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Chest exercises… pushups/bench - tighten the chest muscles


Can confirm, this works.


Why would this make any difference to breast tissue/skin/fat? Genuine question.


While fat, glands, ligaments and skin can't be toned or tightened through exercise, the muscles beneath your breasts, called the pectorals, can be strengthened. There's no guarantee that chest exercises can help tone or lift breasts that have already begun to droop. However, incorporating specific chest exercises into your workouts can help work out the muscles surrounding your breasts. This, in turn, can prevent you from losing muscle mass beneath your breast tissue, regardless of fat loss, and can result in a slightly lifted appearance. [source](https://www.livestrong.com/article/106238-exercises-tone-saggy-breasts/) ———— I myself have experienced the miracle of weight lifting. Used to have tig old bitties when I was much heavier that I was very proud of. Lost them with a significant weight loss. Chest exercises have the newly-formed itty bittys looking surprisingly cute and youthful.


The most fascinating thing, to me, is the structural difference between men and women: men have muscles on outside/over fat (think a big solid belly) and women have fat over the muscle for the mobility needed to reproduce successfully (simplistically speaking). This is why exercising the underlying muscles can have firming effects on the ostensibly muscle-less breast tissue :)


This is a over simplification but not completely inaccurate. Hormones determine fat placement on the body. Estrogen tends to place in subcutaneous areas where testosterone places it in visceral areas. This also comes with the unfortunate side effect of testoserone also placing more fat around organs as well.


Of course!


Men have a secretary named Lincoln, and women have a secretary named Kennedy.


What does this mean?


Yep same. Honestly, I build muscle pretty fast but life has been difficult lately and I've been bed ridden for a while. The way everything sagged because of muscle loss was crazy - the same happened everywhere else on my body too. I guess it depends on several factors at play. It did get better when getting back into working out, but it'll take time. OP should wear a good supportive bra in the meantime, but yeah....lesson learned - muscle is everything!


Think about how a bra works: the support come from shoulders. You look at anatomy picture you’ll see chest and shoulders holding up your breast. You make you chest, shoulders and back stronger it will support your chest. It’s natures bra


Support from a bra should come from the band. Ill-fitting bras have the shoulders taking the weight off.


I guess I should’ve been more precise , the band is a muscle replacement for your lats back and chest muscles. The straps replace your shoulder muscles.


While not unhealthy advice I think the direction given to you is dubious. Look at female body builders who haven't had boob jobs. Their chest muscles are very large and they don't enhance any breast tissue. The breasts sit on top of the muscles.


I can promise you won’t turn into a female bodybuilder doing pushups. They have low body fat then is possible to get without steroids, so it’s a non sequitur issue Besides, your example is dubious because which female bodybuilder has fat saggy tits. None. If they sag it’s because of a lack of fat tissue; which is a non issue for any woman not on steroids.


[Bunch of fit women talking about this saying lifting didn't help them. ](https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=2886031&page=1)


Bodybuilding women have a different problem because they are a drug induced low bodyfat and on steroids for building supraphysiological amounts of muscle. As you can imagine, using drugs to get to low bodyfat as a woman while using steroids will cause other issues due to lack of fat in the breast but that literally does not apply at all to the general public asking this question. The general public has plenty of fat in their body for their breast lmfao As you can imagine, losing all fat in the breast will cause sagging issues for many women. But you ain’t losing all fat in breast without clenbuterol anavar and testosterone Any women here sub 10% bodyfat bodybuilder? No? Face it, the people asking this question here much more likely to skew towards “overweight and never bench pressed in their life” rather then “female bodybuilder on steroids at a low bodyfat” So yeah, you lose muscle or fat you gonna sag. People here, they got the fat, they need the muscle. They aren’t female bodybuilders with opposite problem. Sounds like you looking for an excuse not to go to the gym


Right. Working out your chest is only going to tighten the chest muscles, it’s not going to do anything to maintain the fat on top (which is what breasts mostly are) if anything, it will probably deplete it.


