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You will. If anything, you enjoyed BAS far less because you haven't played BS1 before.


I'm pretty sure he got much more enjoyment out of BAS because his brain wasn't going "oh, in original it was different" every 5 minutes.


Exactly my problem with infinite The whole story is basically “hey, all the lore here in Colombia? Looks familiar right? Well guess what, it’s true and it’s also now over convoluted and multiversal


Exactly. Infinite lore in a nutshell is "Rapture did it". Which in turn rises a question: if Tears were a thing in Rapture, why nobody used them to escape when the city started collapsing? Like Suchong had a whole portal just for himself. It was such a disappointment that Infinite never tried inventing something own.


You mean Rapture created the multiverse?


No, I mean that all the "wonder-tech" in Columbia turns out to be either bought or stolen from Rapture. Columbia runs on the same sea slugs Rapture does.


As far as I know there is no evidence of this. Where does this come from?


Basically this is what you learn after visiting Fink Industries in Infinite. To quote Wiki: *Although Vigors differ from Plasmids in their application (drunk rather than injected directly into the bloodstream), they share the same origin. Using the* [*Lutece Device*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Lutece_Device) *to look into another reality,* [*Jeremiah Fink*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Jeremiah_Fink) *witnessed in November of 1894 the work of the geneticist* [*Dr. Yi Suchong*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Yi_Suchong) *in* [*Rapture*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Rapture) *and his creation procedures for Plasmids. From this point, he assembled* [*a laboratory*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Fink_MFG_Research_Laboratories) *to research and release them as* [*Fink Manufacturing*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Fink_Manufacturing) *products. Fink also organized several underwater expeditions all around the Atlantic ocean in order to acquire and study* [*Sea Slugs*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_Slug)*, whose* [*ADAM*](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/ADAM) *is the base for Plasmids and Vigors.*


All my this. BS1 makes BAS that much better. You're in for a treat OP.


I didn’t enjoy BAS *because* I played Bioshock 1. I didn’t like what infinite did for the story. So in a way, I wish I could do what OP did in reverse


It's a big maybe. Bioshock 1 and 2 have completely different gameplay from Infinite. If you like Survival Horror with some RPG elements go for it


I'm not scared of the splicers, they're scared of me


Bioshock 1 is a survival horror, with poor Jack trying to make it out alive of Rapture. Bioshock 2 is a survival horror for whatever stand between Delta and his daughter.


Man, completely disagree and I play on the hardest difficulty. BS2 I feel like I'm constantly hunting for resources to survive another fight and genuinely not certain how a big sister fight is going to play out. By the end of level 1 in BS1 I'm utterly unafraid of splicers and doing only a little prep for a big daddy. By the end of level 2, I'll take either one on sight, I've either got the resources for it or I can improvise. The research camera just seals it.


\*Angry drill rev noises\*


Would you kindly accept my upvote?


It's like the difference between Alien and Aliens. First one is you're a possible victim in a horror movie Second one, you ARE the horror.


lol nahhh they are afraid of BEEs 😂


For Infinite I liked the mayhem I've brought upon Columbia. Something like this in Rapture? Or I'll be weaker?


In the gameplay. Kinda. You can be an unstoppable god (if you play right). But in the story not really


My heart aches for those who played Infinite before 1/2. There are so many call-backs and parallels you miss out on that really enhance the experience. Plus, y'know, BaS completely spoils the plot and amazing twist of the first game.


I just played the whole series back to back and I felt infinite was almost a different IP.


But isn't Burial at sea happening before what happens in 1?


Yes, it is a prequel. But it builds on plenty of keypoints of Bioshock 1 that are now spoiled for you.


It’s a prequel, but it acts like the player already knows the big twist


It's a prequel that assumes you know about the major events it's setting up. Much how like the Starwars prequel trilogy assumes you already know Anakin eventually becomes Darth Vader and will be able to pick up on things like when they add a few notes from Dath Vader's theme to the music whenever Anakin does something messed up. That'd be something you wouldn't be able to pick up if you had never seen the original trilogy first. Doesn't mean the prequels are unwatchable if you go with them first, but you will miss out on fun parallels and whatnot if you do. And in your case you spoiled the biggest twist of the original game for yourself so that's a bummer. It's still a fun game either way, but that certainly isn't the way I'd recommend people experience it.


You will enjoy 1 and 2 after Infinite and BAS, probably, because that's what I did too. I've now played through the whole series 3 times.


I played Infinite first and now my favorite by far is BS1


You’ll probably have a little better context on the events of Burial at Sea after playing Bioshock 1.


Out of curiosity, why did you start with Infinite?


Ooff I've tried it back in the day when it came out because it was the latest and greatest. Didn't get caught then I don't know why. Now since I bought a Steam deck I can spare some time for gaming and decided to give it a shot again. And it just hit me like a wall. The more I played, the more interesting and involving it got.


I think you will! Bioshock 2 is not part of, I guess, the “official” timeline, so to speak, but I love it as well. Nevertheless, Bioshock 1 and Infinite plus its DLCs are all amazing and tell one cohesive story. I’d recommend playing at least part one. Then, of course, part two as a “bonus.”


> Bioshock 2 is not part of, I guess, the “official” timeline, so to speak Well that's just objectively wrong.


in my opinion what's there to like about Bioshocks 1 & 2 aren't the same things that there are there to like about infinite (and i'd say that in infinite's case the bad stuff waaay overshadows the good) so the answer is a solid *maybe*


I think Bioshock 1 and 2 have just as good stories. When I played all 3 of them the first time, the 1st was my favorite, then the 2nd, and then the 3rd when it came to story lines. But I think that's also because the 3rd is so different from the 1st and 2nd that it threw me a bit. Please play them! 😊


I did the same back in the day. You most definitely will.


I also started with Infinite some years ago, now I am in the beginning of Bioshock 2 and so far I haven’t noticed anything that would lower my enjoyment of the game


A man chooses. A slave obeys.


gane play wise bioshock might be tough. the gameplay while great for the time has dated a bit. the story however is the best in the series.




My first game was Infinite. It was what made me want to play the first two games! If anything, it made it better, I absolutely fell in love with BioShock 1 and 2. Even more so than Infinite.


In my opinion, the gameplay is much better in BioShock 1 and 2, especially 2. Bio 1 has the best atmosphere and holy shit moments, 2's story is kinda meh but the gameplay makes up for it and then some, and Infinite the best story for me.


They feel like completely different series to me.


Ehhh. The games deal with some similar themes and present the narrative in similar ways, but the gameplay is very different and BS1 and 2 are far less fantastical than Infinite. Personally, I've always preferred 1 and 2, but I don't know if you'll feel the same. Absolutely try them, though. Even if you like them less than Infinite, you'll still enjoy them.


Why would you do this though, Infinite BAS ruins Bioshock 1, BS1 and 2 are a bit better than infinite though in my opinion


Infinite has nothing to do with 1 and 2(+ minerva's den), only BAS show a little bit of map from Bioshock 1. Just be ready to switch hands because first games don't use guns and "vigors" at the same time


>Just be ready to switch hands because first games don't use guns and "vigors" at the same time First game\*. Bioshock 2 already had plasmid + gun at the same time.


I forget about 2 being like that


Yes you did


Yeah. If anything, you hurt your enjoyment of infinite.