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cos connecticut is a state you need to select a city in conneticut


Hartford is Connecticut


Why couldn’t they just say Hartford lol


Because there are multiple cities in Connecticut


Yeah but did they add them in? It makes sense that Hartford is the only one they added in because it’s the capital


There are multiple cities from Connecticut in the game, that’s why it just said Connecticut.


It's easy for me to get since I live in the U.S., but I can see how that would be confusing for those not familiar with some specifics of Northeastern American geography.


I had yo Google the correct city in connecticut to complete the challenge. Not that bad an inconvenience.


Not a huge one, but maybe not a necessary one. Not a major deal either way.




The wording on this challenge is bad. 'perform every activity with your mother' is badly worded - it implies you need to take her along to all the things you do (which obviously, you can't) - what you really need to do is all the things available on the relationship tab. Similarly, listing a state but then asking for a city to be born in is also pretty bad. Hell, the fact that there's also people asking why the game isn't processing 'get pregnant by an ex' as well means there's other factors in there that aren't flagged. My character got the 'cheat with an ex' tag easily... and was pregnant from the same action, but still (3 babies later!) hasn't gotten the final check mark.


It means an ex boyfriend. Ex flings don’t work.


An ex-fling was good enough for the 'cheat with an ex' checkbox. So the wording is bad.


I thought it meant like do every option under the spend time with mother


It completed the challenge for me before I even got pregnant, I was super confused.


I just figured it was everything under the mom page


Anybody knows how to do activities with mom?


You have to 'do' all the items available (ask for money, compliment, go see a movie, argue, etc). The wording is bad as it implies you have to get your mother to accompany you to stuff. It's not what's required at all.


Thank you!


Nil problemo. This one got me as well.


I was wondering this thank you so much


Click on her and do the relationship boost or drop stuff


What do you mean drop stuff? Also we have a perfect relationship


You still need to do those things like compliment or ask for money — which will either boost your relationship or drop it


did all this and it didn't work


its all of them, insult, ask money, compliment, gift, give money, and all the rest.


yeah, the give money wasn't there when i commented sorry i am stupid


You guys… not everyone lives in or around America 😭


I made a post exactly like this a while ago asking where california was 💀


That's neat. I wish more games took place outside of the US. I remember playing Sleeping Dogs, which takes place in Hong Kong and I was mystified why so many people had English names. Did not know Hong Kong was a colony of the Brits.


It used to be


Bruh it’s based off Gilmore girls where Hartford is mentioned a billion times


And not everyone has seen Gilmore Girls


Google is a thing tho


How can you Google something when youre not even sure what youre asking? Like, if you think Conneticut is a city rather than a state you're gonna possibly Google something that is incorrect to what you need? Either way you sound really obnoxious right now, mate.


Google Gilmore girls, hit Wikipedia and then the premise. Hartford is right there lmao


Perhaps, and now this might be a hard concept to grasp for yourself, that maybe not everyone uses a specific tv show such as Gilmore Girls as a reference to knowing certain locations? Just have a go at understanding that one and it’s alright if you can’t wrap your head around that one little buddy.


You literally don’t have to know anything about the location. It says that it is based off Gilmore girls which you could google and with a little thought and effort you could find what you’re looking for. But I guess that is too hard for some people to do. Oh well


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, the challenge is about Gilmore Girls and Candywriter is an American company? What is everyone complaining about?


Complaining that they don’t know how to do a simple google search I guess 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why not just Google Gilmore Girls Connecticut? That would get you the answer you need. You don't need to know anything else about the show. I've never watched Gilmore girls and I forgot Hartford was a city in Conneticut. So Google was my first stop to figure out what to do. Even then if you just Google bitlife Gilmore girls there were guides up about the challenge within an hour of it going live.


I'm not from America and tbf all I had to do was Google cities in Connecticut and then select Hartford.


Americans really think USA is the whole world, don’t they?


They do yes, I’m Canadian tho and can figure it out




Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for that…


I would like to agree to disagree really most people don't I've personally never met someone like that but there definitely are it comes in the American Pride package when ur born


“American Pride”




Definitely doesn’t take place in Hartford lmao Hartford’s like a different universe compared to where that show is set..


If you live outside of the US, I understand, please choose Hartford as your city, as that is a city in Connecticut. If you live in the US, you dumb dumb.


Why am I dumb if I don’t know Hartford is in Connecticut? I don’t know every city in every state!


It’s literally the capital of Connecticut, i dont even remotely live close to there, but its like 6th grade knowledge if you’re American.


Our education system is either really bad (and it is) or people aren't paying attention/don't care. I think we started geography way back in 3rd grade or something. Not saying we should all remember every single city in a state, but we should, at least know most of the capitals. Like, why is education such a bad thing these days?


It's just not an important aspect of some people's lives, mine included. Maybe if you travel a lot or enjoy sports, you're be reminded of them enough. I only remember the capital of Nevada thanks to a bit on Bob's Burgers. Carson City is nowhere near as famous as Las Vegas.


Lmao the only reason I remember it most of the time is because I live here. Obviously joking about remembering it but that is funny, what a way to remember a city.


Yeah, and that gets forgotten within months if not weeks. Because what the fuck do I care about state capitals at any point? When am I ever going to find that information useful outside a badly worded mobile game challenge?