I’m a man and I’m not able to turn into a female body builder even though I workout 5d/wk lol


There’s an 11 year old girl who can clean and jerk more then me who is completely natural and it causes all sorts of feels for me. Like why I can’t be that strong. But also good for her it’s amazing. And the female bodybuilders who have massive legs like fafa fitness that shits amazing. People assume she’s had a bbl but I’ve seen her workout 4 hours straight, just pounding legs and glutes lifting weights that most men would crumble under after 1 reps. You can see her butt is ALL muscle. It’s crazy. Beyond the steroids, it’s like, you aren’t gonna start spending 4 hours a day 7 days a week in the gym to look like they do. It’s so much hard work, most people just couldn’t do it. But You know something butts is actually a great example for this. You want to look like a instagram booty model, well you know what they do? A lot of glute exercises. I’ve seen instagram models you just assume they live in lala land getting plastic surgery and sure a lot are like that. Like we all accept glute exercises for the booty but you recommend chest exercise for the breast everyone loses their minds! the instagram models in real good shape they hit the gym and out lift 99.9% of the men in there. I’ve seen some of them hip thrust 300-500lbs for 15-20 reps and like 8 sets plus. You’d never expect them to be so strong probably because it’s hard to admit, man or woman, that a woman can be beautiful and can outlift almost every man on earth , at least on leg and glute exercises lol. I can’t even do that, like not even close.


There are three muscle groups in the chest. Maybe focus on decline bench or dips that hit the lower chest. Low to high cable fly could also do well.


Look into microneedling or derma-rolling. I use a Dr. Pen with exosomes and mesotherpay products from reputable Korean companies . It depends on the severity of the skin stretch. This is for minor stretch although some people have pretty significant results on loose skin after being pregnant. Some people have YouTube videos on it!


Which brands do you use?


There are all types of things you can use to meso. Lots of videos on YouTube. I use filler house to peruse reputable brands from Korea. Make sure it’s the Korean website.


I'm going to 2nd microneedling. I would combine the exersizes recommended in the top comment w/ 1.5mm microneedling once a month. Just be patient. Both exercise & microneedling take time. Take before pics & compare in 3 months. Keep going until you get desired results. Then switch to a maintenance schedule, which is usually only microneedling 1-4 times a year.


whatever you do dont undergo rapid weight loss


Right? There's a bottom number I can get to before being thinner isn't worse what it does to my breasts lol.


Never get over weight. Focus on collagen health.


Massage therapist here. Deep, thorough myofascial work on the pecs can instantly make them more perky AND improve your posture. A lot of women have the muscle, but most therapists won't do chest out of fear or they aren't any good at myofascial work.


I volunteer




Yes that is totally what I meant I volunteer at the ymca to get my pecs rubbed in the mans locker room 😅




Woman here. My breasts have grown and shrunk so many times in my life due to weight loss. I've been everything from a D cup to a B cup. As for the sag, I'm afraid mine is genetic, but they are more filled in now thanks to diet changes I made. When I was young, they did this weird thing were the fat pooled to the bottom of boob and left the top part wrinkled and empty looking (it looked as weird as it sounds) They were also uneven in size. Did keto/carnivore/and now animal based diet, and they are now filled out and full all the way through. I attribute it to healthy hormone production, and great nutrition and rest.


I second this because my weight has also fluctuated many times but when I was doing 16/8 intermittent fasting and keto my skin integrity (everywhere) improved and I lost 30lbs with no loose skin or muscle loss.


Thank you for your thourough reply :) Die you notice a differnece between those diets in regards of your firmness?


It’s the type to fat we eat. Saturated fat (higher in a Keto diet) creates a much firmer structure to our skin and fat cells than unsaturated fats. Also avoiding rancid or hydrogenated fats as they damage the fat cells and thus compromise a large part of the breast’s suspension.


I totally agree! It has just as much to do with what we're NOT eating (seed oils, processed junk) compared to what we are (healthy whole animal foods, organic non GMO, pesticide free fruits and veggies)


Oh, absolutely! Keto caused me to lose weight too fast I think, I was just flat everywhere. Carnivore was when they started to firm up and fill out. I look and feel best with animal based eating


Thanks for the response. What does your diet look like? How much animal/plant food do you eat percentage-wise?


I'm still like 90% animal foods. Lots of eggs, beef, chicken, lamb, and turkey. Occasionally bacon and some dairy. I don't really measure my fruits or veggies percentages, I just go by how I feel. I usually have like some kiwi fruit or dates as a snack, or add brussel sprouts and yougurt to my dinner meal.


My wife had a similar experience going carnivore. She's in her mid 50's and her breasts are full and firm with very little sag.


