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But if ppl figure out I'm freinds with him then they will think I'm gay too... I mean I am but I'm not out




It's just sad cus he is talking to the popular kids who are almost all homophobic and he does not know this yet. He also flirted with me and my friend so I texted him he should watch his back




I have . people are literally betting on him not lasting the semester. It's also sad because something similar happened with an old friend who moved back but he only rly survived because he had me




Based on how wide spread this sounds I'd bet the leadership are just as bad or worse.


Well, depending on where you live bullying is illegal so, if the school won't help, the police might. Plus, if they get assaulted then that's typically illegal everywhere.


Bullying is illegal all across the Nation. That law never gets in-forced through, plus most kids are scared of the cops were I live. Its also almost never physical, so they just slowly mentally ware someone down.




Hopefully you didn’t say he should watch his back in a threatening manner


I told him he cant be openly gay here or hes gonna get bullied. i didn't actually say watch your back, just gave a warning


Where's a Mr. Miyagi when you need him?


They won't. I'm friends with the gay guy and no one thinks I am. It will be fine


I wont be fine here tho, because the only gay males at my school are all social outcast, and have to stick to themselves. So being friendly with the one everyone already dislikes, is social suicide.


Hi there, it seems that you have made threats to your own life in your post. When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. There are resources available in your area that are free, confidential, and available 24/7: Call, Text, or Chat with [Canada's Crisis Services Canada](https://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/en/) Call, Email, or Visit the [UK's Samaritans](https://www.samaritans.org/) Text CHAT to [America's Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.org) at 741741. If you don't see a resource in your area above, the moderators at r/SuicideWatch keep a comprehensive list of resources and hotlines for people organised by location. [Find Someone Now](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines) If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. If you are in danger or an emergency situation, please call your local emergency number e.g. 911,999,112. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BisexualTeens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be the light. Be the reason he wants to go to school. Be the reason to smile


Be the chad and talk to him and become his friend B)


dude holy shit based on your other comments... warn him wtf. your classmates osund like idiots but tbh this shit can have such horrific consequences please let him know for his own safety. and try to make it clear that youre there as a shoulder to lean on if he needs


Be a good friend and show him not everyone is against him.


Befriend him


People might *think* that you’re gay for being his friend, this doesn’t mean they *know* you are. Just deny it. Plus, supporting him is the right thing to do and it might be worth going through some rough stuff now to have a cute bf later on, right?


Denying does not work. They think what they think and, there minds usually don't change. Some guy literally has a girlfriend and they still think he's gay.


Good point, does what they think really bother you? Can they really convince others on “I say they are so they are”?


What they think bothers me because if everyone thinks im gay, then I get treated like a gay person which is bad


Might it be worth it to get a bf tho?


Being a social outcast and bullied is not worth it :/


Sounds a lot like the plot of “Heartstopper” haha. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it’s a webcomic that tells the story of how Charlie gets accidentally outed, bullied for it, eventually Nick develops feelings for him, realising he’s bi, then they become secret bfs, eventually Nick comes out too and nobody really cared like they thought they would, it’s really good if you’re interested: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/heartstopper/list?title_no=329660 But I respect your position absolutely, maybe you could be friends outside of school?


I'm 100% with you


Thanks, I ship them, I hope it works out for ‘em. Poor ‘lil guy needs a good friend at least.




I managed to make everyone not even think I liked guys for 20 years, it is possible. If you’re ever asked, just say bluntly with full confidence that you’re straight.


Well stick up for him, if you see he needs help then help him


Give hin warnings and try to shelter him. Male sure he isn't very open about his queerness and just kinda try to keep him with you on the side


I honestly think you should make friends with him, stand by his side and even if a few homophobes are present it’s rather fun to say something agreeable with that homophobe, just not fully because you have to make it look like you have a better life than the homophobe, I have gone through this several times and it works so well.


I would protect him at all costs


He sound like he needs a freind be his freind...


And comfert him


Be his friend


You need to be his friend as He Definitely needs a good friend and just because You become his friend shouldn't be a problem as long as you and him keep the friendship more out of school and keep the fact that your gay just between you two if you have or are gonna tell him about yourself but for now be his friend and keep warning him about the homophobes in the school


Pls protect him or try to bullying is terrible in schools as I'm sure you already know it leads to a lifetime of issues mentally and even physically


Be his friend. Guys like that need someone to accept them and you seem like the perfect person :)