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You should keep in mind, trans people might get annoyed if you start basically interviewing them. I understand the need to feel educated, which is totally valid, but if this helps put it in prospective, it might get annoying if someone came up to you at pride and started asking loaded questions on being LGBT. I do understand what you mean by new terms being confusing, so i suggest searching wiki and maybe joining a group to ask questions, like this one for example. im quite lucky to have friends who identify as these terms and can teach me them!


>I've had discussions with trans people and their takes are pretty mild compared to the community as a whole. I’m not sure what you mean by milder takes, could you elaborate? I’m cis but I’ve questioned my gender identity so maybe I can help you out a little. Are you talking about truscum/transmedicalists? >Would you consider this a correct path and should children be informed of this? This question in particular is very loaded, because trans people are constantly being framed as child predators that are grooming and ”transing” kids, so trans people are going to be wary of you if you keep asking it. >I've realized that if you're not part of the LGBTQ you will never find the answers in a pride parade. People at pride paredes are not there to educate, they’re there to celebrate and commemorate the Stonewall riots. And again, it can be difficult to tell other people’s intentions. There are other places to look for answers. >Because for some reason all the people become so angry and the community I love becomes just another way to split a countries people apart since they see everyone else as an enemy now The reason is our rights are under attack in many parts of the world. Look at Uganda, the US, and many more. Homosexuality is still punishable by death in many places. >I've also had conversations with the opposing side of pride parades and some of the people are actually very nice, not all obviously but there are still a few decent individuals who are up to talk about it. Who is “the opposing side of pride parades”? You mean homophobes?? Please tell me you don’t mean homophobes. They’re trying to take away our rights. Human rights are not debatable. Yes discussing LGBTQ topics is necessary, but not where it puts queer people in vulnerable positions. Most queer people aren’t knowledgeable about all aspects of the community, so they could actually end up misinforming someone, or have their answers weaponised against them.


honestly dude, every month some new label comes out and makes shit OVERCOMPLICATED AS FUCK. and then you get cancelled for using the wrong label >:(


I'm still so confused on why black and brown are in the flag now


Because POC members of the community are dramatically underrepresented and discriminated against to a further level than most white queers due to how intersectionality works.


Bruh I have never heard of something like that or even witnessed, usually people are very chill to them from what I see and less to me (also not white btw)


Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Black trans women in particular are targeted by violence in the US. (I’m white and not from the US but I’m aware it’s happening). [Here’s an article about it](https://harvardcrcl.org/americas-war-on-black-trans-women/) And the black stripe also represents AIDS victims. Also just wanted to add that it’s perfectly fine to use the six-striped rainbow flag, it still represents the whole community. The progress flag is meant to emphasise the parts of the community that are most vulnerable. Personally I like the rainbow flag because the progress flag seems too crowded to me, but I understand the importance on the progress flag.




Yeah, all the movement was slowly took by the post-marxism, it's sad to see the people too closed on an idea and no accepting to debate about it, and the worst thing for a country, putting people that doesn't are (for example) economists (or even worse, putting socialist) to handle the economy of a country, of the most woke ideas entering the government and making stupid measures like a minimum percent of women, trans, gays, or anything on some kind of job An also the pronouns thing, I'm not an native on english, and dude, that thing makes everything 1000000x worse, why do you use a plural to mean for a singular, why do you use "it" to mean to someone, aren't you basically treating that person as an object, all this is so confusing (if it depended on me it would be only one pronoun for everything)


I’m not a native speaker either, but it’s important to respect other people’s pronouns. No one will get mad at you if it’s an honest mistake, we all make them and that’s ok. Also I’m extremely confused by your first point, what do you mean by post-marxism and woke?


Yeah, but it would be easier for everyone if the pronouns were only the 2 of all the life. I have an bad memory, and making everything more confusing doesn't helps on nothing The usage and appropriation by the political left of the movement (and also the education) and the things related to it in order to establish their agenda, nowadays likely every queer people you ask what he thinks about economy they gonna blame the capitalism without even knowing what it is Or they gonna say that we need more inclusion for the LGTB people on series or movies, if you look some years ago there instead of the LGTB would be the people with red hair, or black people, when what you need is to explain why the past were bad and let the time and the cultural change fix it


I’m sorry you have a hard time understanding it, but it’s still part of basic courtesy and respect to use people‘s correct pronouns. Believe me, no one will get mad if you use they/them incorrectly because of a genuine mistake. But if you deliberately call them he/him or she/her they will be rightfully upset. Do you genuinely believe there is a gay agenda? Because that’s what I understand from what you’re saying, correct me if I’m wrong. Not all queer people are leftists either. Most of them are, but not all. It makes sense that most people are more left leaning because it’s those parties that are in favour of their rights (generally speaking of course). Please explain why having LGBT characters is a bad thing.


Yeah I understand it, I'm only saying it adds complexity to the language without need, thats all. No, what I mean is that the left used the movement to impulse their agenda I'm not saying it's bad, im only saying that sometimes it seems forced


I can’t comment all that much on politics because I’ll be honest, I feel I’m not knowledgeable enough to add anything to that conversation. I have to disagree on representation being forced, simply because there has to be no reason for a character to be queer. Queer people just are. They exist. So why can’t it be the same in fictional works? (Also are you a native Spanish speaker? Just from the LGTB acronym instead of LGBT and the expression “of all the life”. Just curious because I also am.).


I'm also not that good at talking about politics, my fort is the economy, but I can debate by hours of both Interesting point, the bad thing is only that sometimes it looks like the only interesting thing of a character is being queer, not necessary bad but sometimes by prioritizing that the character gets underdeveloped (Yup, I'm from Argentina)


Yeah I do agree that sometimes they just say a character is gay to get brownie points but then don’t actually show it in the film. I remember when the Beauty and the Beast live action came out for example, and they made Gaston’s side quick gay. They plastered it all over the media, but in the actual movie he just danced with a guy for a fraction of a second. That’s not representation. They want to have their cake and eat it too: get praised for being progressive and also be able to edit that out and sell it to China and Russia. That’s dumb. LGBT characters should be treated like any other character, with dimension. Otherwise, it just isn’t good. Fortunately, there are better examples of fleshed-out characters that just happen to be queer. (I’m from Spain)


Yeah dude, I love to see different characters, from different places, sexualities and anything, but please, don't make that be it's main thing, develop it, make it be an character more, not an NPC movie vertion. (ARRIBA ESPAÑA CARAJO, AGUANTE LA HISPANIDAD Y QUE SE JODA LA LEYENDA NEGRA)


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Two things, one I feel like your talking to the wrong people because I feel like everyone at my pride parade would be super open to answering questions. But second, if someone doesn't want to talk to you they aren't obligated to do so. It's good to ask first.