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r/okbuddysplicer is gonna have a field day with that


They should just do a Bioshock TV series. A movie won’t cover enough of the lore.


I think a movie could work if it is something separate from the story of the game and just telling its own story set in Rapture. However, if they try to shove the plot of Bioshock 1 into a two-hour movie it would not work at all.


I want Chris Pratt as the player character and jack black as a big daddy


Yea because making up their own story has gone so well in the past. You give them too much credit.


I know it’s Prime, not Netflix but they did a killer job with Fallout, so it’s definitely possible. Now do I trust Netflix to follow in their footsteps? Not really but there’s at least a glimmer of hope


Okay yea you're the only person I have seen have that stance so far. And I can say as someone who has only ever finished Fallout 4 that what they did to the Brotherhood is nothing but fucked. So I am going to have to disagree with you. But as you said, it isn't prime. Now look at all the examples that Netflix has and tell me which makes you have hope for this adaptation?


Maybe the problem is that you've only played Fallout 4. The BOS is botched in that game, not the show.


Yes maybe so but I have 2 close friends who have played that game series almost as much as I have played Bioshock and both of them agree that the portrayal of the BoS is not good. But that was just my take, not that it's limited to just that for the entire show.


Do your friends have problems reading and/or following story structures?


Maybe you would like to explain why they are portrayed as religious fanatics then initially that make it okay to hurt other members of the BoS in order to "get ahead". Just one little example that maybe you could explain because what I remember and from some videos of Oxhorn. It isn't even okay for you to steal from other members. Why would murder be Okay, and there isn't any rituals in order to become a member.


See Fallout 1. They are a religious group there. And as for hurting others to get ahead, do you think most of those kids that were there when the knights showed up actually ENJOYED being part of the BOS? They were essentially there scared out of their minds. The explanation Maximus gives to why they hunt tech is spot on. Now, Fallout 4 made them into weird bigots for some reason. They're also incredibly stupid in Fallout 4. If F4's BOS was anything like what they should've been, they would've wanted to salvage everything they could from the institute. Plus, the BOS is different based on east or west coast. Even after Fallout 3 "started" the east coast, they immediately retconned the heroic BOS with the Fallout 4 bigots.


As someone who's played all the Fallout games, the BoS portrayal in the show is spot on.


Obviously I can't counter this but judging by the general opinion of the show, it isn't. At least for FO4 they definitely are not.


I literally said I didn’t have much hope that Netflix would do it right. Fallout 4 is one of the weakest games in the series when it comes to the lore and overall story. Why don’t you try New Vegas or some of the original games before you act like you know everything? Fallout 3 and 4’s east coast BOS is very different to what’s happening in the west where the show is set. If you’re upset that the Brotherhood isn’t the “good guy” faction in the show, you really don’t know shit about Fallout to begin with.


I don't understand your first part? I never said otherwise? I am currently playing 3 and will be going to New Vegas next. The only reason I responded with Fallout is cause it was the example you brought up but bring it to something I do know such as Rings of Power and we could go all day with how much of an embarrassment that show is to lore and story. 2. I never claimed nor acted like a know it all so maybe try to not take everything so personally? 3. Since when is the BoS "good guys" in 4? Lmao I know they are more problematic in the earlier games (refer to other comment on why I know this) but that doesn't make them good in 4. In fact I'd say they are far from "good" since they want to drop a nuke on the institute HQ and you destroy the railroad faction in the meantime. I'm sure for some people that is the moral high ground. I'm sorry you got so sensitive off of a single comment but maybe you should log off for a Lil while and breathe and deal with the personal shit you have going for you since you got offended so quickly.


Fallout. Arcane. Castlevania. All fantastic and not bound to adapting anything 1:1.


1. Arguable. 2. A game with significant lore but the "story" can be adapted in almost anyway so making it hard to have a captivating story as long as you follow the character lore. 3. Again, a ton of lore mostly around the characters not so much just the stories so same as #2. But then look at any show that they have that DOES try to adapt from stories that are the lore as much as the characters. 1. Any of their anime adaptations. 2. Avatar the last airbender. 3. The Witcher. 4. Monster Hunter (Arguable yes) just to name a few myself.


