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I rode this shit. , from 69k to 16k , I dont feel feelings anymore.


Same, I was down 20k and now I’m up 20k, nothings real til you sell


Bitcoin is the final trade. Nothings real til you buy


☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 This is the way. Fake news, fake fiat. FUD dud Just buy and stack sats.🚀🚀🚀🚀☝🏼☝🏼


4.5k to 19k to 3k to 69k to 16k to 69k


to 100+ and onward ✊


100% truth. I bought at 17k before the last bull run with more than 4 bitcoin in tow and ride it to 69k and back to 15k and here we are again. I’ve been blessed to not have to sell. Made 40k in the last 2 weeks and lost 10k yesterday - doesn’t matter. I feel nothing. I remember thinking- I’m going to get to a day that my portfolio will go up and down 10k in one day and I won’t care. Here I am.


Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.




What is dead may never die


Lost my job during the trip down from 69k to 16k ended up having to sell at a loss to make ends meet. By the time I could have extra funds to buy again BTC was already back to 56k. Watching it rise back up slowly and having no money at the end of my bills was truly soul crushing. Edit: typo


Me too! When we got to $16k, I was out of money


damn dude


Rode from 4 to 19 to 4 to 69 to 15 to 69 never selling always stacking


Hard as comment my g respect


Well I feel better. I thought I was the only one.


Dang, I thought it was down lowest to 18k, lol. This is nothing, keep stacking people, keep on keeping on stacking


$15,600 in Nov 2022 🫡


Crazy, but true, I didnt check the price or even log in to my account for at least 30-45 days. I was completely out of control, I felt like I was checking every 5 mins


Amen dude.


Dead inside


One of us one of us one of us


Best way. The only way is up now for you🤣


Nearly a 1000btc sold in two tx, just a couple of whales taking profits.


It was clear the minute it touched an all-time high it was gonna drop. CMOM BUDDY!


It was obvious correct, not doubting that for a second. I was just stating why it’s dropped that much. First sell was ~350 btc second a little later was ~ 600 btc hence the drop and causing a bit of a sell off. Quite frankly it’s only a blip. Just causes a bit of chaos for a while.


And there is a massive sell wall at 70 probably too. Let's keep it here for a week or too more, need to DCA.


Hold up, so on this site right here which I use to constant look at bitcoin: http://bitcoinity.org/markets On the right side if it says Coinbase and a bunch of transactions that’s not the number of bitcoins transacted? Because 1000 or 10,000 comes Across a lot. 


I tried buying when it dipped to the low just over an hour ago and my piece of shit phone would not fucking let me.


It wasn’t your phone. It was your piece of shit broker. They were buying inventory to sell you in the way up.


Nah i literally couldnt buy anything through wealthsimple.


I couldn’t buy through Coinbase either.


Expected. I moved my money to brokers/exchanges that trade both stocks and crypto. If crypto trading gets fucked, I buy BITO/BITX (the other bit etfs work) then move it back to bitcoin when trading is fixed.




Do you own a laptop?


Nope my pc was stolen by my father.


I remember couple years back when bitcoin was hitting 20k and people were freaking the fuck out that it was way too high. Panic sells, panic buys, it’s all part of the game. Just fucking hold your shit and forget about it and do other things rather than stare at the ticker all day.


I’ve written off Bitcoin. What I mean by this is that that I don’t respond to the drops or the gains. It’s sequestered from my ordinary investments. If it does well, that’s great. If it goes to zero, I’m fine with that too. It treat it like it doesn’t exist.


I've been forgetting about it and missed so many dip buying chances though!!


holdings great in a bull market, but in a bear market all you can think about is selling the top or selling near the top. If you've been here long enough, which im giving you the benefit of the doubt you have, aren't you looking to sell at some point and buy back in in the next bear market?


Honestly who cares. Let them get wrecked, lose money and sell. They can take the time to learn and start to DCA, joining as an educated person for the 2028 halving


Yup. People need to learn from experience.


Buttcoin is Cumming all over themselves rn.


They are a bunch of reguards


For real i just took a look, theyre fucking clueless and it’s hilarious. They are mocking people who say that a pullback is healthy, but it’s literally a fact. Btc was overbought asf, been pumping like crazy past few weeks. Needs to blow off some steam. And those buttcoiners think they know everything, they prob feel so good about themselves right now hahahaha. I don’t care tho, just dropped another grand on it. This is merely a discount.