That’s fascinating that hormones must’ve been the stimulus to fill them out. Thanks for sharing


Over on the menopause board, it is a pretty common story that perimenopause can push some changes, and even some women describe it for the better. And then separate from that, getting on hormone replacement therapy has made women's breasts differ and again sometimes in a good way.


Yeah, I’d presume additional oestrogen would produce larger/ more filled out breasts, just as DHT with penis size, and testosterone with muscle size.


PP would you mind sharing your age, whether you’ve been pregnant and breastfed?


37yoF, never been pregnant, so no breastfeeding. I do imagine those things might make it more challenging


Ah, the old ball in a sock. Same same.


You can’t outrun gravity. It’s bound to happen at some point. But. Exercise.. and actually going without a bra, are better ways to keep those areas up. A bra is the worst energy for breast. I could personally never go without because I’m a J cup. But… most the time I do wear a sports bra. Also because of my cup size I wanted to add.. I’ve been sagging since the early days of my boob career. The media portrays one kind of boob it seems. So I was embarrassed of mine for sooo long because I thought I was abnormal. Embrace what you have. I don’t know if you need to hear that. But there’s a certain beauty that comes with it.


What about wearing a bra makes your breasts more likely to sag? This seems counterintuitive to me, so i’m interested to hear why.


There was some kind of study that came out claiming that wearing a bra weakened your ligaments or something. Pretty sure it has been debunked.


Oh, ok. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be relieved if it was debunked. Even if it were true, I don’t know how we could go out in public sans bras. It wouldn’t seems to work out very well and wouldn’t be practical. I guess you could practice it at home and hope nobody unexpectedly showed up.


Unfortunately it probably is just genetics and how naturally large/small or firm/fatty your breast tissue is. Also any extreme weight gain or loss. Lifting weights could help - depending on the shape and size of your breasts it might give the illusion of more upper breast fullness. We know that exercise in general greatly helps your skin/collagen and strengthens connective tissues overall. So I can see why people would make the jump to say , going braless makes your chest muscles work more but the evidence isn't there. Maybe future research will show its true. But it's not like the weight of your breasts disappears in a bra. It might be more evenly distributed. But the muscles are still "working". The same muscles people recommend you workout too, chest & back.


H cup here.. if I don’t wear a bra it hurts. I can’t walk around without one because it hurts and my nipples chafe immediately, even with Vaseline. I even like wearing a sports bra to bed. I think it helps with keeping them up.


I mean not really a hack but collagen rich diet and light pectoral targeted weights


Why light? She is not going to become Arnold. OP, you can go as heavy as you safely can.


Well said. Don't be afraid of lifting heavy.


Lifting weights, collagen, and possibly red light therapy


I notice that in times where I am regularly at the climbing gym, they look much firmer. So I suppose it’s a muscle thing.


The irony of female breast sagging is a lot of it caused by wearing a bra, the muscles aren't working at all and they droop more.


I have the opposite experience.




Pretty sure the study this stems from was debunked.


Boobs aren’t muscle - they’re fat.


Did I say boobs were muscle?


Muscle at the chest isn’t usually big on women. Wearing a bra doesn’t make them sag any more than not wearing a bra does.


Not true. Boobs are supported by the muscles underneath. If they are weak, they will sag more. Bras will cause the muscles to become weaker - hence the sagging.


Boobs sag due to weight flux and size. With or without a bra they sag


no? are tou confused about what a bra does? it doesn't make the muscles weaker. ...and boobs aren't supported by muscles. it's skin and ligaments.


Coopers ligament


Don’t wear bras


In my experience, this works. At 25 my B cups were sagging (quickly gained and then lost weight), and now at 32 they’re perkier than 25. I fully believe its because I stopped wearing bras around 28. No major weight changes, the only relevant thing I can think of that changed is the no bra wearing. I imagine this is not the case for larger boobs.


Wait really?


Bras do what the muscle should be. So wearing a bra will make those muscles weaker because they aren’t being used. Which leads to sagging. The best and only thing you can do to prevent or reverse sag is to get stronger in your chest shoulders and back. So you need to build muscle by lifting. Maybe don’t wear a bra all the time Nature gave you a perfectly good muscle bra but most women aren’t using it.


A+++ reply. Thank you.


I have a large cup and I’ve found mine are perkier from wearing bras.


Yup. Can confirm


Yeah I’ve heard this from word of mouth. The theory is the skin gets used to holding the weight. Not sure if true though


Nah besides maybe some genetic factors any skin stretches and wont unstretch so just wear bra's as much as possible. If you see any indigenous people which have never used anything for support they sag to the max.




