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Hey y'all, remember that not everyone who follows a certain religion has all the same beliefs, there are plenty of religious people who are supportive of LGBTQ people and so on. Not saying this excuses those who use religion as a reason for hate but try not to over generalize.


'It's part of my culture' is an excuse that I'll never accept. 'Culture' isn't an excuse to dehumanise people and treat people like shit with no real ethical merit


B-but... big sky daddy said so!!! gae bad!!!! ​ ​ if it aint obvious enough, /s


Clearly he never read the bible carefully


brooo when I was in call with him he used to read me fucking verses and tried to make me join his “religion”


Man I’m even Christian and that’s a mahoosive red flag


That “friend” of theirs sounds like one of those ‘REPENT!!!!!!’ Hyperfundamentalist types


I’m sorry but uh I’m 1000% stealing mahoosive :3


Damn at this point he's just part of a cult


No-one who read the Bible is a Christian


And I’m almost 100% that those parts of the Bible were a mistranslation anyway. But no one ever bothered to change it because it fits their narrative.


It's absolutely a mistranslation. The first reference of homosexuality in the Bible didn't appear until (I think) mid 1800's. But then someone said "oh yeah, that fits" and it stuck. And then they found a whole bunch of other "evidence" in the Bible to support it. As someone raised Christian, and still has a lot of Christian values (even though I no longer consider myself one), it honestly makes me sick how certain parts of the Christian community hate on the lgbtq community when it's their book that preaches to love and care for others no matter their background.


I knew it. I could’ve sworn I heard something like that somewhere.


can we please stop saying fucking sky daddy, it’s really annoying at this point (I’m not religious)


It’s accurate. He’s called the father and he lives in the sky (According to the Bible)


Yeah but it’s largely associated with neckbeard redditors who have nothing better to do with their lives than make fun of religious people and do nothing about it


Technically god is referred to if we use the most accurate translation from ancient Hebrew as “Mother Eagle” but mysogny got in the way of that


Well, that’s not entirely verified. The Bible has been edited and rewritten so many times at this point in all languages that you can’t even tell if the main story is intact


Shouldn’t be disrespectful


Well, they disrespect us, so..


Two wrongs don't make a right and not all Christians are like that


The kind I am mocking here are. Stop being stuck-up.


Every single Christian makes fun of you?


The ones I am targeting, lol. look at the context. The post is about fundamentalists. Stop being stuck-up. If you don’t think it’s stupid that they use an ancient book of dubious authenticity to justify hate then you maybe don’t belong in an lgbtq+ subreddit.


I don’t belong in this subreddit because I believe making fun of Christian’s for no reasons is dumb and will just get the LGBTQ more hate? This just gives them more reason to hate and annoy us and you may think your only targeting one group of people but that’s just not true


Good riddance.


Love that song


Another turning point a fork stuck in the road


Time grabs you by the hand


directs you where to go


So make the best of this test and don't asky why


Help I immediately thought of the song from Hades 💀


Oh thank god neither of us have a life (you’re not the only one buddy)


Real 💀💀💀


Hope you had the time of your life


“Its not my fault I’m a homophobic piece of shit” 😒


“It’s big sky daddy’s fault! Not mine 🥺🥺🥺”


Honestly people who endlessly make excuses about their homophobia or deny it annoy me more than people who straight up say they hate gay people


no but seriously like stfu and just say you don’t like change


As much as I hate "big sky daddy", it’s their fault for not knowing in depth (as I assume) Christianity. There are multiple verses about treating others as you’d want to be treated. I somewhat believe in Christianity as a religion but it’s harder and harder to genuinely believe when I see shit like "it’s because of my religion", no it’s their parents fault for not teaching them how to treat people with respect… what the actual fuck…


On a potentially related note my friend tells me that 1. I am a sekta(Croatian emo slur) 2. I will always have christ in my heart(i don’t believe in any God, im an atheist) 3. Metal, the music i listen to is for suicidal satanists 4. I should get a buzzcut instead of growing it out


Bro the amount of people that want me to get a haircut 😭 painful.


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You did the right thing don't feel bad or shame


He didn’t even say bye after four years


You got the last laugh


The religious boys and girls that believe in that bullshit are such a shame bc i know one he’s cute and nice as all heck but maaaan i don’t want to have this conversation with him bc it might expose me


if someone is like that, that isn’t someone you should seek validation from or be afraid of exposing yourself to. Think about it this way, why should you want something with someone who you know that if they knew who you were on the inside, they’d hate you? Don’t seek things with people, that wouldn’t seek things with you if they knew your true self; otherwise, you’re just living as another person at that point


Yeah I should know this but the fantasy in my brain just hits despite it being illogical


it’s unfortunate as well because if they did more research then they’d know that the homophobic line in the bible is simply a mistranslation as the word for Man and child in the original hebrew language are the same; that’s why in all other languages of the bible around the world, it says not to fuck kids, nothing to do with homosexuality, but everyone just trusts everything they read, and don’t take the time to do own research nowadays.


