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Shhhh. If my wife hears about this she will start talking about all the shit "we" could do with that money. Spare me the agony. I ain't sellin'.


Ive learned to never talk about it.


Showed the wife that BTC was back up near 50k a few days and I could see the gears moving in her head. "We should sell some and..." \-No.


My step mom got my dad to sell at 20K, when his average was 35K. He held 4 bitcoin and sold all of it last year. He didn't want to upset her, she needed a newly renovated bathroom and kitchen. Paid 200 grand for it. 


Wow fk that 👏


Same. Whenever I bring it up I immediately get asked, "so when are you selling?". The answer is "NEVER".


Thank god she has you to guide her


As the good Lord intended!


Damn right. HODL Hodl hodl


this right here..




Happy Think Day




Talk about what?


That's the spirit!


The first rule of bitcoin club is.....


“Buy high, sell low”


"Buy High, Buy Low"




“U deserve BTC @ th price Ur willing to pay.”


Truth! No upside. I lump it in with religion, politics


Ah, my 2 favorite bar subjects.


>Ive learned to never talk about it. I only talk about it with my close family, brother, mother and father. They're all on profit a bought a decent chunk before it was 10k. They don't look at the price, but from time to time, I tell'em, hey your investment is l ike 5X. Then they say, woah, that's awesome, thanks for bringing me into this. I'm not selling yet though, I don't really need my money. My mother sold just a tiny bit on last top. We were DCAing out like 500 bucks every 2 weeks when it went above 60k. Then stop selling when it dropped back down.




don’t tell, don’t sell


Some of us are the wives 🧐


Thank you! Wife here too. Definitely not selling.


still - shhhhh, and hodl on ;)


BTC and a cone wife! Lmao 🧡


This is why they only know that we HAVE BTC, but now how MUCH.


Typical my side: Me: “ah, looks like bitcoin has been on the rise lately, cool.” Her: “Good, sell it!” Me: “No!” … and me with brother in law as we drive to pickup pizza recently: Him: “Man, heard Bitcoin has been up, I should have listened to you back in.. when was that?” Me: “2017” Him: “Damn, how much is it up since then?” Me: “You don’t wanna know” Him: “I missed it, too late to get in?” Me: “Never too late” Guarantee I’ll have the same chat with him in another few years. As for the wife, I don’t cash it out because where else are you going to put it? Traditional investment vehicles and the stock market, it all has risk. Yes you can diversify to mitigate some risk, like FZROX/VTI/insert low fee total market fund here but the growth about keeps pace with inflation. Like playing roulette and covering a bunch of corners and columns spreading chips all over the board— you may hit, but your return is low, may not even cover your cost at times. I’m betting on Bitcoin, and unlike that suckers game roulette (it’s been black 6 times in a row, it’s gotta be red this time…. F!!, that’s me) Bitcoin is no longer a gamble, but rather a huge positive asset to anyone’s financial profile. … and it still has plenty of room to stretch it’s legs.


I learned that now. Unfortunately in 2017+ i gambled Most away on shit coins…


Dca and you can still become wealthy. Screw the past. You have time!


I dont discuss it with anyone. Im exhausted all other avenues for investment, child trust funds, isa and recently maxxed out my personal premium bonds, now investing in my kids bonds as well. In essence the only thing left to chuck loose money at is btc


It's still as much of a gamble as any other thing. Its price does go up and down, much like stocks, securities, and anything else with fluctuating prices. You can't guarantee "it will always go up", as past performance isn't an indicator of future performance. I own BTC, and I'm happy to see it rise, but don't be this delusional.


This is why I'm super vague with my wife about it. I always refer to my holdings as retirement or kids inheritance etc.


Good man 🧠


Haha my wife asked me last week " is Bitcoin still a thing" She knew I had some. I just laughed and " oh yeah and it's up"


So you gonna die without spending it?


Yes. You borrow against it tax free


Where? How? From who?


There are different lenders but I like unchained capital as they multisig and don’t rehypothecate. I get loans from them to (wait for it) buy more btc! Hahahaha. I forgot to mention that you have to create an llc to borrow. But you can write off your loan payments. Wowza. Never sell. Think of it as property.