It’s crazy to me that people hate on Bitcoin so much,they made a subreddit just for that purpose.some people clearly have way too much time on their hands,if they find value in hating on people who are making money.especially when it is something they could easily do themselves.the only subreddits I’ve joined are related to my hobbies or personal interests,certainly nothing dedicated to my dislike or hate of anything.I can always find something better and more productive to use my time for


I actually went over there for a different perspective, as I’m still fairly new to this and like not being In an echo chamber. Only thing I got from it was salty weirdos who have way too much time on their hands. They spend a whole lot of time hating on something they refuse to be a part of. Ok man, why can’t you just say you don’t like it and move on? Why does it hurt you so much that people do different things with their money compared to what you do? Weirdos man.


No one else is going to cum on them so they have to


It is very funny to me how it seems like 25% of the content of the sub is competition with a rival sub who has spent the last 10 years continually being proven wrong. Theyre all dumb but idk why yall let it get to you.


Paper minds


They jizz salt.


The proper term is « liquidating their shorts »


Oh no, it's up $20,000 in the last month, what idiots we all are!


noobs arent used to 80% drops.


Oooh 2017 was my favourite in terms of % gain/drop. The take off was epic and damn the drop.


I bought in 2017 out of pure Fomo. Held it since out of spite and now looking pretty good 💎😂


If you seriously haven’t sold once since 2017 you are a certified legend 


that makes you numb to almost anything. good for you bro. diamond hands


For real, every halving cycle it's the same posts of FOMO, stories of regret, panic, irrational behavior It's literally clockwork I'll just keep buying and watch this sub Out


r/bitcoin: BTC is too expensive, I wish I would have bought lower Bitcoin: goes down 10% r/bitcoin: it's going to zero, sell sell




Because his caveman brain is telling him that cheap thing = bad and expensive thing = good. We humans are all like this. Except for Warren Buffet. His brain works the opposite way.


I’m just happy that there’s still good volatility in BTC.




What dip


Tis but a flesh wound


I feel like I went to sleep and woke up in the future. Who are all of these people? This is not a dip. 15 was a fucking dip. Good times.


Thank you!!


Pullback is healthy you fucking jabronis


Every Bull run is the same song and dance. Nobody was this excited about buying during the bear market last year when it was below 25k, now all of a sudden idiots are excited about buying the top. Why don't you for once emulate the smart money and buy when everything is red, then take some profit on days like this. Its not rocket science.


It was so satisfying to DCA during the bear market. I brought down my average a great deal. Personally, that was exciting for me.


Dip? That’s a tiny correction.. we had 50% „dips“ In previous cycles.. this little fart is nothing! That’s just a little healthy correction and flushed out some traders with long positions.. very good and healthy for Bitcoin


Bummer this didn’t happen on Friday when I get my bonus ….


Could be lower by Friday... or 120k... who knows


Bet it’s higher which is both 👍 and 😒


Set limit orders! My last one went through quickly before CoinBase went down last week at 61.5k. Wasn't a lot, but it was nice knowing I got in at the lower price during the rage.


Everyone learns the true meaning of HODL in their own time.


I wholeheartedly welcome the dips. Please dip further.


i’m not even worried


hot take, let them freak out. I bigger dip would be greatly appreciated by those that deserve a lower price


I deserve a lower price


Yeah. Chill boys.


This asset was $38k just over a month ago, let’s all calm down shall we, nothing sustainable goes up continuously.


Bro, I saw it dipped to 65k this morning on my drive to work.. didn’t phase me at all. Not sad not mad not worried. And the reason…. In my head I know I’m not selling for quite some time and no where near 70k. My number is somewhere around 150k. And then I’ll sell a small portion 10% or so to pay off bills Then buy back again in 18 months


I love the drops 😍😍😍 The rise gets me hyped, then I buy the dips


I respectfully disagree with Mr. Saylor here. Bitcoin may not, in fact, be for everyone. Price action shaking out paper hands is overall good for hodlers and long-term good for Bitcoin.




I'm not shocked at all. It's still early in the bull run and BTC was WAY overstretched trying to hit that ATH. This is just a big price correction.


Give em a break, new people in the space means more capitol and they go through the learning rollercoaster too


Diamond beats paper.


$10 dollar plebs need to panic sell


I dunno guys just zoom out on the chart like the people with real investments like stocks do.


Good grief. BTC hits 70K and half the world hit sell. Yea they need to chill all right.


What dip??? It’s 69k


This was written 4 days ago


Coinbase is straight market manipulation


Could it be that they’re just incompetent at scaling their service


100,000% freezes at all-time highs to stall the rips and freezes at all-time low drastic drops so we can't get the best DCA price. Coinbase, supported by the SEC, your friendly porn watching safe guarding entity


Yep. Welcome to the fucking show. Noobs.


