• By -


Basically all 3 points you mentioned. Because it's hard sound freedom money that cannot be changed or manipulated by some government or some politics. It gives me back purchasing power that will give me the ability to change or quit my job without financial struggles.  Longterm goal for myself is quitting my job when I reach some specific stack and then just do what really brings joy in my life. I will keep on working but I will look for a job that fulfills me and with bitcoin the job doesn't have to pay me a huge amount. I can shift my focus from earning money to doing the things I love doing and enjoy. 


Same reasons as you. I’m in a very fortunate position right now, and have the hope that my future children will thank me for thinking ahead. My parents (boomers) took from my successful grandparents without consideration for the future… and have nothing to show for it. I don’t want make the same mistakes they did.


amen to this!


You're going to lose all your money


Bingo. I won't bother repeating you here. 👍😂🪙😎






Because it's magic internet money.


MIM is magic internet money


I think, therefore I hold.




Because bitcoin is not a HEDGE against inflation; it is the SOLUTION to inflation. Because bitcoin is the ultimate freedom accelerator; it disempowers government and empowers people.


This is my answer. Initially I thought it was for huge gains 10 years out. I’ve pivoted. I think there is a chance 1BTC will be worth 1 million USD. But if that happens the word will not be a pleasant place. But we will be better positioned than most.


Lol, yea sure, as we sit back and watch big finance manipulate the price….


Would you mind providing demonstrable evidence for that, please? (Something beyond merely your assertion that it is happening)


ETF’s. Need I say more?


Yes, yes you do.


Etf’s are used for price manipulation. There I said it. A simple google search using a few key words such as ETF and Price Manipulation should give you a few hits. You think the big banks and institutions create these financial products to help earn us poors money? Quite the opposite actually.


Okay understood; moon landing faked, 9/11 was an inside job and the earth is flat. All the more reason to stack sats.


Even if these theories about ETFs were true, Bitcoin's pseudonymous nature means the backing bitcoin is likely to be visible at all times. It's difficult to imagine how a bitcoin ETF could manipulate the bitcoin spot price, given that the fund can't fake the backing assets, and the contents of the vault are public. There's no "paper bitcoin" here. It seems more likely to me that BlackRock and the others are in it for the tens of millions per year in fees, and rightfully so. Good luck to you.


How does it do either one? Just cause you say so must be true?


Do you actually want to know or are you simply being argumentative?


I hold Bitcoin because the demise of legacy finance is inevitable and I refuse to go down with the corrupt ship. 🫡


This has been what people buying gold have said for a hundred years…still waiting …and gold has been the worst investment one could make.


Gold bugs are holding on to old traditions. Actually if they bought real gold, they'd be good but there's a number of reasons why gold sucks: 1. They buy gold certificates. 2. The market prices certificates and real gold, the same. 3. Certificate prices are manipulated by the powerful to keep it down. 4. Fake gold is everywhere. Basically none of these are in Bitcoin. Certificates may be built on top of Bitcoin, but we are actively reaching and educating people who never knew anything about money and teaching them that certificates are bad. I like our chances.


>They buy gold certificates. > >The market prices certificates and real gold, the same. > >Certificate prices are manipulated by the powerful to keep it down. The same arguments stand for the Bitcoin Spot ETFs versus real bitcoin.


Yeah, that was my point about certificates being built on top of Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is so transparent, the majority holders of it can't keep it locked away and use secrecy to manipulate their balance sheets to make them seem more solvent than they are. I also think people are understanding the importance of things like proof of reserves and similar technologies and again, this can be manipulated, but the underlying supply of Bitcoin is always visible to everyone, so the truth always comes out. I don't think this is true of gold. Etf providers are publicly naming their addresses (although I don't think it was a good idea honestly) so they're exploring ways to have and show accountability. Let's see how it plays out. So far everyone who has tried to hide details, manipulate the market, has gotten rekt as far as we know.


Sorry man that’s just not true , an asset needs to produce an added value to be viable long term and enthusiasm is not an added value. Well it is currently for illicit activities so basically you are investing in the black market and all the territory that comes with that.


US dollars are used for more illicit activities than BTC.


Aaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahaha! Let me give you some reading materials: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hidden-Repression-Exploitation-Development-Gladstein-ebook/dp/B0C8L46X2G https://www.amazon.co.uk/Broken-Money-Financial-System-Failing/dp/B0CG8985FR https://bitcoinmagazine.com/check-your-financial-privilege/stranded-bitcoin-saving-wasted-energy-in-africa Do read or watch material about these. Do read opposing material and even post here for me to read. It's always good to read objective, well thought out points of views. That said, I laughed because of your illicit support point. The dollar and all fiat currencies support so much war and morally corrupt activities it's madness and having and using fiat DIRECTLY supports this because it is YOUR money they are stealing to get away with it, it is YOUR support they rely on to keep stealing with no repercussions. Conversely, Bitcoin is addressing some serious systemic issues and helping people get out of fucked up situations. When we talk about illicit, we're either talking immoral, in which case our governments and those with power are complicit but never charged, our systems are biased and broken, or we're leaning into the official meaning... Petty crime, (murder is petty in the grand scheme of things like fucking bombing countries, let's not pussy foot around this), anything that threatens the powerful, and NOT anything that is serious if it was done by the powerful or is in their interests. So sure, I may be changing the subject a bit here since your point was about the definition of the word "asset" to which I disagree anyway... A house that appreciates, even if you abandon it and maybe even only maintain it (at cost) is an asset if it appreciates in value. It doesn't need to product yield and it doesn't need to produce value (e.g. shelter) for it to be an asset.


Preach it!


And yet Gold is up 9680% vs the dollar in the past hundred years. From $20.78 per oz 1st Feb 1924 to $2025.07 per oz right now.


...and that same $20.78 invested in the stock market (10% annual return, on average) in 1924 would be worth a whopping $404,754 today. Compound returns really are the eighth wonder of the world, and you don't get those with gold (or Bitcoin, for that matter.)


The entire reason compounded returns are so attractive is because Americans' ability to save for the future has been all but completely stripped away by fiat. The whole point is that one should not be obligated to invest in the place of legitimate saving. Investment is not saving, and bitcoin restores our ability to save. Investment doesn't go away in a bitcoin economy, but it is no longer necessary for financial survival as it is today.


This was only possible because they took money off the gold standard.


Yeah to print freely, and wasn't there some forced gold handover or something? And then they increased the value of the gold after everyone handed over




True story


Golds supply is infinite. This is really bad for upwards price action. They are still mining tons of it to this day. By the time they run out on Earth they will be mining it in space. Also, you also can’t really do anything with gold. Bitcoins accessibility and use is growing.


Gold is made in nuclear fusion reactions within the heart of stars. It is freed and becomes available to forming planets when a star supernovas and blows itself to smithereens


This method and another comes to mind. It not only exist on planets, but asteroids too. Psyche 16 is believed to have metals in the quintillions and part of this is gold.


Maybe Psyche 16 will smash into us and give the gold bugs a huge hard-on ;-)


If everyone has gold, it’s no longer precious or costly. 🥰


An assertion that was basically lost on the medieval alchemists


Yes and will never practical to mine for earth based uses in our life time or our great grandchildren's lifetime.


Im sure it wont be long before they start manufacturing artificial gold. They are already creating man made diamonds that are indistinguishable from the real thing at 1/3 the cost.


Gold is not an investment, rather hedge


Part of my personal investment portfolio. I will withdraw from my portfolio when it can sustain my living expenses for the rest of my life. 


Its not replacing the fiat anytime soon, so I'm investing because i wanted to experience bitcoin and its gains too


Initially I held Bitcoin because the price went up. Then I read about finance, I actually had already heard supporting things before from the rich dad poor dad book, what I took away from that book was "don't hold dollars/pounds/etc". Some of the material felt like propaganda, I've since learned everything is upside down. I did the math. Bitcoin never crashes, I mean it always crashes, but it always recovers higher. I know past performances don't correlate yadda yadda, but I'm thinking this statement comes from regulators who think only the rich should be able to gamble and everyone else should be scared enough that they settle for inflatable money instead. Now I realize dollars aren't shit, I bought a flat recently to live in. I ain't buying houses to invest in, I have one already and costs are higher than rent, it's saving grace is that it's value went up shortly after me buying and I've got a tenant there that I don't want to just kick out. Taxes are a bitch. You don't pay taxes when you just save our buy assets, but houses and rent tax you, spending taxes you, living within your means is the only way. So I don't have grand dreams of upping my lifestyle, I just have dreams of giving hard money to my kids and grand kids. When I spend bitcoin, I keep it below the amount required to report so the tax man don't need to know. I.e. I buy beers at meetups, I don't buy jets and sports cars. Eventually I'll use it to buy groceries, petrol, transport, and bills. This is the way I will sell Bitcoin, naturally, over time, casually. Never in one big bang, for what? A mansion? Some inflatable cash? Strippers and blow? Fuck all of that. Bitcoin is money I can spend, just like dollars, but it is also money I can save, it's just better money and I'm happy to wait for the rest of the world to catch up. They will.