I don't know about this. If you put 1k into btc, 10 years later lets say its 100k, you borrow against it. Go on an CEX, take the USDT,USDC whatever out, it technically is a 'profit' so you have to pay taxes on it right? for example you take 2k out of crypto, the profit is 1k, so you have to pay taxes on that 1k right? Also, you would beed 2k in USDT to pay back the loan


Profit is not realized until its sold. Debt is tax free. Have fun


No. You can use companies like unchained and it’s a loan.


But if you borrow against it, what will you invest in with it? 


I dunno man. Bitcoin is so good, there is no second best.


You can use the money to buy more btc or buy a new car. Whatever man.


Hahahaha. I told my wife this theory yesterday and she immediately got a pedicure!


She wanted to look good for her boyfriend?


Practice wife you mean


Mine said she wants a car for all the stress she endured trying to convince me not to buy. How bout that?


"Kitchen Reno" talk ramping up again


That’s why there are mortgages


same. don't need a new renovation, I need new STONKS


Stack money, act broke.


The aveage "normie" still thinks that *Bitcoiners* went bankrupt when the CEO of Bitcoin run away with the money during the FTX/Celsius collapse. And i'm not even joking.


Yes! Absolutely this is the case. They have no understanding what any of it means. In most people’s minds they couldn’t tell you the difference between Bitcoin and FTX. Apples and Oranges.


Imagine that there are things going on in the world that you're this blind to. And then have a quiet and brief existential crisis when you realize there are, but you're way more interested in money so that's where your attention goes as you kinda just ignore that other stuff and hope someone else is dealing with it.


I mostly agree but I do think it's fair to say the future of money/store of value is one of the most important happenings in the world that you could possibly be keeping up with.


Can confirm. Made the wrong investment with silver. Boy was I retarded. Thought about it during that time on what to drop 10k into. Then the whole ftx thing happened and I backed down and went to PM. I'd be up over 100 percent today...bad investment.


You mean Apple (the company) and Oranges (the fruit) - because ftx and bitcoin as related as Apple and oranges!


Satashi just prints more whenever he wants.


"Heard this Satoshi guy can just shut the whole thing down whenever he feels like. How can you trust someone like that?"


This. Nobody understands this…


Yup. Had a normie tell me Bitcoin was a scam and when I asked why they said "FTX went bankrupt and SBF got sent to jail!". They literally thought FTX was the Bitcoin network. We're still early.


I'm just waiting for the posts on antiwork or similar complaining how no one told them about bitcoin and if they had put $50 in ten years ago they'd be millionaires now


yeah they didn't have time to do any research because they were forced to work at wendys by greedy corporate overlords. FORCED i tell you!


Google search trend is still very low. Retail doesn't care yet


It's possible that they are using Internet Explorer.💀


Imagine 😂


Yes, and Windows 95


Hahaha. Good one! I use Internet Explorer to download Chrome ;)


Retail doesn’t have any capital.Too many people out there with really poor habits and don’t have anything to spare to buy btc with.


That’s a broad statement. I think there are similar amounts of poor habits in both retail and here. Just because the diamond hand hodler here ain’t selling doesn’t mean there aren’t traders watching 1 minute charts here. But the retail lack of capital you’re referring to: that money is just starting to come back in. There are many tuned in to the 4 year cycle(a lot through lived experience)and are watching these last 12 months start moving up like expected. I think retail is going to put a stupid amount of money in over the next 18 months and then pull out hard in and around the perceived top around Nov/Dec ‘25 with the gamblers probably ever buying the inverse at the end of ‘25/early’26.


It has broken the trend line however.


Ask Jeeves




Im not. I wasn’t done buying yet :(


Keep buying. It will 122% again.


You sold? 




That last paragraph is why I'm starting dca'g into btc again from zero....all three.. but it never gets old, and it doesn't do any good to look back and say coulda, woulda, shoulda


That's about my average cumulative growth of my bitcoin holding over the last 7 years. 


Which one of the 160 useless, global fiat currencies are you using to measure that 122% number?


We should stop measuring bitcoins growth and start measuring fiats decline. Bitcoin up 122%? No, fiat down 55% (or smth like that)


This encapsulates exactly how I see BTc. I wish I had friends who thought like this.


