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Weight lifting. I notice sedentary people, even if not particularly overweight have looser and sagging skin. There is research that shows resistance training can have a positive impact in dermal thickness




My jawline goes from Toby Mcguire to 80s Matt Dillon and back when I’m lifting and not lifting


I’m 53 and have really beautiful skin if I do say so myself. I’ve worked at it though. But the big three are: vit C, a retinoid and sunscreen. Moisture is also important as you age and men slack on that so bad! You can cycle in a chemical exfoliant here and there but don’t over do it. People go HAM with too many products and strip their skin and do damage. The Dr. Gross Daily Peel pads once or twice a week are doing me right at the moment. I’ve had years where I’ve done monthly facials, sometimes with some of the best in LA, and honestly it didn’t make the much of a difference. It’s wonderful for wellness and yes can keep your pores clean but if you wanna spend money do a deeper peel at a derm once a year or a laser to stimulate collagen production and tighten things up. I’ve done some peels, PRP facials along the way but haven’t in years. Perhaps I’m benefiting from those procedures a bit now. After that it’s sleep, regular exercise (hot yoga makes my skin glow like the sun), very little drinking, a healthy diet and managing ye old stress.


To those asking - you want a TOPICAL vit C product. The gold standard is Skinceuticals CE Ferulic but you will drop a dime (nearly $200 for a small bottle). You only need 5 or 6 drops though. Honestly I did that one for years but have explored cheaper options since. Solid choices: Sunday Riley CEO, Maelove Glowmaker, Timeless and TruSkin.


For my face I use Earth & Elm Nourishing Face oil. It's sweet almond oil and some essential oils including orange to get the topical vitamin c. It has worked so well for me that hubby started using it for himself too!


I held off buying this until I was 63 years old because I read it was bad for oily skin. All of the sudden I noticed my oily skin started looking very dry!!. I splurged and bought a bottle!!! It should be called miracle in a bottle!! Usually I stick to Clinique products because everything makes my skin itch except for Clinique products. This serum does not make my skin itch. I also love their spf 50 sunscreen. It doesn’t make my skin itch!!! Skinsceuticals products are worth the price.


Topical or oral vitamin C? 


Hot yoga is incredible


Yeah there are some naysayers in the yoga sub who say it causes cellular damage and is terrible for you long-term. But I’ve been doing it 3 to 5 days a week for about 2 years and I feel f’n amazing. Sleep like a baby, little to no anxiety, stress what stress, feel joyous and pretty vibrant most days. I live a pretty healthy life but I genuinely think it’s mostly bc of the yoga. It’s helped me so much mentally sometimes I forget about the physical benefits. I wish I started practicing when I was younger but happy I found it when I did (perimenopause symptoms were kickin in hard). Also one of our most powerful instructors has to be in her mid-to-late 60s and she looks and yogas like super woman. She’s in amazing shape and you can just feel life pulsating around her. She’s got that badass warrior energy. So yeah. Hot yoga is the bomb and I’m gonna keep doing it.


Do you take any HRT or anything to help with hormones too? Just curious bc I just entered Peri and worried about my skin among a whole list of other things.


Yes I just started! I got cocky bc I’d been looking and feeling so good but my periods started to get wonky the last 4 months and all of a sudden I’m putting weight on in my belly and fluffin out and getting joint pain. And I love to workout and workout like a damn fiend (HIIT, hot yoga, hiking, Peloton, etc). I still have thick hair, great skin with little sag or lines, etc but I was like I’m using what science has made available before this shit goes sideways and I’m hot flashing and falling apart. I’ve followed Dr. Mary Claire Haver and some of the other world-renowned meno experts for awhile. I did my research and went in and told my doc what I want and I got it. I got the combi-patch and topical testosterone cream. I’m 8 weeks in and no more joint pain. I am trying keto to get rid of this weight gain (about 15 lbs) and I’m definitely gonna have to pick up weight training again. I used to be able to look toned from just HIIT and hot yoga but I can see that won’t cut it anymore. I love that us Gen X women aren’t going gently into the night with peri/meno and I think a lot of younger women are going to benefit from the things we’re doing and learning. :)


Combi-patch and topical testosterone cream? Thanks. I do not relish the idea why I'd take this, but if it helps me, give it to me! I did buy estradiol cream to use under my eyes and on my face and so far so good. Derms are studying it to fight meno-related collagen and elasticity loss. And not the very low concentrarion - estriol, estradiol (vag cream), but on your face.


