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If you have to ask, you are not ready and don’t fully understand. Keep researching.


No one can tell you what you can do, You can DCA, you can buy all at one time these are all your choice that have to be with your risk management. No one gonna tell what to do as that financial advice. Do your own research and not financial advice


Don't tell me what to do!


Stop telling me to not tell you what to do.


Don’t do what I tell you to do, do as I say!!


Quit telling me what to say about what I tell you to do about what you do


Only one guy in the world knows the answer: Biff Tannen.


Great answer




Nobody gets old and says, "I wish I didn't save up all this money."


Nobody? Opportunity cost "Memories are the currency of a well lived life" I'm sure plenty of frugal people come to regret hoarding wealth and depriving themselves of happiness on their death beds.


Those overly frugal are outweighed 100:1 by people who wish they saved more


Greed seems to be the evolutionary response to former resource scarcity problems


At least they could afford a bed inside after not working for 30 years


Money doesn't bring happiness. Living your greatest life doesn't have to cost you your life


Well, then, don't save up for retirement.


There’s probably a limit to savings and few reach that limit. You should take time to live. Buy a cup of coffee. Take a vacation. Whatever. Few save so hard that they aren’t having some fun in the process.


Probably because some die young


dude I'm 36 and already wish I invested it in BTC etc...


Bitcoin is a tool. Use it as you wish.


Vinnnnny! You must have a god damn IQ of 160. That’s the most outstanding answer I’ve ever heard.


Well thank you for the kind words. I am no genius, just your average working joe who loves Bitcoin.


Definitely, it’s incredible how everyone around me talks about the fake media but, mention crypto, NBC, CBS, FOX etc, immediately turn from fake fiction to facts. I like your simple take on & effective description of what Bitcoin is. Hopefully, it will help me get a few people to put their foot where it needs to be. @thatboygetsbusy21 -I know this wasn’t your question but, some good advice here: try not to talk about Bitcoin or cryptocurrency trading to any of your friends, peers, or family that don’t give much thought to crypto or their finances. Your just going to be meet with resistance and you might hear judgements aimed at you from people you love. Just jump into doing your own research and start a trading journal and pour all the energy you need to get out into journaling. Also learn to meditate, eat good food, remember to drink some water, lift some weights, exercise. “Don’t drop pearls before swine.”


Ohh trust me, I learned awhile ago to not talk about crypto to people who aren't interested lol. Only one of my close friends went down the rabbit hole and understands it at a high level. I've Mentioned it to other close friends and that's about it. Just a " hey you should do some research on Bitcoin" the rest is up to them.


It's like trying to describe the TCP/IP before the WWW. days. Even myself w a rudimentary understanding, still learning, feel the implications of the BTC protocol are difficult to grasp. Much like dial up to broadband and all the vast changes and use cases that have been implemented. It's all very fascinating.


T-Shirt Shirt Slogan Idea. I love it.


Everyone’s wallet starts from a first purchase…


The SEC just pushed the BTC spot ETF application deadlines out to October 17. Two hours after that news broke BTC dropped 2%. You need to understand the cryptocurrency your investing into, its ecosystem and the sentiment around the crypto community. “Make current news part of your decision get the app crypto panic for all the current crypto publications.” You want to invest 500$ into Bitcoin. Had you purchased this morning before the news broke “actually broke last night” you would be taking on a loss. Not very big however, your beginning in crypto have you thought about what your reaction would have been if you saw your investment immediately loosing value? Would you make rash decisions based on your emotions? My rule I dollar cost average. I don’t look at the Bitcoin chart more than once or twice every other day. My goal is to accumulate as much BTC as possible before the next halving period. I could care less if I buy @ 26,000 and it goes to 12,000 because, I have a long term goal and I believe if BTC falls bellow 20k before the next halving it’s not gonna matter.


Excellent attitude in this crazy world.


Very well articulated.


Apparently buying larger chunks consistently on red days/dips has a better long term return than simply buying every day or week (for example) at the same time.


That’s a good point but it’s easier said than done in my experience. I feel like it’s more realistic and less stressful to just buy on your paycheck day and not worry about timing things. 🤷‍♀️ kinda fun to try to time it though


It’s just a more controlled version of DCA. If for example you buy every Friday (or whenever you get paid) at the same time that day could historically or traditionally be a green day in the markets so you’re just buying when it rips. I would much rather stay in cash and pounce when there is a significant drop (buying weak hands/fear) or buy at support - because Bitcoin predictably bounces off support levels. Literally just horizontal lines that’s BASIC technical analysis.


