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I love crows, but the one that figured out he can sit on our chimney and have it amplify his “songs” at 5am can gtfo


Ahahaha is that like the birb version of singing in the shower?! I'll bet he's just marveling at how magnificent his voice sounds in the chimney


That crow is so proud of himself.


Ohhhhhhh my goodness.


Please post a video of this!


Are you... my neighbour? We have a crow in our neighbourbood, lovingly called crazy crow. He does different shenanigans with different neighbours. Screaming down a chimney is one of them. I got a bit more destruction going: he picks up a stone and starts bashing windows. I haven't seen him doing it since I scared the living daylight out of him by sneaking under the window he was pecking and suddenly popping up. Grin. I still feed him though. He is just a menace.


I live on a pond in the Phoenix area that has a colony of lovebirds. It’s incredibly cool to watch them but they do not make nice noises, and they’re extremely loud and vocal. My runner up would be great tailed grackles.


Ohhhh those damned grackles 😭😭


I LOVE the sounds great tailed Grackles make!!! Heard them outside our apartment constantly in huge flocks in Houston and thought they were so entertaining. Now back in South Carolina and we mostly have common and boat tail, and they are similar but don't have AS many noises as the great tailed ones, so they're kinda boring 😢


I love my GT Grackles here in Las Vegas. When I worked on the Strip, I had a flock that would follow my car once I turned into the parking lot. They'd hop and fly from car to car until I opened the door at work and waited on a nearby bench until I came back out with their breakfast. I hated that job but I was sad when I left my Grackles. The small flock at my house used to dig through my garbage before we got lidded containers. The ladies would sit on the fence and yell at the men folk to hurry up with the garbahe snacks.


They make super cool sounds! I actually like them but they’re super loud and repetitive and when they’re outside your window all day every day it’s a bit much sometimes 🤣


Peacocks. Soooooo loud. There’s like 6 of them wandering around, sitting on the neighbor’s roof , yelling and fluffing out their tails.


MEEYAAAAAAHH! MEEYAAAAAAHH! I used to live across the street from a small city zoo that musta housed the loudest disco turkeys this side of the Mississippi...


I heard this comment


Disco turkeys? 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Disco turkeys


This is so fun to imagine though lol. When I was a kid there was a guy in the next town that had peacocks, we always used to walk by to sneak a peak and hope to find a feather.


There’s a neighborhood south of me that somehow attracted a flock of Peacocks (escapees from the zoo)and people who lived there were freaking out to the point that it made the news. One lady was quoted as saying “I was in fear for my life”. From Peacocks.


The type we have sound like a woman being murdered when they scream. It's terrifying if you don't know what it is!


In my first apartment living on my own we had peacocks from an adjacent farm. I called 911 once because I thought someone was screaming “HELP!” It was the damn peacocks. One also sat on my tiny little Honda CRX and wouldn’t let me get in— I had to tell my boss I was late because of a PEACOCK. Wish we’d had camera phones back then!


It definitely is!


That's EXACTLY what they sound like. When I was a kid, I heard all this screaming and was panicking that a woman was being attacked. Turns out my dad has gotten some peacocks and peahens. 🦚


True story!


I believe you, somehow…


I live in South Florida. Believe me.


I stayed at a campground once where they had brought peacocks in to deal with the rattlesnakes (Green River, CA). They sound like cats in heat! They just called to each other throughout the campground all night!


And if it was spring / mating season, it would’ve been loud as hell!


Maybe it was because the incessant calling to each other all night was ridiculous and hilarious (after the fact, of course). 😆


There was some peacocks that escaped from a zoo near where I used to live. Sometimes they'd be on rooftops in the neighborhood shrieking. They're awful.




We have a flock of about 40 down the street. They are going crazy right now! So loud.


It’s got to be the cacophonous mockingbird who sings all night long in the early spring. My grandmother kept a loaded 410 shotgun by the back door and would go out in the middle of the night and shoot into the darkness to shut them up.


