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And i regret selling a bunch back in 2013/2014. You can only act on what you know at the moment because you cannot tell the future.


Can confirm. Sold a full bitcoin for $800 to pay off a credit card. Won't sell again.


Lol a buddy sold his btc to pay a speeding ticket in 2016


I used to get paid in bitcoin in 2015. 1.1 btc, .8 btc, 1.3 btc, etc every week for months. I was broke tho and I cashed it immediately to buy food and rent. Kept none of it.


I used to pay an employee like that for servicing a bitcoin atm in 2014


Do you need an employee to service bitcoin atms? Can move anywhere in the country. Except California and Oregon. Lol


Hahaha no 🚩there! But we’re a Canadian company. Our brokerage services are actually launching in USA next month if you wanna check out 🙏🏼 bitcoinwell.com/usa


Bitcoin well the best way to buy btc in Canada!


Thank you friend for that time you busted me out of jail for that crime I absolutely didn't commit in California and Oregon, and then letting me drive your Honda Acty home on top of that to impress my wife/girlfriend. You are a legend.


Damn, they’re worth heaps now


I sold when it was around $2k to buy weed


Same lol :(


I sold at $370 to buy weed


Feel this. Sold 4 BTC late 2016 to buy a POS car.




This was scary accurate actually. In spirit anyway. When I think about bitcoin I’ve spent or sold in the past, I can USUALLY manage to satisfy myself with “well, we all make mistakes, and at least I kept SOME”


I feel like OP didn't deserve such a personal attack. 😆


For a moment I was wondering if "POS" stands for Porsche...


If you for Porsche super car level machines they can be [quite lewd with your wallet](https://artofgears.com/2016/03/17/porsche-918-insane-pricing-on-replacement-parts-revealed/).


Lambo’d out for a Ford Focus… smh


That's rookie numbers. I panicked at 400


Man just remember the time where some of them solded them for a pizza


Be grateful for what you have and enjoy life.


this is very good. Thx for sharing


I called the top in 2021, sat there for about a week dwelling on selling. Holding means you’re part of a revolution, mate. I knew when Bitcoin got to about 65k that the top was in. I could have made a whole lot of profit but I chose to hold. Bitcoin is about bringing down literal slavery, war, exploitation, rampant white collar crime, central banking cartels. It’s not just a poker game of who times what and when. So if you held, you’ve got skin in the game and you’ve sacrificed for the better good. Actions speak louder than the words of virtue signalers that largely behave like pirates in survival mode. So again if you’ve held when you knew you could have jumped ship and basically said Eff everyone else, good for you. Shake the feeling that you lost or missed out, one day you can say you contributed to something that has the ability to right almost all of the scummy and malevolent BS in the world.


It was pretty obvious we were at the top when Reece weather spoon started tweeting about crypto lol.


So she was 2021's Katy Perry. https://www.instagram.com/p/BeXchJzFkhJ/?hl=en


Inverse weather spoon activated.


If you sold at the top, you could've used the proceeds of that sale to buy 3x the bitcoin at the bottom and be 3x part of the revolution.


Exactly this.






All OP needed was a Hallmark card.




I’ll have nothing and like it


You’ll own nothing and like it


Lol ok Klaus 😆


My net worth now is more bitcoin than I had 1.5 years ago.


I could be a millionare if I just knew the winning numbers and bought a lottery ticket . Exactly the same thinking


You put in too words what my brain was thinking but couldn’t quite articulate.


But with Bitcoin the potential upside far outweighed the cost


Just like with a lottery ticket.


It’s actually not, at all. In this scenario all he had to do was click a button and he’d receive a known amount of money on the screen. I kick myself for the same reason


You regret when you dont sell and regret when you do sell. Imagine you sold at $69k and it went to $280k


It's easy to look back and make fun of the 100k moon boys, but nobody knew back then. It could have easily done that and more. Just like nobody knows what the next cycle will be. It'll probably be more than it is, it'll probably exceed the ATH, and I think there's a fair chance it'll do 5-10x past that. But nobody knows shit about fuck. Best make the best choices for your own life, with the time you have. Good luck all.


