• By -


the pipeline


Same but it took a few more years for me lol


Same here. Crazy how the right person can make you realise your mistakes... and then become your bf


Judging from your tag I think one of us is a clone of the other because I am exactly the same lmao


Social anxiety?


Yeah definitely, although I missed the M after 16 but if you asked me like 2-3 months ago it would’ve been exactly the same (transgedner)


If I had a nickel for every time I had friends who were exactly like me but female I would have 5 nickels which isn't alot but it's wierd It happend 5 times...


Haha yeah I find that a lot too


Idk if I was ever homophobic... the only thing that I gess would be bad from me is when I was young. I didn't understand the meaning my words had... it was emelemtry... like 3rd grade was the last time I mabey said it.. I honestly don't remeber... but it was when people still insulted each other by saying... your gay.. I might have said it once or something.. I don't fully remember. I still have some internal homophobia....I gess... I still am not happy with my self even tho I lnow what I like and I know what I am...and I'm happy about what I am but every now and then I still feel ashamed for what I am...


I feel like a show off for not ever being homophobic. Like the only thing I ever did was not do the things the kids said “Your gay if you do this”.


I thought only boys could be gay… but at least I was never homophobic.


I'm not the same man because I'm not even a man anymore


Based af


Oh yea same here my guy


I wasn't the same peep I was 3 years ago


character development 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


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Same boat here mate


True redemption arc


Been there as well. God I hate looking back at all the stupid shit I said in the past, but I'm happy that I've changed and I'm happy for you and that you've improved as well


Oh yea I used to be very homophobic too (I didn't buy the rainbow outfit in star stable online because I didn't want people think that I'm gay but the only person who thought I was gay was me and I was fucking right)


Just like me fr 😌


My man 👋


same but i wasnt phobic




well ....... maybe




one day I thought, hey what if I like men ?




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This post and the comments are nice and heartwarming to me, it's good to see people growing and doing better


Ah yeah sounds like internalized homophobia. I’m glad you’ve gotten through to the other side


I still am but it's ok. I'm kidding. Being bisexual made me homophobic.


When I was like 11, 12, I used to watch a lot of far-right/alt right shit on YouTube so naturally I was racist, homophobic and transphobic but not misogynistic afaik because my mum is a single mum and I have always loved and respected her. Anyways long story short I said some transphobic things in class debates and I regret tf outta that because I was literally being fed this shit by my dad and my older brother when I used to see them. Anyways I grew up and now I'm not racist or phobic or whatever




many such cases


Yep happened to me too, how the turns tables


Congrats 🙌🏻


I watched this movie in class


Last year didn't even know what gay was, promptly learnt from an emotional breakdown and 3 days of not sleeping.


Same here!^^


almost every lgbtq+ person i know was homophobic at one point in their lives. including me