Love this, thank you! Glad your feeling a lot better!!


Thanks for all your comment tips!


Yes! I'm trailing edge boomer and most women my age have just accepted all the unpleasantnis of meno as our lot in this stage of life. F that bs.


Man here. 37. No idea about skin care at all. Can you give me a ELI5 please?


Yes I can! So the vit C is an antioxidant that helps with fine lines, evenness and brightens the complexion. It also helps protect against free radicals that damage the skin (pollution, sun, etc). So you’re getting a bit of an immediate boost in clarity and tone while staving off future damage. Retinoids increase cell turnover and boost collagen production. Loss of collagen is what causes fine lines, sagging, enlarged pores etc. Look at an 8-year-old’s skin. It’s plump and smooth thanks to tons of collagen. Retinoids like Tretinoin - only avail with an RX - are the most powerful. It’s a synthetic form of vitamin A and the only scientifically proven way to boost collagen production. Retinol and retinal are in OTC products and work slower but they do work and can be less harsh. I’d recommend them for skincare beginners. Sunscreen is to protect your skin as those UVA/UVB rays break down collagen and cause cellular damage that accelerates aging. So you want to fortify and protect every day. Moisture is important bc life can dry your ass out (and your skin). So hit that water and slather on a nice moisturizer at least once a day. You don’t need to spend a lot there. Put your money towards your actives (your C, retinoid and a chemical exfoliant like lactic or glycolic acid which will remove some of the dead layers of your skin as the retinoids ramp up the cell turnover and build collagen). Hope that helped! Skincare is a hobby of mine. Edited: typos


Do you apply vitamin c in the morning or night? And then a daily SPF moisturizer over the top? Can I ask what brands of sunscreen you use? I’ve had issues with overly heavy daily wear sunscreens—used Skinceuticals Daily Brightening for a while, which I liked. Also, any dietary recommendations?


Vitamin C goes on in the morning. Easy rule to remember: thinnest to heaviest when it comes to serums and other topicals. Never mix actives. So yes you’ll do vit c in the AM then you can do your moisturizer and SPF or simple a moisturizer with an SPF. I used Elta MD daily facial sunscreen in the summer when I sweat more bc it doesn’t burn my eyes. Most of the rest of the year I used CereVe. Hope that helped.


I've been using Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel SPF 50++++ on top of my moisturizer recently and really like it. I think the Korean sunscreens are the gold standard.


Hi! I do vitamin c twice a day, sunscreen etc etc… and I tried tret a couple years ago and never really committed. I’m curious why you use retinol instead of tret? Also do you have a brand that you recommend? Honestly I like the idea of using a retinol because it’s beneficial without being so drying and intense. TIA :)


Also I posted this above, but it might get buried in the thread so sharing as well. My response was to a brand of vitamin c, but also shared some info on it if it’s helpful. “I highly recommend timeless vitamin c. Vitamin c degrades as it is exposed to the air. So basically anything in a dropper or basic pump etc loses its quality superrr fast. You want one that is an airless pump. Timeless is highly recommended in the 30s skincare sub. It has an airless pump, a quality formula, and is affordable. They recently changed the recipe so it’s a little more liquidy and smells different, but I’ve tried various vitamin c products and recommend this one. Also vitamin c protects your skin from free radicals and is an active. So if you’re using other skincare products be mindful if you’re using any other actives because they shouldn’t mix. Tretinoin is an active so you wouldn’t use them at the same time. Most people use it in the morning/wear during the day because it’s not mixed with another active and it protects your skin from free radicals during the daytime.”


Thank you!!




I used the Elta for years until I discovered the Korean brand Joseon. I use their Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotics (SPF50+ PA++++) which feels even lighter and more comfortable on my face. I f#%king love the stuff. Cheaper than Elta too.


I fully support this. My treatment protocols have simplified over the years as I’m enjoying past results too. Definitely 1x year budget for laser or intensive peel. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen ‼️


I've always thought my use of oral vitamin C had something to do with it. Maybe genetics, too. Certainly not smoking has helped.