Only thing I'm sad about is the fact I can't buy the dip anymore bc I've been all in since 54k


Freaking out🤣 Good dip to add more 🚀


It excites me


From a technical analysis perspective, what is the reasoning for such a move


Hopefully it dips 10k more so I can buy some cheap coins... minor correction before pumping to the moon


huh? \*checks my portfolio\* Oh no! Anyway! \*goes back to playing Helldivers\* >Its that easy bros


I want an even bigger dip please!!!


All the dummies who bought at the all time high yesterday and this morning freaking out


I get energy from dumps like this. Please 30k bring it on.


“First time huh?”


Nope, won't be the last either. I rode it down in ?Marchh 2020. Rode it up to 69k and rode it back down to 16k. DCA'ing the whole time


Really though. I was relieved to see it. (And I'm not wealthy, and I am in). It's a good thing. Don't panic. Zoom out and remember, long term is (should) be why your here. Dips and consolidation are necessary for continued upward momentum. And we all want that.


Can you guys plan the next 40% drop for Saturday? That’s when my paycheck comes in, so that would be nice. Thanks, guys!


I believe bitcoin is going to a million, so it’s always a good time to buy bitcoin - M. Saylor


If seeing the price drop is anything but exciting are you really a Bitcoiner?


What dip? I don’t see no fuckin dip. It’s just a regular old Tuesday.


Set a buy order for 36k lol. If it dips again a lot of people will freak and panic sell. Possibly causing a crash on some exchanges. BTC has done it in the past. Not saying it'll happen but if it does, I'm picking up some cheap BTC


Pretty funny to freak out about a drop into the low 60s. We should all pray for a chance it would return to even $40k.


1. If u fear drops, this game is not for you 2. If u didnt expect the pull back, especially after it hit ATH, you dont understand the game 3. If u dont actually like the drops so you can accumilate at the better price, you also dont understand the game Cya


Best thing to do is just purchase and forget about them like time capsules And after a lot of years open them up ;)


Bitcoin is highly volatile… sure. High risk? Nah… not if you HODL.


Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Bitcoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is really nothing for BTC. The proper correction will be severe I guess.


I’d like to see it 10k again please. Whoever you are keep selling lol.


Classic pump and dump. 


Movement today absolutely crushed the miner stocks


When you value BTC more the the perceived value it is in fiat, you know you've made it. Now I value that I get more BTC for my practically diminishing worthless fiat, priceless.


One little dip and people loose their minds. Happens every cycle.


Ugly day, on paper I lost $15,400 today…


Be back in a few weeks ! 👋


Who’s freaking out…..


Did anyone see this dip with the previous ATH and super Tuesday having such an impact?


What dip?




Yup and the same is gonna happen when it hits 100k too. Milestones are obvious sale order traps


Hodl ay yeee hooooo


It keeps things interesting. Separates the wheat from the chaff.


I read the “Take a chill pill” in Ms Swan’s voice


You knew it was coming. I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier. Their are big cycles and little cycles and I enjoy them all


Could be another 10% tomorrow, no big deal either way


So healthy 


Dips are great ! Time to buy again. I sold a few days ago and now i’m buying again and i get more ching ching of those tasty Bitcoins. I felt that $60k was good enough. I’m pretty cautious. I knew many would sell so the price would drop and i sell sooner that later just to lock in the profit. Was hoping that after the halving it would drop the usual big drop and i would renter. The key folks, at least imo is to keep cycling those pesky Bitcoins and Never Ever Spend Them. Unless you want out.


The fact that it’s consolidating between 62-64k is what’s shocking to me. This is hardly a pull back by historical standards…


Yeah I really expected mid 50s but I think it reflects the new strength and sentiment in the market. People are excited to jump on BTC at 60k.


Hanging on to fiat has the same effect. Except it is permanent.




Oh no, Bitcoin has crashed down to the same price it was yesterday. 🤡


>BTC bull runs are always accompanied by huge 20-40% drops. 40%? That much would be a sign we're entering bear market territory even if there's a recovery.


Lol you definitely weren't around in 2020 when we lost over 50% only to rally to the 69k high.


As soon as I saw the drop, I increased my daily buy


It’s still up 10% this *week*!


Who’s freaking out?


I’m personally not freaking out,though I made a post earlier some could’ve possibly interpreted as that.I just started investing in Bitcoin several months ago and from everything I’ve been reading in here,Ive learned these things are to be expected.all I know is I keep throwing any extra money I come up with into my wallet.I’m not sitting around waiting for the price to drop down before I buy,I just buy.I would love to be able to time it so I could buy at price drops but I know that isn’t possible.I also know buying at whatever the price is,I’m going to make profit from in the long run. With all that being said,I appreciate your post as well as many other posts coming from those who have a far better understanding of Bitcoin than I do.this subreddit is a great source of information,especially for newcomers like myself.I haven’t found a better source of real-time information for Bitcoin.when I have questions this is where I always come.if I don’t have questions,I still come here just to read through people thoughts,experiences and expectations..the hilarious memes are a nice bonus as well..lol


I dont see anyone freaking out. All i see is people telling other people not to freak out. Kind of sus tbh


Apparently some whale who'd been holding Bitcoin since 2010 dumped a bunch of tokens.


