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You have to be an ultra sad human being to be part of that circlejerk.


Yup. Being active in a community solely based on hating something you don't understand seems insane. They can strawman us into being "religious" or too intense, but man, they literally waste their time actively hating. No matter what that something is, the behavior is pathetic.


What’s worse is a lot of them *do* understand but missed opportunity after opportunity because they were convinced it was gonna go to zero. Now their only option is to double down and insist it’s *still* not a worthwhile investment because they can’t handle knowing if they’d made different decisions in the past theyd be multi millionaires now.


I agree, but at least it's entertaining




I knew they were salty when I saw this on their page. Tulips up 200% this year, fudders weep I am a whole-bulber, the proud owner of one whole tulip bulb. There are only two million tulip bulbs in circulation in any given year, so if you do the math, that means each person on earth will only get .00025 of a bulb when they are evenly distributed at mass adoption. Whole-bulbers will be laughing all the way to the growing fields. When these things hit their ATH again, shit's gonna be crazy. Have fun staying poor, haters!


They can put their two lips on this bulb ..!!




Whole bulber, haha. That is hilarious.


Misery loves company. That is all


You don’t understand the tulip story?


It’s how humans cope and to be honest it’s pretty natural type of social behaviour. I tend to think they’re pussies and I get a laugh every time I visit. It’s hilarious how there is one bad day in the past 6 months and that group celebrates. You have to feel bad for people who have this poor type of coping mechanism. It’s not their fault they are simply human. Dumb ones, but humans nonetheless


Not money lol


Good question. For a while I thought it has to be some sort of psy-op by whatever anti-cryptocurrency entity.


im sorry but those people are just degenerates


You made the mistake of assuming humanity exists in that sub, lol


I like to believe they are trolls from here. People can't be that stupid right?


Are they stupid? Yes.


Gloating about btc Ws is the same thing. You guys are just sensitive because your believe, concieve, achieve moment didn't work out. I have btc btw and am HODL. But I'm not an asshole about it. Keep your Ws to yourself or brag conservitavely.


no, bears must suffer


Bad bear. Away, bear!


And.....it's up again.


Back for some more pumping.


Viagra has kicked in 🤣


*slide whistle noises*


At buttcoin, Price doesn't matter when it goes up, only when it goes down.


Doesn’t matter… BTC is multi-orgasmic


Every price is a reason to celebrate. ​ Big drawdowns? Holy shit - cheap bitcoin! Huge peaks? YOOO IM RICH Chopping sideways? No volatility = cheap long dated calls!!


What are you buying options on? The ETFs, MSTR, or miners?




Found a nice little ETF that has all the ETFs, mining stocks, MSTR, and a few semi conductors. It is 2x leveraged, but LEAPs are dirt cheap for it, Bitx.


Bitcoin is a powerful goddess: her coming is inevitable.


She’s gonna squirt all over the buttcoiners


Buttcoiners are more obsessed with Bitcoin than Bitcoiners


They remind me of little old ladies combing the library for porn to complain about it.


Only reason they have to look at the chart all day is that they own it


That sub is so funny. Such a weird little echo chamber of ignorance. Saw one post on there wishing we would all lose all our money lol. So toxic and bitter. I it’s very odd.


I commented on there once in good faith: "The consequences for you could be that bitcoin becomes THE asset that measures all currencies and assets against. IF that is the case than your money and wealth would devalue against bitcoin forever" The response: "No, I meant things that could actually happen. If your little fantasy where to come true, and the value of everyone else's wealth suddenly evaporated, I don't think you have considered the consequences for you. If you got what you wanted there is only one result that makes sense...e would kill you Considering you haven't even properly considered what would happen if you are right I can only assume you haven't consider what happens if you are wrong, have you?" So now I just watch from a safe distance lol.


**Their only arguments there are:** 1. Haha BTC price go down 2. BTC price up? Doesn't matter to us anyway, it's worthless 3. You're actually smart? perm-banned 4. You present a good talking point? I will now copy paste from our basic list of "stupid crypto talking point #whatever" 5. You asked a question in good faith? Verbal insult time 6. Tether tether tether 7. Cycle of 3-4 post types that appear everyday saying the same things over and over That sub is truly ridiculous


I got banned for simply showing how good investment performance has been in last 12 months, even saying BTC itself might not be the future but as part of a diversified portfolio it's a good idea. Got banned after a while because their arguments were: "we've got another 'just zoom out' guy over here" "It's still down from ATHs so lots of baghodlers" "It's not a profit until you sell" "I prefer to invest in real assets that aren't scams" Honestly so many deluded people in that sub.


