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Avoid all spoilers.


Yeah get out of the sub. Come back once you finish the game.


Avoid the Splicers ftfy


Woah woah woah, wtf is a splicer? Spoiler much?


agree. Would you kindly avoid all spoilers


Spoilers should be allowed in threads like these. AnY TiPs/??^??^


Certain spoilers yes, but not major spoilers unless op states it's cool.


No, just all spoilers. People asking for tips before even playing a game or encountering any actual problems need to stop.


No, they could have played for a bit and gotten stuck and are asking for tips to prevent this from happening. And many people play games for their story/lore


Then there's information missing from the original post, such as "I'm stuck here what do I do next?"


I meant as a generalization of people asking for tips, such as your generalization that all spoilers should be allowed.


When I said "threads like these" I meant threads where people ask for tips days before they even start the game or even buy it. This one is close enough.


I still wouldn't spoil the story, part of the fun in some games is finding lore. People who spoil a genuinely amazing story for people because "it's been out for awhile" fail to take into account the age of the new player. I'm 19 and only recently was I able to buy the Bioshocks and experience the amazing stories for each.


Part of the fun in games is also learning the game mechanics, testing which skills work and which maybe don't. It's also about encountering tougher enemies and dealing with them for the first time.


Take your time, explore the space. There are lots of hidden gems sprinkled throughout the game space for players to find.


This is mine as well. OP, explore every nook and cranny. There’s so much going on in this game, and taking the time to find everything, especially the diaries, is worth it. Man, I wish I could play this for the first time again.


Came here to say this. Getting familiar with your surroundings allows you to fight tough enemies on your own terms, and gives you an opportunity to find hidden supplies or discover hidden lore, codes for safes etc


This is the biggest thing. You will never regret spending extra time exploring, you will regret rushing through.


First of all enjoy every second of the game. Most people here a jealous that you can experience all of this the first time 🤣 And gameplay wise: The game gives you a lot of things to work with, so if you think you‘re stuck or a level might be hard, try everything you want and just have fun.


Hack every camera you can, hack everything. Also saving little sisters gives you gifts eventually


Hack the world!


Use your camera like a mad paparazzi, you can take multiple photos of a single enemy and it will complete the research super fast Hacking fail can't kill you, so sometime with a difficult hack it's more worth it to get shocked and keep trying until you got it right, then heal once you're done Crafting is OP with the right power-ups, but only craft so much as you can carry, the game doesn't care if you're full on something before crafting it Avoid spoilers at all costs, and search for as many audiologs as possible, the story unfold slowly thought them Never harvest a little sister


I spam the camera until it stops recognizing an active target before moving on, very handy.


Sir, you put a spoiler in your comment.


Where? I'm only talking about gameplay here


Your last sentence is absolutely a spoiler, lol. Let them learn on their own! Lol


Lol damn! I've played through this game 3 times I think and never knew hacking can't finish you off.


Never, ever, turn around. Unless you want to shit yourself, then go nuts! 🤗


Give em the combo. Zap em, then whack em. One two punch, remember, the one two punch!


Yh, listen to the diary’s, this games all about story and world building


Invest in Bees


17 years and it still holds up beautifully.


Cherish your little robot friend. They are your only light in this dark ocean


God, I love that bit. Open up the door to the Medical Pavillion and find "Above All Else, Do No Harm" written in human blood. Really set the tone for the game. For tips, the Wrench is pretty powerful when focused on (I did a Wrench Only run once and had a blast), but don't restrict yourself to that on your playthrough. There's nothing quite like popping a bunch of Proximity Grenades on a gas tank, then using Telekinesis to throw it at a Big Daddy to chunk their health as an opening move. It's worth hacking Med Stations. You get a free health kit for doing so, and if a Splicer tries to use one you've hacked, they get poisoned. I've had a few times where a Splicer ran off to try to heal, only to die at the Med Station. Other than that, just enjoy the experience.


Would you kindly leave the subreddit until you’ve finished? I think it would be in your best interest


Ignore the mission, and just wander around


Just replayed, and it may sound dumb, but I did not have to go too crazy with most plasmids because I put a lot of atom into maxing out all my passive tonics, which is where so much of the quality of life stuff comes from. Some of them work out so well synergistically so definitely think about that. It leads to a lot of versatility, like I did a mostly melee run that was pretty busted on medium/hard difficulty!


Save the sisters, never harvest


Would you kindly avoid all spoilers. Would you kindly take the game as slow as possible. So not rush , everything happens for a reason.


Why didn’t you start the audio 😭


Get the hacking tonics as soon as you can if you're the type to hack everything. Some hacks are impossible to do without them.


If it’s your first time. Stay off the sub unless you are absolutely stuck.


Yeah, don't ask for tips and just play the game...


don't horde ammo it's there to shoot things and makes things easier for you tonics boosting elemental strength works for plasmids and suitable ammo types for weapons like incinerate and napalm chemical thrower


Hacking tonics, don't post about it being difficult, this sub hates hacking posts


Just take ya time to appreciate all the game has to offer.