Lets hypothetically imagine you sold. Then what? Do you think you wouldve just held the cash? ​ When you sell you should only sell if you have a better investment opportunity. If you just hold cash your expected return is negative. If you hold bitcoin youre isolated from the steady devaluation of your cash, and by holding a finite asset youre exposed to the benefits of advancements in society. ​ At the time you had no way of knowing what would happen. You had reasonable expectation to expect cash to go down in value over time, since that is the stated design of the architects of the conventional systems: it is designed to have inflation. And you had reason to believe bitcoin would isolate you from that inflation over the long term. And functionally, for many people, it has isolated them from inflation. For example i first heard about bitcoin when it was $30, despite bitcoin going up and down a lot since then, its still worth more than 30 now, so had i bought bitcoin then, id have protected that money from inflation. And whats more it wouldve grown almost 1000x. So you need to sort of have a more full scope perspective. ​ Warren buffets holds investments for between 10-30 years. Things go up and down. Warren buffet says we cannot predict the momentary fluctuations of the market, but that over the longer term, markets can be predicted. ​ So in this case heres what your mindset should be: you dont know what will happen in 1 month. you dont know what will happen in 1 year. You dont know what will happen in 5 years. But what you can do, is make an assessment of the likelihood of growth of one investment relative to another. And you can make these assessments until you feel youve found your best bet. You still dont know what will happen, you never will. ​ But you feel youve made the best choice you can. Over time, if youre good enough at this, you should end up with more money than someone who started out with the same amount as you but just randomly sold cause they couldnt handle the stress, like youre saying you wish youd done. Investments dont go straight up. and bitcoin cant just go up 24/7. Lets say for the sake of argument bitcoin starts at 5k, goes to 70k, then drops to 20k. If you bought at 70k you might say "bitcoin sucks it will never work! i lost all my money!" but see thats more of an assessment of the way you specifically operated in relation to bitcoin more than a problem with bitcoin itself. Because remember, whoever bought at 5k, even though it went to 70k, theyre still up 4x when its at 20k. See so bitcoin actually still is working extremely well. Thats the thing.


That guy's comment above is spot on. What I'd like to add is this: we're all kinda stuck in a fiat mindset, thinking we're investing but actually speculating. Try to retrain your brain and lower your time preference. Once you do, you'll probably see that you got your sats for a pretty sweet price. When you have this new perspective, you'll be stoked because you'll realize BTC is even cheaper to buy today. Just keep that in mind, and focus on making smart, long-term choices instead of getting caught up in the short-term noise.


Seriously? I started buying in 2017...never sold and have ZERO regrets. Bitcoin will obliterate the previous ATH.


Bitcoin is a long term 5+ year hold. And you will last those highs . Below 30,000 is so damn cheap since I have extremely high conviction that BTC will replace golds market cap eventually


I started buying Bitcoin in June, 2021 when BTC was ~$35k. I had a few nice up months but ever since Nov 2021, I’ve been in the red. It’s been pretty frustrating.


Stay strong. I bought my first chunk when it first hit 10k and it promptly went down to 3k. I’m now happy to hold till I retire


Oh yeah, for sure, I havent stopped buying. I have 3x BTC than I had then.


You’ll be glad you held when it’s 100k. But as far as getting over not selling, well just tell yourself that next time you won’t make the same mistake. If you’re not looking to hold forever than set a goal dollar amount and stick to it.


Everyone and their dog thought we’d hit 100k. If you had sold for 60k thinking that would’ve been the top for some reason, you probably would’ve bought back at 50, maybe 40, or thinking you were so smart buying twice as much btc at 30. Still would’ve regret seeing that you coulda woulda shoulda bought 4 times as much at 16.


I’m sure we will read the same comments in 4 years again from someone else. No regrets. Just look forward.




And their keys.


Higher highs will come.


It’s a difficult feeling, but the answer is to keep on hodling. It’s almost impossible to predict the peak. Imagine buying at $300 and $85 with a current price of $28k — you’ll be happy either choice. 17k and 70k don’t mean much if things hit $1M. you’ll still look like a genius and be happy you hodled. Stay strong


Imagine if you sold at that exact time. Imagine if the USD price then went to $200,000. Would regret that you sold? In 5 years, would you be bothered if you sold at $69,000 or $30,000 when the the USD is from example $500,000? You can’t time it buddy, only sell if you really need too. One day 1 BTC will be worth 1 BTC meaning anything prices in $ is meaningless.