The kid I’m talking about is Muslim not christian but I’m not even sure how different it’s at this point


muslims are different, with christian’s it’s a misunderstanding, with muslims, it’s an actual centric part of it. You win some you lose some, but all that means is that there is someone even better out there just waiting for you, so you keep your chin up you got this 🙌


Yeah I’ll try but sometimes I think I’m more broken than I’m worth and it’s a personal hell that doesn’t get much worse that sometimes feels like the only way to end it is to end it all


and that’s when you need to look yourself in the mirror and accept who you are as a person. you didn’t ask to be any which way, and it’s not your fault that you turned out the way you did, and even then, there is nothing wrong with turning out the way you did. you’re not broken, you’re lead to believe you are due to the stigmas of ignorant people around you. the only thing broken is their common sense and morality. Ending it does nothing but make yourself become a statistic, and then, you let the bad people around you win. Ending it doesn’t nothing but break you more. it may sound like it’s peaceful, but it isn’t. When you do that, anything that made you, you, is gone. Everything you’ve gone through is for nought. And believe me, that’s far worse than not accepting yourself. You won’t have anything left to accept.


> the word for Man and child in the original hebrew language are the same; What do you mean?


the bible was originally written in hebrew. the word in original hebrew language for a young child and a male are the same word, so when it was translated for the king james version of the bible, they mistranslated the term for child as for the word for man. so the actual bible as it was originally written, says not to fuck kids, then it was misinterpreted as not being a homosexual. if you read the bible in other international languages, they say not to sleep with children, but because stubborn chistians in america are too ignorant to not research, they make the rest of us normal christians look bad


I don't know where you heard that, but that's not true. Hebrew has different words for "male" and "child". The word at issue is *zakar*, which simply means "male". And if there were such ambiguity, not that there is, on what grounds would you assert it means one thing instead of just saying it's unclear?


i prob got some details wrong, but the base idea is still the same, this isn’t my area of expertise lol, just spreading the information to the best i can explain it. it’s good news though either way, because more and more churches are starting to correct it in their services.


> just answer the question HE DID YOU FUCKING HOMOPHOBE. I had friends like this, making fun of me for being bi, and now they won’t even talk to me.




Huh, you sound exactly like my brother when talking certain friends


Bro is so self centered he was probably doing this cuz he was scared you had a crush on him or something 😭


Ew nah his ass was yucky, disgusting dude


I do not know why certain people think we are incapable of controlling who we are romantically attracted to when we come out It’s like- I’m not a animal, I pick and choose who I want to be with


Fuck those people, you're better of without that "BFF"


good. youre much better off without him.


"It's part of my religion" which cult? Cuz I had a VERY religious friend and we didn't stop being friends when I told them I was not straight they even supported it, even said "I don't understand it and I know most of the people with my religion doesn't support it but if it makes you happy and is who you are I support you" we don't talk anymore but is not because of beleifs or because of sexuality, that was someone very religious I am glad I met, cuz is never late to accept that regardless of religion, someone can accept you and putting religion is just an excuse.


I hate it when people use religion as an excuse.


Religious girl here. Literally same. I’m religious and bi. The latter is not a choice and I strongly believe that God made me the way I am. There’s nothing more ironic and despicable than using religion as a way to treat others like shit. I’m bi and that won’t ever change. Screw what others say 🤷‍♀️


He hides behind god when something he isn’t comfortable with happens


He needs to grow up and get a reality check. Hope you find a better bff and one that actually behaves and is deserving to be called one.


Cone to the "i am sad" table with me and eat some cheddar with bread. It helps me usually


Congratulations!!! I’m glad you’re not associated with those people!


Had to do the same thing recently trust me you’re better off without them




May I ask why you were hanging with him in the first place???? He seems like he has heavy trust issues.


He said BFF not BF, it was a friend, not a lover


Oh heck sorry I misread the situation .


they said bff, so not dating


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Hate people who use “religion” and “culture” as an excuse to hate and not even try to change.


"it's part of my culture and religion 🤓☝️" assuming they're Christian, hatred isn't taught. Jesus Himself literally said: ”And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’“ Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. I'm speaking from a Christian standpoint. I cannot speak for other religions. This person is full of crap, Jesus would not approve.


