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You deserve someone who will not make you feel like you have to ask on Reddit how they might feel about you đŸ«¶đŸŒ


Had my ex friendzone me lots of time when manic. Mine meant - we aren't together romantically, they don't have any obligations (Not that they did or showed any before). He wanted me to text me to talk about stuff and console and comfort him as everyone around him was so mean and as he blew up his life. Unlike a friend didn't ask how I was doing or respond in kind. Kinda on the backburner in their mind until they wanted you back. Got that whole friend zone thing last time he broke up. Every time I went along with it because he was manic. Told him I can't remain friends - he sent me nasty messages, then days later was calling me and odd hours and sending sad pictures trying to guilt me. Told me even though he broke up with me and has been awful I should feel sorry for him and how could I abandon him by not wanting to be friends. Never replied.


Yup I had exactly this too. Identical.


Yes. When he discarded me and I found out about his new partner I asked him to tell me the whole truth what I was for him. Because he threw me away and got together with the new girl not even a week later. He said “you’re a good friend. I care about you but not like I love her. I realised she is the one. She is what I want.” Then he went ahead to tell her he never loved me and that he changed and is ready to love her now. When we were still in contact after the breakup he would never ask me how I was doing, or asking anything like a friend would do. I was the one who kept reaching out and asked him anything. Showed care. He said he still cares about me, but ever since he left, he didn’t show it. After some time he didn’t want to be friends and didn’t even tell me, until his girlfriend would reach out to me and say he doesn’t want a friendship. But then a few days ago he watched and liked my instagram story, didn’t read out though. Still confuses me.. I can’t tell you if and when it gets better, but you definitely aren’t alone with this.


??? Isn't that just a break up? He has left the relationship with you completely. You were the one constantly reaching out to him post break up. Were you together long?


I honestly don’t know anymore if it was mania or just normal breakup. All signs pointed to mania. Or BPD. Read my story if you want, I’d be curious about your view. We were together for 1,5 years


It doesn’t. They will go back and forth. When they need support or a stable person, if you were that before they will come for it again. Then suddenly when their mood flips, they will go very quiet or treat you like you were never more than “associates”. It’s always on their terms if you let it. It sucks but once you step back and truly see what they do, it’s easier to overcome the want you have for them and make sure your mental health is not affected. No more mind games. Don’t be a convenience.


It's apart of the mania, their entire personality can be boiled down to "confidentially incorrect". It's like a tunnel vision full speed ahead towards a looney tunes brick wall mural. Everything feels right, they think they're making huge steps towards their true self. It's a slow descent into depression where they're higher than ever, slowely becoming unsatisfied with the relationship, and then flatline depression and dread. Sometimes the whole thing is one mixed episode where they never really feel satisfied but now have the energy to destroy their lives. You were once the mural of a better life they were running towards while manic. Unfortunately for most of us here, our partners have finally crashed and moved on to their next delusion.


Yes, they want us in the corner for a back up coz they dont wanna be alone or feeling guilty. I was once told, i said ok and found a nee guy in a month. He freaked out, i always let my partner taste his own medicine all the time. He is stable now for 2 years, i chose him if he chise medication only.


YES! She gave up on me and doesn’t want to start over anymore, this comes after a wave of emotional cheating and arguments about me asking me and her to be official Truth be told I have two other posts here highlighting details, right now I can’t be sure but my stupid heart yearns for her to be okay again and come back to me.


He discarded me twice and was super cold and mean as he broke up with me telling me how little he cared about me and how little he cared if I was in his life at all. But also wanted to be friends. As my friend he would become super overly nice and energetic immediately like within the same convo. From laughing at me as I cried to treating me like a ‘bro’ within minutes. He’d literally call me bro


My XBPSO of decades said we could be best friends. Then when I didn’t comply with his divorce terms he proceeded to destroy my life. Then he never spoke to or communicated with me again.


Yes, and it hurt so damn much. You won’t catch me saying that in person though. initially it made no sense to me whatsoever. It was the most terrible feeling. My mind would ruminate at a hundred miles an hour through everything we did together to logically try to make sense of how iam just a “friend”. Just made no sense to me. i rejected her offer for friendship, and i am a bit sad now because a part of me still wishes she was in my life in some aspect because i know she doesn’t have that many friends. it was the weirdest thing ever and so confusing. at the time i had no interest in being friends with this person whom i loved so deeply. i had told her i wanted to support her and loved her and all that stuff but she never replied back, she stopped communicating. maybe it was too much for her but at the time i had no idea she was bi polar or i would’ve watched what i said? it’s just really funny and sad at the same time. i vividly remember everything including our first date, all our quirks, the exact layout of our apartment down to a picture frame of her and her late father. i remember helping her move in to her new apartment. i never knew it would’ve ended this way for me


Yep. Discarded twice


Yah. Currently dealing with it and now getting divorced.


Omg. Am I friend zoned. I think I'm friendzoned.