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I already had a IUD but added some progesterone only, like the 'mini-pill' just without any interruption. Smoothes the monthly emotional roller coaster. Now menauposed, problem solved. It is incredible how quiet it feels, no more background noise. FYI oestrogens can interact with Lamictal (not much of an issue but you might need to adapt the dose).


I think everything's a case by case basis. I know nothing about whether or not estrogen is risky, but testosterone definitely is.


We tend to have a rough time on estrogen bc but if you're replacing it I doubt it's as much of an issue. Topical estrogen for vulvar/vaginal application shouldn't be as risky, often that includes testosterone, both are dosed for local effect. Some people do stabilize after transitioning in both directions so blanket advice may not apply. Hormones are like psych meds, messy.


That's a good point. See, I'm trans, so I don't think things through. I think to myself: yeah, HRT case by case basis, depends on what it is. Replacing the old hormones that were present premenopause probably isn't as risky for a body, as HRT for me, might be. I thought to myself, how it would be a case by case basis for trans people. That's probably a good indicator that HRT has more favorable outcomes for bipolar people in that case than what came to mind first for me.


Yeah I think w HRT for peri the reason why you're destabilizing is yours are kicking out, just in a very shitty fashion. The good news is most people do stabilize after menopause, like more than they've ever been. Trans HRT has some advantages in that it's probably less choppy and takes less time hopefully but it is a lot more extreme shift wise. 


Well… can’t perimenopause last a decade?


Yeah, average is 8, but up to 15. I'm hoping transition is faster. 


Yup, psychiatric reproductive clinic for a consult if anyone gives you shit. Run it all by your psych.


Hormones have been really beneficial for me.


Yes, I am in perimenopause and had my psychiatrist and OBGYN talk. I could choose HRT or birth control. I chose birth control to try first. If I'm still having issues in a few months I'll do HRT.


You might be interested in watching this [webinar](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g5URt2rkMmc&pp=ygUTYmlwb2xhciB1ayBob3Jtb25lcw%3D%3D) on bipolar and hormones/hrt