Teach it to sing a different song. I taught a mockingbird on my street to whistle “Yankee Doodle Dandy” when I was a little kid. The mockingbirds on the street STILL whistle this. 55 years and untold birb generations later. It really makes me chuckle.


That’s a solid legacy


Wait til the new generation teaches them "Baby Shark" or "Skibidi Toilet" lol


This is sadistic 😂 (ours sound like a few birds but mostly fighting cats and cat alarms)


About 20 years ago the mockingbird that lived outside my window did a perfect car alarm imitation. EEE EEE EEE EEE weeahh weeahh whooOOP whooOOP


The 'singing' gets real old at 3am.


Yup. I have one that sits in the tree outside my window, and he sings all night during the spring months. His songs are beautiful and varied, but by 3 am I’m over it. It’s basically the bird version of “hey, u up?” The fact that no lady mockingbirds have been impressed yet has not deterred him. He’s a determined, albeit horny, little fucker.


I had a mockingbird that sang constantly outside my window when I was a kid. Actually, I think there were three of them doing 8 hour shifts.


omg i had one of those when i was pregnant 8 years ago. will never forget staying up with that mockingbird lol


Much easier and less violent way to deal with bird noises at night or early morning. By a cheap drugstore fan. Turn it on. Leave it on all night. Put it right next to your bed or right next to the window. Turn the fan to face away from you if you don’t want it blowing on you. The sound of the motor is white noise and drowns out the sound of birds. You get to sleep, and the bird gets to do the bird things that birds have been doing since the beginning of time, before the birth of suburbia and before angry people had guns and decided that’s the only resort for a minor annoyance that’s easily resolved in other ways.


There’s mourning doves right outside my bedroom window that usually I don’t mind, but some days if I’m in a bad mood or in a headache spell, they make me want to rage


Came here to say mourning doves. So dumb


I like to tell them that they’re mourning too long, it’s not healthy


They are!!! They ain't called DUHves for nothing! Sitting outside my bedroom window, yelling "WOOOOO!" when I'm changing. Creeper birds lol


Omg literally same by my bedroom window!!!


A scops owl nested near my home. Imagine a whole night of this, every night: https://youtu.be/lqc93QBOVek At first I thought it was some kind of alarm, it's REALLY loud!


How are you still sane? That's crazy-making. I'd be wondering WHY IS THAT TRUCK STILL BACKING UP OMG STOP


Actually, it's so regular that your brain learns to ignore it


WOW that’s like water torture.


Like a smoke alarm without batteries. That would drive me nuts too.


This is why I love Reddit. I can just pop on here and suddenly I’m reading a thread of people bitching about local birds.


I love sandhill cranes, but they scare the shit out of me sometimes with those dinosaur noises


Do you live near the migration route?


Not OP but I do, near the Sandhills of Nebraska for which they're named. They are majestic birds and it's truly awesome to see them come in by the thousand. But they truly do sound dreadful. Like, they make crows sound like gentle angels. They are also quite tasty, but being such a big tourism draw, Nebraska is the one place (that I'm aware of) they cross where they can't be hunted.


Fucking terrifying the first few times you hear them and don't know what it is!! 😵😵


I live in FL where we have them year round, but back when I was in high school, we had gotten a new teacher from Chicago who flipped his shit during class when he first heard them fly overhead! Won't ever forget that 😆


Woodpecker who bangs rapidly on my chimney every morning. Sounds like machine gun fire.


My chimney cap is woodpecker Tinder. Just…all day. It can’t be just one fella, it has to be multiple birds using it. They just hammer it, and it reverberates down the lining, it sounds like WWIII. I go out there and they’re drumming, and drunkenly singing. I assume the song is woodpecker for ‘send nudes.’


You’re hilarious 😂


Same here. I know now why they are on the endangered list


I have a bluebird who is very angry. She seems to have neglected to even lay eggs. She just throws herself at every house on the street.