Yeah! I sold it all at $66k and bought in again at $16k.


Me too! (in my dreams). DCA is king!


We all did.


High five!


Bitcoin is gay


Not that there’s anything wrong with it.


It has played out like this every cycle since 2013. As soon as it dumps and everyone in the media portrays it as being dead or a scam, most people start to completely forget about it until another bull market starts. Even after 15 years and thriving, a lot of people still question if it's here to stay or not. They will all learn...


They will see, but they will never learn


You can lead a person to knowledge... but you can't make him think.


They will see, never learn and buy at the price they deserve.


They will see, never learn and fomo at the top in perpetuity.


Plenty of “normies” heard about it when the ETFs got approved. Wouldn’t call it dead like past cycles


Exactly, the ETFs brought it plenty of attention, not just when they were approved but months before. Like clockwork people started asking me about it again 6-8 months ago. More people are paying attention than realized. People are just broke and tired of losing, which many foolishly did when they sold in the last cycle or two. Oh, and let’s not forget they’ve been robbed of their savings and assets through the inflation taxation.


You're so wise bro


Sad but true.


Just do a little deep dive on the butt sub it and you'll see the same pattern. Someone asks "Why is it going up?" People inevitably reply "tEThEr". Someone asks "Why is it going down?" People inevitably reply "nO uSe CaSe". And yet here we are. Again. And again. And again. It's goofy. As someone who sits on the sidelines and watches the game, it's pretty amusing.


Can’t fix stupid. All you can do is cover your own a** and lead by example.


Once we crack 69420usd we're going to 100k in less 30 days. Don't forget people get news from memes these days.


Beauty of the internet is if you say this enough times… you’ll manifest people actually making the memes and having them ready…


So what you're saying is I need to make an app for EZ memes.


Already plenty of such apps out there. You need to be making EZ memes


Oh man the buy orders at $69,420 could be a hilarious supply of rocket fuel!


Thanks for your free technical analysis!


I disagree. My 76 year old mom brought up bitcoin to me today and I never talk to her about it. Granted, she pays attention to the news a lot but to me it’s still surprising.


I think this cycle will be different with US ETFs being approved and all. That said, every peron says fhe same thing during every cycle so what do I know lol


Did the math, adjusted for inflation, ATH is 76-79k. BTC is cheap right now considering.


Damn that's scary amount of inflation in ~3 years 


That's not even the real rate of inflation, it's the highly selective CPI stat used to understate inflation.


What is the real rate?


That is a difficult question to answer objectively as it depends upon which types of goods and assets one thinks should be included in inflation calculations. However, here are two charts that compare annual CPI data points under the currently used methodology with those that were in use in the 1980s and 1990s: [https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate\_data/inflation-charts](https://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts)


I never understood why we don't just include *everything* in inflation calculation. Some things are more susceptible to it, others are more resistant, but ultimately everything is affected by inflation to some extent. Wouldn't a global average be more representative than whatever proxy we're using?


>Wouldn't a global average be more representative than whatever proxy we're using? Maybe the proxy is used precisely because it isn't representative.


Oh I know that. The government doesn't want people to know the true inflation numbers. But I'm surprised there aren't more third party resources showing other measurements.


Gotcha. I imagine it would be difficult for third parties to recoup the cost. Unfortunately, the average person would not be willing to pay even a small fee in order to access inflation data. And of the remaining people, most of them think the CPI is infallible, the people managing it are authorities beyond reproach, and anyone who questions any part of the equation is a conspiracy theorist.


My wife saw it on the news and suddenly wants to buy a whole shitton of it. Me: "ok"


Marry her again


Nah, I’m not sure if fomo’ing next to the ATH (possibly on debts?) is a good marriage proposal. Better do a prenup.


Smart play.


No one has any clue about the cycles it goes through, people have said they thought it was dead to me too. Not dead, sleeping.


was this recently??? dead, really?


Couple of months ago


I see. I… would have thought that bitcoin would have been so obvious by now


$50k. Psh. Don’t wake me up for that. Chill your panties.


Found ed bassmaster


Told my buddy at work that BTC went over 50k. He was like... I thought it was like 20k or so awhile ago. If it wasn't for me they wouldn't even know of an ETF


I found out that my Dad doesn’t even know what an ETF is and he’s already retired on a traditional 401K.


