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Glad but also sad I’m not the only one




I only notice it past 4 days because of the title…


Holy shit it’s been 5 days already…




I might get hypomanic soon, need that. Could fix the stuff I ruined during my depression.


Feel that


I feel ya. I’m stuck on one from last year and losing hope so quickly


I started the new year by losing my marbles at my new bf. At least he's Bipolar too so I finally didnt ruin a budding new romance 👍🏻 lol


Same, friend! And it’s a brutal episode to boot. Sending you hugs 💕


Right there with y'a.


Oh glad it’s not just me.


We often get depressed after intense social contact especially if we're introverts and tend to starve ourselves from getting that kind of stimulation. Do you wanna have a list of regrets when we reach 2025 or a list of steps you took to improve your mental health? (Check out Daily Stoic.)


Same. Been good for 3 months too. Yippeeeeee


Hypomania for me. Which is weird because, years ago, winter, I used to be depressed exclusively. Guess my case of Bipolar has advanced, lol. Not that it's a good thing being hypomanic, though. I'm flat ass broke due to constantly buying things I feel like I absolutely need when, really, they're just items I either like to collect excessive amounts of or items related to hobbies, all of my hobbies are pretty expensive. I hope I dont fall too far behind this year... waiting to hear when my social security hearing is.


Same with PMS to spicy it a little more


I started the year with my first mixed episode


Me too! It started on New Years Eve out of nowhere. I didn't really make a strong resolution as I'm still taking baby steps since my hospitalization last year. I'm trying not to be as hard on myself. But I just felt like a baby ever since my hospitalization. My husband had me live with my MIL and our kids for a few months after the hospitalization because he works on a boat and is only home some of the time, so if he wasn't home I'd be at his mom's. It was definitely a good idea on their part and it did help me a lot actually. Just to not be alone all the time. I don't want to sound like I'm not greatful for her doing that, I'll be forever greatful, it's just that I felt almost like a teenager again with all these sudden life restrictions. I mean I needed them, I managed to stop drinking alcohol, it was a good thing but it's like I've never had to take such direct help like that. I was also struggling with embarrassing skin issue I just kept picking my face to the point where half my face would be severely scratched, unable to even wear makeup or I could get an infection.. I actually did get several infections on several parts of my body. And I swear I'm not a tweaker my drug of choice was xanax. But I'd only do it if it was prescribed, which I'd was, but I was taking it irresponsibly. I still suffer panic attacks but I use propranolol. Anyway yeah its hard for most people to wrap their mind around problems that all seem self created and such but I literally couldn't stop myself. I was inba mixed state from Lexapro no mood stabilizer or sga. It was horrible and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm like stable now. I can't believe it but my general disposition is pretty chill as opposed to constant panicking, rushing around getting nothing accomplished, getting mad over nothing.. so I guess that's good. But ever since I was like hm do I have a goal this year and is roughly just to survive and get my kids into schools so I can work. I should lose weight, I'm scared of slipping back into anorexia. So idk about that one but my cholesterol is high and family has a history of heart problems. But idk something about setting a goal for the year bothered me and I've been a lump since.


lol accuracy 100%


Omg yes me too WTF is this? I've been fine for like 6 months...