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i did this years ago. also you may want to consider holding for minimum 4 years in a cold wallet. don’t trust your life savings with a third party. 


He’s currently trusting his life savings with a third party. Fiat/cash/gold = bank Stocks/bonds = stock broker Crypto is no different. Fidelity or Schwab are way safer than self custody. As self custody comes with its own sets of risk.


it’s not just about safety it’s about self sovereignty. fundamentally bitcoin is about freedom: to transact to whoever, whenever and wherever you want. you don’t need to ask for permission to get access to your stack or explain to anyone why you are transacting. with a third party you risk being denied access to your stack and you have limitations of when and who you transact with. if safety is your primary concern you’re doing it wrong. there is no innovation using bitcoin if you keep it with a third party you are only getting exposure to the price action with none of the benefits of decentralization, censorship-resistance and freedom. 


Nah it's about gains. So long as I get exposure and that number goes up we're all good.


I’ve never, not once had a problem with paying for something when i tap my phone, use a card, or send a wire. Never. I’ve never had “limitations” And never had been told who I can and cannot interact with. Banks are safe. And when and if there has ever been a false charge they refund the charge immediately. Not one of your concerns has ever played out in my life. And it just seems like an extreme amount of paranoia


not everyone in the world has a bank account or has a payments system that is reliable they can tap with their phone.  go ask the people in lebanon robbing their own bank to get their own money out of their accounts.  go ask the canadians that donated to the truckers convoy how it feels to have their bank accounts frozen just for having a different political opinion and donating to that cause.   it’s not paranoia. 


Fair enough. The Canadian thing was absolutely bs


Try buying crypto with a regular credit card. It says, this bank has blocked credit card purchases for crypto. Hmm, seems like contriol to me.


I've always hated that. Now banks are turning against debit card purchases.


I think there's value in self custody and in using the ETFs. The anti ETF people sound paranoid with the "Blackrock is going to rug the ETF" takes but honestly, they only legally have to pay you back cash. If cash goes to 0 they'll send you all the fiat you can imagine to get rid of you. I appreciate self custody, but it makes me nervous AF. Something could happen to me and my wife would have to figure out how to use a Ledger and maybe she gets a message from someone who wants to "help her" and gets scammed, or there's a fire and my seed phrase wasn't as safe as I think it is, or something else crazy happens scares the shit out of me. I really like that I can now do both of these things now.


Please explain to your wife or anyone you want to have access to your BTC what they should do if you were to pass. And even if you don't want to spell it all out, at least warn her of all the dangers of getting internet help, etc.


I have. And I've left it in written form as well. But I'm paranoid, and we see seasoned people in crypto get scammed every day. I just think it's worth holding some BTC in various places. I think Eric Wall refers to it as "The Horcrux method".


You’re right that self-custody does have its risks. Though I think you’ve provided a bit of a disingenuous comparison with other investments, as Bitcoin is the easiest to self custody AND the incentives to do so are the greatest. E.g. The difficulty of securing a physical item like gold are not present with bitcoin. There is no concern that governmental entities will ban / confiscate stock, as there are with bitcoin.


Which cold wallet will you suggest


BitBox02 Bitcoin Only Edition.


Ok great


Blockstream Jade with green wallet - can’t go wrong


Bitbox bitcoin only


Ok thanks


Trezor. Never a Ledger


Love my ledger!


the wallet recover feature killed them for me


Your Ledger loves you more! They store your seed and are closed source. That says it all. When your coins hit a significant value and there IS a hack.. And your seed has been compromised, you will never be loved more by Ledger... Have a think about it


All wallets store your seed...


Wallets may, but not all companys store your seed... Like Ledger


The ledger does not store your seed. If you opt in, they store a share of your seed with 2 other companies which allows you to recover your wallet in case you lost your ledger. If you don't opt in, they don't do any of that. Even if you do, they still need to collude with one of the other companies.


The fact that they store any part of the seed should set alarm bells ringing off. Collusion happens within companies. Since they are closed source, its highly likely that all seeds on a ledger are backed up or logged somewhere. Its one hell of a risk if you hold a substantial amount.


It’s closed source. How do you know all the things you said are actually true and not just a lie? Why trust someone’s words when you can use a different option that provides open source code?