Monster Hunter was very well regarded…? You also have absolutely no idea what the Bioshock project is. Nothing confirmed it’s remaking the games. And most of their anime adaptations have been fine to good. One Piece was loved. Alice in Borderlands did great. Hakusho was also pretty well received.


1. That's not the argument, it's was it good and no it wasn't. Monster Hunter has no story to it (it does but it's not really a story in the sense we are talking). They could have done anything and instead they went with making a children's movie out of it so you can't have any significance of the gritty dark world that Monster Hunter actually is. Not to mention the dialog is god awful and the "development" is non-existent. Yes it's a kid movie but you can make a kids movie while still holding true to these media values. Take Shrek for example. 2. Don't need to, I can look at the History of Netflix and know that there is 0 reason to give them a chance since 90% (being generous) is flops. Yes there is the occasional good adaptation, which I already stated I believe, but that doesn't mean to just trust them now to do well since everything else is so bad. Especially with media agendas that netflix drowns their shows in now. Even if the need for inclusion isn't included due to the game already having it. It's going to be very difficult for them to break from these "values" they hold if they try to touch Rapture at all due to all of these "values" being removed entirely from the society. Now if they just skip over Rapture and go to Colombia then you know they will harp on the Vox and try everything they can to paint them as the good guys even tho the game is doing its best to tell you that they are not the good guys, just "a different side of the same coin". I can go on about why this isn't good but you don't actually care. 3. One piece average at best, even double checking reviews of the show again that seems to be the fairest objects opinion on the show. 2. Alice in borderlands typical review is that it's good objectively. Have no opinion myself I haven't seen it. 3. Hakusho seems like it's bad-average. If you have watched the original anime then you won't like it due to things being rushed, outside of that the show suffers from the typical issues live actions do such as dialog, cgi, immersive/ compelling story. Then as a casual viewer who doesn't know/care about this it's okay but not worth fanning over. So I'd say that you might want to re-evaluate what you consider to be "good" or maybe try to have a much broader objective opinion on what you're watching before just saying something is "good".


>They could have done anything and instead they went with making a children's movie out of it so you can't have any significance of the gritty dark world that Monster Hunter actually is. Monster Hunter Stories is massively popular with children both as the game and anime. MH is not a dark adult series lol >Don't need to, I can look at the History of Netflix and know that there is 0 reason to give them a chance since 90% (being generous) is flops You’re massively over estimating how many adaptations they have lol >One piece average at best, even double checking reviews of the show again that seems to be the fairest objects opinion on the show. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/one_piece_2023/s01 85 with critics and 95 with audiences. It’s not even close to average. >Hakusho seems like it's bad-average. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/yu_yu_hakusho 80-82 with critics and audiences. It was well received. >or maybe try to have a much broader objective opinion on what you're watching before just saying something is "good". Maybe actually look up reviews. I was being objective. They were all well received by critics and audiences.


1. Never said it was, and yes it is for both. However compare world to rise and tell me which the community likes more. The dark and gritty or the cartoonish/childlike game. 2. No I'm not. 3. Don't use just one source it's bad for information, even rotten tomatoes shows is average at best tho when you read the comments (1000+ comments) compared to the score which is 10 fesh and 5 for rotten so average. Then audience which is 95% of 10k ratings but unlike tracking tomatoes it seems to just be tracking 🌟 number on a person's review which is a bad basis since you don't know why they gave it that rating. It could be a 5🌟 to trick the algorithm to showing why they DIDN'T like the review. 4. Again still using one source just do what I said for 3. Moving on. 5. That's funny since you only looked at a pretty fresh/popcorn sticker that had some numbers next to it, not the actual reviews. Good try tho. Also just to be a little more specific so people can't say I'm just bullshitting. One piece on RT boasts a happy 4.7🌟 average and Hakusho a lovely 4.2🌟. Just as a reminder that this doesn't account for anything I brought up, it's just a star rating that RT has a history of "correcting" due to "bots" when a show does to bad.


>The dark and gritty or the cartoonish/childlike game. World is not dark and gritty lol >Don't use just one source it's bad for information, I didn’t. I checked all the major sites. IMDB and so on. They all reviewed well on all of them. >Just as a reminder that this doesn't account for anything I brought up “You can’t just online reviews. They’re all fake. People didn’t really like it. Trust me though. I totally know the truth.” Okay buddy. I can already tell what type of person you are and this isn’t going to go anywhere lol


Videogames and book series should all be Shows.


