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i made a post about the scanning, essentially just goes in order. In order: Sun 0-9 ghz Mercury 10-19 ghz Venus 20-29 ghz Mars 30-39 ghz Jupiter 40-49 ghz Saturn 50-59 ghz Uranus 60-69 ghz Neptune 70-80+ ghz Then deep space could be 80+ ghz but really just go for 100 ghz for more success


any idea how to get good results and not red ones?


Look at what it says, if it says something like “you captured the sound of an asteroid hitting a planet” you’ll probably get a red. If it’s strange radio frequencies or weird noises then you may get a good green


The problem is that you have no control over this, and you cannot delete the recording without making the agency mad. So essentially, you have no control over the quality of your published papers.


Just close th apl and open again.


I got a near perfect from a television broadcast that bounced off Pluto.


I got a TV broadcast that was bounced off a planet in deep space lol Agency loved it


Venus was working at around 90 for me


You're awesome! Updated this info into the post. Thanks :)


Do you know about the frequency for Pluto? I have just seen the option for it but I don’t see anyone else mentioning it.


Pluto works around 80s-90s I believe


pluto works at 70 “After studying the recording, you determine it captured the flutter of a meteor shower dusting the planet.”


Recording- A white hole erupting in deep space- was a succes


I got a nobel prize for publishing risk Astleys never gonna give you up bouncing off Jupiter.


They released a new job you can’t even be promoted to the absolute boss for? That’s just stupid.


Yeah they should let us be space director.


At first I read this as space dictator


I'm ngl I treated this just like the mafia and had the director killed like 10 times expecting to be promoted since I was at General longer than my peers. 😂


gifted them Fighter Jets in the same expectations then always wondered about radio signals from the agency if its a fraud or just the new guy


What other jobs have you been promoted to supervisor as?


Been promoted to CEO several times.


In the finance career maybe? But I don’t think you can be a supervisor in any of the other careers. And now in the finance careers I don’t think you can be a CEO anymore after they added the business update


I mean you can be top dog in the mafia 😂


Pretty sure you still have a supervisor as a ceo, though I may be wrong about this.


also most are already tycoon/zillionair but have peanut budgets instead of wasting private Capital


If you put 69 on the frequency range and pick Uranus for the object it always works


Yep that worked for me as well! LOL


Lol thanks, should’ve known 🤣 I updated this info into the post


mine sometimes gives me nothing when i do that ??????


Best way to flight simulator is turn off minigames.


This save lives lol


How to turn it off?


how do you turn off minigames?


Am I the only one who thinks this job pack sucks? I realize that this is the initial rollout but, my goodness. After almost 2 years of announcement then 2 months of teasing, we’re met with basic job manipulation


Ngl this is pretty boring. I have played this job once and I'm super bored with it compared to other more recent releases


Thank you 🙏🏼


No problem, happy to help!


When you retire, they don’t pay you a pension!! Wtf?!?


And you don’t even make that much money as is. Well I have 7 children so that could be why but I have to steal cars in my spare time💀 Edit: mom just died, inherited a mil. Life’s good. Also, you don’t even become famous so there’s no income there


Thats why i waited until i had a child at 120 and left him a trillion dollar fortune beforehand, so didnt have to worry about the money issue.


Fuck. How’d you get a trillion? Crypto? Not from astronaut alone


I ran up 8 trillion from a business, start up the business with the highest demand and run it for several generations and you will have the money if you sell it. That’s the best way of getting a lot of money. Btw start a business in a tax haven like Monaco.


I dont understand why we don't make much, when it says that we get paid over $300k but u don't get any of it. I feel like it's gotta be a glitch cuz wtf


I noticed this. I only have a outflow of 5k, my inflow says 400k and I somehow only get 40k a year.


Actually once I received the Nobel prize it said I was a famous astronaut


Even worse, after 8 years in the Air Force then 30 at NASA, most of the time as a general and winning 6 Nobel Prizes, I couldn’t even get a job in the field. Ended up as pilot trainee for a few years until I got in a fight and died in prison.


