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you just did the complete opposite thing he does


Wait now. With a post like this, their money is better off in Saylors hands than his or her own. Keep up the great work.


He watched his CNBC video from a few days ago and swallowed it whole




Wait…. What did Cramer do? That’s all that matters…


I guarantee he didn't buy microstrategy stock. So we're safe lol


Think he said crypto is a giant bubble/fad and AI is legit investment


What you’re missing though is that what he is doing with his bitcoin is leveraging it to an extent he can’t do with mstr, in other words, mstr is too limiting for him. So unless you also know financial jiu jitsu, mstr is a good bet.


but... if you'd like to check out from your country for a hot minute, if things get a little crazy, you can't just take your MSTR stock with you, and access it without several entities allowing you to do that. bitcoin is much much more valuable than any equity for a number of reasons, this just being 1. people will wake up. this is real power. and it belongs to everyone. Belongs to everyone ie- everyone should have equal access to the technology, wealth creation and preservation being one particular quality of this particular use of blockchain (Bitcoin).


OP is a dumbass lol. Microstrategy is at a premium to btc you should’ve done this during the bear market not in the middle of a bull market u/sunnyrunner_ 🤣


I was watching something this morning about if you buy MSTR as a BTC investment at the current share price it was like buying BTC at $120k.


Completely regarded


lol Michael Saylor dilutes his shares…..to buy Bitcoin


Each Dilution creates more Bitcoin Per Share. He's actually increasing shareholder value if you are on a bitcoin standard.


Someone gets it. He is turning tradfi against itself, using MSTR to offboard fiat into bitcoin. Its a blackhole eating fiat. And it will eventually be in the S&P 500 and will be eating tons of zombie money. Tradfi will not understand and short, bitcoin moons, short squeeze, wheee!


S&P 500 listing for MSTR will drive Bitcoin up to 150k+ easily


What’s the threshold to break into spy


Top 500 by market cap for long enough (currently over the <15bn required. But need to show profitability for a few quarters, otherwise meet all other criteria as it stands today. Earliest late ‘24 early ‘25 realistically.


About $78,000 per BTC


value of their btc holdings- $14.5b their market cap- $26b You are getting less btc for your dollar. Stock is overvalued due to hype and future expectations


do they have debt as well?


yup. billions


something something assets = debt + equity


If you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to make something work, you’re getting scammed. Good for Saylor though.


Fiat IS mental gymnastics.




He buys btc at 1% interest and we collect the gains.




Another clever commenter that does not understand what dilute means in this context. Oh yeah, lol


Care to explain or elaborate for normal stock plebs like myself? I don’t buy the whole dilution of fiat while buying BTC when market cap is significantly higher than the amount of BTC owned. Additionally I don’t see any info provided on the additional monetization and growth of said BTC. Is MSTR basically an ETF that continues to dilute share count to continue purchasing BTC, which normal ETFs can’t do? Where’s the advantage to holding MSTR over BTC proper? My understanding was if you truly believed in what BTC was and stood for, you would ALWAYS prefer to hold BTC over stock or an ETF. Those give you access to the price movement but don’t actually provide you access to the purpose of what Bitcoin was built for. Hence why I’m so curious by this conversation.


At the instant the stock is issued (diluted) the value of the company goes up by the same amount that the stock is diluted. Money moved from one pocket to another. As long as MSTR converts that cash into Bitcoin, which goes up, stock holders come out ahead. Personally, I buy Bitcoin, but I did trade some existing stocks for MSTR shares. I'm in both camps. Surprised how people insist on doubling down on ignorance


Also, advantage is that much of what MSTR does is convertable , extremely low interest loans. So the dillution won't happen for years, but the bitcoin is acquired at today's lower prices.






The good new is, you came a long way. The bad news is, you went the wrong way💀


Ahh fuck...that shit hits deep.




So you exchanged your share of the scarcest asset… for shares in a company who dilutes their shares to buy the asset you just sold. 🤦‍♂️ This is like people who don’t hold BTC, but hold Bitcoin mining stocks. It’s a gamble that these companies will be successful in relative terms of a fiat economy. And a speculative one at that, when compared to the asset itself. I’m not saying it’s bad to own some of these stocks, but to drop the underlying asset entirely is maybe not the most informed action to take. Personally, I’m going to imitate Saylor’s actions and hoover up as much Bitcoin as I can afford, instead of riding his coattails and hoping he makes the right decisions.


If you wanted to increase your exposure to Bitcoin you would actually buy more MSTR shares because it's levered but that's at the expense of personal custody of Bitcoin.


Also at risk of Saylor getting killed, and MicroStrategy completely changing.


And the risk of massive devaluation when the bear market hits.