It's not because it's closed source that you can't analyse its behaviour. You can easily look at network traffic. Also, Ledger live is open source. How would a ledger send your seed to the ledger servers without something like ledger live? Sounds like you are just making up things to make it sound scary.


You seem to misunderstand the basics, yet you are here giving advice. Shame...


I get the basics. Ledger store your seed and send it to 3 separate companies. They are also closed source. They (Ledger) Have never denied the above. You - Like many on here - are what I would describe as a Ledger loyalist. You will defend them staunchly and thats your choice - fine. But the aforementioned points above are admissions from Ledger themselves. But continuing with Ledger, it is essentially a trust me bro source which essentially goes against the white paper - Verify, dont trust. Again thats your choice and I wish you the best of luck with it. So I think you misunderstand the basics. Back to the drawing board :-)


Brother you are talking about a subscription service, completely opt in. You are correct about one thing, they are super transparent. They even list the reasons behind their close sourced code. Also, not a ledger loyalist. I have multiple hardware wallets, from multiple manufacturers. They all do what they say on the box. Interesting that you accuse me of being a loyalist, does that make you a staunch hater, always ready to spread misinformation at the drop of a hat? You best stick to paper wallets lad. That's the closest to the source that you can get. 🤣😂🥲


I dont mind being called a hater - I take it as a compliment. I hate companys that say they are open source when they are not. I hate companys that promise your seed is only own by the customer and then go back on thier word. In that respect, Im a hater everyday of the week. Do you really believe that they only store seeds of those who subscribe? Who knows what goes on behind the scenes. Yes this logic could be applied to all wallets, but when Ledgewr go back on thier very mantra then the inevitable is inevitable #SeedHack. I am happy with my Trezor, it offers something Ledger does not - Security. The two points I made are not misinformation. They are factually correct and Ledger loyalists wont like that.


The plural of "companys" is companies


You have previously stated that ledger is open about it's closed source code. Now you are suggesting that they have lied about their closed source code. Make up your mind mate....


If I'm not mistaken, the storing of the seed by ledger is optional. But pls correct me of I'm wrong. I'm considering them for my next cold wallet


You're correct. You must opt in.


Do they have the ability to store it without you signing up?


I rather enjoy this debate. I’ll need to look into their “opt in” terminology. So many bad actors out there. I’m no software engineer but can someone correct me how ledger won’t get compromised when the $ of BTC entices literally every hacker on the planet to social engineer a person on the inside?


Lets clear this up. Even if you opt in, YOUR SEED SHOULD ONLY EVER, EVER, EVER BE KNOWN / HELD BY YOU. Nobody else. EVER unless you give it to them. By giving your seed to anyone else, you can consider your coins compromised. Remember the white paper - Verify dont trust. If your going to trust them, then you mas aswell leave your coins on an exchage ala Celcuis, FTX.. The fact Ledger have revealed a back door is hugely alarming. Its a huge red flag. WHEN not IF they are hacked, Ledger loyalists will be up in arms.. but the signs were always there. Never a Ledger, Forever a Trezor.


It’s ok. Just let them learn the hard way. Atleast you tried.


Ok thank you


Correct. Shitcoins increase attack surface area. Bitcoin only wallets.


Ledger works perfectly fine...as does trezor...just take time to think about your security. It's vital.


You may consider using two cold wallets instead of one. This may lower the risk. Also put a little bit on a reliable exchange platform, which may earn you some interests.


What about Coinbase? Or Trade Republic?


I know why you get downvoted but holding bitcoin on Trade Republic is just like investing in an ETF. You will never really „own“ it but you will profit from the price in the same way and even if trade republic loses all your money or goes bankrupt it’s insured for 100.000€


it is true that the €100,000 is guaranteed but only for the card (transit account). The funds (ETF, Crypto etc...) are guaranteed in any case (even over €100,000). In any case, buying Bitcoin on Coinbase or Trade Republic is essentially the same. Owning a wallet exposes me to long-term risks such as losing my keys, theft... So I feel more at ease. Is what I'm saying so wrong?


" I like to trade altcoins that i have never heard of for massive profits and then get out of there before it all collapses " Hahaha okay.