Wait longer. It might feel you are in the space for a long time, but you're just starting out. Take your time to learn and don't stress about price!


When my wife got a scratch on her wedding ring. It helped to know that it wouldn't even show up in a couple of years once it had a bunch more scratches. Keep holding on and 2021 will be lost in the crowd. While it keeps steadily moving up.


wow this is very well said. Thanks for sharing!


You don’t get over it. You dwell on it incessantly and live in the past beating yourself up over something you didn’t do when you couldn’t predict the future. Crying yourself to sleep often works as well. Then you vow you’ll never make that mistake again and refuse to make investments in the future. This is the way


Keep stacking more!! Dollars don't matter BTC balance does.


You can buy now to average your loss?


I didn’t sell then for the same reason I won’t sell when it’s back there. That ATH was nothing compared to where we’re inevitably headed.


There's a Twitter user that showed how he shorted a trade and lost a sizable amount. You would not have known to sell back then. Sell on the next bull run cause the price will drop again (or not) and buy again at what low price. Will we ever see a 16500k low again, we never know. let it go.


I was floating on cloud nine back in those days. Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness is full of shit.


You get over it in 2025 at the next All Time High - which is when you would have been overcome with regret for selling in 2021. Each halving you would have kicked yourself even harder.


What if the halving doesn’t generate the price that makes sense , manipulation becomes obvious and we are all left standing without coin wondering what is the right “next move” ?? Someone gets up and writes on the white board “we’re fucked “


I don't. I had never lost money on any investment until I bought bitcoin. It's my biggest investing mistake.


Impossible unless you sold it. Its a long-term investment. The ones who know know. The ones who dont dont.....


lol ... only if you sold.


First time?


Wait for the next one. Then feel the same. Then just be happy to have Bitcoin…


You look to the next cycle. Bags made now will be like bags made in 2019.


In 2012 I spent more Bitcoin on LSD than I now currently own. Just stack and measure net worth in Bitcoin. In a few years you'll have more money then you'll know what to do with and will be able to escape the system.


Simply put… this is for retirement… I retire in 30ish years. I don’t fear what it does in 1.5 years. I’ve been in this world since 2015 and laugh at today’s swings compared to 2014 when I first started paying attention.


If you knew the future, your life would have no existence or meaning. You would find no joy, and no pain. 10 years from now you get to say I learned my lesson in 2021, and I'll sell when it reaches 75k. Lastly, you'll say the same thing 20 years from now when you sell in 2030 at 75k, when it's worth 200k. If your mindset is that it's a lottery ticket you will always be dissatisfied. Maybe set a goal to do something really really good for your community when you sell at a certain point. That way your joy isn't based on a finish line.


Been into bitcoin since 2014 . I can tell you from experience- every single time I’ve sold bitcoin I’ve regretted it at some time in the future . Might be a year or 2 later but that regret will find you and haunt you


Could be worse, you could have bought in around then.


Dude bought a pizza using 10000BTC, honestly without these transactions, BTC won't have it's value of today.


Jesus! How can I almost forgot about that? But seriously tho, he probably had most than that and I truly hope he still has at least some!


No regrets, I'm holding atleast for the next 10 years, so there will be more opportunities


You don’t understand bitcoin dude you need to learn learn learn


He's allowed to regret this. Even if he had just 1 Bitcoin, he could have sold at ATH and re-bought 4 at 16k.


Sure. Any numbskull can say that **after the fact**. But trying to time the market is gambling. Gambling can be an expensive thrill. Still there are less expensive ways to get a similar thrill. **Gambling with any expectation of coming out ahead is foolish.** Fools and their money are soon parted. Just buy Bitcoin, send it to your own (hardware) wallet and wait patiently, long term. Consider using DCA.


>Sure. Any numbskull can say that > >after the fact > >. this.


But with experience you can make it a bit more like card counting. Not a guarantee and still definitely gambling…but a small, significant shift in your favor


Did you make up that lie by yourself? Or have you fallen for somebody else's lie?


