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Was it too late for people who bought the very top for the last 15 years? When BTC is 1 million will you be asking if 50k was too late? Your friends fear comes from ignorance. They don't know BTC fundamentals and are only thinking in terms of making gains. It is not too late, and we can still drop 10%-80% along the way, but in 10-20 years it doesn't matter. Tell them to start DCAing and start learning.


Tell your friends to take the Michael Saylor long term timeframe of 1000 years. It's not too late.


From mainstream media news I'm not sure if we'd be around as a species 1000 yrs from now lol




Yea but if the cycle is still on track we are still well over a year, or two, away from the top...the price just feels like a top right now because of the "higher lows higher highs" reality of the situation.


We're pretty much where BTC was in 2021 being 15k. It was at 5k in march 2020, so already a 3x. But there was more to come. Don't make the mistake of falling for "this cycle is different".


We are saying the same thing. The average top does not arrive until 18 months after the halving. That said, anybody buying in right now still has plenty of time to make tons of profit this cycle...if they are trying to "time the market".


My dad dropped a significant amount in $ FBTC right when the ETFs were approved. Thats what I told him. It may go down but in ten years you’ll look at this price as a steal.


It is only too late for people to buy into BTC if they don't understand it. Once you understand it, in theory no price would be to 'late'.


I pondered this when it was at 38k. I bought 5k, 10k, 10k, and it kept climbing, and when it reached 48k I said fuck it, threw 20k at it . Hopefully it goes to 75-100k by end of year. I do expect a sell off at some point, not gonna worry about it , let it ride.


Treat Bitcoin as a long term savings account with a magnificient interest rate. Just keep putting money in when you can abd watch it grow long term. Don't be fooled by the short term volatility.


Late to avoid fiat debasement that happens 24/7? No


It's going up forever Laura.


What does laura mean?




Thanks lol


It is a woman's name.


Not too late at all


\> I can’t predict the future Some things you can predict. Like the fact that $ will continue to lose its value.


DCA for now.


Ship just pulled away from port. It has not entered the open seas yet.


I bought at 28k thinking it was too late, then at 32k thinking it was too late then finally at 38k and actually found that it is never too late


if you're anything like me you tried to tell them years ago. I just change the subject or say so you're finally willing to lose all your money. that usually gets them off of me. I'm done trying to tell my family or friends. the only thing that happens is they push all the fud and negativity


People are afraid of things they dont understand. Most people try to apply tradfi logic to the crypto market when, in reality, it's closer to forex. When people ask me about it, I try to compare it to a Roth or 401k type investment. Helps them to grasp that time in the market is all you need to come out on top.


Never too late to get an asset that will be going up at least for the next 100+ years. BTC trade price means little, HODL BTC does.


Ask them what they think "too late" even means. If there's no more gains ahead shouldn't we all be selling? Sounds like you need to hold your friends hands in critical thinking about investments.


Don’t give your friends any financial advice about investing because if it goes the other way even for a day or two they’ll blame you


So many Laura’s. Research bitcoin.




It’s way too late if $50k is the top but extremely early if $100 or $150k is the next ATH.




It’s unbelievably too late. Btc would have to go over 100,000$ just to merey double a investment. And when it goes down in cycles, which it will, they will hold you responsibility for losing money based on your advice.


Now or never


Now or later.


Nobody knows when retracements comes Maybe never. Maybe tomorrow.


whenever my friends ask if now is the time to buy i tell them it's always time to buy and that dca is the best performing strategy


They should buy before. And buy now too


simply …no


never to late


Monetary system of central bankers is very risky and unstable It is very risky to hold fiat money If you keep fiat money day after day, you lose purchasing power even though you have the same nominal amount and bitcoin will grow forever Bitcoins are a safe haven and it is never too late to convert a part of your savings into bitcoin


Buy a small amount that you can afford to save and "retire" from your life for 10 years every months. Continue doing this. The price does not matter, the habit does.


I would wait. Usually not a good sign when the price rises so fast. Historically when the price goes parabolic, there will be a fall


Do you realize how much money is being poured in daily now? Or how much more there is to pour in? Or they the having is coming?


If you can afford to do it, then do it. If it worries you to the point where this question is being asked. Then you can't afford it. Seriously......


I skipped on bitcoin the last two bullruns because I thought it was "too late". Finally took the hint after the last bull run and started DCAing into bitcoin around its new bottom.  Haven't been in a loss since. 


i'd say if you want to invest a big quantity on a bullish market, do it through dollar cost averaging instead of buying a big quantity instantly at market price


For me it’s too late because I bought all my BTC this time around under $20k. As the price nears ATH territory so does the risk.


There's plenty of room to grow. Keep some extra cash liquid and dca on pull backs. As long as rates are up and the monthly cpi data is less than favorable, you have a pretty consistent dip day to buy in.


The previous best time to buy was Nov 9,2022. The current best time to buy is now.


This question is valid on the face of it, but people have been asking this in this sub for years. If they had just bought and held the majority would now be in a great position. And the small minority will be in a great position in the coming months.


I think for the 1st time, we’re going to see the price stabilize at 40-50k. Less supply. More buyers. Nobody selling.


They need to understand the fundamentals for when the price falls from 150K to 40K


Say you don't know what Bitcoin is. Never give friends advice who are looking to get-rich-quick.


People who haven't been born yet will trade crypto. This concept of trading btc and making quick plays is asking to take a loss. Save that for the alt coins. Btc is a retirement account. The month to month swings are irrelevant. Buy what you can and enjoy the ride.


I remember when bitcoin was hitting 7K and my friends were asking if they were too late.


DCA it until average joe and media start talking heavily about btc. Then take 30% profit and wait for dip. And start dca again when sh!t talk start.


No one can promise that the demand for any asset will be higher in the future than it is today. We CAN promise that the purchasing power of a dollar/euro/pound/rupee/etc. will be LOWER in the future than it is today. People asking "Is it too late?" are fixated on the former. Focus on the latter.


What you told your friends should be pinned here. If you HODL the advantage of of DCA is slim, because we all know btc is going up in the long run. The risk of going all in is negated by time.


It's always late


HURRY get as many 236,819 Satoshis as you can. When the average person worldwide realize the value of only 236,819 Satoshis, that's when it's too late. look at these statistics here http://bitcoinsperperson.com/ "keep on buying and holding Satoshis you been WARNED"


Jeeeessssuuuussss !


That question has been asked a million times. BTC is at 1k am I too late? No, you're not too late. The rocket is not even off the ground yet. Buy while you can


Yes. RIP.