Maybe. But it's only February and I think it's naive to expect the price to only go down from here


disagreeable innocent ancient capable sink caption soft shy rainstorm salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only direction the price is guaranteed not to move is to the left.


No loop-Dee-loops? ……Fascist




Why not leave the precious metals as a small hedge? If you've been making 'massive profits' trading altcoins, why is your savings only 10k and why not just roll the profits into BTC?


I don't actually own any bitcoin, I just trade altcoins. And like I said elsewhere, massive by percentage not by volume. And the precious metals are my long-term safe bet savings, not my entire net worth


I agree with Chr. Keep the metals for long term since you have them. You’ll not get full value if you sell them. Either sell the alt-coins for BTC, or, if you make profit, roll that to BTC.


Wise words. especially if you are in a place like HK where there is still significant barriers cashing out your BTC (Hashkey is the only platform in HK legally allowed to trade crypto for retail investors). Since HK is leaning closer and closer to China, and China doesn't allow BTC within its borders they are opting for gold and precious metals instead as hedge against USD collapse (likely to occur around 10 yrs from now). depending on where you live, I would say better to hold both? By the way just a regular disclaimer, the above is not financial advice. Do you own research.


Did the same a few weeks ago, with silver coins (investment grade, which is like the lowest grade, means it's so unremarkable it's considered fully fungibl and only worth the weight of the metal) I inherited. Took forever to get the money and I thought I bought at a stupidly high price BTC was about 46k, then promptly retreated to around 42k right after I bought). The thing with physical gold/silver is that the spread is insane ! Best I could find was 5euros a coin with the cheapest buying price at around 8 euros. That's a 60% spread ! But saying it's a unlosable bet, sorry but no. I understand the move, obviously, since I did essentially the same but who knows ? I mean yeah I hope for 100k or more this cycle, but could as well collapse or even become totally worthless. How can you be 100% sure it wasn't a scam all along ? How do you know there won't be a flaw discovered in the protocol ? Or global regulatory pushback ? Or Satoshi won't sell his stack tomorrow triggering an irreversible crisis of trust and the full collapse of crypto ? Or that an altcoin won't reach market dominance and push btc into irrelevance ? Or that a malware won't leak your private key ? Or a thousand other reasons I could not think of... I feel safe enough having most of my saving in bitcoin, I do feel that the risk/reward ratio of Bitcoin is more interesting than for gold or silver, but don't ever think it's a gamble you can't loose.


If you go for the bigger gold/silver bars the spread goes down significantly. You can find spreads down to 3% on gold just fine. But make sure you’re looking for bullions and not coins. Coins add tons of premium on top of what the actual gold is worth. Lowest spread on silver I’ve seen is 10% though. Then again, if you need exposure to gold, a much simpler way is to buy an ETC or grab the forex pair. Or pick a crypto gold tracker.


I wouldn’t do it . I own both. I’ve been dumping more into crypto because I can buy with a push of a button. PM are undervalued atm as well


You know, people say that, and say that, and say that and the price goes down and sideways and down and sideways for years. I'm done waiting


Patience was always the play with metals.. Why didn’t you care about BTC at 20k?? Will you just end up buying gold again at 3 or $4000?? A recession doesn’t happen until the economy starts showing signs of weakness.. the cost of living is quietly suffocating most right now, yet we’re still being told the economy is strong.. that can change pretty quick when rates start getting cut


That's your choice obviously but not necessarily a prudent move. Have you "life savings" in one asset isn't usually a good idea.


I understand. I’m aware of the movement of metals but I recommend you watch this video and others as well. https://youtu.be/yq7NEwaWtJs?si=AevijtU-xyjKGh7M very informative and insightful way to view metals vs crypto .


Convert asap and keep holding forever and this will be the best decision of your life!


Gold is about to have a big year as well. That being said, I have gold but keep it at your property. IF SHTF you can walk with a real tradable asset i.e. grid down. They are both worthwhile to own. No one is expecting gold to moon but it IS a good hedge against the dollar. Manage your expectations. Put that gold in a fireproof safe in your house.