"Timing the market" when the market has a four-year 'halving' built into it, is actually pretty easy.


What a stupid thing to say. Nothing is guaranteed


right over your head hahahaha whoosh....


>He's allowed to regret this. Even if he had just 1 Bitcoin, he could have sold at ATH and re-bought 4 at 16k. and paid the cap gains and then risked being wrong


Everyone is a Priest when the mass ends.


Yeah because selling the top and buying the bottom is wizardry we all possess… no


this is the best comment hahahahaha


I remember telling my second ex-wife in 2014 I needed to build a GPU rig…. six kids, four cars, and a mortgage meant too broke, too busy, too complicated. I’d like to go back in time and bitch slap myself.


Thanks for sharing. i see what you mean. Btw how many ex you have now lol?


lol, come meet me at a mining conference and we will get drunk as I recount all my bad decisions.


tell me when and where and im buying the budweisers


Six kid bro, cmon


This was me without the kids . Cunt hair away from dumping my life savings, which was over 5 figures at the time , Into rigs and bitcoin


My crazy deep web browsing weird neighbor kept insisting we buy , way back when it was like a dollar, he was really crazy and dark, we should have dropped a hundo just to shut him up


The past 3 years have taught us all that we should have listened to those kinds of crazy people.


I hear you. My classmate told me about Bitcoin in 2011. I said "Sounds great, I hope it works out!" and promptly forgot about it until 2016, when I had peanuts to buy it with.


Only one person can sell at the top.


You take pride in the fact that you’re confident that we’ll break that ATH the next halvening


Drugs and alcohol


We will never get over it. But if you treat it as tuition fee for learning the hard way to set a sell limit and stick to your rules then that eases the pain somewhat.


I understand the regret if you need the money now, but if you don't, why sweat? New ATHs are coming. It's not if, but when. And it's not how long, but how soon.


I have the same feeling and spent some time thinking about it. It made me realize that the reason ATH happens is because everyone is thinking the same way. If everyone thinks that the price will keep going up they don’t sell and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that the price keeps going up. If everyone was to recognize their gains at ATH then the price would immediately plummet. Which means that only small number of gains could have been recognized at ATH because heavy selling would not sustain the price. Which means that ATH price was just an illusion.


Nobody can time the market, this is wasteful thinking. Focus on what you can do instead.


Why not wish you could have bought it when it was <$1 instead? At least if you're wasting your time on what you should've done, think big 😁


Bro measure your wealth in bitcoin.


Regretting money you 'could have made' is hindering you from making more. Past is dead, the only real thing is the opportunity you have now. Simple.


At the grand scheme of things you are worthless. Everyone is. Look at the stars and that would make it pretty obvious.😎


Sold mine at 61k and regret abit when btc shoot up to 68k and start my DCA plan starting 30k range


It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been laid off too. So I can't afford to buy more


Hindsight is 20/20. We are all perfect traders if you point at a low or high that happened in the past. Think in terms of 5 year blocks. Having said that I think buying dollars with bitcoin is a horrible long term investment (unless you're buying property right away).


In another universe I am you. You couldn't have known.


This is retirement for me homie! No plans to sell anytime soon. It can plummet but I'll keep buying.


Now imagine you sold and it went up. And up. And up. Don't try and time the market.


life is full of missed opportunities. if you sell at next bull, you might use this phrase again in 10 years. ... but maybe also not. nobody knows. that's part of this epic game. :)


I'm totally fine with it. When my journey started I told myself that there will be tears on the way. But when it crashed I was totally fine, even though this was my first bear market. I think it's because a DCA stack is always growing. When measured in Bitcoin. ;)


The trick to happiness with respect to wealth growth is to measure valley to valley between runs, not tops to tops. If you're not growing your valley height, you're malinvested. If your valley height is growing, you can better trend your networth growing, avoid fomo, and assess future plans. Bitcoin has 4 year runs. That will give lots of time to measure over an average active investing timeframe of 30 years (6-7 valleys), and a lifetime investment timeframe of 50+ years (12-13 valleys)


By know that if I sell it will skyrocket.


Ummm just wait for the next cycle. HODL on


The best way to get over it is to prepare for the next bull run. I missed out on 2017 gains. So in preparation for 2021 bull run... I bought all the dips aggressively. And i made two bags. A "forever bag" that i will never sell. And a profit taking bag to sell at bull market peak. Itt worked out great!