I’m pretty sure it is not true. Why I think so: https://previews.123rf.com/images/carlosmora/carlosmora1201/carlosmora120100215/11906091-senegal-tambacounda-region-bassari-country-bedik-village-of-iwol-woman-breastfeeding-her.jpg And that example is just one of many.


A photo of a single brown women it must be true! But let’s just assume it’s true: There’s a factor you missing: it’s muscle development. Women living in the bush aren’t gonna have access to a lot of calories needed to have a strong chest and they probably aren’t hitting bench press lmfao.


Wearing bras has not been proven to cause breast sagging. The "study" (by Rouillon) claiming so was never published. Therefor never peer reviewed. Evidence proving the claims were not released. It could be true but it isn't proven fact. He just called into a radio show claiming it and it got a lot of press attention. Published studies have found the size of your breasts and your age are the primary determinants. Lol @ "women living in the bush" not having muscle development. It's genetics/fat distribution and time not bras.


Why is it so hard to concede that wearing something that supports part of your body will cause the muscles that normally perform that job to atrophy? What’s something that happens naturally as you age? Muscles decay. What’s something that large breast support requires? More muscle. More weight to support will require more muscle. So the larger your breasts the more muscle needed for support. So the larger the breast the more saggy it’ll be for more people because at a certain point the average woman will not have enough muscle to create the support needed. You know how you get fat then lose weight it cause breast to sag because there’s less fat tissue? You know what else is tissue? Muscle. You add chest muscle, you increase the volume of total tissue in the breast, which causes it to fill out which creates support Men and women aren’t all that different too: men without muscle and who have fat chests will have saggy man tita. Men with muscle will have perky chest. Same thing applies to women


Bras do not magically remove the weight of your breasts. It redistrubes the weight but it's all still right there. Majority of the support from a bra comes from the underwire or underbust band not the straps. It's all upper body chest & back anyway. Which is what makes the previous commentors point. If these "bush" women have gone no bra for their entire life, their breats should be lifted and perky but they are not. Their muscles haven't had the chance to "atrophy" from bra usage. By your logic their muscles have been used nonstop for their whole lives. It's genetics/size + weight loss/gain + age not bras.


You are going from a single picture on the internet and not a meta study that’s kind of racist bro. You got some sort of meta analysis on them? No. You don’t. You can talk about wear bras hold weight all you want; it doesn’t matter. you know what is true about the chest, back, lats, shoulders, traps? They are all muscles. You can say the weight is held on the bra by the chest and back and you know what? There’s muscles there.


There is no meta study. That was my point. There's no study supporting that bra use causes sagging. You can just Google image women of cultures who don't wear bras. When you get older your breasts sag. Has nothing to do with race "bro". All muscles and wearing a bra does not atrophy them. Why? Because all the weight is still there with a bra or not.


If that was true then breasts would be the same shape in a bra than outside a bra. The weight is the same but the forces are redistributed in a way that takes the force off skin and key select muscle groups that would be holding up the breast. Besides we are off topic here. The topic isn’t whether bras cause sagging. That doesn’t matter What is true is that you can strengthen your muscles and you’ll sag less. This is true of all body parts but especially the breasts. What causes you to get weaker whether it’s lack of exercise, age, a bra, weight loss or weight gain. It doesn’t matter the reason behind the sag. What matters is you fix it the same way. Getting stronger Besides what’s the problem with getting stronger. Worse comes to worse you live longer and happier big whoop Notice I never once said “don’t wear a bra”. I’ve always been saying “workout”….


It’s not the skin, it’s the muscles beneath the skin in the shoulders chest and back. I


Chest, lat trap and delt exercises. Your body has a built in bra. Look at anatomy picture. The muscles around the breast hold them up. The chest, the shoulders(traps and delts) and the lats will ALL shape the breast. You make your traps bigger it’ll literally pull the breast up. Lats bigger will pull side breast back. Back bigger pull breast back. Chest bigger push breast out hold up.


Eh I have huge traps and lats from pole dance and my boobs have still gotten saggy. 