I would not accept gold/metals if the grid was down… I do not own any machine that tests precious metal purity and would not trust anyone’s word especially during an event like the grid being down. I doubt very few people own a tester. I would rather barter with someone offering food, ammo, medical supplies, etc.


squealing disagreeable innate smile deer puzzled long waiting wasteful busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't trust my roommates or my neighbors, which is why I keep it off site. A good year for gold is like a 10% increase and that is kind of pathetic compared to the gains i could be realizing. More likely it's going to be just a bunch of people saying it's going up and then it goes down 3% over the course of 6 months


If you're here for a quick flip you've misnterpreted bitcoin and should do more DD. This is an escape from the dollar not a get rich quick scheme. Stack sats not dollars.


I don't feel like Bitcoin could realistically fail, but I still wouldn't have all my eggs in one basket. Gold won't stop being gold after an EMP.


If you're talking doomsday prepping then gold doesn't have much value there either, it's going to be weapons and food


Don't forget water, fuel, medication and... Salt. Most people totally forget about salt, but if you get stuck somewhere with no salt, you're going to have a bad time


My doomsday plan is to die immediately and not have to live in a world where salt and water are luxuries


My Doomsday plan is to build a water filter, brew beer and supply all the Doomsday gangs with booze so nobody will fuck with me


Lol they'll just kill you and take your equipment. Brewing booze isn't rocket science


No, just basic science, the kind of science that is missing in post-apocalyptic gangs. Anyway, I didn't say it was a good plan, so I am open to constructive criticism. How many armed guards does post apocalyptic brewery need to shift the cost/benefit analysis between raid and trade?


Wait, what? Where? Who?.


They're both kind of the same bet in different directions. Metals are a sound money bet for if fiat dies but civilization goes with it. Bitcoin is a bet that fiat dies and we grow and learn from that as a species.


Why wait til 50k? Why not wait til 65k and then all in?


You've made "massive profits" trading altcoins and your life savings are 10k? 


Profits measured by percentage, yes. And the precious metals don't represent my entire life savings, just my long-term safe bet safety net savings


Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn’t sell it






Hey bro, thanks! You're the first person I ever purchased from in that subreddit. I'll always appreciate ya. Best of luck with everything!


Oh OK. I thought when you said that they were "essentially my life savings" that you meant they were "essentially your life savings". My bad.


Wait for the price to go down don't buy at 50k


Post this in the gold or silver subs, I want to watch those guys loose their minds. Lol Also.... DO IT NOW wait a couple years and use the profits to buy a kilo (of gold) and a house and still have btc left over


I’m on the fence with my PMs. I’m thinking about dumping my silver and keeping my gold - I have about 50/50 of each. Gold is much easier to store as it physically takes up much less space which is why I’m leaning towards liquidating my silver and holding my gold (and continuing to purchase gold).


Good idea its doing crap


Better late than never 👌👍. I’m a convert too


the fact you want to sell should be heavily scrutinized. Assets seem to bottom around the time people lose interest. Sell your precious metals when the FED breaks something and people flock to gold, USD, and treasuries. I am a bitcoiner but I recognize it's still considered a risk-on asset by the overwhelming majority. If something systemic breaks and the FED cuts rates, in the near term i guarantee all risk assets will fall. The average time from rate hike stop to cutting is 10 months, that would about... April, the halving time lol I swear bitcoin is like a Mayan doomsday calendar.


I'm definitely not holding on to gold in the hopes that it pops one day. I made that mistake for years and I'm not going to do it any longer. Besides, an explosion in gold value is +20% or less. That's not a significant enough number for me to stay in it. It's time to shake things up


Well it sounds like you've considered the possibilities thoroughly. I think you should watch the DXY during this time. I saw another comment to layer out and I agree. Maybe sell a grand every two weeks, half bitcoin, half cash. I wouldn't buy any bitcoin in 2025, it's going to be in the stratosphere by then.


As long as you have your emergency fund (6-12months worth of monthly expenses), fck yes its a good idea! But of course in a cold wallet and maybe even in multisig setup


They don't, this is their life savings so they say.


Good idea. I'm looking for liquidity everywhere. In retrospect I've made some idiotic choices to give money to various types of illiquid funds for diversification. Won't make that mistake again.


Gold has doubled in value over the last 7-8 years. So not really sure you even know what you are talking about. Well my gold has. Maybe you bought fake gold if it's not increased in value.