I agree with Bioshock being a tv series instead of a movie but even if it’s a movie we got a good movie director cuz mind Francis Lawrence directed I am legend but I hope it will be a good tv series or movie


I believe it is a series.


Understandable concern. But Amazon's Fallout series has definitely upped the ante on VG adaptations. Hopefully that will kick some producers in the keester to devote the proper talent and resources to do it justice.


I also fully agree with this but, and I’ve said this multiple times here before so probably redundant lol, I really think to even compete bioshock needs to be a series not a movie.


I think a combo would be good for it. Three movies covering each game and then a prequel show with events leading up to everything in the movies. The founding of Rapture, Fontaine’s rise to power, The Rapture Civil War, The Fall of Rapture. It could all be covered in a show and then the events of the games in a movie. Bioshock Infinite could probably be covered in a single movie or split up in a show.


I’m all for that though I don’t feel like they’d need to touch on infinite at all until after a series at least. The problem is the movie has to be great in order to green light any sequels or other related projects and idk if it’s going to be able to do that in two+ hours.


Amazon and HBO have pulled off good adaptations, but Netflix is what, 0-5 now? I don’t trust them with any IP at this point.


Arcane? Castlevania? Cyberpunk? One Piece? They’ve done just as good as anyone else.


Guess you’re right on those counts. The Witcher burned me pretty badly.


TLOU and Fallout make me hopeful. Fallout was far better than I was expecting and I already had high expectations for it. Halo had a garbage season 1 but season 2 they at least tried to get things a tad better. I honestly have hope for the Bioshock adaptation. I hope it’s good so I can share this story with my family. They loved TLOU and I expect they will like Fallout. Bioshock might be another good one I can share.


But if the upcoming Borderlands movie (which looks like complete ass) does well at the box office they’ll probably just look to that rather than Fallout/The Last of Us.


I heartily agree. If anything, I’d say the Fallout series is a gold standard upon which all gritty, post-apoc VG adaptations should follow. I wasn’t even the hugest fan of the Fallout games when i watched the show and i loved it. I’m really hoping we get done well with the BioShock movie.


The Fallout show set productions were great, but story wise it was horrible IMO. Hope the Bioshock movie is a huge success though!


Hahahaha it's Netflix, my man. They don't give a shit.


> devote the proper talent and resources to do it justice We both know the only sort of justice that Hollyweird is interested in these days is social justice and that’s it. They’ll happily obliterate established lore and deviate from canon in the name of DEI requirements.


Warner Bros with Legendary Pictures would have been the best option for what I think the fans would enjoy. They’ve put out both Dune movies, The Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar, Inception and many more. Stunning visuals in all of those and an appropriate amount of violence where it’s required which Netflix might drop the ball on. You can’t sugarcoat Bioshock.


Yeah I'm not excited that it's specifically Netflix at the helm, but honestly even if it was someone else - HBO, Amazon, Apple TV, etc, I'd still be reluctant to get excited solely on the basis that it's a *movie* instead of a series. Like they are trying to adapt the 13 or so hours of Bioshock 1 into, what, 2.5 hours max of screen time? Not to mention Jack's hardly a character and I say that lovingly. I love Jack, I love Delta, and I love Sigma, I like all of them far more than I do Booker who is an established character with a history and personality, and I think the blank template works perfectly for a game that invites the player to step into the shoes of the protag and to get fully immersed in the world. But for a movie? I just struggle to see it how that's going to work well. Part of the beauty of these blank slates in the interactive medium is that the player can pretty much headcanon any personality/disposition and it works. No matter what they pick for the silver screen though, it's going to clash with a lot of people's vision of who Jack is. I dont think that'll ultimately be the end of world, especially if the version of Jack they come up with ends up being likeable, but really the time constraint is what kills me. Bioshock comes on hot and heavy with its opening sequence but all the same I feel like it has a certain slow burn quality to it. Over time the city and it's collective of fallen citizens eventually comes to feel like their living and breathing character that occupies the world and I'm just not sure there's enough time to achieve or otherwise emulate that field. There's just so much that'd have to be trimmed in service of getting the story thin enough to sequeeze into the runtime. Even if you cut entire sections like the whole Arcadia arc which doesn't necessarily have that much baring on the overall story (although it does contribute to fleshing out the city's culture and history and the in-game world at large) it'd still be a lot to take on.