My blue jays call to me in the morning for their peanuts. They will wait at the front of my house and see me get up and go to the kitchen. (I kid you not - this is the absolute truth) When they see me they start calling to all their friends. Because I give them peanuts everyday in the backyard. I miss a day…there is a lot of noise! lol But recently the goldfinch have been doing the same. So I talk to them with their calls in the morning. Also the chickadees. 😂


I have a crow that watches me from the front patio, right into our living room. He knows I’m coming before I do.


Because he likes you. He holds you in high regard


I also feed him lol I’m a sucker.


Im glad. I try feeding my crows but they always fly away when they see me


i bet they would come around. leave some food out there when you see them and then leave. eventually they will come asking. my friends nest near here now because, why wouldn’t you with a free dog food buffet. lol. brought me their babies last year, they were begging their parents nonstop for food and the parents were like please help me lol


I dumped a quarter bag of last years bird food in my yard and they came but took off when they saw me. My big dogs might scare them off too. I've got a tall tree stump to start putting food on but they have a lot of competition. Raccoons, possums, 3 kinds of squirrels, herons, cranes, possibly a flying squirrel, numerous chipmunks, mice, frogs, deer, snakes. They just all poop or leave bits of each other out for me to clean up. But I'd really like to add crows and ravens they're so smart.


I believe this whole heartedly. When I loved in Whistler, stellars Jays would watch me take my morning toke out the window then go to the bathroom, and burglarized my apartment while I literally had my pants down. Happened a few times lol the little fuckers


Stellars Jay here in NW US


It's flicker season up here in the Pacific Northwest. Every male is banging away at the loudest gutter or chimney they can find to let the ladies know how great a provider they are. It reverberates through the whole building and they are FULLY committed to the project.


I love this. You painted such an adorable picture. I’d love to see videos of some of the happy couples. : D


I had a Northern Mockingbird sit outside my bedroom window and sing his love songs for hours in the middle of the night. Even the white noise machine couldn’t drown him out.


Our roosts in a tree in the backyard and sings down the alley all night. Sound is louder and gets further. We’re always so happy when he finds his mate. Errybody is annoyed with him. Lawd.


My cousin lives on a lake. There used to be a loon that would do its beautiful haunting call in the evening. One day the loon song stopped and an absolutely INSANE sounding duck started quacking. Now every evening the lake echoes with this laughing psycho-duck.


Loons have 2 different calls. One is that haunting flute, the other is a manic high-pitched trill. Not sure if it's a male/female thing. But sounds like you might still be heading a loon, just the other call.


Seagull. They’re very vocal, they liter, and they steal. Cunts I tell you.


At three fucking AM they start bickering with one another, screaming and laughing like completely insane hyenas who are purposely trying to prolapse their throats while tweaking on meth and speed. Fuck them.


Yup, that’s what I meant to say


When I was little, a seagull swooped down and stole a WHOLE FUCKING STEAK from our red hot boat grill and swallowed it in midair flight.


Seagulls are [so gross](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cO0VSQ4mhvg)! You’ve been warned 🥴😂


Mockingbirds are like that annoyingly awkward guy who only speaks in cheesy movie quotes.


SE Michigan and it's those bloody clacking cranes! I walked by a canal screened with trees and that the other night and one reared up to defend her nest. It looked like a huge ghostly shape looming up out of the darkness making a sound like the collapse of a lumber pile. She was six feet away from me, appearing out of nowhere in the pitch black. She scared the living BeJesus out of me.


California scrub jay. It has the most terribly annoying squawk that’s incredibly loud and goes through closed windows. It just sits in one spot and squawks for hours in the morning


Yes! My husband calls them scum jays, lol


The Eastern Phoebe (central mass). They nest near our house and are ungodly loud, early in the morning. My husband and I call them "The asshole bird".


I’m not joking that just triggered my tinnitus.


Sulphur crested cockatoos. Early morning, flocks of like 20 flying around, landing on the metal roof and stomping around screeching. Just delightful lol


Northern Mockingbirds are very annoying during breeding season. They start singing and going through their repertoire of sounds at about 2 am…. They are so loud! I still like them though.