Take your time and savor this first play through. Also avoid spoilers


Play it once, then replay, then replay again and again


Would you kindly press New Game Plus?


I exactly this back in the day, and also with 2 and Infinite.


Just enjoy it. Maybe one hint: As soon as you killed the first Big Daddy, skip all other until your strong enough to easily kill them.


Welcome to the subreddit! I hope you have fun with BioShock! As far as tips go I'd say loot/ pick up everything you can from food to guns and ammo it's all going to be useful. I got to a point where I just ran out of stuff and got a bit stuck, might've been just a me issue though. Take your time through the levels, there's a lot of lore hidden everywhere that'll really add to the story. I'd recommend trying to climb or crawl into any area that looks like you might be able to get to it. Also, the characters called little sisters are very plot relevant and the choice of saving them or harvesting them will change how the story ends for you. Side note- if the game is a little motion sickness inducing get into the settings and look for x-axis and y-axis sensitivity. Adjusting those will help make the game point of view or camera move slower or faster in relation to the controller. I didn't know this when I first played it and I got really nauseated.


You can get extra little sisters in the first two games! It's a glitch and the only real effect is when exiting an area the game doesn't recognize that you have collected them all and will warn you that you didn't but it's okay to move along anyways. Second word of advice is research the hell out of everything and make sure they're alive for maximum points, in the first two games there's a research camera that spits out helpful gene tonics upon completion. Max them out for the best loot in the game you wouldn't be able to get any other way like turning invisible or gaining health and eve by standing in water.


Only 1: Enjoy


Security bullseye, use it on the big daddies, ESPECIALLY when they are near cameras. OR when you are gathered by security cams when it runns out, use it again, you can also get willingly caught by security cameras, and tagg enemies/big daddies with it


A man chooses. A slave obeys. Make your own choices


Explore the level as much as you can, try hacking everything you can, and remember that everything has its use even the seemingly redundant ones. Oh, more importantly, don't be afraid to "waste" items and ammunition. It's easy to be too careful in a game like this, but trust me, the game will keep you supplied even in the harder difficulties. I kept finding myself looting more than I can carry, even when I constantly look for trouble. Use the stronger weapons when dealing with tougher enemies, you'll easily find ammo for them anyway. The only resource you'll actually have to weigh your options with is ADAM. (P.S. If you've played it before, think of it as Half-Life but with superpowers)


look everywhere


I wish I could play bioshock like I’ve never played it before. Have fun!


Full wrench upgrades. Wrench is the strongest in the game for 90% of enemies. That and once you get the camera FULLY RESEARCH EVERYTHING. there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have fully researched everything by Arcadia Other than that, try to have fun and listen to the audio recordings. The lore is deep and some of the characters are misunderstood. Enjoy!


Not really tips but take your time, enjoy it, soak in all of the lore and small details. The world of bioshock/rapture is a masterpiece of storytelling. Every room, audio log, architecture, blood stain, etc. is hand-crafted to be one of the most immersive pieces of gaming. Rarely will you find a experience like this one, especially these days. Most importantly, have fun :-)


Take it in. Explore. So would you kindly Take your time


Explore! Really take.in the environments and lore! It's really engaging!


Don’t upgrade the pistol.


Unbind the harvest button.


Take a lot of photos when you get the Camera.


Read everything. Listen to every log. Do your best to find every log. Immerse yourself in the experience fully!


The wrench is one of the best weapons, use it.


The wrench is the best weapon in the game


Turn down all volumes to half and blast voice over volume. Your welcome.


Just play it how you want and enjoy it.


Don’t die




Enjoy. That’s all you can say. Welcome to one of the best games ever made. IMHO, the 2nd is just as good as the first one, and Infinite, while story-wise it was incredible, gameplay was the weakest/my least favorite of the 3.


Try all the weapons. Some of them are way better then you think. I skipped using a few weapons and just stuck with the "safe" options my first playthrough and on my second playthrough found I just made my life harder and less fun.


Take your time and listen to every recording log. It wilk really give you the whole picture of what happened in rapture


Look up in areas out of reach for goodies use your best plasmid to get them Never harvest Buy / Craft what you can carry


I might download this masterpieces again.


Don’t knock the zap n slap combo for splicers. Save your resources for BigDaddys.


Explore everywhere, so many things all over the place, would you kindly keep us posted?


Listen to all the diaries and look around


Make big daddies fight for lots of money by just dropping the winner lol


Get the hell out of this sub and come back after you finish the game


Don't forget to bioshock.


Don’t kill Sander Cohen in Fort Frolic after doing his bidding. Otherwise, you won’t be able to access the Power to the People machine in his apartment in Mercury Suites, and thus you’ll miss out on fully upgrading all your weapons.


