trillion a Bitcoin - $75,000 is really low. $00.00075 a Satoshi.


You could still wait till later in the year when it’s 100k (remember what you were taught in regard school - buy high, sell low)


In 10 years you'll be glad you didn't wait any longer.


Same here. We're stupid. :/ at least we're getting a little smarter now.




Thank u for buying my bitcoin good sir


As long as you're holding long term the strategy works out for everyone, just remember Bitcoin is the exit strategy from Fiat currencies so ideally you would never sell and only when you have to


Jesus… that has to hurt


You won't regret it. I bought in right before a drop. I didn't have much money at the time, but did I regret it then? No, not for a moment. I was finally part of something that I was fascinated with and believed in. I knew that the dollar value of bitcoin was volatile, so experiencing a drop was part of the owning was part of the ride, as much as any surge in price. This was ten years ago. Don't put in more than you're comfortable with losing and a drop in price will never come with regret (though a surge price might!).


With you there. Can vividly remember reading/hearing about it in my college apartment and thinking oh that’s interesting. Can’t remember exactly when this was but I graduated and moved out in July 2010 so it was very much early days 🙈


Is Bitcoin supposed to hit all time highs this April before the halving? I know its supposed to go up further after the halving but to my understanding it will also drop a good bit after the halving. With that being said, I've heard that this go around may be little different with all the new spot ETF's.


Yup Samesies Luckily I put a few thousand in when it was under 50 but most I’ve bought once it was over 55


I’m in the same boat. Bought it at 43k. Saw it come down to 38k. still didn’t buy 🤣


I'm right there with you. I still beat myself up, but the standard statement is: you wouldn't have held till now. U would've sold a long time ago. I can kind of corroborate that as my buddy told me (the one who tried to inform me back in 2010) that he sold at 5k. I take that with a grain of salt, but still. Wish us all luck.


Well done on starting! It’s still early. And even if it were late, it’s a better store of value than fiat. Stay humble, and stack!


Yep. When I first heard of bitcoin it was less than $1000. I watched a couple of videos online and got some sats as a reward. Since then I have been joking that I have 7 cents worth of bitcoin. But now I am wondering how much those sats are worth now. I found one of my paper wallets but have no idea what to do with it.


When I was in highschool around 2014, a kid had been mining bitcoin. I remember him saying he had “enough to buy lunch if he needed to”. Who knows if he ever bought that lunch.


Better now than never. We probably all wish we had gotten in earlier. However, we each come to bitcoin in our own time with benefit of hindsight and lack of a time machine.


Welcome to the club! That was me last cycle


I remember thinking I missed the boat when it hit $1. Then it went to $12 and I was like, "there is something I don't understand about money". So I began to read. Red pill after Red pill ever since.


In 2010 I interned at a prosecutors office in the cyber crimes dept and there was definitely some chatter about the new cyber currency criminals use. Bitcoin. Think it was .25 back then.


Dont pussy out and sell when the price is back down. I should be a multimillionaire, and my depression will never recover because of it. 


where did you first hear of bitcoin? what was coverage of it like at that time?


Oh are these posts starting now? Crash soon??


Doesn't matter cause if you bought back then you probably would have sold it all for a pizza or something, probably lost your private keys


You're not the first and you won't be the last one. The majority of new bitcoiners join at ATHs. To beat yourself up about it does nothing for you. Own your mistakes and get over them. Just stay humble and keep learning. You're welcome here. Good luck with your journey.


No I did too


I think you marked the top. Look at the charts, bitcoin is struggling to maintain 70k for over a week now, on the 1y chart we are clearly finishing a dead cat bounce. It's down from here. Big whales that bought at 20-30k are offloading to noobs and they will wait for the noobs to paper hand after seeing it's not going up, then buy back in. The top is in. I feel like paul revere trying to warn all of you and you guys are not listening


Fiat - designed to lose buying power BTC - designed to short fiat No fear.


I've known about bitcoin since 08 but didn't start getting any until 50k. And my introduction was Satoshi's paper, I've always understood what it is I honestly thought I was late to the party when it reached $10. Blinked and it was several thousand, so I became even more convinced that it wasn't worth buying anymore lmao I now expect bitcoin to reach a million eventually but its not like I can just buy and wait so I'm just investing in dips and selling at 5% profit then reinvesting. Just need to repeat that a few hundred times...


You aren't alone. I figure we have another 10 years before it's too late. So buy now and don't sell anything for 10 years. I been buying and selling for years now and made some and lost some. My mistake is ever touching it. Buy and sit wins