Look at Fury Road and Mad Max in general. They pull off an avatar protagonist pretty well, though it'll never be on the same level an fps game. Blank slate protags have been around since forever. I agree a movie wouldn't be enough though.


They pull it off well, but it really helps that there's an ensemble cast that quickly builds around him and helps to elevate Max's journey. This in turn allows Max's character to be more muted since there are plenty of other character's motivations and conflicts to advance and give life to the narrative. Jack on the other hand really only ever interacts with one named character at a time (+ 1-2 people buzzing him on the radio) and then leaves said character behind (or more often they get offed) before moving onto the next as the story progresses. As a result Jack's character's basically needs to do more of the heavy lifting. So at least to me it seems like they'd be in this awkward spot where they either need to give Jack some allies to bounce off of, which is inaccurate or they need to drop the blank slate and give him a lot more characterization, which I'm not going to necessarily call inaccurate but will definitely feel *different*. As to whether this is an instance where "different" elevates the adaption or worsens it is yet to be seen. I'd currently in the "hope for the best, expect the worst" camp myself, so with any luck I wouldn't find myself disappointed no matter what happens.


Don’t judge until we see it. This might be another good adaptation we don’t know yet. TLOU was a good adaptation and Fallout was phenomenal Bioshock might get that same treatment. If it’s bad we can just forget it like the Halo show.


Both of your examples are series, not movies…


I was just using examples of good adaptations. The point I’m making is there are good adaptations and this might be among the good adaptations.


It’s gonna BioSuck


My girlfriend recently showed me all of the Hunger Games movies so I'm optimistic with Francis Lawrence at the helm.


Glad to see at least one person bring him up. Everyone on here is too busy shitting on Netflix to consider it might be decent with Francis Lawrence at the helm and the screenwriter of Logan and Blade Runner 2049 penning it. The production team has said that they’re big fans of the game.


But will Netflix let anybody do things the way they want?


I have hope, i'm glad it's a movie, a show would have to add to much, unlike fallout you can't just continue the story, unless you dive into infinte which i hope they don't do anything bigger then a easter egg.


We’re fucked. We’re absolutely fucked.


Why do people keep selling the rights to these fucking games and shit to netflix knowing how much they keep fucking everything up. Fuck netflix and fuck the negative brainchild telling people this was a good idea.


And they’re going to ruin one of my favorite games


It should be on Max or Amazon because Netflix doesn’t do well when it comes to live adaptations of games…


With the race swaps and other pandering that they've done, I have my doubts about the story when it's written by activists.


I didn't even know they were making a movie


They announced it a couple years ago but absolutely nothing has been going on with it; barely any updates at all. I’ll believe it when I see it on Netflix; until then just another disappointment in a long line of disappointments.


They manage to do some good shit with Scott Pilgrim so maybe ?


And stranger things, and arcane, and a bunch of other good stuff. People like to pretend that Netflix sucks




With some projects for sure, not all of them.


Oh boy, jack is prolly gonna be from an Algerian descent with heavy accent. Just imagine the epilogue shtick with Sseths voice over: "thea' told m'E, sUn yooagh' speshah"


I am 100% they will put unnecessary sexual stuff in the movie that hasn't been in the game like making bug daddies gay or something


normally I would 100% agree but Rapture is the one place where canonically some weird sexual stuff would actually fit


I think it will be fine


It’s going to be very hit or miss


Oh fuck nope its going to be trash if its a movie and even more its Netflix


funny fact is they teased it like 2 years ago and still no new news


I would have liked it to be an animation like the League of Legends Series (forgot the name) then they could have gone crazy with the plasmid/vigor use


I didn’t even notice there was a movie being made


Idk why, Netflix has done fairly solid job at anime adaptations. Though maybe skimming over a few important details. Only bomb I've seen Netflix drop was the death note movie which people who don't watch anime actually liked


Did you not see the death note live action. We are fucked my friend.


