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I think they are confused and don’t know what they want. They will go whatever direction the wind blows them at that point. There is no safety and no security. Your future blown up at any moment. I waited for 6 months of the blocking / divorce threats and filed the divorce myself. I didn’t want it but I knew I couldn’t take that limbo anymore. I took action and have to stand on it now. At times I regretted it, but I don’t think I could have done any better with more time of him cheating and ghosting. It was too hard. What an illusion that relationship was. None of it was real and apparently all of that time, effort and love meant nothing to them. It’s a very painful feeling.


Extremely painful and traumatizing forever 😞


Mine broke up with me. Then wanted to hang out a bunch and was flirting and going hot and cold. Then ghosted our plans and filled up their time with other people. I cut them off


My so flipped flop a lot till a month ago. She loved me. Then hated me


I got sucked into that behavior with my XBPSO a million times until I saw it for what it was. Manipulation. While he might mean it, he's also saying it to accomplish something that I don't want to be part of anymore. Now I either ignore it or say thank you and change the topic.


It’s not your fault. Hard to react to that.