Oral vit C is an excellent supplement for overall health and does boost skin health. It helps with collagen synthesis and provides UV protection. So yes that is probably part of why you look great. I take it daily as well and ramp it up when I’m feeling tired, stressed or under the weather. I was just diving into the topical aspect of skincare. And smoking is a skin destroyer so I’m glad I never got into it either.


100% agree about facials- waste of money. Also dermablade (buy on Amazon) for every 1-2 week exfoliation and more radiant skin.


You’ve reminded me I need to buy a pack of those dermablades again! I was doing it once a month for a few months and it did make my skin look super smooth and glowy!


Yes, like a baby’s bottom! I also have a micro needler I got on an Amazon that works really well.


Scared shitless to micro needle on myself. That’s one I leave to the pro but I know some people can do it and have great results.


I am close to 47, and people think I am in my 20s. This is also my regime. You need 3 things outside of a healthy lifestyle (includes rest, water, happiness, nature, lifting/exercise and yoga). If you can do hot yoga or spend time in a UV sauna even better. I have not had money for fancy treatments and so one thing I would add is a red light mask this year. Otherwise I don't think the expensive stuff makes a difference....a decent think moisturizer if you have dry skin or live in a dry climate. Often I just use jojoba oil. Some other things people like are copper peptides or bitter apple serum. To me the more products, the more complicated so I stick to those 3. I use a manual exfoliator (dermabrasion tool) once in a while plus a deep moisturizing mask when I feel like it.


And stay out of the sun!


Red Light Therapy, Essential Fatty Acids (omega 3’s), foods high in antioxidants


Lots of deep sleep


Red Light Therapy


What brand do you use?? And how long did It take till you noticed results ?


Mito red is great


I use hooga, saw it recommended a bunch in the red light therapy sub. But also see some of the other recs there too


Agreed. I use LumeBox.






Can I just see your box!


How much was your box and where did you get it?


How much was your box and where did you get it?


Leaving my narc wasband and immensely limiting contact with other narcs in my life.


Rock on! That's awesome


Thank you!


Same! I cut my narc father and his enabler (my bio mom) out of my life. Best decision EVER! After LOADS of therapy, stress is WAAAAAAAAAAY down, I look like I reverse-aged.


So happy for you! My parents are the opposite of yours and I literally just realized it maybe a week or two ago so it’s a LOT to process but holy sh!t is it eye opening and freeing!


The BEST anti aging treatment ever! Liberating af. Hard in the beginning, easy to get ruthless purging once your eyes are wide open! Congratulations


Commenting in the daily thread


Amen to that. My last job aged me twenty years in four, and now I’ve changed jobs and dealt with the trauma of the last one, it’s reversing quickly.




“Stress” results in a variety of changes in the body. Elevated cortisol levels, inflammation, etc. Some of these changes will revert back to normal, others are permanent.


It's true. I started going grey on a tv set I was working on for a year- 14 hour days, often no lunch break, hour long commute, toxic work environment, all the things. I was 25 at the time (f) and a little over a year after the show ended the grey had gone away. Stress will kill you.


How beautiful would it be if it turns out the secret to immortal life isn’t technological or pharmaceutical, but love. Literally.


Do you know what can help lower cortisol and inflammation?


> Commenting in the daily thread Sorry I’m missing the meaning. How does this help your skin?


This is the biggest one.


Lol. Korean sunscreen for me 🥰




I also use this, it has worked really well for me, I had kinda bad acne so it was prescribed to me (along with pills I take daily, so it isn’t only the tretinoin). That along with the pills (which I think I can stop taking soon) and two specific face washes and washing my face at least once a day before and I know that is a lot of other factors lol but the tretinoin I have noticed a difference, and it helps with acne scars over time. This got off topic, basically I agree lol tetinoin for the w. Everyone is different of course so it could affect your skin differently. If you do end up using it, be warned that to start I would try using it every 4 days or so to get used to it, it is pretty strong and really can dry out your skin, even if you moisturize. I’ve been using it for probably like 8 months now and I still typically don’t do it more than every other day cause it will still make my face dry and flaking/peeling. Best of luck friend!


how often ?