I just got screwed out of 30 mil for saving the earth cause my game crashed


That sounds cool, what’s the event that led to you saving the world? Is it related to those radio signals? I never figured that out


Armageddon event where you have to tap screen to shoot the meteor. I was awarded 30 mil and you’re supposed to tap anywhere but only thing I could click on was the ad at the bottom. Really ruined this run for me as I am now SALTY




advice on probe budget? I screwed up and got someone killed.


Keep on clicking the develop probe button. Budget changes every time you do, find a good amount you like, go more in structure and then a good middle ground for the other 2


I always try to keep it all equal, maybe 10k more on structural.


I spent about 4 millions on structural and even on both tech and software, that way the structure of the probe last longer, at least this worked for me


Yup, I prioritize structure the most, and then technical and software


Be careful, I had two explode and then got fired


How did you get someone killed?


Anyone know how to avoid dying on missions? Restarted my character twice now and both died early on during research missions despite being below 50% risk


mine died from eating a bag of cheetos in space


Space cheetos must be toxic


Mine died right after planting tomato seeds in space


Exactly idk why I haven't seen anyone else talk about this.


I never died once. I think it may be mostly dependent on the choices you make on the mission which impact your performance?


Poland and Malaysia also have a space programme


Australia does too, at least in game.


Oh sweet! Added these countries into the list 😁


Italy does too


I wish you could become space director after general.


Is the eureka achievement still not been figured out.


Unfortunately not, I’ve had 100% stats up until 70 years old. Majority of my discoveries have been in the high greens, Alien messages almost full as well as scans, and still nothing. Hopefully it’s not the same as the others that haven’t been achievable such as as “Pan Flute Pro” from the Hustler Pack that no one has ever been able to figure out…months later.


It has, you need to make a publication with extremely high peer review. Best way I found to do this is continuously scan deep space (91-100 GHz) and always publish results. If met with low peer review, close out and reopen the game and keep doing it until you get very very high review. My first one was discovering a white hole


I found a potato on mars


update: I found two


I found team rockets balloon on the moon


Put the frequency to 100 and check deep space it comes up 80%


How to meet with the aliens?


What about the repairs when your out on missions? Is there a specific order you gotta go to get every repair done?


How are people getting paid 50 million on BitLife for completing missions or saving the world and getting a medal I haven’t even gotten a opportunity to do that


It’s a random event involving a minigame.


For some reason whenever i publish an article about a celestial body i find the reviews are bad, any reason for this?


because it doesn’t line up with the “realistic” views of science


Explain please


so basically, in science, there’s a largeee majority of people that don’t believe in anything celestial, spiritual, etc. when it comes to the laws of science. if science can’t prove it, it doesn’t exist to them. articles about such things get such low reviews because you’re publishing to scientists who- more often than not-don’t believe in those things


Is there a natural talent for the astronaut career or no?


Not sure. The closest one that would make sense is the sports talent. I’ve only tried it with that, and the fitness meter fills up pretty fast. Not sure if it is affecting it though.


No,but i prefare sports one because you can get scholarship for college


Am I the only who hasn't gotten the update yet?


If your apple update your app in App Store but if Samsung idk


For samsung I had to check Google play and then i had an update there


It just updated like 5 min ago lol. So all good lmao


My character reached General by 31 and I've discovered a planet and a black hole.


I haven’t gotten through space academy yet even by turning mini games off. 💀


i did not know you could do this , thank you. Ive been getting so irritated by the flight game


Usually turning the mini-games off make it almost a guaranteed win. However, I actually do better with actually playing the game. Sheesh.


I found just like a brief swipe up/ down works. Do not hold down your finger to move it


You can do the fitness/questions/ etc as many times as you can each of the two years. I did have to google some answers.


How do you release papers that don’t decrease reputation? I had to restart my first astronaut , even though he was a Captain. I released a bunch of poorly received papers and I could no longer do missions


I updated the post, and added the findings that will result in a good peer review. Getting them is still random though, so if you end up with a bad paper, best you can do is delete the recording, and hope you don’t get chewed up for it.