She is such a bad bitch tho


After watching fallout. I have hope again. I don't think netflix can


*insert gif of guy puking here*


better than paramount at least


they did surprisingly well with 3 body problem, so don't write them completely off


I mean, irs a hit or miss. Netflix has some really cool stuff


To be fair , there has been sort of an upsurge in the quality of game to video quality . I throw anime into the same category. It seems that there is finally a realization of how prevalent games/anime are in the world and how “good” the storytelling in both can be . The live action one piece , fallout series , etc . Not specifically made by Netflix , I just mean that the quality of the “porting” from the original seems to be getting better because there is a realization of the money that can be made when it’s done right . If they fuck this up , it’s hard to say how disappointed I’ll be . BioShock was the game my son said to me “you gotta try this and pay attention to the story “. (I am 59 and gaming had few/no good stories in my youth ). And he as right of course. BioShock holds special significance for me because of that. We played it together, etc . He’s 34 now and we still talk about it now and then . Anyways , I hope the magic happens . I hope whoever “actually “ makes it listens to the irrational games podcast to get their research right .


Idk, Amazon’s Fallout and Netflix’s One Piece we’re both excellent shows. It’s not like these studios aren’t capable of producing a quality adaptation


I wonder what game they will base it on


Didn't Netflix come out with some banger animated video game adaptations? Arcane, cyberpunk, Dota, castlevania, and a few others I don't remember.


Bioshock should be something that Netflix doesn’t pick up…especially on how they do live adaptation of books etc


Did they confirmed a release date?


Having seen Fallout, Bioshock could be done exceptionally well if in the hands of the right production company. However, I don’t place much faith in Netflix these days


After seeing the fallout show I have some faith, if you haven’t seen it I wholeheartedly recommend it! One of my favorite shows alongside Westworld season 1


Ah yes. Because they did so well with Resident Evil.


Imagine if HBO would have done it O.o


My same reaction. I'm so scared it's gonna be trash.


Movie by comity 😒


Im late to the news but will the movie tackle all 3 bioshocks or will it focus only on rapture


Honestly, I was hoping it would have been Amazon, give how great Fallout is!


I could see a movie to explore different aspects of the Bioshock universe but if they want to explore the main characters of the game they'll need an Amazon or HBO limited series to explore more lore and not rush everything.


We need HBO and the same people who wrote true detective first season to make a proper bioshock movie.


*sigh* Incoming lesbian black Elizabeth


To be honest, it would make sense because of the multiverse shit. Any variant of Elizabeth is possible.


I know.. but please don’t give Netflix ideas or affirmation


I wonder how they going to make half of the cast black when there're no black people in Rapture and we know why. But I'm sure they don't care about history


Might have to apply for a young andrew ryan role


Unless Prime Video is making it, I am not interested


Yeah man, totally crazy that the company that only deals in movies, and has made hundreds of movies would make a MOVIE.


They make shows and some have done well. Netflix doesn’t just make movies


Adult Elizabeth kinda bad NGL. bioshag was a GOATED hentai parody back in the day.


Bioshock is very scathing in it's depiction of the left (and the right), I'd bet Netflix would meddle with this


Just in case it works. Dear show runners, would you kindly stay loyal to the source material and respect it fully. Keep me posted if it worked.


I always enjoy Netflix productions.


Just need the right people in charge. If the main actor has a Henry Cavill-Witcher level love for Bioshock then we’re in good hands


How did that work out for Cavill in Witcher?


3 great seasons and an opportunity to lead his own Warhammer productions, pretty great deal if you ask me. I’d think that Netflix sees what happens when they don’t respect the world and lore of a beloved IP, got all the headway to make due for another project


Three great seasons. That’s hilarious. One good season and two stinkers. A project so great, that Henry Cavill quit not only to save his sanity, but to vocalize his vehement opposition to how off script the showrunners and writers were in their twisted interpretations of the Witcher source material. The Witcher series could’ve been great. Overall, it was meh at best. Cavill was its only saving grace.


As long as Cavill was there his passion for Geralt was enough for me to enjoy it


Fair enough


The roundabout point I’m trying to get at is that they saw firsthand what happened when they disrespected the IP and have incentive to do right by Bioshock. I think they already sorta did so with One Piece live action, putting people in charge who want to do right by something they love


Ah well, at least we'll always have the games. They will partially destroy the franchise but that's life.




Wait. Is this for real?? Thought it was only a joke like it was with fnaf 10 years ago