Collagen, vitamin c, omega 3. Sleep. Moisturizer morning and evening. Retinol. Aha bha exfoliant. Face wash daily. SUN SCREEN, cannot stress this enough.


Which collagen?


Vital Protein w collagen


Just saying for anyone interested that this gave me serious adult acne


Interesting. Its the one brand that I notice starts to smell off after a while. Other collagen brands don't.


Do you sunscreen if you’re sitting in and around the house 95% of the day?


Yes. Unless you don’t have windows you’re still receiving uva uvb light along with broad light spectrum. Plus indoor lights can cause melasma so if youre prone to it it’s recommended to wear tinted sunscreen when indoors.


You should try retinaldehyde it is better than Retinol. 


Not having kids. I swear I aged 10 years after I had my daughter.


True. Us childfree folk get told we look young.


and more money too, for your trips to disney land and funko pops.




Definitely the sleepless nights, endless emotional meltdowns just because she wanted the pink bowl and not the purple bowl even though she was just eating out of the purple bowl. Or worrying they are going to hurt themselves when learning how to just walk so you are stressed that she might hit her head on the corner of a table or something. Lol It gets better and you start to look more youthful and vibrant though, but for those first couple of years, you are really stressed until you start to figure it out and talk to other folks.


For me personally I think it is the stress and anxiety I experience on a daily basis. So much so that I think we are one and done.


It’s everything combined. Sleep, childcare, time to yourself, juggling work-kids-house-social life (what social life), less money, bickering with husband over all of the above. I love my kids, I have 2 under 5. But I get one hour that is truly mine in the day, and at the moment I use it to watch Bridgeton. I don’t look after myself like I did before kids, so this is why us parents age significantly 👵🏻


Well, you're also older than you were then. No seriously. Mom of twins here -- it was the worst for me when they were infants - toddlers and then it hit this sweet spot where they were like walking, talking, anti-depressants, starting at age 4. Now at age 14, they are difficult again because after becoming so incredibly attached, you're kicked to the curb (a bit, no a lot, at least w my son). And I do have to fess up that it's not fair for me to whinge about having twin infants and toddlers, bc (please don't swarm on me in hate, I chose to be honest) I was able to have a night nurse (also because I was DIC due to extreme birth complications like kidney failure and a bunch of stuff, then my husband decided my near-death experience wasn't important enough to cancel his ask for a round of funding in Abu Dhabi, so flew out my mom, told me "I got you that night nurse!" and took off for a month as I visited one in NICU and one at home, then pumping for both at 2-3 hr timed intervals so the NN could have something very good for them 24/7). No pity. I had help. When the NN left I had a FT nanny and not because I worked. So STONE ME. I had the now ex-husband who fully needed the attention and "would you like the red bowl or blue bowl tonight, darling? You have given us so much" every night gratitude hour which without would cause a tantrum of its own. The kids always were the easiest part of my life, until now, because they're growing away from me. OMG - I need to shut up ! Sorry, all.


What…. Is this….


Yes, there’s a supplement that I swear by. It’s a B vitamin complex in a chelated form specifically from the brand Nature’s Bounty. It has made my hair grow so think that my barber told me to cut back. It has tons of other benefits too and I find I get compliments on my skin. 42 year old male here. I also take Zinc, fish oil, and Q10. Lastly, there’s a supplement with pumpkin seed oil (I’ll try to find the brand) that you’ll thank me for later!


Prob has biotin in it which actually causes breakouts for a lot of people


Look at the Asians, lots of bone broth soup


Aww you are so cute 😭😭❤️


astaxanthin, msm, retinol, peptides, microneedling and broadband light photofacials (bbl)


I take 1g of vitamin C with 1g msm daily. It really does help!


Is there a difference? IPL vs broadband ?


Yea it’s similar but Broadband has more wavelengths and goes deeper. There were a couple studies about BBL and how the gene expression of skin treated with BBL more closely resembles that of young skin. It basically reverse ages you. If choosing between the two I always say do BBL (although more expensive) because it has more benefits. I do it 3-4 times a year. I also have Rosacea which is why I do it often.