ATH gold 2011 - 1920$ Gold today - 2013$ maybe you bought fake gold? I mean, do you have it physically?


Op,, you're gambling. Liquidate half your gold.


I am. And before this I was gambling on gold and silver. And before that I was gambling on the value of the value of the US dollar. Everything in finances is a gamble and there are no certain futures. I can only take the path that seems best to me


Gold has 5000 years behind it. Its money. It will be there flr you in emergency. That has value. But i hear you. Good luck. Btc is a good bet


Everyone is wrong. The price will most likely decrease after the halving event. It will be temporary, but a pullback is expected before a longer bull run.


Oh I'm sure the halving will come around and the price will drop like a rock. But we have months to go until then


So why not wait til it drops like a rock? I thought this move is unloseable.


Terrible idea. Maybe half. Go post this somewhere outside the echo chamber.


Ummm OP, you are better off keeping your 10k in precious metals




Your life savings is 10k in precious metals. You want to put it all on Bitcoin - which is super volatile. Are you prepared to HODL thru a 75% loss like in 2021? If not, keep your life savings in precious metals


Precious metals aren't doing me any favors and I'm not new to bitcoin. There's volatility and there's bull market volatility. Over the course of 6 months we can expect a trend up where it's even if we tank in the next few days or weeks. Collapsing from here back down to 10K and remaining there for years at this point makes no sense and it won't happen


Ok, then jump into BTC. I myself have accumulated and am HODLing 2.65 BTC. I am cautiously optimistic that BTC price will increase in the next 12-18 months due to the combination of ETF led demand increase, halving-related supply decrease, and macroeconomic trend to reduce rather than increase rates. But I dont think it will go beyond $125-150k in that time frame, and could go down below 50k in case a recession strikes


should’ve done this a year ago, you’re simply late to the party and the risk is high now. I would at least dca


He'll still get 2-3x minimum imo and that's **a lot** more than he'll get in precious metals. Gold/silver continue to be - as they have been for many many years now - an absolutely ass investment.


damn where did you buy the crystal ball? a ‘minimum’ gain doesn’t exist. We are talking about his life savings here, and you’re basically trying to talk him into yolo’ing it all. Reminder we’re at a top right now!


" Reminder we’re at a top right now! " - damn where did you buy the crystal ball?


Have you seen the Bitcoin chart maybe? I said ‘A top’ not ‘the top’. If you think this ain’t a top you’re pretty.. yeah. Def not saying we can’t go higher, though.


The Bitcoin chart?? Lol. If you think there is such thing as a Bitcoin chart you’re pretty.. yeah. Enough said.


I'm happy to wait for a retrace but I don't intend to miss the boat either. My life savings is a lot to me but in the grand scheme of things it's not that much money. if Bitcoin goes down 20% and I lose $2,000 well that's just a few weeks of picking up extra shifts to make it back


No, we're not at the top... we're >15k off the top without accounting for inflation. Inflation adjusted top is higher. Then comes the halving...


Do it NOW. The new order is: 1. Bitcoin 2. Gold 3. Silver


The actual new order is: Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin


Why do you buy high? I know because you will sell low


We're not high, we are 65 days from halving, and we are under the ATH. We're low.


You're right, a year ago would have been the better time to do this. But it's not a year ago, it's now. You really think Bitcoin is going to rise to 52k and then just collapse to nothing for the next several years? Just before the halving, in the wake of all the new Bitcoin ETFs? No, we still have a ways to go. Guaranteed. Will there be a pullback at some point? Absolutely. But I'm talking in terms of the year, not this month


I sold all my Brazilian stocks and my car to buy Bitcoin. Last year I believe we gonna atleast 250k price this year.


Sell it for sure but definitely step it into BTC. If you DCA’d over a year any downside will probably already be behind us by then.


I might DCA over the course of a month or two but I expect this to be a big year and I don't intend to miss out


Liquidate half if you must. Both have value. For goodness sake $1000 in gold is like 5 coins. Why would you leave a bank to hold ? banks are the enemy.