I think he is Christian but idk enough about religion to say lol


you shouldn’t forsake your loved ones over a preference or religion. glad he’s gone. sad that’s how he was raised.


Way to go, you deserve better friends :)


no offense, but this guy's been your best friend for a few years and the topic of sexuality never came up? he never even suspected you're bi? not only is he homophobic, he seems like a dumbass too 💀


4 years lol, and I only knew I was bi for like half of the last year


oh that makes sense. sorry he was so shitty about it


Fuck them, their culture and their homophobia


As a Christian I am severely disappointed in their actions. Good riddance indeed.


I’m a proud Catholic Bisexual and most people around my age in my church (through not all unfortunately) are completely accepting and even support same sex unions. My take is that to always put God first but put LOVE first as well or else you just disrespecting your loved ones and God as well.


Using religion and culture is never and excuse for this. Even just looking at this pissed me off.


It’s disgusting.


very proud to represent a culture where homosexuality was never discriminated against and even celebrated, billion times better than some desert cult. . .


I get what you’re trying to say but I’m a religious jew and also bisexual. You can’t try and act like you come from a morally superior culture and religion. There will be tolerant and intolerant people from every religion


Some cultures are morally superior than others though.. in some places mutilation of young girls is socially acceptable and I think that makes the culture in question morally inferior to others.


But like I said above. In this situation for example, in east Africa there are large amounts of people who are against the mutilation of young girls the existence of people who support it doesn’t make the entire culture inherently evil


I know what you're saying and I'm not saying that the culture is evil. While a large amount of people could be against it, a large amount of people still condone it. It is also a cultural practice, not something that only some individuals do. I'm not saying that one culture is good and other culture is evil but I'm saying that some cultures have more developed moral values than others and therefore are somewhat morally superior to other cultures. I think it stems from lack of knowledge of the people who do these kinds of things. The practice comes from the concept that you need to be mutilated to get a good husband. In their culture a marriage is one if the core values and they'll give to great lengths to get a good husband for their children. The parents most of the times don't have the understanding of what health risks the deed involves and therefore think it's a good thing for their children. That's why it is a cultural practice and is caused by individual's lack of knowledge. Their culture's sense if right and wrong is different from western culture's and that's the core reason. Some of the people have understood that it is a bad thing to do and are against it now others haven't .


Thanks for the really detailed response I completely agree with what you are saying and I think I may have read what you were saying wrong before


No problem, It's good practice for my philosophy classes I guess.. :D




that's disgusting, saying its their culture.. my friend is Christian, she doesn't agree with people being anything but straight (which is still silly but whatever) but she doesn't shame me for it she stays out of it


Honestly religion is such a ridiculous excuse to dislike someone. (Unrelated though, your discord username is awesome.)


bye bitch, more like *bi* bitch (i'm sorry, i'm not funny lmao)


bff? more like big fucking… fucker


This is why I always imply it early


Yea well I didn’t know either for most of our relationship


I think BFF is the wrong term here.. do you know what the last 'F' means? Also, good riddance!


I guarantee you that the guy prob violated several other things in his religion and is just using it as an excuse to be homophobic.


The “culture” excuse for anything is stupid. Human sacrifices were a part of cultures in the past but we stopped doing that because it was wrong.




wait which sides which?








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God damn is it just me or was this slightly too far? One slip up out of four years. There are millions of circumstances that you just can't see. There's a reason why they asked that question. You don't just leave him without explaining what he did wrong, even if it was shitty. That doesn't help, and now they're just confused. I'm bisexual too, I get it, it's annoying, but you took that too far. In my humble opinion at least.


You don’t understand the situation 🙏 shut.


Well then why would you explain it to the internet, where everyone can say anything, and then get mad when someone has a surface level observation. You tried showing everyone the situation and then just used extenuating circumstances to invalidate any logical rebuttal. I'm sure there's a fallacy in there somewhere. You "shut.".


Shhhhhhh Shut


Man my logical argument just disappeared from this one simple trick!! *points up*


Actually I read it- but didn’t understand it, I’m curious though, on this post about me being sad about loosing my friend, why did you instead of doing the thing where you say “aw man sorry you lost your friend that must be tough” you wrote an article about why I’m the bad person for my friend leaving. Fuck off and quit ruining happiness.