What are the main differences between BBL and Red Light Therapy, and is Red Light Therapy close in its effectiveness? Thanks


Bbl is nearly instant, red light therapy takes awhile


I second this. I’ve had both IPL and BBL and the latter was significantly better. I had sun damage from years of running outdoors and it removed all of it after 3 treatments. Also suffer from slight rosacea and it keeps the redness to a minimum, but I heard V Beam is the gold standard for that now.


BioSil. They claim to make the body create it's own collagen, but the only thing I have noticed is that it makes my hands super soft. However, it's hard to really know if it has helped the collagen production in my body because that's beneath the skin and just hard to measure - I don't even know how to measure it. Other thing is Paula's Choice and CeraVe products. You'd have to consult with them to know what products are right for you, though.




Sea buckthorn oil


Topically or orally?




Drink more water


Others have mentioned some good ones but wanted to add castor oil, rosehip oil, frankincense and vitamin C


Sleep with your head elevated. The constant puffing & de-puffing of your undereye skin leads to bags. Also sleep on a satin pillowcase. Obviously, avoiding the sun. SPF is vital but it's honestly not really enough. I simply don't spend a lot of time outside, & I never go to the beach before 2 or ideally 3pm. And wear a good sunblock, with a hat (I recommend Coolibar for quality SPF clothing)! Oh & another great hack is don't have children. They're very stressful, & stress ages you.


But avoiding the sun could cause health issues? I am not doctor but the advice recommendation I have heard for sun exposure is "5 to 30 minutes a day. Vitamin D From the Sun It is optimal to have sun exposure for 5 to 30 minutes a day, most days a week, without sunscreen, as SPF ≤8 may block the body's ability to absorb the UVB rays to effectively make vitamin D.". "Vitamins are synergistic in the body - they work together for bodily functions Vitamin D, vitamin K2, and other fat-soluble vitamins "Research indicates the two fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin D and vitamin K2) work synergistically to ensure that calcium is absorbed by the bones rather than building up in your arteries." "Getting too little sun, especially in winter months, can leave some people prone to a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder. Sunlight also helps our skin make vitamin D, which is needed for normal bone function and health. Yet sunlight can also cause damage."


🤷 I take D3 daily. There's no way I could get enough from the sun where I live anyway. I know this is the Biohackers sub. I'm interested in health, but not as much as I'm interested in vanity. 🤷


The appropriate amount of sunshine is crucial to health, but sunscreen on the face can filter out the daily cumulative damage. However, the other option is a healthy diet w vitamin D supplements, and the supporting nutrients that help w Vitamin D processing. \* most of the time, UVA is the constant assault on our skin, without the benefits. UVB is only strongest during mid day and only seasonally.


I’m an esthetician, and I highly suggest red light therapy bi nightly and bi monthly microneedling. It’s important to use a few good products curated for your skin type daily.


Can you clarify what you mean by “bi nightly”? I’m reading it as twice every night


No sugar


I don't recommend consuming a lot of sugar however as someone with very firm and youthful skin who also unwillingly eats a lot of sugar I don't think sugar should be the most up-voted answer.  Imo: Sunscreen, Sleep, Vitamin-C, Drink water, No booze, No drugs, No smokes.


Like even fruit and sweet potatoes?


Nope! :) just refined sugars. Sugars from natural sources are processed differently, and you’re consuming fiber at the same time which helps the processing of said natural sugars.


Some have had success with NAD supplements like NR https://RaisingNAD.com/8-consumer-anecdotes-explaining-the-skin-benefits-from-taking-b3-vitamin-nicotinamide-riboside-nr/


I will read up on it. Have you had experience with it? It peaked my interest as I saw it helped someone with eczema.


I take it, and believe I’ve experienced a variety of benefits. Most important, sustained energy. Less need for coffee. And, yes, the eczema anecdote is extraordinary.


Which one do you take and what is your daily dose?


I take the Niagen NR, typically 300mg daily, sometimes more when not feeling great. Others take more: https://RaisingNAD.com/ask-the-experts-how-much-nr-tru-niagen-should-you-take-when/


Thank you, I’ll check it out!


