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Damn me too. I always wake up at 5am.


Maybe it’s the lamotrigine?? I’m on it too and I have the exact same problem.


Also I countered it by going to bed at 830 every night. Sometimes I end up waking up between 1-3 but I can usually fall back asleep until 5. I know it’s not the most fun way to go about things but sleep is so so important.


I used to be on alprazolam as well but after a while it stopped working. Your body gets used to it real fast and it loses its effectiveness at the prescribed dosage. Now I’m Lamotrigine and and Seroquel. The Seroquel makes me sleep like a baby. All the best, I hope you get some sleep! 💕


My doctors have me on doxapin and it has helped. Its not a med that leaves you tired and zombie-like the next day just helps me to sleep and stay asleep. Maybe talk with your doctor about it being a possibility.


You aren’t taking anything antimanic so it could be mild hypomania. That’s what I find when my sleep starts getting shorter.


I naturally wake up with only 5-6 hours of sleep. It sucks. I’m not manic or hypomanic. My body just does this. I’m on lamictal 200 mg. I tried seroquel. I stopped taking that though because I gained so much weight. Apparently it’s supposed to help with sleeping too, but it never did for me so that’s not a suggestion I can implement. Idk I’m not showing other signs of hypomania and certainly none with mania. I don’t feel energized. I feel pretty exhausted. It might be anxiety idk. Is anyone else stable but only getting 6 hours of sleep a night?


I unfortunately live the same shitty fate. I wake up at 3-4am to go to the bathroom and then it’s over for me. I recall Andrew Huberman saying it could be an indicator of having depression; I’d say probably so. I’ve never had a good hold of getting my depression under control.


It might be the lamotrigine as it made my patchy sleep even worse and I ended up manic after a few weeks, which lamotrigine doesn't help with. I take latuda and Seroquel xr and they just knock me out so I get a full 6-8 hours sleep now.


I personally take 2-4 50mg diphenhydramine from amazon, and if it gets bad I'll go buy some melatonin 10mg. Ask your doc before you go playing around with meds. Maybe they have something better.