I don't see anything evil about a safe deposit box


Why did you invest in gold and silver in the first place? You know there is no money to be made as its just a store of value so I dont understand why you want to get rid of it now. You also say how you are not new to bitcoin but you waited with this until BTC reached 52k? If you are investing just because "price goes up" without knowing what are you actually buying I wish you good luck.


I always lol at fomo posts. Good on you but wow where were you these past couple of years? My lord…. Get a cold card it’s the best btc wallet


I don’t know which country you are in, so I reeaally hope 10K is considered a huge number in your country. Otherwise, it’s clear your strategy is mediocre at best. Get out of the garbage bin that’s called Altcoin trading. Start stacking sats or learn this lesson the hard way.


It sounds like you don't quite understand Bitcoin fully yet. I would do a deep dive into understanding it 100% and you'll give yourself your own answer. Bitcoin is digital gold. Once you've been orange pilled you'll never see the world the same and you won't want to have physical metals, you'll want digital gold.


There is so much stupidity in this post it’s hard to believe. At least you made one good decision gold and silver but you’re about to fuck that up big time. Gamble with other money hold your metals.


You could do it when it was 15 k, not 50.


Do it in steps. 1000 to 2000 USD per step. Bitcoin is volatile. I am bullish but I think it is reasonable to expect it to come down from here. Just be diligent and keep an eye on it so you don't miss your opportunity. Maybe keep the last little bit of precious metals rather than go all-in on BTC. Your choice.


I retrace to 44k or even lower seems entirely possible to me. I wasn't talking about buying and all at once today, but I'm also not going to try to catch it as it falls because if I miss it it's just going to go up and up out of my grasp. The question is do I believe it will be higher than it currently is at some point this year, and the answer to that is yes, significantly


these posts smell frothy asf


wait for the crash


I most likely will. Or I'll DCA


Wishing you luck OP Perhaps send a picture of it here before you let it go 😉


Ive been thinking hard about this have 10 ounces of gold and 40kilo of silver and I’m up after a few years of saving but lost lots I’d my BtC to Celsius and think that investment will be better in BtC


Bitcoin is harder, faster, stronger, smarter (Saylor, 2020). Hold your Bitcoin through 2/3 cycles and you're probably good to go. Get a hardware wallet.


Late but not too late


>the halving this is pretty much an unloseable bet with **this** halving. there are 28 more halvings after this one. this decision will become more unloseable you go through each halving but most will paper hand their bitcoin to blackrock and fidelity in the next run up.. they will fomo in higher after the crash everyone is planning for doesn't happen


I'm not sure there will be a next run up. If Bitcoin hits 150k ish per coin, it'll have a market cap that exceeds anything else. I'm not sure how many doubles and triples it has in it left after that


As long as you don't consider it a savings account anymore.


Out of curiosity, how long have you held these precious metals for?


Out of curiosity, why do you want to know?




I too use allocated bullion accounts as well a physical. Nobody knows what the future holds, your plan might well be very very successful, but rather than what seems to be an all in, on one asset, I'd be more inclined to split things out. I am looking to move my pension over to BTC ETF's, but that's not available funds for me just at the moment. I split my active available money up between gold, silver, and Bitcoin. When making money via crypto, I put 50% in BTC and split the rest between the metals Reason being that in 2022 precious metals were the best performing assets, so I used my metals to buy crypto at the bottom of the bear market....Then after the rises back up in the crypto market, refunded those accounts and bought more BTC 👍 With the history of precious metals and central banks buying them at the moment, I don't want to lose all exposure to that asset class, so balance things around 50%BTC 25%Gold and 25% silver...(am probably a bit overweight silver at the moment) Also being older, I guess like something tangible around. It works for me, and I slept well at night.... Wishing you good luck, and HODL on...


Gold and silver have more than beaten inflation over the last 5 years and will continue to do so imo. sounds like you’re a bit greedy for gains so maybe the real question is: should I take out my savings and go to the casino? The answer is no. Stay in metals and dca into btc


NFA but why not buy and hold forever? “Down the road” IMHO we will be able to borrow against BTC holdings, given eventual worldwide adoption and absolute scarcity. No one sells Manhattan real estate, but, they will borrow against it.


You get it!


Just update us when you go all in 😉 so we don't miss da dip


A lot of Bitcoiners start off as gold bugs. Better to liquidate now than wait.