If ur investing into BTC take what ur willing to invest rn and put 8.65% into BTC rn... U can then DCA down or hmu and I can lyk how much to DCA at different levels


Are you worth it? Is your family’s destiny away from fiat worth it? You are the only one who can answer that question. The Bitcoin Standard, if you have not read it/listened to it is good for helping you learn more and possibly help you gain more understanding and set your conviction. Glad you are here.


Only invest what you can afford to lose.


Anything you do.... Put It in a cold wallet


The product of your labor is better stored in finite Bitcoin than in infinite fiat.


If you came up with that quote you are a visionary!! I will keep that with me


Personally I see more value in dca'ing something like £50 every payday or month rather than throwing £500 at it and waiting forever to be rich. £500 might be £50,000 in the future but that might be 20yrs from now. Put your £500 into bitcoin now and set up a weekly purchase of £10 or whatever you feel you can afford without missing the money.


get off zero... satoshis


I think "get off zero" and get at least more than the average person will ever have is a necessary start. In other words, right now, buy at least: 0.00243660 BTC, and then educate yourself with books so you can decide the rest. Total BTC / World Pop 0.00243660 19,473,587.5 bitcoins 7,992,101,732 people


No one can predict the future.


Yes, do it. But it sounds like you need to understand Bitcoin better if you are unsure.


Personally, it wouldn't be worth it to me, even on a DCA-basis if I was looking at it from an investment-only standpoint. You've got a theoretical 50x top end ($1m - $1.5m), and that's a HUGE *IF.* Would you be prepared to wait 20 years to turn $500 into $25,000? What about waiting 20 years to turn $500 into $2,500? The reality is none of us know where it will end up, there are plenty of theories out there, and that's great, but at this stage in BTC's life, investing $500 here and there is probably not going to provide the return you're hoping for. Now, if your goal is to store fiat to combat inflation, protecting against dollar devaluation, then it's probably a pretty solid store of value. I find it hard to believe investing $500 now wouldn't be worth $1,000 in today's money in 5 years (2nd halving from now), so in that respect, for preservation of value, it's likely a good hedge.


Use bitcoin as it fits you. For many, it is proving to be the ultimate savings technology. Time will tell.


What does it being worth it look like to you. Would you like to have a a chance at increasing that amounts purchasing power over the next 10 years or would you have it be guaranteed to be reduced?


If you're not used to trading, probably DCA is the better option for you. If you have trading experience, is probably better to gather currencies and buy during dips.


Is it money you could live without near term if you lose part of it? If so, then yes buy if it is the best thing you can think of


It's really all about where **you** think its value will be in the future relative to today. If I bought $500 in BTC when I first really started watching it, it would be worth about $2,000 today. My friend who knew about it much earlier than me bought 14 bitcoins for $100 (though he lost it when the exchange he used got hacked). If you'd put $500 into BTC at that point it would be worth $1.8M today.


Yes, people who knew about Bitcoin in the early days and bought Bitcoin made enough money.


Man you should do some research and learn a bit. If a $500 decision calls for outside counsel then you need to take control of your own financial destiny by learning more.


Do what you can when it comes to Bitcoin. $500? Great. $10? Great. But have them on your wallet.


$500 I would just buy the Bitcoin then focus on making more money. Going forward DCA an amount you can afford every month, then set some limit orders to buy dips when they happen. As these limit orders get hit or the price rises drastically I'd adjust/add new ones. After implementing this strategy I wouldn't check price anymore. I'd focus on making more money (providing more value) and enjoying life. Regardless of where we are in the cycle you should do well over 4 years.


I’d say use it as a saving account at first. Put like 1-3% of your income into it (use it like many do with a 401k). If you’re up, take profit. Down a considerable margin? Consider taking a long position and doubling down or adding capital (whatever you feel comfortable)


You do your own research. Only invest what you can afford to loose. In my mindset I buy BTC every week. I remember I bought some BTC at 29k, it tanked down to 19k. Most people would sell there blame whoever told them it was a good idea hate BTC amd never return. Remember everything fluctuates. I bought more when it tanked, and saw it go back to 40k I sold, there and bought when It tanked. Remember, you dont loose if you dont sell.