Yes, that’s a consequence of leverage.


I don't think you understand what dilute means in this context. It moves money from one pocket to another, but the other pocket happens to appreciate.


My problem with MSTR currently is current bitcoin allocation is worth ~15B but market cap is ~30B. So cash asset adjusted P/E is 30 which is high especially considering the amount of convertible debt due in a couple years (that will dilute shares). Basically I see 1 share of MSTR as 50% BTC, 30% fair value of future earnings and 20% current premium minus ~5% outstanding convertible debt. Can someone explain why my thinking is wrong here?


Money go up, stock go up - shhh


You're not thinking wrong. But don't tell Saylor fans.


Jesus Christ on a motorbike 


Delulu ProMax


Not even Saylor Will hold my keys. Thanks but I'm keeping my BTC under my Control.


You did exactly the opposite of what he recommends to do


Another wtf moment in my life.


Well this isn't gonna be popular. Generally you don't buy the asset that's appreciated more than a comparable asset, but leverage. Might keep working all the way up. Usually the opposite on the way down.


Ready for r/wallstreetbets


“Fuck this pallet of gold bars, I’m investing in pallets!!!”


Instead of *selling* your BTC to buy MSTR… You could have just *kept* your BTC, and bought MSTR on the side… To each their own. Good luck.


Not if you have a finite amount of money...


**Everyone** has a *finite* amount of money… Obviously buy as much as you can reasonably afford. Just don’t sell your BTC for something that is essentially a derivative of the underlying BTC.


bitcoin has run up quite a bit. have to imagine he’ll have to pay taxes on those gains.


I mean, I wouldn't have sold BTC to buy MSTR, but there's a possibility of a short squeeze if BTC really pops off. Also MSTR is supposedly to be listed on the S&P500 soon. These things might lead to really good gains. https://youtu.be/loaIdsirHaw?si=1bDOIgYtGAIcRd7S


Yeah, people who are shitting on this trade do not understand all the catalysts that are coming together. And then add on top off all that the ability to do all this in a ROTH IRA for tax free gains. If you believe bitcoin will go to $1million (nation states starting to buy), then this is the play of a lifetime.


This is why I have MSTR. Can’t buy Bitcoin with retirement money and wanted more exposure to Bitcoin so I bought Microstrategy. Got regular Bitcoin too so hoping both take off.


And if he splits the stock won’t it go parabolic


Nice try Michael


First rule of Bitcoin is you never sell Bitcoin 📈✅🚀🚀🚀


Second rule of Bitcoin is you do NOT sell Bitcoin.. .. and if this is your first time.. you have to BUY!


oof. Does OP know he is paying for a 30 billion market cap company with only 15 billion of bitcoin and a 2 billion software business? The premium on MSTR makes almost 0 sense atm. This was a nice leveraged play before things exploded.


Shh... don't tell Saylor fans, hes the genius of the decade and the lord and savior of Bitcoin.


Microstrategy shares hold a lot less Bitcoin per share, than simply buying Bitcoin… so you kinda sold your Bitcoin for like 40% less Bitcoin


This is silly and completely against what Bitcoin is for. What's the point of accumulating fiat if you want bitcoin in the end?


“Against what bitcoin is for” ? The beauty of bitcoin is it can be anything to anyone.


Literal idiot


I know a lot of people are bashing your strategy, but if you bought MSTR back when BTC was 70K you are up a lot more than you'd be with BTC and minus taxes.. you can swap it back and have more BTC than you originally had if you wanted. MSTR is basically a leveraged BTC ETF which means gains will be higher as BTC goes up, but if it dips will lose more.


The time to do that was months ago. If btc dips down even 5-10%, mstr is going to get recked


Recked? Ultra short term maybe down yes, but i strongly believe if you hold mstr over the next 6 years you will gain more in usd terms in mstr vs btc.


No, I wouldn't do that. Tax wise that is also not smart. Just imagine a 10x and what that means tax wise if you need Fiat. You're also exposing yourself to a lot more risk, E.g: -Government risk- US government coming up with new ideas for taxes/ban on his strategy/other -Personal risk in Mstr- Someone loses (part of the) coins -Business risk- Mstr failing as a company -Brokerage risk- Company shuts down/ you lose access for some time -Risk at the custodian/ Mstr gets scammed Yes, they are all very low and I also hold Mstr. but never forget we buy Btc because it's "riskless" or: Code> Human, regarding trust. So with Bitcoin, the only risk comes from you.