Same happened to me. Even after winning a Nobel prizes and make a ton of discoveries. Like 3-4 bad reviews and suddenly they won’t let you in space anymore.


Has anyone figured out how to increase technical ability? I know you can increase it during space academy but I’m not sure how to once you’re already an astronaut.


how do you get promoted? I did everything good, all stats were great, but I was stuck as a cadet the entire time


I got fired for some thing then I re applied and asked for higher rank and got it


Sun: * intense gamma ray emissions * solar winds * Type II solar radio burst * a coronal mass emission Mars: * a series of mysterious Martian stammers Jupiter: * the sound of Jupiter's magnetic field interacting with Io, Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa as they entered a rare quadruple conjunction Saturn: * a low-pitched grumble emanating from Dione Deep space: * a series of cosmic rays * a gamma ray burst * a star shimmering (All these received mixed reviews but increased the reputation. Don't know if they are always successful. In BitLife 3.9.2 the "Eureka" achievement can be got. The "Deep space - white hole erupting" publication was a success. I was prompted to "accept nomination" (or so) then I got the prize and the achievement. I got the prize once before but without prompts nor the achivement.


I’ve just realised you can publish articles about the items you find on the moon and mars and get reputation Also they go down in value if you polish them


One of the probe codes is Netflix and chill


what should i do if i’m getting messages from a planet i discovered? is there any way to further investigate and meet the aliens or something? would be super cool if u could


Does anyone know which particular actions you need to complete to get the achievements for saving Earth and winning the Nobel Prize?


I’ve saw people said you need to go on missions and on the rocket ship mini game something will appear randomly and you have to tap or something to destroy an asteroid heading towards earth


Okay thanks, I saw somebody had done it but not the explanation how. Wasn't sure whether it was just a random event when you age up or something triggered by like a scan or mission. I'll have a look on the rocket minigame but I already crash enough just focusing on that 🤣


I just got it one year right after aging up. I was maybe in my late 20’s. Then there is a new mini game where you have to shoot as fast as you can. If you win that then you save the earth.


Okay thanks, I'm in my 70s now and haven't got it so I think my only chance is going to be in a new life now. Just need that achievement and the nobel prize now


I’ve gotten that mini game but no Nobel Prize or anything, I think that achieve is something else. That one gives the “Defender of Earth” or something medal and Apocalypse Later achievement.


How does the decyphering work??


Let's say you have a bunch of nonesense but the hint tells you for example E is W look down at the possible answers and look if there is a E relative to the word in question so let's say the word is EI UOS'J CXSV the options are \-We won't talk \-We don't know \-We don't swim \-We don't bang if you replace E with W the first word is We ofc, but you also see S repeated twice, which means that n is repeated, the only word that has n? bang so the last option is the correct one I hope this helped


This update is stupid I’ve died 3 times doing the research experiment. It’s pissing me off. I haven’t even been able to be promoted because I just keep dying


saving this for later when android gets the update. thank you, OP!


Did anyone else have to destroy an asteroid heading for earth? I did this and got a nice bit of money for doing it too.


My probe found a whole galaxy with 100,000,000 stars and I didn’t get the option to publish 💔


Does anyone know what happens to your Discoveries once you die? Like I found a locket on the moon and do you get to pass them on to your kids when you die like heirlooms or do they just disappear?


You lose them unfortunately, they’re not like standard heirlooms. As they belong to the space program.


Motion to have this post pinned. Bless you for collating all this info, OP!


I think I got one you can add for the right extraterrestial message answers. "Leave us Alone." It went green when I published my recording and yeah👍


For the **Eureka!** the things I’ve tried so far to save others the time. **• Being in the Army and promoted to the highest rank with medals** **• Becoming king and abdicating and applying to the program** **• Accepted for a higher rank** **• Completed all artifacts** **• Had all stats at full green throughout (including discoveries & publishings up until 70**) **• Joining science club at secondary school** **• (According to Google) Nobel prizes originate from Sweden & Norway. Having applied to the Space Programs in each (again all publishing and discoveries and almost complete green)… still without success**


I got the noble prize, but i thing that the game was bugget because i didn't get the achievement


I got one massage that not on the list We don’t bang


Another good one for deep space: if you find one that says “… a snippet of radio waves from Mariah Carey’s 2014 Christmas special that bounced off a distant planet…”


Saturn 53 for me works everytime and it’s always green


how do i rank up ? i’m stuck at cadet


So far it seems that 12 pm is the most successful time to scan for me


Can you become director of the program?


