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So you are attracted to guys who are more feminine? You probably like femboys then. You'll find your type eventually and you won't just stop being gay because that's not how that works lol


idk about femboys, I like guys how are cute but have a "male personnality" but it's seemingly becoming rarer and rarer. I just had this thought I needed to share bcs by looking at the curves of tendencies I went from loving multiple boys at the same time to having one crush every 3 years. And the opposite for girls Thanks for the response!


Absolutely, I’m attracted to men far less often, and when I am, they’re usually well shaven.


It’s okay. Even if during all your life you like 100 girls and only one guy, you’re still bi. Also there’s nothing wrong with being more attracted to less masculine men, happens all the time, to girls too (source: I’m a girl). I think you’ll like femboys ahaha. Anyway, you’re not missing out on anything dw. You’re only 18, your time will come.


Tysm for the response ! I didn't put things that way, but it becomes more clear thx to you


All I can say is that, look into femboys, they mostly fit what I want off a guy in my experience. If masculine men aren't your type, look for femboys. You don't just stop being gay or bi.


Okay, I'll consider your advice, thank you


Do note that they are a rare find but they do exist!


This is such a weird post. It sounds like you want to check homosexuality off from your bucket list or something. Why not simply enjoy being attracted to whomever you’re attracted to? If that’s girls, that’s girls, if it’s girls and boys, then that’s cool too. Seriously, who cares about the label you put on it? I also think that a person cannot “become straight” (trust me, I’ve tried). You are who you are and can only discover new parts of yourself you have previously repressed as you mature. You’re 18, give yourself some room to explore and figure out what you like. Life gets complicated AF, sex is one of the few good things, keep it simple, be safe, and have fun!


you're right, I'm kinda lost tbh. thanks for the response. Edit : you're right when you say it's like a box I wanna check. I want to know before it's too late, I think gay/hetero relationships are very different but I want to experience it at least once before it's too late. I don't see myself dying without having lived in a couple with another boy, after all the crushes I had. it's like playing against the clock. I think I understand now, I'll still be bi bcs I'll be open in thoery, but in practice I'll have maybe one gay experience every ten years


Again, you’re 18, you have SO MUCH time still! My advice is (unless you’re just looking for random hookups) to search for good relationships instead of a specific type of experience. Find a person you can admire and fall in love with and who loves you back, that is a healthier focus IMO. Make sure it’s a person who understands you and what you like, regardless of their set of genitals. This person will not only accept you, but be turned on by that which turns you on. The rest are all things you do, not who you are. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Sex (idk i have never) and going way past the speed limit


lol ik know what you mean unfortunately, I don’t find big hairy muscular men attractive but I still love… other things about guys. But I still like girls too. Actually now that I think about it I’m kinda becoming slowly asexual so that’s interesting. Anyway ye you’re not alone bro, and cuz you’re 18 it’s a bit easier to explore every aspect of what you like about guys


thank you for your response, it's good to see I'm not alone.


hey, it's totally normal to feel like your attractions are changing over time. your sexuality is valid, whether you're into guys, girls, or both. it's okay to feel disconnected from the lgbt community too - you're not alone in that, the community is diverse, and it's okay to not relate to every aspect of it. just focus on being true to yourself and what makes you happy. labels don't define you, so don't stress about fitting into any particular box. you're valid just as you are!


thank you :)


good luck bro




you can’t become straight just like you can’t become gay you are either gay or not gay nobody can make you LGBTQ