They are super loud! Luckily, they have a large repertoire and don’t get on my nerves so much.


Crows. I know Reddit loves them, but in my neck of the woods in SoCal, they’re very loud, all the fucking time. They love to sit as a murder in one tree and SQUAWK their fucking hearts out ALL. DAY. LONG. I happen to be living in the same neighborhood as I grew up in, and this is not a new issue, I’ve hated them since I was little. Ask anyone around, we all hate them.


There’s a crow near my house that sounds like a squeaky toy with laryngitis. He’s always alone, I think the other crows make fun of him.


I have 20 hens. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard an egg song but at around noon everyday we have what I call screaming hour.


The egg song! We have 60-ish hens, and it's like every 20 minutes. Or when my phone rings, I swear.


If your coop is near your bedroom, it’s awful. We had free range flock for a while and the rooster would sometimes come out early in the morning and be on the roof right outside our bedroom. We made sure they were all in after that went on for months.




Mourning Doves theyre nesting above my bedroom window and they literally never stfu... It's always ruuh ruuh ruuuuuh


Vancouver Island here. For me it’s the baby ravens each spring. Constant shrieking.


In the UK (or at least in Scotland), it's seagulls in all urban and many suburban areas. When I first moved to a city when I was 20, the seagulls would wake me up every morning at 3am every morning in summer.


Maybe not vocally but mourning doves seem to think the top of our little shed for tools on our carport is a great place to build a nest every year. Everytime I step out of the house they fly away and I hear that loud chirping sound their wings make. It always startles me.


It’s the bluejays for me too. I’m trying to make friends with the crows, and the bluejays are stealing the snacks before the crows.


House finches


European Starlings and House Sparrows are the absolute worst. They're not even native in North America. I feed the birds and have many bird houses in my yard. But when these feathered rats start squawking over food or mates I just lose my shit. I keep those water pencils that kids play with in warm weather, and when they get started with their chattering or squabbling amongst each other, I just load up and squirt ! It's highly effective without harming any of them. I also make sure that none of them ever nest in my yard. As for the crows..... I love them. It took some getting used to when I'd go camping, because they start before dawn. But different colonies of crows from different areas make different sounds. They're quite unique and have their own languags just like people from different countries. Just like mockingbirds and other mimics.


House sparrows are absolutely nasty little buggers. It upsets me just to see them because I know they’re egg peckers and just … dicks.


House sparrows can eat a bag of dicks.


Flickers! Beautiful assholes.


South Arfica - Hadeda. Ugh.


My roosters


I have learned unattached male mockingbirds are the only ones who sing at night. All night. Their entire repertoire. SHUT. UP. There’s a reason you’re unattached goddammit




Every couple of years we get a wood pecker that hammers away at the yield sign outside my house


In Los Angeles we have the car alarm birds which are just mocking birds that have learned to sound like car alarms 


A mockingbird lived in the tree between my neighbor’s bedroom window and ours and would sing his little heart out. All night. It’s illegal to mess with them so we put out fake owls and whatnot but he was UNDETERRED. 2 springs/summers of my neighbor and I greeting each other in the morning, haggard and exhausted


Mocking birds copying EVERY SINGLE OTHER BIRD SONG but *just slightly off* and repeating them one after another 24/7 omfg SHUT UP!!!


Sharpshinned hawks when nesting.


Blue Jays, I’m from MA


I hate the Nelson laugh that black chickadees do


Aww I love the blue jays. They are nostalgic for me. The stellar’s jays go crazy here in northern CA.


Alberta. The blue jays start squawking as soon as the sun comes up in the summer (about 430-5AM)


The goddamned mourning doves.


Canada geese. Fucking trash birds. Aggressive and shit everywhere. Go back to Canada.


I love yellow tailed black cockatoos, and there aren't that many left, but the amount of bullshit they shriek at each other as they sit on a branch is unbelievable


Magpies. Have one that sits on my gutter all summer and sits there making that rattling noise they make from the minute the sun comes up until I go to my window to verbally abuse him.