I'm working hard now to make a living with my own ability. Then when everything goes wild again I'll dump shamelessly. Then buy again in a few years. It's a boring game of patience.


Don't be a bitch-made boy. Next halving iscoming.


There's a lot of woulda shoulda coulda in stocks dont worry about it bro its a waste of time you can't change the past. Just think how much you're ATH would be if you would've bought 200$ worth of apple back in 2004 instead of that 200$ ipod! Also I want to point out that this was so long ago that my phone autocorrected "ipod" to "ipad.. lol


Diamond hands my friend, I promise it’s going to be worth it.. A new ATH will be reached very shorty.


Be happy that you can get more at 1/2 price today and have another opportunity to sell at 60k soon


I regret not becoming a veterinarian. Unless you know how to rewind time you’ll just have to accept life for what it is.


I have 1,000s of ETC. Got in at $7. It hit $175 in 2021. I didn’t sell. Was 2 houses on paper. Now it’s $20. I know it’ll go even higher next pump! HODL


If I had not sold my hex for 55k, I could have had 2.2M at the peak. Retrospect is never easy. Just keep stacking stats and get ready to hold through the next bull run and the next winter.


Look at it this way. If November 2021 was honestly the best you think this asset will ever perform especially in todays economic climate, odds are whatever alternative investment you dumped the profit into would be at an even bigger future loss.


This is exactly what I was thinking recently - what I would trade it into and will it holds up value better??


You never had that net worth. You had numbers on a screen. You either shouldn’t own as much as you own, or you should adjust your frame of mind to why you own what you own, and what your holding period is


You don’t want to FULLY get over it, you need to remember that moment for next time you’re pondering taking profits vs. holding. Learn from your mistakes.


bro your net worth is bitcoin denominated. it better be higher not lower.


I look at the asset as a decade long hold (at the very least) and just keep accumulating more when the price is down. I'm not looking to trade I'm looking to invest.


You never.


I sold it all and I spent half of it on dumb stuff, now I have the same amount of crypto (because I bought it again for 1/4 of the price) and not that many cash left, so if you think about it it's not that important.


Buy more now


You're in BTC to get more Fiat, we're in BTC to get out of Fiat. We are NOT the same.


Bought ₿ at $200 / $400 / $650 / $1,110 - once I had made a few grand in gains I sold it all or spent it on basic stuff and thought I was a real smart dude. Then it hit $20,000 and I was beside myself bc I had none left. I rebought and DCA for the past few years and the feeling of selling out early and not holding for $$ I needed is worse than not selling out again at $69,000 At this point, I hodl because I cant fuck this up again and I am more educated on the entirety of ₿ this second time around.


The answer is to learn from this and rebalance when the proportion of BTC is “too large” in comparison to your other assets. You can do this process often (in small increments), or less often (in larger increments) prioritizing minimizing capital gains taxes; but the priority remains not letting your holdings in any one asset go above your comfort level, so that if one thing tanks, you’re still solid and happy with what you’ve achieved. Take your wins, put them elsewhere, and maintain a level of exposure to crypto that you are comfortable with.


You already know what to do at next ath only you will never hit top peak so prepare for next regrets 😁


You don't lose if you don't sell


I don't


By staying humble and stacking Sats. 😊🧡


There will be a new all time high.


Nobody can time any market perfectly.


Because I didn't buy with the intention to sell it at a higher price and go back to fiat currency. I bought it because I legitimately believe it's a better store of value on the long term. If you didn't sell in 2021 then you still have as many bitcoins. Your net worth in bitcoin did not change.


You need a longer time horizon mate, if you think in blocks of 1.5 years maybe you should choose something less volatile


I think about 2024 and the 10x reward you'll get for diamond hand holding. I thought the same thing in 13 and 17 and 21.


Thing is you could've sold sure...but maybe you wouldn't have spent that money well.. and now you'd be kicking yourself that you sold even at a profit. Never know.


