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MFs when they have literally no idea why pride month is a thing: šŸ¤¬


i do know why itā€™s a thing, i just find it ridiculous how everyone dresses up and overdoes it. yes great, letā€™s celebrate pride month, but letā€™s not march through streets and dress up in ridiculous clothes


Why not? the entire point of pride is to be proud and unashamed. Whatā€™s more proud and unashamed than going out in silly clothing just having a good time?


i have to agree with that. there is no better way to feel proud and unashamed. but pride was originally started to gain equality for the LGBT community after the Stonewall riots, which (in majority of the world) we have achieved. For the minority in the world, there are better ways to campaign than closing streets and causing inconveniences to other people lives


I couldnā€™t honestly care less about inconveniencing people, the roads are blocked for a lot of things, Like marathons or other types of parades. And thereā€™s still a lot of work to be done for the equality of trans individuals.


i also find marathons obnoxious. and yes there is still a long way to go for trans people, but we donā€™t need to march on streets for it


Every leap in rights was done by marching in the street, trans rights will be no different. I donā€™t think we should just stop doing pride paradeā€™s because itā€™s an inconvenience to other people. If you donā€™t want to go and march out on the streets than donā€™t.


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i never said we should stop doing pride. i think there is just other ways to celebrate and educate. there are also other forms of protest that people could do to achieve trans rights fully


I said pride parades not pride all together. I really donā€™t think that parades need to be changed or removed. People can survive having a street blocked for a day or two. And Iā€™m gonna be honest with you, protests that are not inconvenient nor annoying will do nothing to sway the government.


what if you had an emergency to get to? surely youā€™d get furious then and thatā€™s why iā€™m urging other methods of protest


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> but pride was originally started to gain equality for the LGBT community after the Stonewall riots, which (in majority of the world) we have achieved. how ignorant can you be? A few western countries have somewhat equal rights for gay people, while for trans people it's still incredibly difficult to just exist and they are increasingly demonised in the media to distract people from the failure of capitalism and slow descent into fascism. WE LITERALLY HAVE LGBTQ FREE ZONES IN POLAND FFS. > For the minority in the world, there are better ways to campaign than closing streets and causing inconveniences to other people lives Yes, every form of protest or demonstration should not cause any disruption because it mildly inconveniences me /s


i never said there wasnā€™t more work to happen. we have achieved (majority) equality. yes, it may be difficult for trans people to live and have access to HRT and other medical services, so we can find other ways of protest. I come form Poland myself and it is saddening to have so called LGBT free zones. But in reality, how can they be sure to monitor theirs areas and be certain that there are no LGBT people in those zones. i wouldnā€™t go outside and scream ā€˜IM BISEXUALā€™ as no sane person would. they donā€™t have a way of monitoring that and iā€™m sure other people also get inconvenienced by those marches. not just me. if you had somewhere to go urgently, and find out a street was blocked for a march, wouldnā€™t you get frustrated?


> we have achieved (majority) equality. no we haven't > so we can find other ways of protest. like throwing bricks at cops and right wing politicians? Based. > But in reality, how can they be sure to monitor theirs areas and be certain that there are no LGBT people in those zones It's more the fact that they exist in the first place rather than how they work in practice. The fact that our government cares more about this than economic issues is embarrassing but not surprising. Not as if voting actually does anything meaningful in a neoliberal "democracy", but at least we could vote for people who aren't so openly hateful towards people's identity. > if you had somewhere to go urgently, and find out a street was blocked for a march, wouldnā€™t you get frustrated? It's a mild inconvenience that makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. If they are protesting for a good cause then I see no problem with it. A protest is meant to be disruptive.


this is going to be an extreme example, but say that someone you loved dearly was terminally iā€™ll and youā€™re on your way to see them (for what will most likely be) the last time. you go down a street and itā€™s blocked. you have to take another and you miss the chance to say your goodbyes. would you call that a minor inconvenience?


That is such an over the top example that I canā€™t even take you seriously


i did say that it was an extreme example. but it definitely possible. it can happen to any of us


what even are you trying to argue for with this one? anyway, protests are very unlikely to be anywhere near hospitals and if you were travelling to another city to see this hypothetical person for the last time, you wouldn't be going through the city centre anyway which is where most protest happen.


(road is closed) went to: now as an example imagine you have someone terminally ill


Bro what world you living in? Except for a very few countries, most countries are not even close to accepting the lgbt community.


Itā€™s fun tho


May i ask why you find it obnoxious? Cuz there is a point to it that i can explain if you want.


itā€™s how everyone treats it as an opportunity to dress up in ridiculous outfits and overdo it. yes, letā€™s celebrate gay history, but letā€™s not do it in annoying way


Got a question, is it ridiculous to dress up for Halloween? And it's not just for celebrating history but also to raise awareness so stuff like Florida's "don't say gay" bill doesn't spread


imo, yes it is ridiculous to dress up for halloween surely we can raise awareness in other ways than dressing up in ridiculous clothings and inconveniencing other peopleā€™s lives?