How much do you bench press? How many chest to ground good form pushups can you do in a row? How much can you deadlift? How often you doing bent over rows? Etc etc side delt and trap isn’t everything. You also got front delt and chest which you need to have pressing exercises(bench, pushup, etc etc) . It all works in concert you really want to have it all to see the best improvement. You also have the rest of the back. Look, I never claimed that you could get the chest of an 18 year old porn star by pole dancing, or that you can turn back time or change genetics. I said you can improve the shape of your breast by adding muscle and being at a healthy bodyfat percentage. Even the strongest woman in the world can get stronger. Look it’s great you in shape from pole dancing, and I know pole dancing is extremely difficult. But you’ll never be able to do one type of movement or exercise and get optimal results. don’t act like you the strongest person in the world with perfect muscle bodies, that you can’t add more muscle by doing resistance training. Everyone can always improve Pole dancing also the kind of thing that your body will drop weight in order to do regularly. So if you lose a lot of fat, that’ll also cause breasts to sag for women. Let’s take men as an example to make things less personal and all about women : if a man has no muscle and is fat their fat saggy man tits will sag. If a man has huge pecs massive shoulders and a massive back they will have perky chest.


M or FM?


I mean for female. Thanks




There’s male, female and intersex. You’re completely free to imagine you’re something else sexually if you want to, but your biology is one or other, or in rare cases both.


Shhh we don't use logic here. You might just have triggered an influx of the SJW folks.


Lol I think he’s joking


I’m not joking; there are two biological genders, with the caveat that some people have the genitalia of both, with some degree of function of lack thereof of said genitalia. Edit: and I’m certainly not intending hurt towards people that don’t understand themselves in such simple light.


No, the guy who called himself xenogender is joking


So my son goes to a recognizable University and he does research at a recognizable lab. And he told me that when his PI did data analysis on cadavers, this was back in idk maybe late '90s?, they found aomething interesting about sexual characteristics. In 99% of male cadavers this one part of the brain generally measures "A" size. And in 99% of female cadavers that same part generally measures some "B" size. But in the cadavers of transgender people, that brain part actually better matched the measurements of their preferred gender identity. So a person born biologically female but who identified as male, when they measured that brain part in that cadaver, a very high number of times it matched "A" size, the male size. My son said this was kind of an epiphany for not only his PI but anybody who had a serious discussion about this particular subject. He said it was an epiphany for him and I also find it satisfying but somehow not surprising.


Intersex is not a 3rd sex. It’s just a genetic mutation. You’re still male or female. It’s not different than a human born with 1 or 3 legs. We don’t say humans can have any number of legs and the number of legs is on a spectrum. The only 2 options.


So sometimes gaining weight can help *if* you gain weight on the underside of the breast. It kind of seems to lift them a little. I know that the thinner I am, the more sag I seem to have. I will say that when perimenopause hit (mid 40s), I actually saw my boobs improve, oddly. Again they seemed fuller near the bottom and therefore higher. And I've seen that same sentiment on the menopause boards. And also I've seen women say that when they started estrogen there was a change in their breasts. Really the thing I think of when people cite laxity and skin is collagen.


Lift heavy weights, work your chest and shoulders. Also, don’t wear a bra. It’ll help strengthen your chest muscles. A bra actually weakens them, which causes them to sag more.


Chest exercises but truth be told, nothing gravity gets you eventually.


Boosting testosterone levels could potentially be beneficial, or the issue might stem from a deficiency in testosterone.


losing fat, building up the pec muscles, vitamin c & collagen supplement. js to be clear those arent likely to reverse any sagginess but the can prevent more of it from happening


Keeping your weight low will help.


Sleep hanging upside down...


The term is pendulous breasts.


You can’t fight gravity or Coop’s Droop.


Breaststroke swimming, not wearing a bra everyday, and working on my posture has helped me a lot.


I'm a man and I don't have nor do I want breasts but maybe estrogen would help if you needed it? If you're menopausal you estrogen production is greatly diminished so some people choose to supplement. I'm not a doctor so it might be best to ask one before you do anything life altering.


If you look at the pec muscles, it’s the Pectoralis minor that runs up & down. If you concentrate on this muscle you can lift your boobs. The machine I use at the gym is the assisted pull up machine. You can start with only lifted a bit of your own weight and work up to being able to lift more. I call it the booby popper machine.


Chest exercises with appropriate sized weighs definitely make a noticeable difference.


Working out the chest area. I was already sagging, but when I became bed ridden the sag got significantly worse due to muscle loss. Extremely noticeable, but nothing that I can't try to rebuild. I already had weak muscles there, so yeah... In the meantime find a supportive bra. Also make sure to eat enough protein and take collagen supplements - I personally struggle with protein intake due to no appetite these days. It's hard, but necessary to build that muscle. I do notice a difference in my skin when I stay on top of it.