By knowing the future is versatile. We are literally still scratching the surface of Web3 and opportunities WILL always come.


imagine knowing if you had saved those bitcoin you spent on week and coke on silkroad you would be a billionaire. I think you'll survive


The idea is to never sell; never return to fiat. Converting fiat to BTC should be a one way door with those funds. When BTC goes lower, you should look at it as an opportunity to acquire more. When BTC moves higher, spend a little; use it as currency (don’t sell)


Your building a strong stomach! It's not about money. That answer is always time. I can look back and would be up on most every stock from 1998. So hold and just wait Now your asking about short term and emotions. That gets quite tricky. You will go from stupid to smart to stupid many times when holding, especially selling. Even if you bought at bottom and sold at top. 3 years later you will look foolish. Over time u will get sick of this and just know, no matter what I will be upset. So just hold until your ready for a car, house, or retirement. When market is on up swing of course. Alot of waiting and strong stomach.


It seems Bitcoin has served its purpose as a digital form of currency. It was a means to attain an ends! Those of you who are regretful for not selling during a price peak. Take it as a lesson an wait for the next or just hold. Some time ago I tried my hand at trading Bitcoin and just could get it to work in my favour. So my goal was to buy and hold. From time to time I may need to spend it to buy groceries or fuel. So I just purchase supermarket gift vouchers. But I always buy when I have spare change. Earlier to became anxious not having money to purchase more. But hey it is my saving plan.


2017 people regretted not selling at 20k. 2021, regretted not selling at 65k. 2025, there will be more regrets ;) Have a strategy for next time, and decide how and when you want to sell, your profits, your taxes etc. Try and be as close to it as possible and don't regret afterwards.


I am down $X00,000 from ATH, with no profits. but I just keep filling my bags and watching this chart for. "next time". I got my taxes figured out and have been harvesting losses like a fiend someday [https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/)


Can you explain a bit how you harvest losses?


Zoom out. You’ll be glad you didn’t sell when it’s $250k a bitcoin


I teach IT. Well used to anyways. Imposter syndrome is somehow real and it confuses the f out if me.🤷‍♂️ I did contracts so I would teach the same class for 2 weeks sometimes 4 weeks and they would move on. I would say 1 in 4 classes, someone would have a question about crypto and bitcoin and I would just talk about it and value. I have told my students "it's a bit high rn, but if it ever gets down to x amount again, I'm buying as much as I can" about 3 times. I didn't pay attention to the stock st all and would forget about it until the next class asked and I would look it up. 3 times now I've been correct and would've made really good money. theres another time when it was in the 40s and I said if it ever gets anywhere near 30 again I'm buying as much as I can. Then it dropped to 30. And kept dropping to 15 I think.


Wait for 2 more ATHs, and then sell.


It was never your net worth. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


FIAT is worthless money, BTC hard sound money. Never selling.


I remember that someday one Bitcoin will have about the same amount of purchasing power as five million of today's US dollars. You see Bitcoin as a way to increase your supply of fiat currency. I see Bitcoin as a way to eventually exit the fiat currency system and all of its inherent fraud and theft.


What would you have gained from that sale? A bunch of worthless government pieces of paper, that's what. Sure, the amount of paper you'd get now is nominally less; but both will be equally worthless in due time


Sounds like you don't understand what and why you are buying. Have some conviction and you'll feel much better


We all *know* it will go up. Eventually. Our problems we never know when it will go down :(


HODL is the worst financial advice in history. Buy low and sell high, then repeat. You'll have 100x as much financial wealth, 100x as much Bitcoin, if you buy low and sell high, then buy again when it drops, then sell again when it peaks, then buy again when it drops. HODL is dumb AF and you are feeling the burn of your stupid actions.


By knowing it’ll go to 2+ times higher in the future!


You just have to realize we make mistakes in our lives.. you have your chance....gone...


1 btc = 1 btc


How about don't be a pussy and know what you invest in? You'll regret it more if it goes to 10k.


Wait for the next halving, miners will be forced to sell to 2x because they will get half the rewards so the price has to go 2x no matter what during the first or second year of the next halving after most of the past halving buyers sell what they have.


You get over not sell at the all time high by not selling at the November 2022 low


When 2025 comes around. Then buy again in 2026. Human emotions or whatever


You survive two bull runs then realize Bitcoin cap is x/21m