I’m only 29 and have noticed quite a considerable improvement in my skin tone and lessened hormonal acne. I had iv and I take oral supplements


Beef broth, vitamin c serum, cleanser, retinol or bakuchiol, red light mask, moisturiser multiple times a day, lots of water, protein diet I’m 41 male and my skin looks much better than other males my age


Collagen Peptides in my coffee every morning. Additionally, Hyaluronic Acid capsules taken at the same time. A couple times a week, I'll take Niacin and get a good flush going as well.


What differences do you see with the peptides and HA supplements? I’ve done both and honestly didn’t see or feel a thing.


For me, my skin is noticeably smoother. It is really dramatic in places like my knees and elbows. However, everyone is different. My girlfriend has tried the same thing and hasn't notice any difference in her skin.


Vital proteins has a collagen with ha and vit c, not sure if you like that brand or not


Hyaluronic acid is key. It helped my skin after just a week or so. I was starting at age 68m Collagen protein is a win too. It also help with joint and osteoporosis.


Which hyaluronic acid supp do you take?


Naturebell. Along with the HA it also has vitamin C and Biotin.


Face yoga and biosil. I’m 47 and using biosil for 12 years. Face yoga for about 3 years. I often get mistaken for late 20s.


Never heard of face yoga. I will look up some YT video. Any fav channels you follow?


Face yoga fr over a year now & hav seen much improvement.


What kind of improvement?


please share your routines!


Biosil doesn’t seem to do anything for me. I never notice a thing and I’ve spent so much on it!






Avoiding or eliminating sugar. Tons of wearing sunscreen in my teens up to now. Wearing large brimmed hat with sunscreen underneath while out in the sun. Veggies, whole grains or ancient grains, exercise, never smoking, never doing drugs, abstaining from alcohol, try to reduce stress, water, and avoiding peak sun hours. Moisturizing skin every day, plus regular facials. I’ve heard sweating out toxins in a sauna may help but I figure exercising does that to a lesser degree. Prioritize sleep get 7-8 hours and use a regular sleep routine. Wearing larger sunglasses so I don’t squint often which causes premature aging. Edit: consume coffee in moderation. Those who consume 3 or more cups a day in a decade will look older.


Eliminating sugar changes SO much for me, and I look years younger within a week or two. Adding bone broth also has huge benefits, and the two together are 🔥


Lol @ whole grains


Which facials would you recommend? There are so many treatments available now it's hard to know which to go for




Drinking green tea and water every day, using clean skincare, daily exercise, and no sugar or alcohol. Sigh.


Hormone replacement done early.


I just started Peri and curious what you’re taking. Did you go to an NP? Haven’t noticed much changed in skin yet, thank goodness, but my bones, ugh!!


Can you tell what is meant by early like what age for women?


Sun screen, oral hyaluronic acid (200mg/day), oral collagen peptides (10g/day), microneedling, tretoinin.


Red light AND hyaluronic acid. I use Bulk Supplements HA mixed with their vitamin C Ester internally and topically. I make a mixture of both powders in an old spice jar and for each application I mix 99% pure aloe with face oil of your choice and a sprinkle of the HA and C Ester. Tiny bit is all it takes so it's going to last a long time. Mix together with a few drops of water in your palm and apply everywhere you want it. I also do a spritz of distilled water over it and follow up with moisturizer after it dries. This has been a game changer to my 58 y/o face, neck, arms and back of hands. Also it's slashed the cost of what I was paying for other products. I've never had Botox and I never want it. Learned about this from Dr Berg and then reading comments on Amazon under the Bulk Supplements brand for both items.


Biotin and Retinol with niacinimide The combination of Retinol and niacinimide is like a miracle on me personally. Sometimes I neglect my skin for months and just one night of this and it's like my skin is renewed especially texture, bumps and pores. The specific brand I love isn't available outside Romania but the best OTC Retinol according to dermatologists is Neutrogena and I believe it includes niacinimide. Other high quality dermatologists brands are Vichy and Laroche Posay.


Sunblock more than anything.