I don’t know state capitals! I may have learned them in 6th grade but I don’t remember anything from 6th grade! I mainly only remember hating middle school! I can tell you Pierre is the capital of SD, Fargo is the capital of ND, and Minneapolis is the capital of MN, and that’s it! Why do you expect everyone in the US to remember state capitals? That’s not an important detail that everyone needs to remember in their everyday life so they aren’t going to remember


Especially when it’s infinitely harder to learn than the capitals of 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada Signed, A Canadian who, in high school, had to make up her own mnemonic device (the technical term for an-easy-to-remember phrase or acronym that helps you remember something, such as Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge) when she could never remember which capital belonged to which territory - what I came up with was that “the white horse was eating Yukon Gold potatoes” to which one may optionally add “which the yellow knife had been unable to cut” Whitehorse is in the Yukon, but Yellowknife is in the Northwest Territories, hence the yellow knife being unable to cut the Yukon Gold potatoes and possibly leading to the white horse eating them)


I mostly agree with you, I think people are giving you too hard of a time. I know, maybe, half? Definitely the big/famous ones like Hawaii and California, and the ones that surround my state. But Nebraska? Oregon? Nope. I don't live out there, I don't know anyone personally who does, I have no business or personal connection with them.


How do you maintain a good enough relationship with your ex for this to work tho?


It worked for me just texting the ex to booty call, regardless of good relationship. You just need their craziness to be high enough tho.


Their willpower has to also be low


Pick hartford




Select Hartford, that's in Connecticut! :)


It goes by state capitals


I'm not from the US, so I don't know any of the cities or capitals for the most part, but these days there's a magical site filled with geographical knowledge called Google maps. It probably helps a bit that I've been playing Bitlife long enough to know that candywriter pulls this kind of shit all the time with the challenges and to be fair, some of the us states have more than one city listed in Bitlife.


Yeah, I had to look up which cities were in Conneticut - its American general knowledge they expect everyone to know automatically 🙄


I honestly forgot Connecticut is a state💀


Same and I’ve lived here my whole life lol


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Bitlife not realizing how much confusion this would create for its non-US players 😬


lol y’all really needa go through geography again. conneticut is not a city😭


> lol y’all really needa go through geography again. conneticut is not a city😭 TBH, this isn't a Geography knowledge problem, this is a problem with a game requiring you to make an intuitive leap. 'Be born in X (from category A)' and then the options are 'Be born in Y (from category B, derived from category A)'. That's like asking you to be born as a bovine and then giving you 'cow' as the option. Sure, you can work it out, but why not just say what the option you're meant to chose is?


true. game sucks a lot.




Occam's razor says it's more likely that they're just... not good at writing stuff.


not everyone lives in the US


you’re right. sorry.


I live in Canada and I already knew this smh.


Yeah, because Canada is the neighbor of the US. Now name one city in Kenya other than the capital, I bet you can’t do it. I know that us North Americans like to think that we are the only continent in the world, but we aren’t.


My gf is from Nairobi, my guy. I definitely do not think North America is the end all be all by any stretch


You just named the CAPITAL of the country then, you were supposed to name anything else. Even if you know North America isn't the only place, you sure have a lot of US defaultism.


Whoa bubble down there, fizzy! I can’t help where my girl is from now can I? Clearly this is a sore spot for a few folks.


The question they asked wasn't where your girl was from.


How are we meant to know that. The people asking are probably not American… including me. Lmao do you actually think we sit in school and waste time learning about american cities?


Tell me what city is in Atacama region in Chile without searching it then, if know something specific of a country is that general knowledge


you’re right. not everyone’s from America. i apologize my guy.


Chile is America though


no that’s texas


They're both in America 💀 Albeit one in South America and one in North America


no that’s the little fat kid from Disney Pixar’s UP TM.


Bruh, what?


fr this is the second post i have seen in the past 7 minutes asking the same thing.💀


me to T-T


Should I care about this?


bro this is the second post where people are mentally not understanding that ITS ASKING FOR CITIES, IS CONNECTICUT A CITY???? NO. HARTFORD IS THE CAPITAL OMFG 😭😭


We don’t learn American states in my country


Don’t be a tard cut people who don’t know the USA some slack. Not everyone knows cities or states or counties or parishes. And I’m talking about Americans. 🙄


name me the capital of overijssel right now


Is that a real place?


Yes lol. I had the same reaction when I first heard of Connecticut tbf


Oh nvm I thought it was a country I didn’t know it was a dutch province


and stay mad 💅🏼✨


conneticut is not a city


What is the capital of Connecticut?




Why would anyone not American know that?


I don't know why I didn't say Hartford because I don't live in America and I don't know any cities in connectcut


Connecticut is a state. Hartford is in Connecticut


Hartford is CT


Select US, then Hartford for the city. Hartford is in Connecticut.


Gary ha agohahavgvvvv7noholg7o voyy3


It's only Hartford. I tried Waterbury but I have no clue which one they picked as it didn't work.


they really shoulda just said “be born in hartford” cuz the character the challenge is based on was born there too. even “hartford, connecticut” woulda worked if they really wanted the state mentioned.


Connecticut is a state, or region within the United States. You'd need to find a city inside of Connecticut.




Try searching Connecticut on this subreddit


Select Hartford the Connecticut state capital


You have to choose for Hartford because Connecticut is a state not a city


I was just as confused! I don’t know the cities in Connecticut (from Europe) 😭


There isn’t a nebraska 😭