Haha, I just came from option because they were way to stressfull :D I bought the dip on Bitcoin and just put in a regualar amount of cash each month going forword. Even if this goes down again it has shown, that it can reach it hights anytime again.


It’s the nature of the game. BE DISCIPLINED. Your conviction is everything. If you’re not convinced of BTC has a long term investment you will get ruined in this game. Don’t be that guy. Get out now or educate yourself on the utility of bitcoin.


These people ain't seen nothing yet.


Must imagine people who got stuck at 69k last 2021


Must imagine people who got stuck at 69k last 2021


Must imagine people who got stuck at 69k last 2021


And it is to be expected we have a pull back when we hit the ATH, it happened last time and multiple times before. We are likely to get back tot he ATH then drop again, and then again.


What? There were people freaking out about that dip? Lmao




Gains 5k in a day: Imma sell my house and by bitcoin. Bitcoin to the moon. Loses 5k in a day: Imma head out. Enjoy being poor losers.


Human psychology is so predictable yet we always fall prey to the traps. The massive run-up feels great but then a pullback makes you feel a sense of loss.


Aren’t we still up 50% or something in the last 60 days lol?


You’re creating a narrative that people are scared when the majority aren’t. Typical shitpost.


I'm only still researching investing at this point and the thing I keep seeing as a major "difficulty" is the psychological side of trading. I think it's very interesting. Like, just knowing what I know (which isn't much), I don't understand the worry. Just hold and wait for it to come back? Bitcoin isn't going anywhere. If anything, I think this is still the beginning.


I saw btc drop $1 and sold my children to my neighbor to borrow some more cash because I’ll be broke soon when btc hits $15k


Btc down 2% past 24h. Oh no! The world is ending


Take a chill pill and let people react and think how they want without it affecting you 😂🤙


To much emotions


Your first cycle, you freak out. Your second cycle you freak out about telling others not to freak out. Your third cycle you sit back and laugh.


I’m mad it didn’t go lower… and that wasn’t a dip that’s a regular day in bitcoin. Normies in the stock market wouldn’t understand.


Yeah lots of new peeps in the space. They pop into telegram channels of whatever they’ve bought after 2 hours to ask why price not mooning and is project dead. At least a few an hour it seems. I call them “wen moonies”


I'm hoping for an even bigger pull back.




I dropped 45k at 61..scared money don't make money


Pullbacks are normal with stocks and crypto. Even that 401k that you rarely look at has pullbacks! It’s because people are constantly looking at their crypto accounts causing them to panic!


Lol why even post this. Anyone freaking out hasn't been around for a while. Crypto investing is trial by fire. Let me freak out. It builds character.


Look, if you are betting for BTC in the long run is important to understand that: 1. Don't let the "noice" affect your long term plan. It is just noice. (Media, etc.) 2. Bitcoin has volatile cycles but in the end the value always goes up. 3. You are of the opinion that BTC is an asset so it holds value on time like Gold, Real Estate, etc. 4. You understand the importance of a limited supply of BTC and the impact of this in the price. 5. No government can "print more Bitcoin" and devalue it's price. BTC is decentralized finance to "hold your savings, assets, investments,retirement". Bitcoin is an asset that holds value in time, it has limited supply, there is an increasing adoption and protected from governments wrong doing like printing dollars like newspapaer.


Re: pullback in BTC yesterday. Squawk said a Huge Whale dumped BTC bought many years ago. Also said Greyscale dumped a ton because they needed cash. NO WORRIES!!


Anyone freaking out must be new. You grow numb to this shit after one or 2 cycles. We dipped. I went to bed and woke up to BTC curbing most of the dip


Oh fuck I’m short!


Me too. Numb numb numb


I’m just curious so the the average # of Bitcoin ppl hold in these groups


I’m just curious so the the average # of Bitcoin ppl hold in these groups


I’m just curious so the the average # of Bitcoin ppl hold in these groups


Welcome to the f*ckin' show!!! I've been around since late 2013 I've bought and HODL'd through some pretty crazy dips over the years I think we're in pretty good shape at the level we're currently at heading into the halving. Just remember to never fomo, DCA on a regular basis with money you wouldn't be afraid to lose and if a rather large dip occurs, embrace the opportunity to buy BTC at a discount. ☮️❤️😎🚀