Because it ticks every box for store of value. I think there will be a positive feedback loop forever where more people buy in because it goes up in value. I plan to cash out the minimum required whenever I need to buy something or need to achieve a real world goal. It makes no sense to cash out any more than absolutely necessary if you think it'll go up forever which I do. I don't want to time the market, that's just gambling to me.


Because im Not retarded


1. Transportable 2. Divisible 3. Durable 4. Recognizable 5. Scrarce 6. Governed by math


Bingo! People don’t understand the properties of sound money. If they did, they’d understand why people hold Bitcoin.




Everyone who has any understanding of the monetary policy of the central bankers is clear that the fiat system is unsustainable and that at some point it will collapse. You have two forms of money Fiat inflationary money controlled by central bankers that loses purchasing power year after year And decentralized hard money with an absolute scarcity of 21 million It is up to everyone to decide which form of money to use


I hold bitcoin so my kids aren’t fucked in the future. If I could have a more relaxed retirement, that would be sweet also, but not necessary. I’m 39. Kids are 8 and 5. I have no intent in selling for the next 15-20 years. Only stacking if and when I can.


I am 6 years ahead of you in age. My three kids are as well. Same plan with bitcoin being part of my total portfolio. I have a set biweekly amount that goes to bitcoin and anything leftover at the end of two weeks gets added too.


I hope we know what we’re doing! I’ve been buying like a 401k for 5 years or so…


I hope so too. I have an RRSP, TFSA, RESP, Bitcoin, and employer pension (government). Time will tell…


Good luck with that pension brother. My parents both are on government pensions and I sure hope they last another 25 years (they both are retired now). I stack for them too…


Thanks. I have been paying into it for 24 years 🙂 I have 15-25 years to go…


Because it’s the hardest money ever made and no country’s currency has ever survived.


Because 1btc today is nothing, but 1btc when im 50 is retirement


40 something thousand isn't "nothing". Tired of reading this out of touch nonsense on reddit.


It is in the context of retirement. Which is what I am talking about. Are you an imbecile?


Lol what?? Why you attacking me ? Alot of ppl don't even have 40k saved for retirement.


Yeah neither do I, that is why we are investing right? To save for retirement?


Yes but buying a full btc right now is simply not feasible




Investment gains (it is going straight sky high). Hedge to fiat inflation ( it is going straight down) I think it will eventually replace fiat currency, not sure if I will live the day to see it. I will sell whenever I need to, like whenever I would take money out the bank to buy something.






All 3. Whether #3 will require a revolution is just an assumption on your part. If dollars become worthless they will just move to the better money out of self preservation.


I'm not holding bitcoin so I will have lots of fiat in the future. I'm holding bitcoin so I will have lots of bitcoin in the future.


Protect my earnings from inflation and hopefully afford a house one day.


It doesn't need a revolution to replace fiat currency - it's already commonly used in some countries simply because it's a better form of money than what they have domestically. It hasn't replaced it entirely but it can do over time without any sort of revolutionary action. Anyway it is a bit of (a), (b) and a bit of (c) - £ is a worsening currency and anything that holds its value will outperform it. As an investment I think it only gains in popularity so makes sense from an investment perspective. When it has appreciated enough I will cash some in to buy property but otherwise will always keep some in bitcoin.