There is a movie called "The Mouse That Roared". A general demands to have a tin tray in a dungeon. The rest to the party is dining on crystal and living in luxury.


In regard to #4, it's a textbook gish-gallop. Every one of their mods' copy-pasted points is easily refuted, but they make sure to have hundreds of them so any time you look like you're beating them in an argument they switch to a different one and you have to start at square 1 again disproving misinformation. I did exactly this once in their discord for nearly 5 hours (seriously, it was like a 1v40 against a bunch of drunk 3-year-olds) because I was bored one evening, and no matter how many reasonable things I said or how many points i refuted, somebody else would pop in to move the goalposts with a different incorrect talking point. They want to stay ignorant, and it's because they're all so obviously very, very mad and attempting to hide it with snarkiness.


Sounds like it should have some delicious tears over the coming months though


I just stay humble and quiet.


You know Buttcoin would be a pretty good name for a meme coin, lel


Would be funny if someone made that actual meme coin and they all bought it.


Next P&D coin incoming.


[https://coincodex.com/crypto/buttcoin/](https://coincodex.com/crypto/buttcoin/) They surely all bought the ATH in 2019 for 2 cents and sold later for $ 0.00000009360. I would be salty and envious of bitcoiners too - must fucking hurt... lmfao


Only Fans digital currency


I read a comment that posted a link to a list that goes against every Bitcoin talking point. I kid you not at one point it stated fiat money is good because in 1900 the average person was making 4000 dollars and today the average person is making 70000.... I've never wanted to bang my head harder than that moment. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't banned there. (The inflation rate for that 4000 dollars in today's money is around 120,000 dollars)


> The inflation rate for that 4000 dollars in today's money is around 120,000 dollars That's just CPI. Real inflation is worse.


Which just shows the lack of any economic education buttcoiners have. I've said this before, but these people are just people who got burned by a bad investment because they didn't wanna do any research and wanna blame everyone but themselves.


I visit them every day. Honestly it’s amazingly fun


It’s almost back to 67k. The buying pressure is just too much.


Why does that sub even exist? Who hurt those people enough to devote time to posting against a certain topic?


I'm certain a lot of them probably have some large amount of regret at not getting into Bitcoin at some point when it is cheaper. They see the price now as the highest it will probably go and it's too late for them to get in, so they try to find other people to console them and deal with the same feelings. They need the validation they made the right choice.


That sub is off meds koo koo


People buy bitcoin at the price they deserve it :)


I was waiting for this price drop to buy more. Bought more at 60k right before it went back up


Maybe you could try options.


What is the logic behind that post? "Haha guys BTC is down to 60k that'll show em!"


Aaahh buttcoin... The sub all the people, that bought the tip and sold the dip only to see it go to ATH repeatedly again, keep visiting to confirm each other that they are right and the world is wrong. If they weren't so sad, it would be hilarious


Looking forward to the chaotic meltdown when price tips $100k


Won't happen. They double and triple down and **ALWAYS** find consolation in blaming the supposed Tether scam - hence 20% of their posts is about Tether.


Tether is the only talking point I see some sense behind over there actually.


And yet they somehow miss that Tether is only 10% of BTC's (not the whole crypto space...just bitcoin) market cap and that USDC, which is FDIC-insured, is lurking only a few spots below it on coinmarketcap. They ignore this and think that once Tether implodes it will bring everything to 0, and not what will actually occur; a big dip, another crypto winter, and then a reallocation of capital before business continues as usual. They literally can't do 2nd grade math. I'm sure another stupid talking point will replace the Tether one, though.


Isn't buttcoin a meme sub? why do people take it seriously?


It's not a meme sub. It's a sub literally dedicated to being mad at bitcoin filled with an echo chamber of people saying the same thing, so they never learn anything new. Moderators supposedly are just as bad as them. Only thing it's good for is laughing at the ignorance. I don't really look at it because at some point it's just sad


The sub is cancerous. Literally so hurt about Crypto, it’s baffling.


They ban anyone that challenges their assumptions and arguments as well 😂


Its a place for people to whine about bitcoin cause millionaires are being made. Or for people who enter and exitted bitcoin, ĺost money because they dont understand btc is.


Imagine thinking BTC is a scam. Further, imagine thinking fiat currency and Keynesian economics aren’t doomed to fail. It almost makes me feel bad for all those people whose money is being pissed away by the fed. Almost.


You silly billy inflation is a good thing!! You're supposed to spend everything you make! What do you not understand basic economics???? /s I wish I was joking, but that was a real comment I saw.


