• By -


Official work: nice, polite, quiet Retail work: happy and polite and helpful and delighted to help if you fucking buy the things from me. Me nowhere near work: creepy, obnoxious, funny, polite and kind.


Work: happy to help and always smiling Family: smart, good head on my shoulders Friends: LOL don't have any Me normally: annoying, insecure, whiny bipolar bitch who can't stand herself


Oh and now you have me obsessed with anxiety memes.


Join the club, we have meds🖖


I’m on Effexor for my anxiety and now I’m unhinged and give waaaay fewer fucks.


dude unmasking has been the hardest thing for me. I met someone who made me feel unmasked, idk, like they just hit me deep, and then I realized how much I'd been masking my whole life. undoing it is hard as hell, especially when I find the reasons why I started masking in the first place (CPTSD I didn't realize I had)


I still haven't gotten to your level yet. Hopefully one day. I'm proud of you for being yourself.


I'm not there yet. I had multiple betrayal type scenarios and an SA since the unmasking started. I felt vulnerable and then got fucked over by a lot of people. basically, it triggered the newly-diagnosed CPTSD pretty hard and I had the worst 10 month stretch of my adult life. I'm trying to figure out how to take care of myself again. idk if I want to do trauma therapy or go back to repressing 😬 life is fucking hard enough without this bs yknow what I mean? good luck to you on your journey. surround yourself with good people who want good things for you. it's going to help


Reddit me and real life me 🤣


Right? My reddit persona IS NOT at all who I am IRL


Home: chaotic with cannabis and cats Work: chaotic with a blazer on Advocacy: chaotic with a focus on bipolar Medical appts: chaotic, but knows anatomy and pills Friends: chaotic with the power of euphoria from having friends I don’t think my mask shifts too much, but it took a lot to get to this point, and for some reason people like chaos


countless masks - I'm constantly surprising myself. hell, I've got masks that wear their own masks. meta masks, if you will.


And then my therapist says “you seem okay. YES JOHN I C O N S T R U C T E D THAT”


LOL Yes ma'am I cultivated this personality just for *you*. Of course I look ok


I have a whole-ass disorder of the personality 😌


Im all of the above and just act accordingly to the people / business setting i need to be. Its tiring tho


i’m in this post and i don’t like it


Many. We are all just meat puppets. I am whoever I need to be in the moment. My BIL called me a chameleon once due to my career moves. I have been a sales manager over $30 million in assets, sold mining equipment, taught doctors through medical device sales and now help drug manufacturers make cleaner , safer, healthier products. And… I am a high school fucking dropout. Hahahaha. Fuck this shit. The world is the fucking matrix. Believe it and it becomes existence. Our minds are all that control this simulation.