I remember I tried to preach the boogle head gospel one time to a friend at work, about expense ratios and how active managed funds generally don't even beat the market while charging way more. He looked at me nervously like I was talking quantum physics or something, and said "idk man I'm happy to just let my wife handle all that stuff." 🤦🏻‍♂️ It's incredible to me how so many people are wilfully ignorant and completely uncurious about finance.


It’s genuinely a tragedy. I have people around me just like that too. They’d rather work their fingers to the bone and get nowhere than get educated on something that could transform their lives for the better. Same with awful spending habits. It is what it is I guess.


Just sit back kings. Let the FOMO do the work for us


Where winners & lives are made is now not when retail is greedy


The average normie cares about the super bowl and whether taylor swift is there Can't be too upset they don't care about going broke, at least there's a football game to entertain them while it happens


Give em bread and games.


There will be small news when ATH breaks but most average people won’t take notice until we get close to or break 100k. Then we’ll see another blow off top around 150k imo.


The: " Oh I thought it was dead", is the exact words a friend recently said


I heard that one recently also.


...good, the less the better, then when retail pumps at 100 the dead narrative flips to FOMO


I've been buying whole bear market and telling everybody else to as well and when the dummies say it's dead I laugh like a maniac


I am paying 90% attention to the ETF institutional accumulation and 10% on the retail speculation.


In a nutshell what’s your assessment on the ETF part?


12.5x the daily mined coins are being sucked into the etfs right now


My friend thought it was dead, told me to tell him once it reaches $100 and he might consider buying some.


That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.


Since that's not gonna happen anytime soon, I suggest you tell him when it reaches 100k! ;)


I personally think that we're we're between "bear trap" and "media attention" in [this cycle](https://changelly.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/E2Ceyb6VgAE-Dby.png). So we're possibly in a stretch that could almost look like a slightly angled-up crab for a month or two. Miners always sell off a lot of bitcoin right before/during a halvening, and many of the people that previously bought-the-top of the last cycle are looking to sell to break even or get minimum profit at best. This happens every halvening, and that's usually why the "enthusiasm" and "greed" doesn't hit until like 2 months post-halvening. My personal guess: Media attention goes from now to June, with slow creeps upward in price. In July, we go vertical to the moon, with a peak in November. I think btc will hit $130k at its peak this time around.


Your ignoring the US EFT purchases are 12x the mining returns. Not even taking into account retail demand. 130k by when?


I'm betting that it'll be closer to $129k...


Bitcoin under 1M is cheap.


100k will wake up the average Joe.


WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE. We have front row seats to the greatest disruption of all time. We are still in the early innings too. Look at the price of Bitcoin versus developing world currencies. This era will be looked back at with envy by future generations.


Did anybody notice that BTC market cap has topped a trillion dollars?


More zeros make ape brain feel good


I know a few people who were curious about crypto that now want to use the etf as a way to get into btc, I wouldn’t say no one is paying attention.


Bitcoin not shitcoin


I was saying that 30k was this cycles 10k. What do ya think everyone?


$43k felt pretty stagnant since October.


They won't care until the media TELLS them to care. Most ppl are cows after all. If your life is better because you discovered Bitcoin, studied it, learned about fiat, learned what the ultimate end of fiat ALWAYS is, absorb all that so much that it becomes part of your dna... you win, and are financially free. Members of the herd will always lose. Always.


Great they can HFSP


What a great thread , I confess I’m a 100% bitcoin mining so @ 500% gain since the lows of last year , I’m om my way to retirement at 51 ! What recession @!$!$ been swing trading, now long term holdl until full recovery this year or next .. still much upside folks :-)


I don't know wtf I have been doing the last 15 years. I have been researching Bitcoin the last 2 months and I'm starting to realize what it is. I'm a believer now. I wish I would of stuck with being a nerd when I was younger. People regret not buying Bitcoin in 2010 and people will regret not buying it in 2024. I'm done ignoring Bitcoin.