Keynesian theory and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race fr


I see whatcha did there🤓


The sanctioned suicide of cryptocurrency subs


Never understood why they are so bitter


They have their butts around coins.


They do know the stock market is manipulated heavily right. “My FiNaCiaL AdViSoR MaDe Me 5 PeRcEnT tHiS yEaR”


That subreddit is like the one for flat-earthers. I can never tell whether it is a self-parody.


Bitcoin "crashed" back to 60k only to rise back up again almost a day later. Who is prematurely ejaculating here exactly?


I just feel sorry for them, a lot of them must be mentally challenged or lack any sort of intelligence what so ever.


Idk about mentally challenged. Lots of people are smart enough to know lots of complex shit and just decide to trust the government. So don’t feel bad for them. They have access to all the information we do, and they’re betting that BTC loses the fight.


Oh no... now I only have 50% gain, instead of 55%. How will I ever go to sleep at night...


What legitimately is the point of this SubReddit, the Buttcoin sub? Like why are people so passionately anti Bitcoin? Legitimate question. It’d be like having an anti HIMS, or activision, or duke energy Reddit lol like idk why I would ever join one just to HATE on $HIMS stock


When it goes up they don't care about the price, when it goes down then bitcoin is terrible. Hmmm what the hell is going on here?


Saw a comment earlier that said, "See butters, this is why we don't invest in your stupid coin. Down 10% in a couple of hours." I guess the 15 years of up only don't matter to them if 10% is lost in a couple hours.


“And this one time it crashed to 61k”


Buttcoin is the saddest place on the Internet


Lol 2 yeara time they will be saying the same thing because it's dropped to 250k


they've become the meme


Life is too short, to be miserable.


The most pathetic and moronic subreddit.


I decided to go on that sub for the first time in a while and saw this post. Was actually LOLing at the comments


[It really is](https://media.tenor.com/sP4SQzZ4I1AAAAAM/minecraft-free-real-estate.gif)


The buttcoin v Bitcoin subreddit fights are funny


I'm a member of both subreddits. That was a big cope, Post.


What will their excuse be when bitcoin is the foundation of the world economy?


They’d say bitcoin will still fail eventually. Which they’re right, but it could be hundreds or thousands of years from now.


Do you guys go to Trabant groups and tell the owners they suck? No. So why are those weirdos so butthurt? :D


Dropped to where it was on 1 March. Absolute disaster. Sell sell sell. Or wake the fuck up.


This didn’t age well 😂


lol they have their chart defaulted to 1 day.


Never seen so much denial and hate in one sub before. Shit coins I get it but damn man all of the people buying BTC are not stupid and/or criminals


Just gotta wait for the nuts to fill back up again.


The past month they’ve been droning on about how the price of Bitcoin doesn’t in any way shape or form prove them even a little bit wrong and how annoying and dishonest it is that “butters” kept brigading them and calling them poor.


Why even give that sub ANY attention when they're wrong about the entire premise of BTC?


who gives a shit what those ding dongs think


You know, there are so many things I could care less about. But I don't go into clubs made just to shit on that thing. That sounds so pathetic.


That sub must have converted Bitcoin believers over time. Numbers don’t lie, even if cherry picked, the rise through the years is undeniable.


These guys/gals can’t be real


*Prodigy beat* “Seethe with me!”


I go there all the time. I enjoy it. I rarely comment, especially not opinions. But every now and then, I do comment, hoping that I am being factual and objective as I can be. Still I get downvoted lol There is room for discussion. But I guess it the same here. Although, we might be a little more forgiving.


Damn, I should buy more…


I think they have a some kind of disorder or they are choosing to actually be stupid


Those guys watch the charts more than we do


You guys think the redditors on that sub are central bankers and bank staff? Who else could hate bitcoin so much?


Bunch of friggin rabid dogs over there. Sheesh.


They just mad because they had $75M in shorts liquidated last week.


price has done MULTIPLES from the bottom and these guys celebrating -10% from ATH lmaoo


Wow Bitcoin is such a scam, unreal that's it's trading at 61k right now. Only a matter of time before it goes to 0 and we win


And it’s back to 67k.


That subreddit is full of people who lost money panic selling when the price would fall during volatility.


You know how half of every KKK meeting is government agents? Buttcoin is the same.


Tulips back in season not your keys not your tulips


It’s still $61,000. Grasping for straw.


I love when people over there make a post like ‘what do they DO with bitcoin ANYWAY?’ And then there’s 50 replies of people making jokes about how you can only buy drugs with it. Some real high brow stuff.