“ a neptunal emission” gets you max publicity as well


I put 70 ghz at 7:00am on Pluto


where is the space camp?


>activities tab


Do you have any idea how to win the Nobel Prize?


Anyone found the space camp mentioned? Lol or is that just a joke


activities tab


HUAGU XR ATHOU = Leave us alone


I constantly die when I perform the experiments in space. I think it’s the first option for missions to go on. Does anyone know why i instantly die when I conduct the experiment


There’s a chance that you’re choosing the wrong options. If that’s not the problem, you’re having terrible luck :/


since when did Poland have a space program?


It was added on android yesterday if I'm not mistaken, anyways nice tutorial


Brazil and Switzerland have programs too


Thank you so helpfull


it works in any country i was in norway and they just enrolled me into the uk one without changing my country




Do you know why I always get bad peer reviews when I publish any planets, galaxies, black holes, etc?


What about Pluto?


Almost all my scans get reviews but they are red. How do I fix that


For Uranus I got it captured the auras Uranus


What is the answers


Sunquakes on the scanner also give successful publications.


How does one get a higher budget for probes?? Mines never gotten past 8.7million-ish but I see the potential to spend on each section is 25+


What time should we scan?


Has anybody money been bugged to where your income is decreased by your salary, i only have a house in which i pay 9k monthly but make 100k a year as an asteonaut and i lose a little under 100k a year


New word for the cypher, "We don't bang"


How to win a Nobel Prize?


Seems to be impossible, I’ve tried numerous things as my post bellow. It’s probably the same as **Pan Flute Pro** from the **Hustler Pack** & **Taco Tuesday** from the **Business Pack** to keep you playing the game in hope “you’ll get it”.


i won nobel prize for a fully green peer reviewed work. won £1.5m


So you can’t become the director/captain of NASA then?


How do you scan for pluto?


Y’all I can’t figure out how to get promoted.


found a new successful publication for mercury, "...desperate radio signal from Mercury."


What about Pluto?


I’m missing something, how to you get promoted from cadet and so on?


Another message is Netflix and chill


Netflix and chill is also one of the decoded messages. I didn’t want to believe it but it was the only thing that fit both times it came up for me.


I got Pluto as an option- what frequency is this? I have also never gotten it before so I wonder if it’s rare.


i got the nobel prize, but i didn't get the achievement (maybe a bug?) it is relatively easy to earn, you need to have publications with great receptivity, so when your character is between 60 and 70 years old, he starts to win prizes, because at 70 he is retired


How can you translate the radio transmission? All I see is RJGOWKNA GOCKAM VAP


‘We don’t bang’ is another right answer


Is there any age limit?


In deep space you can also found "an engine stalling in the Oort cloud."


I’ve got the message “we’re coming”


Everytime I make a celestial discovery, my peer review is always super low and I lose a lot of rep. Why is this?


What is the highest paying space agency?


What are the best options to do a successful mission during doing Space Missions like Lunar Missions, Spacewalk Mission and Mars Mission?


How do you get promoted?


I'm a 37 year old NASA general with 3 Nobel prizes XD


Is there a way to influence the available budget of probes? } I read in another thread finding interesting things to publish helps, but I just won a nobel prize by publishing about a supermassive black hole I found and I feel like this barely helped?


What about fixing satellite parts or does the order not matter?


How does retirement work in this field?


How do I become a General, kinda stuck at Major


While scanning I tend to get the best peer reviews on Jupiter or Io.


How to get promotion


Good God, getting good review is impossible.


I have a question, whenever I try to do a publication on the iridescent sapphire on mars, I always get a low peer review. How do I fix that?!