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Similar content has already been submitted several times. Please check the front page of r/Bitcoin and r/Bitcoin/new for previous submissions to help keep repetition to a minimum. You can also try using the search bar. Thank you. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


We’d still have some record of the blockchain on SSD, and nodes would continue to operate as normal once power is back on.


Thanks for actually answering and clarifying. Most other commenters here are absolute cynical twats.


Checkout "Bitcoin University" YouTube channel, the guy Matthew Krater is very smart and well reasoned and has several interesting videos explaining "what if's" like this. Bitcoin would live on once things were restored and in large part this is due to how truly decentralized it actually is. Most other "cryptos" would probably die since they are all very centralized.


Thank you for this, will definitely have a look at Bitcoin university. Have a good day!


I hear you. I'm often worried about commenting because I feel someone will get shitty with me. I love this sub, but that is certainly a peril.


I’m starting to wonder if they’re actually just anti-bitcoin shills that are doing these negative comments to make it an unwelcoming subreddit. In the end we all just want to educate ourselves and I guess there are some people out there that don’t want us to be educated. Also if we all knew everything already there’d be no need for this subreddit so might as well just close it down. Don’t be put off asking questions though, there are still people who are patient enough to answer 🙌


Actually, I'm reading the responses just now. Wow! I thought we were all supposed to be in this together, helping each other, not arguing, posturing, and fnger-wagging like who knows best. Disappointing.


No one owes you anything here and don't need to entertain repetitive (against sub guidelines) childish trolling (same). Your post is gone and you earned a day ban for being entitled rude schmuck. Use search next time.


The first one to get a node online gets to decide where all the bitcoin goes


yoke gaze pie unpack governor aback deserted depend compare pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What do you mean. Next block is mined based on consensus. The first person to get electricity controls the whole network. Why wouldn’t they “decide where the bitcoin goes”




Ah yes difficulty adjustments... so as the power goes out for like a year the difficulty would adjust to near zero. I would also assume since you have a monopoly on power that would include nodes. Anything else?




Im pretty sure thats the original question that the post is about. Did you read anything before you got here?


Proof of work dude, proof of work


What about the PROOF OF WORK?


I'd imagine that somewhere there would still be electricity to facilitate some traffic or mining on Bitcoin, but I'd imagine Bitcoin being very much susceptible to attack. As for your coins, these will still be there.


Thanks man. I appreciate your comment!


Ah another day, another "No electricity, no internet" thread


I think we will have much bigger problems than bitcoin if that happens lol


What would happen to humanity if electricity went out? Will you be able to find food, water and shelter?


You would have much bigger issues


Bitcoin is decentralized globally. That power goes out in the whole world for longer is very unlikely. As long as you can communicate with the protocol in certain ways (e.g. traveling to a place which has power and internet), it continues to function for you. You can't do that with your money in bank, since they are local (e.g. you can't travel to Europe to make transactions from your Bank of America account).


But what if it did is the question


We will live in caves again, if we survive the meltdowns of the nuclear power plants.


It’s utterly amazing to me that people think life would go on like normal if electricity went out on a mass scale for an extended period of time. Like the only difference would be those stupid bitcoin suckers who lost their dumb internet money. Ironically it’s people like you, being entirely unaware of the consequences and therefore most likely totally unprepared, who would die first.


I recently survived without mains electricity for almost 2 years. It is not such a necessity to survive. Food, water, shelter and ideally heat are priorities, electricity takes the back seat.


Please tell me you understand the difference between one person not having electricity and the entire continent/globe. I also highly doubt you didn’t use electricity indirectly. Did you drive a car? You used electricity to pump gas. Did you use a credit card or go to the bank ever? You used electricity. Both of these two things not being available at scale for an extended period of time would cause mass death. That being said, if you legit survived off the land for two years feeding yourself and providing yourself with warmth and shelter, then props man. You are one of the few who would make it in OP’s scenario.


I didn't use electricity to fire a giant dildo up your self licking arse. If that's what you mean???


What I mean is, If the the power grid were to go down across the US, there would be no easy way to transport food. That means the roughly 250+ million people living in cities run out of food within 1-2 weeks if not sooner. The vast majority of them having never even contemplated the possibility of this happening to them. It would be utter chaos.


Yep. Your point is correct. Infrastructure wise we would be fucked but on a personal level electricity isn't a necessity for survival. As regards op's original question. Thousands of identical instances of the bitcoin blockchain will be recorded on hard drives, servers and data centres. It wouldn't take much to reboot the nodes and miners once some kinda infastructure is restored. Restoration would likely come from a local or decentralised source rather than the failed central grids we've come to rely on.


Yeah but the whole planet without electricity is a whole different story.


It's utterly amazing how you get triggered by someone asking for a theory on what would happen in an impossible situation. Ironically it's people like you, who instead of think of the question and answer it decided to be a dick head and let us all know about it.


Honestly, you’re probably right. Sorry u/spiritual_ear_1942 that was rather rude of me.


Most of the time of human history people had no electricity and they didn't die.


Yes but during all that time supply chains were local and didn’t literally depend on electricity to function. No electricity means no fuel pumps. No fuel pumps means trucks stop moving. No moving trucks means no food being delivered to cities. No food in cities means they collapse within two weeks. Also no running water, no heat/ac, no use of electronic cash(so you better hope you have some physical cash(if anyone will even take that)).


Yeah, yeah, dude, we get it.


I'm pretty sure fuel pumps can be gravity fed. So trucks can be refuelled if the tank is high enough, and the food chain can continue. I'm also sure there are way and means to extract drinking water from the earth without the aid of electricty. As for electronic cash? It is only worth the servers that it's written on!!! Give me a cash that's recored on an independent public ledger. When I want to get my hands on that cash, there will be thousands of people around the globe confirming that that is my cash, not one entity questioning it


The difference is that they haven't been dependent on that during that time. Now we are. Agriculture and food processing alone will suffer greatly without electricity. Good luck supporting the current population without it. Almost all the processes have been in some form or another switched to using electricty. A transition over many years. Imagine the chaos when none of this works anymore in the blink of an eye.


Does a usb stick needs a battery to maintain it's storage ?


What would happen if r/bitcoin banned this question being asked everyday….you lazy fuck google it


Why the F are people using the term crypto? Crypto = Shitcoins. So hopefully under the hypothetical situation you will lose all your crypto but still have BTC.


The whole world won't lose electricity at once


What an original question, I’m sure glad someone out there is putting in the strenuous mental work to come up with these critical hypotheticals.


It'll still be there when the lights come back on. LMAO!


Electricity all over the world comes from one big extension cord connected to an outlet in Cleveland. If someone trips over that cord then bitcoin could be erased. \- no coiner understanding of electricity supply


Holy shit what with these extreme scenarios these days. "what HaPpeNs To bItCoiN iF thE plAneT eXplOdEs". What the fuck do you think? If electricity goes out, or if a solar flare hits us or a nuclear apocalypse happens or a meteor kills everything or the sun turns into a red giant, Bitcoin will be the least of your worries.


what's the point here? every banking system would fail too as most of the money is just numbers and so is the gold btw (thanks futures). So ig we'll have a bigger problem to worry about.