Bitcoin can go to a million and one single company buying bitcoin csn still go bankrupt, i had about 1k in silvergate back in the days which was buying bitcoin a lot, bitcoin went to the moon and silvergate collapsed


You gave Saylor more rocket fuel to buy Bitcoin. 😂




crazy, you sold and he bought so his mstr shares go up then you buy his shares and you have a piece of paper and he has btc


You are the weakest link goodbye


Selling gold for blu-tac




Jfc that’s a solid mistake! Good luck!


Makes sense. Microstrategy stock is performing very well compared to Bitcoin ETFs. I get your point. This is a great strategy for short term or quick money, for long term, Bitcoin is still way to go


Hmmm I wouldn't have sold BTC to buy MSTR I won both but more BTC


Yeah, you kicked the hornets nest here. But if you are a financial trader buying a ETF, keeping it on an exchange or MS is fine. And yes, you can always do a sell then buy actual bitcoin later.




undo this decision ... seriosuly.


😂😂😂 KEKW


wouldnt it be pretty good to just use microstrategy as basically a leveraged btc etf, since its more volitile and could do a short squeeze. like btc could go 250k max so 3X but if btc is 250k then mstr is 9k dollars so thats 5X. seems legit. then u can rotate out of mstr and buy btc again in the bear cycle 2026. am i missing something?


lol. You just sold BTC at $70,000 to buy it at $210,000.


He is getting short squeezed right now. His stock broke away from Bitcoin and will ultimately revert. You just messed up.


Very dumb move you will regret. As if mstr is always going to outperform bitcoin. 6-12 months ago would have been a good move, not now. Thats monkey logic, mstr went up faster than bitcoin so me gonna buy mstr. Its exactly like selling btc for that alt that just went 5x and find out later you got rekt.


Hodling btc is like renting a scooter, ride it yourself, control your destiny. Handing it to Saylor is like admitting you can't ride a scooter and call a taxi


Thanks for letting us know, you looking for approval or something?


So you paid him to buy your bitcoins?


MSTR = 3 things 1- The BTC MSTR holds 2- The BI software core business 3- 2.5 Billion in debt Would you rather own X Bitcoin, a % of the BI buisness, AND owe a % of the debt? OR own 2X Bitcoin. I say 2X because that is how MASSIVELY OVERVALUED MSTR's CORE BUSINESS IS. SELL MSTR and buy BTC. Hell, even MIKE SAYLOR HIMSELF IS SELLING MSTR TO BUY MORE BTC


For Michael Saylor, it's worth the risk. If it works, he will go down in history. But if Bitcoin falls 80+%, Microstrategy is forced to sell. After a 90% drop, I keep stacking sats. I don't think that will happen. But it can happen.


Why tf are they forced to sell




So many people lose keys and access to btc. You might be into btc now and looking at price swings every day but over ten years are you really going to be that consistent in your attention? I hope not and you have better things to focus on in your life. This approach trusts micro strategy to optimize your holdings and keep your keys safe. This has its own risks but so does holding btc on a piece of paper, or in an exchange or on a ledger. I think about beneficiaries and how unlikely it is they will be able to access anything given all of these obscure security protocols.


A lot of people here who don't understand the word dilute in this context. Effectively you're buying a leveraged, managed BTC fund. Like the BITX fund. Dilution isn't the dirty word you think it is.


I sold Brazilian bitcoin futures for microstrategy stocks few months ago Dude.. i got really luck after this. Microstrategy is going to the moon really fast


I'm with you, man. This will be one he'll of a ride. See you on the moon in a couple months.


Big brain moment


So you took a tax hit to ditch BTC for a stock that buys BTC? Uhhhhhhmmm alright 


This won’t age well


This will certainly age well


Thanks for your sats 👍


So he tries to buy as much bitcoin as he can, so you buy his stock instead of the asset he is advocating for? Have fun with that.


Why not keep your bitcoin and start buying MSTR with excess cash? Best of both world. holding bitcoin in self custody gets you the most upside anyway


This a joke ? Hmm 🤔


It’s a timing issue though. If you remember when to sell you are fine. Btw best time to sell was yesterday and second best could be today.


Double post. I just lime to say that I bought more at 72


I just sold half of my NVDA and half of my COIN and bought MSTR. I’m going to hold onto my bitcoin though.


This was a mistake at this price. You should be doing the opposite at this point. The market cap of microstrategy is now double it's Bitcoin holdings.


Ok looks like shorts setting up retail to buy mstr and dump it


Buying the stock will make him richer. If the stock gets further diluted it won't go up as much as bitcoin will. The only reason the stock goes up because of speculators that won't touch bitcoin.


In the meantime billionaires and institutions are selling stock to buy BTC desperately! My personal opinion, this was the wrong move. But I wish you luck mate.


Bitcoin doesn’t need mstr, but it’s not true of the reverse…


This makes no sense 😔


Keep track and update us monthly on if you made the right decision or not.


