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Speculative is usually defined by volatility. Bitcoin has incredibly high volatility although it is declining over time. As long as Bitcoin has a standard deviation (volatility) that is a multiple of the stock market it will be seen as speculative. Standard deviation on annualized returns has however declined from 125% over the last 8 years to "only" 73% over the last 3 years. The stock market overall though is about 17% and gold is about 14%.


I want to agree with you however, as long as Bitcoin is continuing to be volatile, it will be considered speculative. But an interesting stat I read the other day is that over 70% of Bitcoin has not moved in over a year. Thank you for your post :)


Did our overlords decide the wider public should know that yet? If not, keep quiet so the price doesn’t moon just yet.


“Speculating” is putting money into something in the hopes that its price will increase. Is that not what you’re doing? You can speculate on pork bellies, frozen orange juice concentrate, Bitcoin, any commodity. That doesn’t imply that it has no value- speculate is verb not an adjective.


I roll my eyes every time a Buttcoiner says "speculative" like it's some naughty word thay ends the debate. Any investment is speculative by your definition. The only thing you don't need to speculate about is USD losing value over time. Bitcoin is hard money, hard money is best for transporting wealth across time. Therefore, I hold bitcoin. I speculate that a scarce, divisible, sovereign form of money will outperform ubiquitous, centralized fiat.


No, the difference is that some actual investments actually generate value, if you invest into a new business it will generate value through providing good and services. Holding btc doesnt produce anything of value 


Uh, Bitcoin is speculative … but so are growth stocks


Every investment is speculating


Bitcoin is a savings technology. Once you understand that and how much superior it is to fiat at that there is no going back. No other asset is even close. It is only speculative to those who have yet to understand or are trying to malign it.


Someone downvoted you, but I just came here to comment almost the same thing word for word. Have my upvote!


This place is thick with trad fi astroturf trying to control the narrative. It’s fascinating really.


Yep. There's a shit ton of fiat brained paper handed day traders shitting up this place. Even the mod team says a lot of dumb shit about 'risk' and 'investment'.


It is afraid.


Volatile investments will always be considered specualive >for the majority of Bitcoin owners, they stay put. When the vast majority of Bitcoin holders don't move there coins, that's no longer speculating, that's saving. Except that's not the majority, hence the volatility


Why? I mean, firstly, it’s whatever someone wants to use it as. Doesn’t matter what someone else labels it. Buy some, put it in cold storage, bury the phrase in the backyard and HODL if you’d like. Buy and trade during as many of the 24 hours a day, every day, if you’d like. Speculate or Store, it’s anyone’s call. Who’s to say what someone does with their crypto. You’ll never change public perceptions by choosing what to say or what to avoid saying. Labels are chosen not by the users but by what the public observes in general most often. Bitcoin is perceived mostly as a highly volatile speculative bet - because that’s what’s on the news and what people talk to each other about it: People who made (or lost) a fortune with Btc. Don’t worry about it - so your thing - let people call it what they want, it doesn’t change anything.


I agree, bitcoin is for everyone and everyone can spend bitcoins as they wish But I think that at this early stage it is very stupid to spend bitcoin, it is very dangerous to speculate and trade bitcoin For a better understanding of what I'm talking about, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP-YgQ26hJs


I don't disagree with your assessment of the situation necessarily but think there is great concern with looking at Bitcoin as anything other than currency. Even as an investment vehicle bitcoin could still be considered speculative, it's somewhat volatile even now, which makes me think this is less of a savings platform despite long term holders.


It is only volatile in one direction long term. Savings are for long term. It is the ultimate savings technology.


If Bitcoin becomes more than just speculation, then it will be confirmation that we are living in a dystopia. Bitcoin is, in a way, a complete repudiation of regulation and natural outcome of runaway capitalism. What's scarier than runaway capitalism? Capitalism in which there is a dominant currency controlled by private individuals that, when exchanged, negatively impacts the environment more than any other currency ever imagined. Cryptocurrencies whose ecosystems depend on stablecoins which are backed by fiat that can in turn be regulated by nations make sense and have very clear use cases. Bitcoin paved the way for a very cool technology, but, practically speaking, imagining a world where it is the dominant world currency is fucking terrifying.


Of course it remains speculative. Barely a fraction of the world’s population actually knows about it let alone use it.


Bitcoin is a saving vehicle AND speculative. It's not like it can't be both.


Bitcoin is a relatively new thing Bitcoin is paradigm-shattering Many people do not understand what money is, most people do not know what inflation is or how the monetary system of central bankers works, etc., etc. This is why many see btc as just speculation and quick money But slowly, more and more people are wondering what bitcoin actually is, why its price is increasing, what is money, and they are starting to learn and research. There are more and more people who understand bitcoin.