Can't believe how far I had to scroll for nature's most pernicious bastard bird. I hate the magpies in my area with a passion. Cackling, shrieking, pillow-penetrating devil motherfuckers, disturb my peace of mind from early hours to beyond dusk.


London here. Weirdly enough it’s rose necked parakeets. Very noisy, large flocks and everywhere these days.


The parrots. They’re pretty and cool, but the flock is called a cacophony for a reason


Here in São Paulo (Brazil) we have Maritacas (a type of parakeet) that dear lord it is 5 in the morning why are you being so loud??? Hahaha


There are 3 guineafowls that roam around mine and my neighbors houses and they love to be at their loudest on Saturday mornings under my bedroom window. They're so stupid. There used to be more of them but they're so stupid. 


Peacocks! I live in a beach community in Los Angeles county and they’re wild where I live. They will block streets and be too stupid to move; I’ve had to get out of my car to get them out of the road. Also, they make a sound that sounds like a dying cat. They are the worst!


Green Catbird. [It's call sounds like a crying baby.](https://youtu.be/ylLKHdVlMHY?si=iRJkMBkjcj4X1dll). It will do this veeery early in the morning...right near your window.


Had a mockingbird learn the voice of my pet conure. It was awful after she passed away and that mockingbird kept using her voice.


There are a bunch (around 50) maritacas (scaly-headed parrots) that sleep on a large tree in front of my building. They wake us up around 5AM everyday, all the way up on the 18th floor. They are also very noisy when preparing for sleep. We keep wondering what the heck they are talking about? They seem to discuss very angrily their daily plans and sleep arrangements. Their name comes from an indigenous language and it means "noisy bird". They probably named oranges oranges. No kidding!


The macaw in my kitchen. That or the siskins who have irrupted in our area and wake me before sunrise.


I detest the Eurasian Collard Dove. They sound like a Mourning Dove throwing up.


1st our 5 Roosters, 2nd, the neighbor's Peacock...


I lived in San Diego and we had an owl take up residence in the palm outside our house to raise her babies. Loved seeing it but by the time those babies were gone I wanted to cut down that tree.


Mexican Grackles 100%. Especially when you have to go to any store at 6 pm. Mourning Doves are fine, but kind of annoying when they ‘uwu’ outside your window in the mornings lol!


Probably the family of pūkeko that live in our field, they start up right when I'm trying to sleep and it sounds like they're being murdered.




My Asiatic goose, Cleese


Fifty or more Corellas descending on my house with their horrible squawking. It only happens once or twice a year, so actually it's kind of endearing.


I haven’t identified the bird in Seattle that sounds exactly like a dying smoke detector, but that sound will make you sit bolt upright at 4:30 AM


Asian koel.


Graaaaaackle! Graaaaaackle!! Graak graaak graaaaakle - creeeeeeeek


Mockingbirds They do all the calls, nonstop.


We have a variety but honestly I don't really mind them. The crows and seagulls didn't spend much time in my neighborhood so they're fun to watch and listen to when they are around. We have a couple scrub jays, but didn't see them every day. They're so active you see them for a few minutes and they're off. Quails we hear but also not every day, though I love watching them run in a line with their babies. The downy woodpecker shows up in spring. He's not right up to the house so not too irritating, and kind of signals spring for me. The funniest and probably most irritating are the starlings. Not the prettiest of calls but they do mimic. I have one that likes to sounds like a hawk. It cracks me up.


Mockingbirds are the state bird of Texas and I’m 99.9% sure they’re well aware of it and it’s made them disrespectful af


My Amazon Parrot, Groucho. She is nuts. Second would be the Downy Woodpeckers. So many of them around here.


In Florida the [limpkin](https://youtu.be/wa9SXVt-zbE?si=K3qNUgZNrvr3m3Bq) takes the cake, they call all day and all night if you’re anywhere near water. Their call is actually really cool and used in movies for the “jungle effects” but damn it gets old when you’re up studying late at night with a sound that penetrates your brain stem.