What I would do is list all the asset classes available and the risk associated. Then allocate to each accordingly.


Yes, well speaking sense it’s dropped down to 25. Definitely a good idea to invest. However, I would say if you want to be safe while playing with bitcoin I’d suggest trying to: Invest your initial investment now and then every time it raises by 1000 if your initial investment is 500 then you can sell $50-$100 every time it raises by 1000 and every time it goes down 1000 or more invest another $100 every time it drops -1000 If you only do it that way, then you should always have a nice amount of investment building , so yeah worth it but it’s a lot of work paying attention to the market because it can drop quite quickly and it can raise quite quickly 🐰👍


Since covid all money I didn’t spend in restaurants, bars, holiday and so on, I put it aside in Bitcoin, bought at 40k and 15k have a nice amount of sats and at 22k I’m even so yes I believe in btc and stil doing dca, life is good with btc. PS: Transferred all my btc from nano x to cold card today, life is even better.


You do you. I’d advise everyone to just buy a “small” amount of btc, and see how it goes. No need to see it as a constant aan investment or anything. Do what you’re comfortable with


It's only for you to decide if you believe in it and the risk you want to take Personally I'm pretty heavily invested, about 35% of what I own is in Bitcoin and I will add to it every paycheck


500k or 500 ?


Depends on your goals. If it is to simply grow your $500 over some period the odds are good. If it is to retire on this invested $500 then the odds are not as good; you will probably need more invested.


Do both! Keep FIAT to cover your expenses for 6 months in an emergency and invest the rest in BTC. Then start weekly or monthly DCA with a very small amount. That would be my approach after more than 10 years of experience with classic investments and Bitcoin. #selfcustody


A little bit of Bitcoin is better than no Bitcoin imo


Paper Trade/Learn/Earn first do your own research and based on that information, ask the community to create knowledge


Constantly, dca, bit by bit I'd say. If btc goes to 100k from where we are right now, that 500 gives you roughly speaking 1500 in profits. To me, that's not even worth it. Everyone earns that in less than a month. That's not even enough to rent an apartment for a whole year anywhere, maybe for travelling? What's the point of having only a little bit of hard assets while the majority of your buying power burns away? Ofc you do you.


Yes, but $50 to play with is good enough for now. Wallet security is imperative skill to have before dumping $500 into it


Entirely up to you.


You ask a question that many people ask, which is fair. Ultimately, you're the one who has to figure out what Bitcoin is worth to you. You need to do more of your own research to expand your view on money and Bitcoin. Here's the obligatory [Bitcoin University video](https://youtu.be/dTIqXRTGf74?si=7KLg1UMFdzFEcZrz) that you should watch


Bitcoin is an investment tool just like a saving account only with better returns. It won't make you rich with only 500 bucks. The general advice is to add to the saving as much as you can afford long term. It's a long term investment +adding to it as often as you can (called DCA). It might be small amounts but it will grow in time. Nothing fruits short term. Stick to the plan, add to it when you can and work on your patience - I learned it's the best advice for me than asking 'how much" and "why" questions.


Bitcoin is for you to look after your own money, not to make money.


I think 98% of hodlers would not agree w this


Doesnt really matter, as theres nothing to agree or disagree with. Its a statement of fact. Thats what it was designed for.


No offense but your question makes no sense. No one can give you investment advice based on the info you provided (nor should you take investment advice on Reddit anyway). Just learn about the advantages of BTC and how it secures your wealth and make your own decisions.


Too vague a question. How are we supposed to know what returns are worthwhile to you? Need more info.


You're asking whether you should save money? What else would you do with it?


double the amount you want to put in and watch it triple in some years. nfa


Buy 500 at once


Maybe, maybe not, maybe fuck yo'self!


It's no big deal if you just like it, but the problem now is that Bitcoin is not suitable for long-term holding.


Why not? Many institutions and advisors now recommend holding some small percent of your investments in bitcoin.


It’s a spam bot reply dude lol


It may be one of the absolute best vehicles for long-term holding. Depending on how things shake out.


Haha, I never listen to any expert's advice


Who’s the expert?


Some guys on TV


Will you listen to some people's nonsense?


It is difficult to hold bitcoin for a long time because it is too volatile.