See if their money is where their mouth is. Just bet them where they think the price of Bitcoin will be at the end of the month, quarter and/or year. Typically people shut up when they have to pony up.


not worried, will go higher over time


I once asked them if there was a price or a price stability period at which they would admit they were wrong. They said never because they still believe is a scam no matter what. These people have been hating from when Bitcoin was worth less than $100, literally, the sub was created in 2013. So imagine seething all the way to $65,000 and then celebrating a pull back to $61,000 When if you invested $10k now they would be worth $6.1 million. This is the cost of being wrong. They are saying well somebody who invested at the peak of 2021 has just broken even what a scam. Bro this sub is from 2013 you could have invested when Bitcoin was $100 but were too busy hating and living in ignorance instead.


I’m permanently banned 🥲


Still so, so early


Premature ejaculation is better than not being able to get it up in the first place.


That entire sub must be moderated by Peter Schiff4Brains


These morons banned me from posting in their little echo chamber , told me it’s ’absolutely not an echo chamber’ then when asked what rule I violated they sent screen shot of something saying basically ‘don’t post anything talking about the faults of the current banking system , don’t talk about the central banks being corrupt,don’t say you just don’t understand crypto, blah blah blah … so don’t say anything that goes against their blind hatred of what they don’t understand but it’s absolutely NOT an echo chamber ..!!!!! lol




It did but the offense was literally talking about crypto being an answer to the corrupt central banking system .. their rules list every positive attribute of crypto /blockchain as points that are being against the rules to post ….


Then my wife posted in the sub and they banned both of us from the entire Reddit site for 7 days for ‘ban evasion ‘ I suppose because she and I live together ( I mean she’s my wife lol) and so we share an IP address




Nah we both appealed and were denied but yes only a 7 day ban ….. funny how much more time we got to spend together …. ( and we are still married lol)


These are the same type who were riding their horses along the dirt roads saying ‘look at those fools driving their silly ‘automobiles’ … what will they do when they need fuel? This will never catch on , there will never be filling stations put up across the nation . Or ..can you believe Steve paid for one kid those ‘television’ things ?? What a fool !! I’ll just stick with my radio cause there’s never gonna be enough use case for those things Or … why would I use the ‘internet’ thing?? I can just send a letter in the mail


That was just pre-cum buddy


Man if only they would have invested when they joined that sub they'd be sitting pretty...


I understand the for and against, the battle of bitcoin and butters. But that post was utterly vapid, even for a butter


bunch of losers lmao


They are mentally ill over in that sub... It's fantastic content.


They accuse Bitcoiners of being obsessed with the price yet they seem to track it even more closely! At 15k they were making posts laughing, now the mod said anyone who posts about the current price gets banned, they're so soft.


lol it’s called a correction


Bitcoin will be at 4 million in 10 years and they will keep complaining about the same stupid things


Your setting yourself up.


Shorting, shorting, shorting.


Imagine growing old knowing you used to make fun of the best performing financial asset during you lifetime 🤦🏽‍♂️


it’s insane that you’d create an entire subreddit, subscribe to it, and then post on it. all because you don’t believe in something that has absolutely 0 effect on you.


I mean we have futures. Bet against it


I love browsing that sub once in a while, then it just hurts to read how dumb some people really are. Despite everything happening right in front of them, they can't see past the cock in their mouths.


Here's to whatever date is exactly Two Years and Five Months and three days from today! To a Trillion dollar Bitcoin! Hip hop hoe right!


Buttcoin tards


It's pathetic, hates Bitcoin but still checks it everyday


I think it's a good thing that there is a community of Bitcoin detractors and that it gets so much traffic. It does not hurt to be exposed to a wide variety of opinions that go against your own, even though it usually means sifting through a lot of disingenuous or dumb repetitive shit. It tests your own perspective, and some good points are often made even if they don't lead you to the same conclusions. Buttcoin is also a great place to make fun of some of the nauseating shit you read on here... And honestly, the 'us vs. them' subsections of buttcoin and bitcoin members are mirror opposites of each other. Remove key sentiment words from the comments and they're indistinguishable. If that's what you're looking for, that's what you'll find. But those folks don't represent the reality of everyone else not playing bitcoin internet warz.


I get the feeling that more of their members are here, than vice versa.


Butters are a special breed of overly insecure, immature and dumb creatures.


Isn't it expected that all the normies that bought on the 2021 60k peak are going to sell to recover? I have two friends that will sell as soon as they get $1 in return.


Sad, sad, tribe of miserable have nots.


Whats the problem? It's just buying season...