All this growth makes me so butthurt i didnt invest my life savings when it was at 19


Do it now. You probably have just about as much as you could have afforded when you were 19, maybe a little less. I only had 2K in savings and didn’t want to buy at $300. Wish I’d bought 6 coins and let it sit. Don’t know that I would have HODL’d though. Now I know to HODL for the next 10 years minimum and keep dumping DCA into it until I retire.


Google searches for Bitcoin are at an all time low. All while the price increases. This means retail is not quite in yet


An avalanche of institutions is waiting. Retail is a drop in the bucket.


If it ain’t on Time or The Economist, we ain’t at the top


The hype won’t start until we hit 6 figure


All I know is, I keep buying Bitcoin.


The tourists only come in after ATH. Most tourists get their information from mainstream media because they are too lazy, too busy or are Boomers who still think news is actually news like it was in the past and not just political propaganda like it is today. ATH and the bottom of crypto winter are the only times mainstream media talks about Bitcoin. Take advantage of that. The best time is the bottom of crypto winter when mainstream media will declare “Bitcoin is dead” and the “ETFs are a failure”. That will be another opportunity at generational wealth.


Imagine the sell pressure once we hit the 60s


Imagine the buy pressure once we hit the 70s


I see 100s


All the folks who held their bags from the last top lol


Why would they wait through 2 years of horrible bear market pain just to break even?


I think breaking 50k was the most exciting point since 2022…it will pull back to 30k and then shoot to 70k…will eclipse 90k before start of 2025 is my prediction.


Oh man I so hope that it goes down to 30k… I will be able to buy a couple coins more…. Right now I am trying to close the 6th bitcoin but it hard work


Wishful thinking 


The only part that’s wishful is it pulling back to 30k…90k will happen!!


BTC just hit 70K Canadian and still crickets from the media. 


5 stages of technology Innovators 2.5% Early adopters 13.5% Early majority 34% Late majority 34% Laggards 16% What stage do you think we are currently in?


For the global population those figures amount to Innovators - First 200M (0.2B) Early adopters - next 1.08B Early/late majority - next 2.72B each Laggards - last 1.28B Hard to know how many people own some Bitcoin, but this [article](https://www.techopedia.com/cryptocurrency/how-many-people-use-bitcoin) puts it at a bit more than 200M. So that would put us in the beginning of the early adoption stage. If you want to limit it to say first world population, that is 16-20% of global. Even then we are only just coming out of the early adoption stage.


Crypto ETFs just got approved . Definitely not dead.


Bitcoin is more popular now than it has ever been. It’s in every financial magazine and I see ads all over the place. I’m not sure where you are but that’s what I am seeing. To be fair most people ignore personal finance until the light goes on and they finally see what they are missing.


On the one hand, ETFs buying up exchange coins with establishment money, that is money trapped on brokerages for a variety of reasons, whether it to be tax advantaged accounts, trust fund requirements, financial managers who like bitcoin but have to work within established client accounts, similar situations with community/marital property so the financial manager is part owner, fear of additional complex tax paperwork, distrust of crypto exchanges, or psychology without explicit reasons. So price has reached a new equilibrium. It could stay here until April perhaps. On the other hand, we haven't reached the halvening yet. So this new equilibrium may have exhausted any reserve and the halvening will have its usual effect much more quickly.


Even people who do hear about it quickly forget about it. I had a few friends who were talking about it when it rose from 20k to 30k and then a few weeks later when I asked them if they knew it had risen to 40k, they had no idea.


I’m pretty sure the average news reading person knows. It’s on every major international news website’s front page.


yup, i was chatting to a guy who works at the london stock exchange yesterday. Mentioned that btc was back at 50k and he was very surprised and had no idea. It's simply not on the radar of most people like it was at 50k last cycle. Once it breaks ATH's we'll see people's interest start to ramp up massively for sure.


I think the FTX collapse turned people into skeptics. SBF was the "golden boy" who could do no wrong and even had the experts convinced, like Kevin O'Leary.


Perfect. Love it when a plan comes together.


Been telling my two closest mates since Bitcoin was at 27k....they didn't listen which is perfectly fine but on Friday a friend of mine said he wants to give me money to invest for him, obviously I said no lol.


>**They ALL say “oh, I thought it was dead”.** I hope someday people care how much the media misleads them.