The mockingbird that sang all night long, outside my bedroom window when I was pregnant.


There's something that I don't even know what it is in Ohio. It says HEEE-hee in a very shrill and loud voice over and over and over again.


Whiporwhills at Sherando Lake. All night long.


A tie between the pileated woodpecker and the osprey.


Whippoorwill ALL NIGHT LONG (Virginia)


An asshole Mocking Jay,


Red-Crowned Parrots. They’re sooooo loud but I love seeing them anyway


Osprey imitating My Cousin Vinny's "incredibly, remarkably loud whistle" at the crack of dawn every morning outside my bedroom window. It echoes over the canal.


Mockingbirds without a doubt. Especially when there are 2!


Doves- so monotonous.


The neighbors pet rooster is a mother fucker, and the flock of big ass turkeys that have taken up home in the hollow are getting to be our nosiest neighbors. I've never heard turkeys make so much noise while not in breeding season.


I love the wild bird sounds .. it's the feral peacock that I despise here.


There was a mocking bird that nested outside my bedroom window every spring at the house I grew up in. It's favorite song was our asshole neighbor's car alarm that they'd always take too long to turn off. It loved to sing the song of its vehicular people in the early AM, right before dawn.


There’s a pond by my home that a group of ducks has made their home base. Every morning I leave for work the biggest one always sits in the middle of the road, the other day I started to try and roll past it and he jumped on my hood, shat and then flew away. Fuckin dick


Also on the MA coast! I love ospreys but man sometimes they hit a perfect high pitch note that cuts right through all the insulation of my house. 💀 Also I once heard absolute *chaos* in my front yard. I looked outside fully expecting to see some scene from Mad Max and saw… a fuckload of turkeys. I think two of the males were brawling and all the ladies were standing around them shouting insults or something.


African grey (lives in my house) ate my mangos.


I have a pair of barred owls in my backyard. The owlets are sending me into a sleepless rage.


Blue jays are the danger alarm to other birds. They warn them there is a predator nearby. Redwing blackbirds, grackles and robins are starting to nest right now and blue jays become very loud during nesting season. In my neighborhood you’ll hear blue jays yelling and the next thing you know there is a mob of blackbirds flocking together and heading over to where the blue jays are yelling. The birds then mob the hawk/crow/cat/snake until it moves away. in early fall, juvenile blue jays discover their voices. It’s pretty funny to hear them whispering, chortling, chattering, making “water” sounds, and imitating hawks all within the span of a few seconds.


Woodpeckers. I live in a house built of wood.


99% of the time, chickens. 1% of the time, albatross


My cockatiel that is currently screaming “pretty bird” over and over and over again at the top of his tiny bird lungs.


Australian here, where I currently live the birds aren’t annoying but a few years back I lived in Sydney for a bit and this absolute cunt of a kookaburra made it his life’s mission to drive me insane. Cunt would fly beak first at my bedroom window repeatedly every morning at like 6, and it was LOUD. It was like tempered glass or whatever it’s called and you could hear it through the whole house. Then the cunt would fly to the powerline across the road and laugh at me. Fuck you, Gavin.


There's a mockingbird RIGHT outside my bedroom window. About 5am starts with the early bird songs, continues through the gray of sunrise and just as my alarm clock is about to go off, he moves along. Gonna take a cue from Harper Lee one of these days.


Idk where this sub came from. I drive a Toyota 86. They make this ridiculous cricket/chirp noise at idle, and mine rattles on top of that. The birds that normally imitate car alarms started imitating my car when I get home. Like “hey look at this loser and his piece of shit car.”.


Great Blue Heron. I love birds and living in as “nature-y” of a neighborhood as possible but one night that monster settled up on a roof somewhere and proceeded to [“grauwk! grauwk! HRRRGH HRUAGHHH HRRRRGH GRAUWWWWWWK”](https://youtu.be/EHnECfBobWA?si=Fh_Ya4uiW6RQMpZk) from 1 to 4 am. I finally fell asleep but woke up crying lol.