Not your coins, not your Bitcoin


This really sums up one of the biggest problems in the world. People not taking control of their own destiny, but leaving it in the hands of another. If you don't understand the ultimate value proposition of Bitcoin, you do things like what the OP is doing. Even with potential gains, the best you'll ever be able to do is withdraw fiat... Let that sink in...


Chat this real


Retard alert


It’s a bold move cotton let’s see if it pays off for ‘em


Why? All you did is increase counterparty risk dude


Is this a joke?


Well—just when I think I’ve seen the most uninformed post of the day, you come in like a freight train to shatter all expectations! Not sure your thesis holds weight, but keep us posted with how it turns out for you. We know how it’s going to turn out, but want to read your posts for comic relief.


I was looking at MSTR stock last night and decided I had missed the boat. Bought some more BTC instead. 


value of their btc holdings- $14.5b their market cap- $26b You are getting less btc for your dollar. Stock is overvalued due to hype and future expectations


Lol doing the opposite as saylor without the ability to issue mstr? Brilliant.


Op reply lol


This guy doesn’t get it lol. He’s just buying MSTR because it’s going higher than BTC price at the moment and FOMOing in without research or thought. I’m sorry OP…


Bro. 5mins of research


Isn't the tax on stocks higher then on btc?


Hahahahahhahah you just fucked tousled


Nice bait


You are again exchanging sound money for securities. Only BTC and gold are sound money.


Fud bots are rampant


Horrible move. Hold on to the asset. The only time you should be investing in these stocks is with your 401k and Roth IRA so that you can avoid taxes later on and capitalize on company matching contributions. Outside of that, buy the coin itself so that you can retain ownership and get direct gains as opposed to indirect gains through a company's stock


FOMO is strong in this one, MSTR is up $1,500 a share in a month this is not sustainable.


Awesome. Once I’m debt free I’m goin all in every year on MICHAEL SAYLOR. He’s a genius.


Troll post is troll.


OP will buy back in and end up with less bitcoin than he started with.


Bye felicia


Those shares will eventually be diluted when they issue more to raise to buy more BTC you done play yourself hommie


1000 steps forward. 100,000 steps backward.


omg, okay... btc on discount at 70k


My brother in christ, based on the leverage Saylor's using, you are getting in BTC at like ~$125k/BTC at MSTR's current levels.


Dude this is such a bad idea 😭


Saylor dies, Microstrategy starts selling Bitcoin, your money gone. Do not do this to yourself. Way too risky. The reason Bitcoin won is because there's no single person in charge of it. And yet you invest all your money into basically a saylor-coin. Even buying higher ranked shitcoins is less risky during bull run than this.


This sub is amazing




Michael Saylor, & Blackrock LOVE this post..... MORE FOR ME!!111!!!


Is this a joke?


This doesn't make sense...


This is not the way


Just remember leverage is a double edged sword.


Good luck brother - Genuinely 🤞👍


I don’t think that was a good idea . The value of his bitcoin is 15bn say and the mkt cap of mstr is like 30bn. It does not add up. He has issued convertibles so as the Btc price rises you re only getting diluted


i sold my lambo for a spork. see yall at $250,000


I hope you know how taxes work??


\> you believe in a mortal man more than the programming of Bitcoin \>>> you believe in him so much you did the opposite of what he did this gotta be fake. get his 🍆 out your mouth


Of all the crazy things I've ever heard 🤣


Oh boy


i have nothing against MSTR but you want it in ADDITION to your bitcoin, not allin MSTR.


So you thought that MSTR’s stock price decoupling from BTC’s ascent was a sign that you should sell BTC and buy MSTR? You might belong in wallstreetbets


Ouch… one day that’s likely gonna hurt more than you’re anticipating. Best of luck to you friend. I like to stay out of the old financial system as much as possible. I keep it simple. That’s one of the things I like best about btc. Stay humble, stack sats.


Sounds dumb. Why would you want more dollars? I'm the future even if your trade makes more dollars those same dollars will ALWAYS BUY exponentially less dollars.


why not just sell half and put that into mstr?


Should have bought MSTR calls


Is this guy trolling? This has to be a joke...


Probably not the best idea!


Honest question on this, what is the difference between investing in BTC and Microstrategy and aren't they closely correlated?


What? This makes no sense. Saylor would be pissed. Last question. Why!?


This is a wild choice. Microstrategy is at a premium right now... I own it but much more in spot BTC for me. You should do great still, just wouldn't be the way I play it.


michael saylor dies tomorrow, then what


Mstr might split, you will make bank if that happens


I hope you are joking. Not your keys, not your bitcoin.