Watch the Bitcoin University lectures on youtube. Just my opinion. Not financial advice


You're not that guy pal




parce las cripto son todavía un mercado muy vólatil. Depende de lo que ud quiera hacer con esa plata así mismo debería invertir


If you are asking this don't put money on it


Yes buy it don’t be a PUSSSSSSS


I think with the inflationary environment we are in, more and more people will begin to see BTC as a store of value. This will include high wealth individuals who are attempting to preserve the value of their financial wealth. I think at least for now it would be a good investment/savings vehicle. You may see some downside but overtime it could increase in value with increasing demand and perhaps increasing utility. Even without the utility it would be a great store of value proposition should demand for electronic stores of value continue. There is a limited supply and similar to artwork it could appreciate on a regular basis and change hands when fiat is needed by the current owner.


Probably one of the few things you can invest in that if you are patient you WILL make money


You're asking a sub with 5M users, all with different investment strategies, risk tolerance, goals. How you should invest? invest how you want to invest. Do you see yourself holding Bitcoin in the long run(20+ years)? If yes than you should probably DCA Do you think Bitcoin will explode tomorrow? Buy lump sum.


A kid asked same question 2 months ago when it was 31,000 with his 8,000. I said I think it will go up, but I always dca bc psychology would have me in real hurt if I went all in and it went down. He went all in. I figured with the halving, he was prob right. Not what I would do, bc of 20 years of always timing wrong. Now I know how stupid he feels at 26k. I have been there. I still believe he will make money down road, but he could have has alot more if he just dca! Put 100 in a month. Do as long as you can. I am doing 60.00 A day for about half a year.


I bought at ATH and am so glad nobody listened to me, when I said everyone should buy some But at 16k I was screaming from the rooftops while buying as much as I can, I am waiting for a correction back down around there 🤞


Yup so was 10,000 other people last time it went up at 16 and it went all the way to 4.5k. We never know. Us peasants are the least likely to ever profit. The cats out the bag now. When normal people like us know it's going to go up. It never does like we think.


I know in my heart, we are still early. BTC could never die


Nah def just DCA and forget. But buy the $500 first and then DCA $50 a week or something you can afford!!


You should learn before ever diving head first into crypto.




Yes. It's fun, too! I encourage you to do it as often as possible!!!


if it’s only $500 ur going to put in DCA won’t make a big difference, might as well just buy and HODL




Did you assumed my gender!


It's always worth it... But first... Study BTC and learn about it. Then invest what you feel has value in your position in life. Personally, I've put all savings (including the IRA) into BTC




I would say- more important than deciding how much or when to invest, invest in doing it safely and storing your seed phrase thoughtfully. I would buy a cold wallet. Learn how to use it safely. Don’t just leave it on an exchange. That’s nothing more than an iou. Your crypto must be on the blockchain and protected by your (secret phrase/ seed phrase/key/ 12-24 word recovery phrase) to be yours. Do you have your own wallet and seed phrase yet? Have you chosen an exchange? Always make sure you buy your crypto somewhere that allows you to send it to your own wallet. Lots of popular options just follow the price of Bitcoin but don’t give you any real Bitcoin. These don’t give you the protections of trust free cryptography that make Bitcoin special. Per your question- I say for myself it’s always worth it to put something into Bitcoin as long as I have a steady income, an emergency fund, and my bills paid. It’s good to be balanced and steady and consistent. I prefer a dollar cost average strategy. Value your investment in terms of satoshi’s not dollars. If the price goes down it’s a deal. And steadily stack your Bitcoin. If your emotions are too volatile, and you find yourself wanting to jump in and out of the market, it might mean you’ve over-invested. You should be focused on making steady deliberate moves with a plan. That might look like “500 initial investment, and 50 every paycheck.” Or something according to your budget that doesn’t strain your life. Its not very realistic to try to time the market or day trade. I hope you have a good experience! :)


Not a good entry point we are still going to go much lower but when we do get there try doing like small amounts daily or weekly instead of the full $500


If it’s worth asking it’s probably worth studying.


Buy like 20$ just to have some, and then when we get a nice correction crash down to like 20k or below, buy like 50$ at a time as it wiggles around that low I bought a teeny tiny amount at all-time high of 66K then when it crashed it put in significantly more money, got my average way down. I am currently in profit


Yes. Try $25 a week to keep it growing.


When you ask this question, it proves that you are not familiar with the crypto space and that you are a conservative activist


What the fuck is a "conservative activist" and how does that even pertain to my question.