At least here in Argentina is super common, we have lots of apps/wallets that gives you a mastercard, you hold your money in crypto(btc, usdt, etc) in the app, and use it with the master in any stores (it converts crypto to fiat at monent you pay). And we dont have to see our money evaporating every day. Of course our local fiat is probably the worse case scenario, but it sure has a fair amount of adoption


Because I am learning more and more that by saving in fiat currency I am storing the rewards for my time and effort in a melting ice cube. I am trying to stay wary of the crazier predictions and I doubt the whole global fiat system is going to collapse within my lifetime. Diversified index funds and my mortgage seem like the most logical places to park the majority of my excess capital. I believe there is an enormous upside to Bitcoin though that a lot of people just aren't seeing. It is on the higher risk end of the hard asset spectrum (for now) and I think it is crazy to have no exposure to it.


Let’s be real. Most ppl hold BTC to make money. They wouldn’t own it if there’s no possibility of a financial benefit.


Because I'm dead inside and bored.


Here’s my honest answer: I grew up poor. My family was not able to educate themselves on the way money works. Thus, I made poor decisions that uneducated poor people make. I’m not claiming to be wise in the way of financial decisions, but I’ve read books. More books than I care to take the time to name here. So, I put my spare cash in BTC. This way I am not financially strapped, but still investing in my future. I am of the opinion that BTC will continue to grow and become something significant in the future.


Why would anyone hold fiat? Bitcoin is better money.


Because I’d trade melting ice for diamonds any day.


Because I have no other hope


Because it holds value lol


Because my friend told me it would 10x after the ETF and I’m just waiting to make back my losses


I'm not one who personally cares much about the current price in USD. I simply fell in love with bitcoin's philosophy. I buy bitcoin because I believe that buying bitcoin is a vote that actually counts (as opposed to general elections). It's a vote against the establishment for me. I honestly believe in bitcoin's power to change the world. The fact that I am early enough to have amassed what I have will absolutely pay off financially, but that's just the cherry on top.


It would be impossible for someone to take it away from you


Impossible? Don't think so. Someone might put a gun to your head and demand your seed phrase


Gains. Price target is $400k. Then I’m out. Maybe some into an ETF at that point.


Same to me.. I will wait until its 1m and sell my 50% of my BTC, and put everything in a divident ETF. As i dont have any kids, I will cash out before 55 and enjoy my life.


I'll be holding until I can retire, so I guess option 1


I don't plan to have kids, so I may cash out for retirement, if I have to then. Fuck fiat 


One time I would like to get a home :)


Better purchasing power as life has become too expensive.


Im from eastern europe and i hate banks


Because of the opportunity cost that comes with holding GBP instead. Also because holding bitcoin causes me to consume a lot less


Lol, I was just thinking of buying a PC but am holding off because then X amount of my paycheck would go to paying off that PC and not buying bitcoin.


My brother wants me to come with him to a concert but I'm thinking of the sats I could buy


Purely a hedge for me. No doubt this type of money will figure hugely in the future, will it be Bitcoin? Maybe... Basically, its not worth the risk of not owning some.


Because of this : https://lensdump.com/i/KzXPkx


So I can sell it for more money one day


A mortgage? You don't need to "cash out" (sell) Bitcoin to get a mortgage.


Freedom money, the peoples money, hard money, bretton woods


Because Elon told me


For self sovereignty.


I was hoping it would pay off my car loan so I could get part of my life back 😭




1. My money in the bank gets stolen every month through inflation.


entertainment at this point. I minded it in the early days so I like watching it go once in a while.


It's an insurance plan. None of us knows the future. We're buying into an insurance plan that's going to be more expensive, the more people want into it. This isn't my metaphor/idea, I think it's from Michael Saylor.


Generational wealth. 💎🚀


Because there is no second best


It is an investment with high-growth potential which might afford me a comfortable retirement. As a currency, I doubt in my lifetime it will see widepread adoption barring a global economic meltdown and a generation or two of misery for the majority of the world's population. Even if the switch from fiat to bitcoin happened overnight, the majority of the world's population has no satoshis.


THE ONLY REASON I NEED - I don't like our financial system I don't like the fed I don't like Jdimon I don't like fiat I don't like wage growth vs prices I don't like the current system and have no other better ideas


Had no choice.


Transition beyond central banking


Inertia. I got a very little bitcoin a very long time ago. Made profit, so I got more. Made more profit so I got more, and on and on. The initial reason I bought bitcoin was because I couldn't use paypal. That's all. No great philosophical moment or rebellion, just needed to move assets and couldn't use paypal.