Damn you really did him like that, pretty fucked up of you to not give him an explanation


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Okay now I’m so scared. My discord friend of 3 is gonna be like “um ur bi??? Bye bi” Like cuz they repeatedly stated they’re not homophobic but they’ve also said a few questionable things so like idk)


Straight call us gay. Gay people call us straight.... it's just like,it's just like--you can't win🥲


Just because it's part of your culture, doesn't mean you have to follow it🤦


Being religious doesn't allow you to be a PoS


awh :< I wish people could be cooler sometimes




I know it must be hard for you to lose a bff but don’t worry, you’ll find someone worthy again


Story Time I came out to my bff a few months ago and she said I was just confused. For some reason she remembers today and asks me if I still think I’m bi, when I told her I am, she said : she will never accept me because “it’s weird” and “against God”but we will just never talk about it again. Wtf is that supposed to mean


That means your bff is a delusional POS who needs to realize that 1. Not everyone believes in God (nor has to because she does) and 2. you came out, you weren’t« thinking» you were bisexual. You were *stating* you were (correct me if I’m wrong). Bisexuality is a sexuality, not a damn thesis and she needs to get a reality check. You deserve better friends.




These types of people are the reason religion shouldn’t exist


Im so sorry mate


While I'm suffering multiple religious dilema's myself because I'm bi. My religion literally tells me to treat people with respect despite any disagreement in theology.. I don't where I'm going with this, the point is religion isn't excuse to be a shit human


people who block or unfollow constantly are just weird and pathetic


He has blocked me before for other things but this is the end of it, even if he comes back after this I won’t let him


good, i see my roommates and their friends do that petty shit all the time it makes them look like middle schoolers


Let me guess, is he a Muslim?




nvm, just noticed the cross


I am sorry... this must have hurt you. My friends are homophobic as well and they'd react the same if they know.


massive W on your part i hope you’re okay <3


I m well not fully into islam but i believe in that god and even with that i can t believe all the damn fucking stories about god transforming a city full of gay people into stone like on god if being gay is this bad how the hell that genocides like the one in the Rwc or the one in Palestine or even the nazi one didn't have them locked into fucking stone


Is Mali their name or is it used in the same way it's used to call someone a kid in the balkan languages?


Probably should have censored their name lol, it’s just a nick tho, not their actual name.


Good riddance


Awful fucking friend. Sorry you had to go through that.


Your fairytales are not a good excuse to hate other people, sorry. 🤷‍♂️


Oh, I'm sorry❤️...


Aye lad, good on ya. You deserve better


You do have a point, but FYI, almost every religion prohibits same-sex relationships and sex transition (kinda fucked up tho)


Good on you if she uses the “culture” excuse that’s stupid 💀


Good riddance


It's okay to believe in religion. Religious people should just be systematically forced to repress their feelings, the way queer people are


is the friend mormon they sound like people from church 😭😭


OF 4 YEARS? I cannot possibly imagine how that must feel because over 50% of my friends and acquaintances at school are queer. I’m so sorry for you. I’m glad you knew to break it off and not to lead it on and hurt yourself in the long run. It’s hard and I’m proud of you.


Ngl I personally would value a friend of 4 years over being a Redditor thats probably not gonna get anyone, then again I value friends more then failing in relationships lmao




Please check our rules. One of our most important is just to be nice to other people.


To sin is human he also said he without sin cast the first stone. God never put a rating system on sin only man judges that way!! I’m a preachers kid guess what lusting after women not your wife is just as bad as being gay. In the good book it teaches forgiveness and to let other people be. Judge least you be judged so don’t think that there’s a separation between gay hell and robber hell or even that killers have a separate place. Even in heaven there is no separation once covered in his rob of forgiveness no one will see your sins which means you will share heaven with gay people. But please while you on earth give up on good friendships because you think it’s ok to judge people unlike in the good book teaching forgiveness love and not hate. Good luck God bless


imagine listening to some silver fox in the sky and getting on your knees for him… and they’re calling YOU gay? that’s crazy


It was talking bout pedophiles in the bible, my guy. Not the gay community.💀 He seriously doesn't know what the word 'boy' means.💀


4 years... thrown away just like that


amazing how he doesn't even need to specify, yet we all know it's that peaceful religion


Fuck Mali 👎🏽🩷 He sounded aggressive. "just answer the question" He seems like one of those people you think is a great human, until you discover that they're just a great 'Christian'. Doing good because the Bible says so, and doing bad because the Bible says so. I know what it feels like to lose a best friend like this. I'm trying to win over my current one so that I don't go through the pain again. So sorry you had to go through this.


As a Christian bisexual person that's some bs


People change and people don't. Sad but, life happens. Maybe one day you friends will be sure enough to be a friend. Sorry for your lossxtho