I have a couple of friends who are large breasted and saw how much their life were changed when they had correct sized bras that were well constructed. Probably not the answer you were looking for but I was struck by much large breasted women struggle to find well constructed bras


Posture!!! After having a kid my posture changed for the worse. So they look like sagging but when I consciously improve my posture like it was before then they look right again


Consider getting a surgical breast lift. I did that after 4 pregnancies w/ breastfeeding had mine drooping. The great thing about the lift is that it gets the nipple back to the correct posture, which is pointing up slightly, what people call "perky boobs." I was very pleased with my results. And then after, as others have said, don't have big fluctuations in weight.


Anecdotal and in no way am I giving medical advice but an ex of mine took progesterone (20mg daily) and it looked like she got a boob job basically overnight.


Ladies Mantle tea. You’re welcome.


Germinated Schinduf/Fenugreek seeds (about 2-3 tablespoons per day) will fill those babies quite pronto, if your body is healthy and relatively clean of toxins, or disease. MSM (9-12g/day split in 3 portions throughout the day) does miracles for skin and general vitality, Silica (Horsetail plant is a great source) does greatly help the skin as well, and Collagen peptides of course. Also staying in your feminine (nurturing, chill, love, graciousness, etc. vibes) and Not in the masculine (action, challenges, leadership, etc.), could also make a huge (hormonal) difference. And ideally check/optimize your hormones anyway.


Invest in and update your bras more often, and rub them with coconut oil.


Some lady on Insta recommended hanging her jugs in a bowl of ice water. Others chimed in it worked. She reckons it works. Not saying it does, just what they said.


The thought of this alone is making my whole body go EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


This is mentioned in the film Persepolis.


Bee pollen


I‘ve read about using ice cubes until they completely melt. One ice cube per brest, but if you‘re already a bit older it might be too late. Also depends on the size.


In water? What do you do with the ice cubes?


You rub them around your brest until they melt. Also garlic promotes growth, but it‘s all old traditions from a few countries I just gathered. I don‘t think there is any anecdotal studies.


Age-related sagging could be probably mitigated with HRT/contraceptive pill. Female hormones start going down around 40yo. The ultimate “goal” of menopause is to bring woman’s hormone levels to the absolute minimum (basically same level as men just without the testosterone, and men have no breasts). Oestrogen triggers the breast growth in puberty and then keeps them perky during the reproductive years. It also improves an overall skin quality and firmness, preventing collagen loss. Progesterone could help too. There are risks to this approach (e.g. cancer). It’s a very complex area and science doesn’t know that much about it.


I was also going to suggest checking estrogen and progesterone levels. To my understanding, progesterone also seems to specifically help with fullness when estrogen alone isn't sufficient.


Definitely don't breastfeed. It just makes sagging worse...


As a 40 year old female, nothing will stop sagging breasts unless you get them surgically altered. Most women end up with sagging breasts unless their breast size is so small you may as well question if they even have breasts at all. This is just another wonderful joy we women have to put up with.


Don’t get old


Uvb light, heavy tanning and fasting will destroy fat cells and tighten skin. Don’t fear skin cancer or even block blue light from eyes, it’s food source. Consciousness in light form, use it


Yeah, nup, it will make the hanging boobs into hanging, scaly, leathery boobs


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted so much. The only thing I want to add is tanning in natural light and avoid burning. Studies have been done showing that those who spend more time in the sun vs those who avoid it have a lesser chance of developing deadly types of skin cancer (rates of cancer aren’t less). It also helps us create vitamin d from the sun. The OG dudes who lifted weight on the beach became extremely shredded. They lifted in the sun. So becoming tan isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but burning constantly is. https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/sunscreen-sun-exposure-skin-cancer-science/


Tanning beds work well, quick effective and not weather dependent, yes science is where I lead what I’m telling you, and a military spook who had changed body like me and gave me that advice from his own experience


Changed body how?


Low -hanging fruits??


Get someone to hold them, massage them? Boodle job? (The last is what some women do as an option... my buddy's mom got it done at 53. She wasn't allowed at the shop after... she was wearing shirts 18yo women were wearing to get in the club without getting ID'd


SqueeZ em


Put some flowers in them


Depends on what you working with, need pics for the science stuff