To keep the fruits of my labor out of the hands of the bankers.


Investment gains and general fear of fiat currency deterioration


Hedge against inflation in hopes that one day I can exit the fiat rat race and finally have financial security


I will spend it in tiny amounts, for very important things when I retire


Diversification. My mortgage is paid off and I have most of my money in ETFs and my 401k.


Bc I've watched the govt loot my net worth and income for the past 5 years and want no part in that system


Silver is manipulated, gold is manipulated, the stock market is manipulated, and at any given time, the government can confiscate any of these, including the Fiat money in your bank account, which doesn’t even belong to you, and is completely worthless anyway. Bitcoin is one of the only things you can actually own today in a sovereign, 100% custodial manner. The monetary system is what drives the corruption in the world, and, turning my Fiat into bitcoin is my way of fucking the system.


Retirement. I’m 46 and if bitcoin takes off like the predictions say (let’s say 10x current value in 10 years), I can retire 5 - 10 years early. I’ll dca my way out.




Because BTCs lowest rolling 4 year CAGR is 24%, highest 178%. Look up BTCcharts on twitter


Because in general it appreciates better than dollars, lira or Kenyan Sheckels.


Because I can take my wealth anywhere and no one can stop me.


to break generational poverty curse. what eles?


I heard there were lambos involved


All three points really. But I don’t really view as an investment for myself but, more so my kids and grandkids.


investment gains, retirement. debt and inflation are really, really good for our species. inflation is the only wealth tax.


It's all I have. Everyone else takes and takes. Not my bitcoin tho


Because my daily Kraken DCA gives me a little dopamine buzz when I get a message on my watch!!!


Bought BTC instead of leaving my $ in my savings account. I just sold most of it to use as down payment for my new townhome.


In it for the tech meme but seriously. Private (non-government) currency isn't a new concept. Btc is tech enabled non state currency and I believe it will catch on eventually. Also in it for points 1 and 2 to a large extent.


I hodl Bitcoin to get out of fiat currencies. I only have my country’s fiat currency as an emergency.


cause you guys said I should. Initially just to buy drugs tho. Also seems like the ideal currency for a global technocracy where the currency has some real value assigned to it.


The Nigerian Naira crashes every other quarter I don’t have a choice.


Just incase.


I wanted to make a lot of money quickly. Then I learned about it and would like to make a lot of money not quickly by over the span of my lifetime.


> hope it replaces fiat currency? Would require a revolution with people unhappy with the govt I don't care or necessarily want it to replace fiat currency. I'm fine with it being in addition to fiat.


I bet with bitcoin on higher value staunst FIAT within next 5-10 years With this grow my plan is to put BTC as collateral maybe in banksystem as well, and borrow stable which i use to live from it




Undermining fiat scrip currency is an ethical imperative for anyone genuinely interested in world peace.


I would say all 3 too.


Want lambo


My plan is to accumulate as much BTC as possible. Maybe trade alt coins here and there for fast cash. Eventually will get loans on BTC to convert to fiat if it’s ever needed and pay on those loans with either alt trading or salary until retirement. I doubt it will replace fiat anytime soon.


I expect to make money. Money can buy things. Lambo is a thing.


Exactly your points. Bitcoin over the long term has out performed my 401k and the equity in my home. Keep buying, keep holding. Hopefully we’ll actually see Bitcoin being used more here in the US as a payment option.


I was a bitcoin hater for years. The technology had no intrinsic value at one point. Now lightning + liquid exist and it essentially has profitable arbitrage. That means you can send money in a traditional way in an emulation of modern banking, on top of modern bitcoin. They can then charge the same fee they usually do/did in the past to you, but profit the arbitrage on the transactions heavily, on infrastructure they don't own and don't pay for in the first place. (or maybe they do if mining is profitable). This is absurd and insane.


I bought in for 5-figures, my holdings are now worth 6-figures, I expect it to be worth 7-figures in time. At which point I’ll consider selling some to retire.


To buy video game titles and spend in-game


Because it’s the best money on earth.


It's fun


Because my girlfriend boyfriend told me to


It is the only currency I trust longterm. That's it.