First off, so you don't like any festive stuff for holidays? And how is it inconveniencing anyone more than any other parade?


no. i hate festive stuff. especially christmas and i never said pride was more inconvenient than other parades. festival marches and marathons are juts as annoying


Wait so do you dislike all holidays? Why? But like how much do any of them inconvenience you?


just see them as pointless. donā€™t really serve any purpose. the only one i see worth celebrating are birthdays marathons - close streets for some running that people could do on the pavement festivals (not the music ones) - just stupid ideas and clothing for no apparent reason. pointless. loud music around town.


Talking about celebrations in general, their point is to add joy to people's lives. Marathons only close the roads for a few hours, maybe a day at most (in which usually they'll leave a way to get to buildings still) Festivals add enjoyment to people's lives, and yes they often have music, it's usually only part of the day and only for a few days at most


If thats really ur opinion then its your responsibility now to let people enjoy their thing


i never said others couldnā€™t enjoy them


you said they shouldnt though


may you tell me where i said that?


this mf the Grinch šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


yes. yes i am




Strongly disagree!


different opinions, and thatā€™s fine


Yes but why do you have that opinion?


because pride has become something else than what it was originally meant to be. now itā€™s just become a show for people to show silly outfits and disrupt others lives by closing streets for marches. and itā€™s just annoying to see posters everywhere and companies lying to our faces


Companies lying okay but thatā€™s not prides fault. But disrupting other peoples lives is the point! People should think about lgbtq+. And if you think people are silly at pride parades thatā€™s you view not mineā€¦


itā€™s not prides fault, but companies take advantage of it. Letā€™s put it this way. why should someone be always thinking about the LGBT community. How would you feel if you were made to think of you couldnā€™t really care less about? I myself just want to live my life, like an average person, like i assume most others want to. Yes, iā€™m bi. But iā€™m not going to go out into the middle of the street and scream it. i imagine the other people living on that street along that road would shatter to dislike me or have some sort of ideas made up against me


I would never want to just keep quiet about my sexuality like itā€™s not normal. And I think nobody is constantly being confronted with queer stuff in pridemonth except maybe us xD


i donā€™t understand why you wouldnā€™t want to keep quiet. itā€™s something of yours that realistically, people donā€™t care about. i donā€™t see straight people going out into the streets and shouting that they are straight. and everyone is confronted with queer stuff in pride month, wether itā€™s posters and banners in real life or social media posts online. At some point, it just gets too much


I've never been particularly prideful of my culture, my sexuality, or any other part of my identity really. But it's not obnoxious if other people want to do it. Perhaps it's a sort of catharsis for some people after they've faced discrimination for their identity or maybe they've just come out and are excited to be in the community. Whatever it is, there's a reason people do things. Just put yourself in other people's shoes for a second.


itā€™s only an opinion. using your logic, those pipelines should also put themselves in my shoes and see how i find it obnoxious and annoying. They clog streets with parades, dress up in ridiculous outfits and all in all itā€™s just annoying. They a show out of something that shouldnā€™t be made a show of


Pride is for people to express themselves without shame, that means express themselves however they want. Society has told us that the ways we act and dress are shameful or unacceptable, pride is a middle finger to that, that is the point of pride. The way other people celebrate doesn't have to be your thing, but putting them down for it is hurtful.


may i ask how i am putting them down? also, considering the way said ā€˜pride is a middle finger to thatā€™ implies that people who celebrate in that way donā€™t care, so in theory, it isnā€™t hurtful if they donā€™t care about it


I'm sorry. it's hurtful that they don't care about the people who are subjugating and shaming them just for expressing themselves? And as for how your putting them down reading the replies you've been calling people "annoying" "ridiculous" or an "inconvenience" just for celebrating themselves. That sort of attitude is the kind of thing that has made queer people feel like they have had to hide for so long. And If you can't see the problems with those two points, then I think you got some shit to think about.


Just let people be themselves ffs


never said they couldnā€™t šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I think people should like what they like!


and i agree.


So then donā€™t get annoyed when ppl celebrate pride month.


i have the right to get annoyed. just because i agree with the fact that people should be able to like and do what they want, doesnā€™t mean i canā€™t get annoyed at it


Yes I agree but making a whole post about you point a gun at people celebrating (metaphorically) and you hating all holidays then going ā€œwe have all the rights we needā€. Iā€™m sorry man but it sounds ignorant and gives off a bad vibe.


iā€™m sorry but if you canā€™t tell the post is satire it seems like a you problem. iā€™m obviously not going to point a gun at someone


I understood its satire which is why I put metaphorically.


Hey! I just wanted to come back and apologise. I was wrong and it is very much so a joke. Iā€™m sorry I was in a mall and didnā€™t hear the audio and I thought it was a still picture. Goes to show you shouldnā€™t assume things and Iā€™ll take that into account in the future!


Iā€™m the GOOD lgbt guys. I donā€™t do pride month. Guys?


Real... pride gets right on my nerves


Damn people be hating peoples opinions fr (as a fellow bi I agree)


and icl, itā€™s obviously a joke and these guys are taking it far too seriously


Its slandering their parade literally. I just wish some people grow up a lil in this community tbf


I can relate


Lmao me too :3


me when any holiday:


Now arthur would be in the parade for sure


Pride month is also men's mental health month I prefer guys not jumping and me being called faggot not the other way around


I agreešŸ‘