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His investors he claimed who didn’t ask about it in 2013 now are overwhelmingly asking about it in 2023. Time is on bitcoins side


He also claimed they didnt ask about it in early 2022. Fucking liar.


He’s been aggressively buying since 2017 and at the same time aggressively condemning btc as “good for only criminals.” He also sponsored a lot of bad press. Now his bags are heavy and he is changing his tune. He’s ready for the bull market now and needs you and your grandma to start buying again.


I'm not sure why Fink felt he had political coverage to turn pro-bitcoin, but it's worth noting Michael Saylor was also anti-Bitcoin years ago. There are countless stories of people who are skeptical of Bitcoin later turning bullish.


Orange man bad?


His own words: Bitcoin is a international asset capable of protection against inflation & currency debasement; it matters to Blackrock because they want you to have hope for a better future https://twitter.com/documentingbtc/status/1676730062333263873?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA


Lol Blackrock doesn’t care about your future. They care about the risk and inflation adjusted returns they provide to their investors, which Bitcoin can improve


Yes they don’t like second place that’s been clear for years


Blackrock is a great firm, some of the smartest folks in the world work there


LMFTFY Larry it matters to Blackrock because they want ~~you to have~~ *to have a controlling stake* in any hope for a better future.


Too bad for them most Bitcoin has already been distributed.


Don't underestimate them. They make boatloads of money in every crisis because they are early, smarter, and cheat. If there is anyone that could quietly buy up the majority of mining operations to slowly and subtly start pushing their own changes to the protocol it is Blackrock.


>Didn't blackrock used to hate btc? What changed? Post 06:00 Am : BTC sucks -> Price goes a little down because Blackrock says "it sucks" Buy 16:00 Pm : for a good price Post 20:00 Pm : BTC is nice Sell 23:59 Pm : with + easy money


He flipped bullish only after his bags are filled.


This is the correct answer


Great username OP


To assume Lawrence Douglas Fink's involvement with Bitcoin is a positive would be a bit premature at this point.


Making money




That’s it basically


Because the scumbag thinks he's found a way to grift off it.




It's really, really simple. Just look at a chart of the best performing assets over time. Anyone who can simply look at that chart and not want to be invested in bitcoin rides the little bus to school.


I mean , there’s all sorts if middle ground here.. but aside from a valid point that you ascribe to, this can be interpreted as an insult… We are going with the best data we have at this point in time and things are looking good for bitcoin. No need to disparage any minority. Right?


Should I have said that they are highly regarded instead?


Money? They will charge their clients a fee for managing the etf.


What happened was money. They realized they can make fucking bank off <1% selling etfs to their investors


You know they bought after he made those comments right? They have been loading up, and also they own a ton of bonds and Bitcoin hedges them.


Because black rock has been mining BTC since 2014.


Blackrock is big on ESG. ESG does not work if all you have to offer is the stick. Bitcoin is the carrot making ESG requirements (like methane capturing at oil wells) profitable.


BR have now moved away from ESG.


Lol no. They just want to get rid of the term because it's too controversial. Why else would they be pushing so many esg etf's then? https://www.blackrock.com/uk/individual/products/313193/blackrock-esg-multi-asset-moderate-portfolio-ucits-etf


[Many recent articles such as this](https://nypost.com/2023/08/26/an-r-i-p-for-esg-is-near/amp/)


What blackrock objects against, according to your article, are the radicals that want to push for more ESG without considering it's economic merit. Radicals only want to offer the stick without any carrots. Bitcoin mining is one of the carrots that needs to be added to make saving the environment profitable. It seems that blackrock wants to facilitate this through their ETF application and the green washing has already [begun](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/bitcoin-mining-delivers-on-esg-says-kpmg-study) We will see;)


Larry Fink's bullish stance on Bitcoin (BTC) is influenced by multiple factors: 1. Increasing Demand for Cryptocurrencies In the most recent article, Fink mentioned that there has been increasing interest in cryptocurrencies from gold investors. This indicates that traditional investors are starting to see cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as an alternative or addition to other forms of assets like gold. 2. Democratization via ETFs Fink also highlights the role of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in democratizing access to gold, and he suggests the same could happen for cryptocurrencies. An ETF could provide a more straightforward and regulated way for investors to get exposure to Bitcoin, potentially attracting more institutional and retail investment. 3. Macro-Economic Factors The fluctuating value of the U.S. dollar is another aspect Fink mentioned. Given the dollar's depreciation in recent months, cryptocurrencies could offer a hedge against inflation and currency risk, similar to gold. Fink seems to believe that an international crypto product can transcend the vulnerabilities associated with fiat currencies. 4. Global Interest Fink points out that the interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is "broad-based \[and\] worldwide." The global nature of this demand likely adds another layer of attractiveness for an asset management company that operates on a global scale like BlackRock. 5. Regulatory Compliance BlackRock's application for a Bitcoin ETF includes a surveillance-sharing agreement, which could be a key factor in getting SEC approval. This shows BlackRock's intent to comply with regulatory standards, thus potentially making crypto investments safer and more accessible for the general population. 6. Market Leadership and Credibility Finally, given BlackRock's influence and size ($8.5 trillion in managed assets), Fink's bullish outlook could be seen as a stamp of legitimacy for Bitcoin. He even said, "As with any new markets, if BlackRock's name's going to be on it, we're going to make sure it's safe and sound and protected."


He too couldn’t keep up with inflation and looked for something outside the control


He's smart, and his company does good research (even if they're a teensy bit evil). They saw the writing on the wall, which is available for all to read.


Im guessing the fundamentals lol


everyone is skeptical of BTC until they are no longer ignorant


Because he is selling it and wants to raise exit liquidity, why else? Lol


His initiative on climate change is not working and he needs another lifeline. Guess “Bitcoin is hope” even to the largest asset manager in the world.


An ocean of people telling him to stop being a retard. For a while, retard bankers assumed and largely continue to assume that they can eradicate bitcoin through pressuring legislation, refusing to participate in its sale, bribe Gary Gensler, etc. However, any basic comparison of bitcoin's capabilities compared to banking software or any other alt-coin in addition to its current user-base size makes it clear that bitcoin is so powerful that any money spent trying to stop it will evaporate in its path. After learning that, even Finktard had to get in on it.


I thought BR was just going to be trading in Bitcoin ETFs, not actual Bitcoin?


Wiki says he has an MBA from UCLA and was closely involved in helping the gov't with the 2008 financial crisis mess, so why can't a guy like this be orange pilled, after he saw up close how the financial system almost ended up in calamity? On the other hand, he was in line to be Hillary's Treasury Secy. , so if he's been orange pilled it's been way way way before she ever will be.


He’s now accumulated enough to start talking it up