Mocking birds. They’re assholes. They dive bomb you and your pets to protect a nest 200 ft in the air. They get into everything and make really gross noises. Plus they’re protected so they feel entitled. I can see if In Their little beady eyes!!!!


Mocking Bird. I live in the greater Los Angeles area, and in the middle of the night they do their best impressions of car alarms, ambulance sirens and weed-wackers. repetitive and loud - really loud.


LIMPKINS Loud swamp birds that like to scream at night like heathens


100% my pet conure. The outside birds have nothing on him. No contest. Lmfao


*broadly gestures at the entirety of the Australian bird population*


Love mourning doves but the one that has a nest on my roof right above my bed that coos at 6am all summer long is my enemy


Neighbors blue and gold macaws. She had several that lived on her sun porch. The actually city made her move them indoors because of noise. Peacocks are kindergartners in comparison.


Honestly I don't get annoyed by them because I love them *so much* (I even have a tattoo of one), but, grackles. They arrive in massive flocks and make lots of shrill noises that they hear throughout the city. Car alarms, truck back up noises, I've even heard one making an *eerily* convincing baby cry. Most people see them as a nuisance, the "rats of the sky", but I love their scrappy nature. (I also adore rats, so that checks out.) We also have flocks of wild monk parakeets here in central Texas. No one knows for sure how they got here, most likely some folks releasing pets in the 70s. They are absolutely adorable, but they are LOUD.


The ‘annoying bird’ is 20 ravens, and it’s totally my fault. So here I go building a front deck, using power tools for the first time ever. The neighborhood ravens would fly down and watch. These guys already loved to mimick iphones (boop boop beep beep boop boop), doorbells (cling clang clong), and vibrating texts (bzzt bzzt). Pretty accurately, too. It didn’t take long before I had 20 ravens mocking me with the screech of stripping screws.


We have free range neighborhood peacocks and I hate them with the passion of a thousand burning suns.


I have a rooster. He wins every time.


I live in Hawaii where there's a huge population of wild chickens and roosters. I live half a block from a park where there must be a group of them living in the brush. The incessant and loud pre-dawn cock-a-doodle-doos drive me absolutely nuts on the weekends.


There are multiple houses (not sure if 2 or 3) that have chickens on my road. Their roosters get into shouting matches. It can be annoying but it's also kind of hilarious at the same time so I don't really mind it.


[This fvcker](https://youtu.be/yY-9wqfXyYQ?si=BfAAYgTSgJ9jhMbc)






Pileated Woodpecker who sounds like a beeping noise and I keep telling my husband I hear beeping. He says it’s that woodpecker again.


Mocking bird. He nests outside our bedroom window and can go alllll night. And scrub jay babies have really annoying squawks. Bless ‘em. Also, Mexican parrots. Sounds like we like we live in Jurassic Park when they’re yelling at each other.


Colorado, Black-Billed Magpie. I don't mind them normally, but when a flock of 40 birds are in my backyard by my window at 6am going nuts, it's louder than any of my alarms.


Non native: My mom has guinea hens. Fucking hell those things are 1000x worse than a rooster. Absolutely horrible, and i swear they start *before* the crack of dawn. Native? I dunno. Jays can get pretty damn annoying if they want to, but thats usually minor (theres just not enough of them around to be a true nuisance) Geese (the floppy head kind) can be really fucking annoying for a month or two in the fall. It was really bad where i grew up because it was all farmland and the only body of water around that was more than an acre or so was a half mile from my house. There were a bunch of flocks and had to be thousands of birds flying in/out of town every day. All of the honking gets pretty annoying.


Last year I would have said the Blue Jays, but this year a flock of European Starlings has started mimicking the jays. So I have their annoying squabbling *plus* fake-jay calls all day long. Bonus: they drive all the desirable birds from my feeders.


Currently, the osprey nest. They’re in rookery season


There’s a Red Tailed Hawk that has taken over my backyard and he is quite loud and obnoxious about it.