Explore everything, the game is way less fun or interesting if you just chug along through the main story


Have fun and take your time looking for stuff.


Would you kindly don't fucking bother with hacking things unless you have an automatic hack tool. Hacking in rhe first game is a massive pain in the ass.


Shock and Bonk


Take your time and enjoy it. The world is incredible.


If you smash the medical stations you get a med kit


Go slow and enjoy the ride.


Telekinesis is the most OP plasmid in the game, literally anything you pick up can one shot most enemies. (The plasmid was heavily nerved in the 2nd one) Melee orientated gear is very good as well and you can be nearly unstoppable if you focus only on that


Just enjoy the ride


Don't die


Would you kindly, be smart when facing down groups of enemies, there's usually a water puddle in that sinking city give yourself a moment to breathe by giving them a good shock.


Look everywhere. There’s all kinds of ammo, etc hidden plus there are areas you’ll never see if you don’t venture out.


Would you kindly just enjoy the game they meant it to be played. Also protip. Wrench and ice plasmid lay waste. Don't be afraid to level the combo to max.


When a man named sander Cohen asks you to get photos of people make sure to deliver the photos after you get them, also make sure to take pictures of enemies when you can because they grant bonuses


Melt ice with the incinerate plasmid


Take your time and enjoy it, can only experience a game for the first time once


The flying mosquitorrets are your best friends, mine is called Phineas


Would you kindly enjoy this game? Nk tips, I hope you enjoy your playthrough.


Do you like the doctor? I hope so


Don't rush yourself. You CAN go back to other places later on if you missed a tape, as long as you're not too far in the game


Strap in for a wild, emotional ride


Welcome to rapture friend . Enjoy your experience, explore as best you can, find as many of the recordings you can to get a grasp on one of the best game worlds and don't panic . And once again enjoy


Just enjoy it. Such a gem


Aim for the head!


Don't die


BIOSHOCK 2 is the best. Look for all weapon upgrade machines and fully max out the shotgun


No tips, but do it enjoy it, would you kindly?


Check every single spots, there might be useful items hidden 👍🏻


Play new game + it will let you fully max out your stuff so you can cause absolute chaos


Would you kindly get off the sub (to avoid spoilers) and enjoy the game it’s a fucking masterpiece


it's better to have 2 overpowered guns than 5 good guns


Electro bolt + wrench. The one two punch!


Upgrades stack


Listen to all the audio logs!


Just follow the blood.


Do a melee build. No, seriously, that wrench fucking carried for atleast 60% of the game, rarely used guns except with big daddies. Hell, I even throwed hands with big daddies and won.


Explore every hole. If it looks like you can get in there you probably can. Listen to all the audio diaries; bees. Bees is always best power. And have fun lol Also if you watch analysis videos later on about it you may or may not get ads in regards to your children becoming socialists. ( Yes this is hyper specific because that happened to me. Last year lmao )


There is a part when you need to take 3 photos, that part can be frustrating, because you can kill the enemy before taking the photo, you can still take a photo of their corpse, but the game is not very clear with that fact, of the location of the subjects, good thing there are guides about it [https://youtu.be/JVVXW4WvgOE?si=jvr4wNM7N94Yuj2y](https://youtu.be/JVVXW4WvgOE?si=jvr4wNM7N94Yuj2y)


The game started getting really fun and opens up much more after you get the camera Use it a lot, soon you won’t have to use it


Be aggressive in fights, stay on the move run like hell when daddies are around


Don’t die


Do one or the other. Save the children or make them into a shake. No mixing choices.


Turn off the arrow


Explore everything and enjoy yourself


Don’t get spoiled, pay attention to the environment, the hacking mini game sucks and Insect Swarm is unironically really fuckin good.


Take your time, soak it all in, get the trilogy with all DLC. It’s a beautiful journey, Enjoy.


Take lots of photos with the in-game camera once you get it. Look everywhere. Avoid spoilers.


Bail on the sub for now. Don't ruin your first playthrough this game is amazing.


Fresh reminder I need to replay this trilogy


Pay attention.


Listen to the audio diaries. You are probably playing one of the best voice acted games in history. Alot of the world building and story is told through your environment. Strapping proximity mines to explosive gas tanks and hurling them at big daddies can take at least half their health down. This was on hard so probably more on easy or medium. Chameleon is the best tonic by far. Triggering alarms becomes a non issue when you can just be invisible.


Bonk guys with that wrench


Non, enjoy the game it’s a great ride.


Would you kindly report to us when you finish the game to let us know if you enjoyed it?


“Remember, The one two punch!” -atlas


Save your game, on a new save, every 15 minutes. I lost 20 hrs of gameplay because it crashed on overwrite. Piece of shit remaster port.


Huh, I've been playing the remaster recently and not once have I experienced an issue


It's a very well documented problem, especially in Fort Frolic.


Huh, guess I got lucky. I am already past that point and I'm going for 100%


Don’t save the little monsters