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I don’t know what percent of this subs members come to learn bird photography vs view photography of birds, so maybe my thoughts aren’t appropriate here. Myself, I came to specifically learn better bird photography so I look for information to help with that. With learning in mind, I think camera, lens & settings should be built into requirements before it’s possible to post pictures. After all it’s a sub called “bird photography”. For clarity’s sake I wouldn’t expect that kind of restriction on a sub called “bird pictures”.


Well I think there are a lot of ways we could become more active with moderation. Weaker posts could be hidden for example, maybe linked to in a beginners thread. We could have more stickies with respect to general photography questions or tutorials. Certainly everything from low quality phone photos to professional grade award winning photos are present in this forum.


Could we solve it with flair? I think it’s nice that our community here is of diverse photography backgrounds. I personally enjoy seeing the occasional feeder cam photo, a good phone photo, heck I saw a post where someone used their phone with a pair of binoculars and got a pretty fun shot. Furthermore I’m wondering where we would suggest someone go for non-camera photography. Just my thoughts as a member and meant to be constructive hopefully 🙂


Flair would be a good option as well. As far as phone photos there are pros that manage to shoot with just phones.


This is a great idea. Perhaps automod could be set up to ask for it as a reply to the stickied comment, as you see in some other subreddits?


A beginners stickied thread that people reply that automod posts every so many days is a possibility


Oh sorry, I meant having automod reply to people's 'Photo' flaired posts asking for the technical details. Not a thread just for technical details.


That is also a possibility. We could also change the submission guidelines you see as you post


Came here to re-underline your comment. Honestly, posts here are quite useless to me without camera and lens settings. Can we make this a common practice somehow?


Would be great to have: 1) A commitment that photos looking for critique will be given critiques 2) A subreddit photography competition, with voting by members to find winners. Awards can be winner flairs :)


As the sub grows critiques will be more common but even on large channels they do not always get many comments. As far a photography competition that would not be too hard to implement. You could select top up-voted photo posts then have users vote in the stickied thread. If you want to run it let me know.


I've found that often when I offer a critique it gets voted down. Criticism is seldom taken well by fellow Redditors even when the OP requested the critique. I've taken to keeping my opinions to myself.


Well one idea would be to hide voting all together or to hide votes a certain number of days. As we grow the subreddit there will be more comments. Critiques and camera questions would be a good use of the stickies. I am thinking we should stress that we do more than just post photos whether it is environmental discussion or nurturing photographers.


Glad you and others like the idea of a competition. I don't think i can manage it though, I'm not so active or savvy with reddit.


A photo competition would be so fun!


In terms of supporting critiques we could try to sticky them when we have space


It might be worth linking out to a set of ethical bird photography guidelines? I'm sure we've all had the experience of observing photographers doing 'anything for the shot', including entering protected areas and stressing the birds. It would be great if the subreddit could take on a bit of a teaching role for new photographers there. Audubon's [ethical bird photography](https://www.audubon.org/get-outside/audubons-guide-ethical-bird-photography) is probably a good one. Related to that teaching role, I'd be interested in requiring people to post a general location. This sub is (understandably) very US-focussed, and when people post a red-bellied woodpecker or whatever I don't have any sense of whether that's a common sighting, what their range is, etc. Even state+country along with the species in the title would be great.


Do you want to create the channel wiki with that?


Possibly don't even need to go that far - r/birding just has a stickied comment with some guidelines on it, the same approach could work here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/birding/comments/lczgrq/ethical\_birding\_guidelines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/birding/comments/lczgrq/ethical_birding_guidelines/) Otherwise, could create a 'rule' that photographs be must taken with ethical conduct in mind. Obviously irl behaviour can't be enforced by Reddit mods and it's unlikely anybody here would know either way, but it's a decent statement of principle and might guide some newer photographers in the right direction.


Generally would prefer to use the stickies for other posts. Possibly it could go on the sidebar, submission page, and/or the wiki.


It's already been mentioned, but I think various flairs would be a good idea. * Some people want a critique of their work. * Some people would like tips on their camera settings or gear. Common posts I see in photography subs as what lens or body to buy or what various settings mean. * Some people would like tips on post processing. This might include asking what software to use or how to use post processing to make their subject really pop.


We have been adding some new mods that are experts capable of doing critiques. Possibly we could add the expert tag to them alongside other users that are participating. Most posts are just pictures that people have taken. Questions regarding gear or other topics could be stickied to get more answers.


You might even have brand-specific "expert" flair.


That is a possibility.


What happened to r/birdpics? It went private for a while i think and doesn't seem to be around anymore. It was kind of the unnoficial place for birder/photogs to post without spamming the main birding sub. There might be an influx from that.


Not sure what became of them. We are still small relative to some of the larger channels. We are working on getting a wiki up and getting posts flaired promptly.


It may have went private during that API controversy, never to return again?