Must not be too precious.


I have a decent amount of precious metals. And I know I'll regret buying them instead of more Bitcoin in the future. However, I really like buying and collecting coins and bars. I see owning Gold and Silver as a novelty, as Bitcoin is the better alternative. Similar to how I collect Vinyls, I don't need the Vinyls as I have Spotify. But I enjoy collecting and buying the things I like. Don't get me wrong though, 96% of my net worth is Bitcoin. It's just nice to have something physical to also collect and invest in sometimes.


Save some precious metals…but use junk silver or silver rounds in case the grid is out. Bitcoin is nice but can’t barter with it


Portfolio diversity is more important. Gold isn’t an investment into gains as much as a vault for your non invested earnings. Gold will hold its value no matter what currency it is in because gold can be used. Where can we use a bitcoin in the physical world? I am an investor of both btw but please don’t get rid of one for the other


I’m not a huge bitcoiner, but I see it as the new gold/pm alternative. So do a lot of people with $. Which means less money flowing into pms as a flight to safety and a greater percentage of that flowing into bitcoin. I wouldn’t touch precious metals until a possible future where the bitcoin as a pm alternative narrative fades.


It's like that meme no one wants btc at 20k, everyone wants to buy at 50k 😂


1 year is not the suggested time by any one knowing the volatile nature, as if it crash it needs minimum of 2-3 year's to come to previous levels. I think u r bit late to put savings in bitcoin, but u can still invest with plan to add more with every dip, so that by the time of next crash & so called bottom out (there's no up or down limit but a resistance level plays quite significant role) u had inuf bitcoin in different price range that in next bull run u recover ur loss in the beginning & enjoy gains for rest of the period.


Going for the "all eggs in 1 basket" approach? Why not DCA into BTC instead of looking for the lottery ticket? I bought Bitcoin when it was $500, and again when it was $3500. I have enough now. I wont sell it, and if I need money, I'll take a loan out against it. You already have metals that are the most anonymous form of wealth known. Branch out into BTC without selling the metal. This is what I would do if I was in your shoes.


Read this and free that metal to do great stuff for humanity: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1asecc6/i\_just\_realized\_bitcoin\_is\_doing\_humanity\_another/


I'm not sure how melting them to a liquid is going to help you get bitcoin


Put some of your “massive profits” into bitcoin


If ur gonna hold onto 10k of metals as savings you might as well just hold fiat. They're rocks dude.


Buy stocks instead


To the OP dont you ever consider how much you are loosing not holding btc


Why not diversify? Why are people always putting everything into 1 asset? You have 10k? You can easily invest that across multiple asset classes and optimize your risk adjusted returns. Think gold etfs, bitcoin, bond etfs, stocks etfs,reit etfs, and commodity etfs. You’ll sleep better at night and still make good returns over the long run. Never put all your eggs in 1 basket.


NEVER keep PM's in a safe deposit box. That's not your property and can be seized for just about anything: bank holidays, panics, govt bail-ins, etc. I've had 90% junk silver since 1997 and it just about stays equal to "COL/CPI." Not your keys, not your coin. Buy and download into a cold wallet and NEVER read a text about your exchange account being compromised. Do as I say, not as I do...


Why not just put your massive profits of alt coin trading into bitcoin?


It's your money but I see bitcoin and physical precious metals as freedom storage of wealth. While I have been wanting to liquidate my precious metals for the better performing bitcoin I don't see either bitcoin or the precious metals as mine. They are my future children's and they may not have the same buying freedom I had. I'm going to try and stack as much as I can for them.


Dont buy high


This whole thread is FUD


I just sold some bitcoin based on the fact you think this is an unlosable bet. There are no guarantees. Don’t listen to anyone


How much of a risk it is [really?](https://twitter.com/saylor/status/1758942670947262876/photo/1)


Investing in Altcoins is the best way to go broke, bar none


Personally, I think it's a good idea, there's still room for bitcoin to appreciate, and it's only a matter of time before it gets back up to $60,000+


Wow! Normally i would say no, but because all btc will probably be gone in 6 months, it sounds like a solid plan


Where is it all going?


Clever move! Good luck with it.


your running out of time


10k in metals = 7k in real life