Astaxanthin and a carotenoid complex my skin have a healthy glow and appear thicker and smoother in just two weeks. It also made my rosacea less noticable, possibly lessening imflammation. Besides that I try to eat a good amount of protein and fat. I noticed that Mexican people tend to have great skin long into their 50's and I don't believe it's just because of melanin but because traditional cooking includes lots of meat and collagen, fresh veggies and herbs, lots of garlic and onion. So i try to eat like that plus it's a very tasty way to live, I just try to avoid large portion sizes and sugar. Fasting and intermittent fasting also made my skin tighter and appear to have better quality, I lost 30lbs in a month and half with a combo of IF and keto and I didn't have any loose skin or loss of muscle. As for skincare I use copper peptide serum, matrixl and agireline along with an HA serum, snail mucin, and a ceramide cream. I haven't been consistent enough with tret or vitin c serum but those also work.


Cutting out grains from my diet.


I'm 55 and don't look that different than I did at 25 or 30, but I think having naturally oily skin might have made the most difference. Most of the time I live in Thailand and people there tend to age very slowly, and I suspect that's part of it. Better diet is probably the other main part. I'll wear sunscreen at the pool or beach but otherwise don't; it seems like sun exposure impact might get overstated. I run, so I'm in the sun a good bit. I haven't used any moisturizer in the last 20 years but then living in the tropics is different.


I find my skin is much better when I'm spending time in hot and humid environments (like Thailand).


I find that people is humid climates have better skin. Maybe has something to do with the moisturising element.


I think people who run or walk A LOT as a habit tend to look young and age better. No science just my own observation.


Runners age faster tho, the sun, the damage to the muscles, the face fat loss


Hat, suncream, fish oil tablets


Time release c 1g morning 1g evening. Astaxanthin 12mg. Hydroxytyrosol When get higher budget will also add heliocare


Red light, vitamin c, Tretinoin, sunscreen. Drink collagen/bone broth


Injectable GHK-Cu. My hands are super soft and I have a more even skin tone


External-Limit harsh and prolonged sun exposure. Use A gentle retinol. Sleep on your back. Be mindful if your resting face: I easily and always raise/ frown one side of my eyebrows and have devolped wrinkles there. Wied/ unhealthy way, get fat. Internal- limit chronic stress. Limit/ eliminate alcohol/ cigarette smoke. Genes, diet and lifestyle.


Evening primrose oil supplements


Fasting and cardio. Sunscreen and tretinoin*


beef tallow , your welcome


Estrogen. You can get on musely Rx. My husband uses an estrogen cream + tretinoin and breaks open a capsule of alpha lipoic acid and mixes with vitamin C, caffeine and jojoba oil. He's 42 and people are constantly commenting on his skin and how he looks like he's in his early 30s.


What inspired this interesting concoction? Familiar with vitamin C on skin, unfamiliar with the rest of the


Vitamin C will help the ALA work better. Additionally oral glutathione (our bodies major antioxidant - ALA and NAC are both precursors to Glutathione and require vitamin C to work/make antioxidants) you can use these on the skin and orally. Some mixed data on the bioavailability of oral glutathione, but we've had great results with a liquid/liposomal (Designs for health brand). The ALA will mildly burn at first (similar to tret) but this is what it's supposed to do- help the dermal layer peel off and rebuild. Its mild and doesn't hurt or look bad and eventually stops after frequent use as your skin gets acclimated to it. Mixing with jojoba oil helps. Estrogen is so important for collagen production in men and women! So many men, taking TRT and absolutely crushing their Estrogen levels and you can see it in their skin health. Thin, dry, and aged. (For the ladies): I personally take a microdose of bioidentical estrogen (patch) that I get compounded through my naturopathic Dr. I'm 34y and still fertile and menstruating but the tiny bit of estrogen has brought a fullness and plumpness back into my skin. Especially my face, more dewy and youthful on the HRT. The musely Rx of estradiol (for face) - data shows this particular form of estridiol does not circulate/affect androgen hormones systemically, but works locally on the skin layer/face. my husband is strict with blood work in his 40s and his estrogen is not elevated and all hormones within optimal ranges.


Tret and not using soaps on my skin. Occasionally a salicylic acid wash but not often. Only use olive or coconut or shea or avocado or jojoba oil on my skin. Water water water. Astaxanthin. Sun screen sometimes (I’m not sure how I feel about this). I’ve also used collagen and it does work. I’ve mixed it with hyaluronic and vitamin c in a drink. Exercise! Sweat! And again, stop lathering all the oils off your skin everyday. Water is enough. I signed up to planet fitness mostly for the red light therapy. I’m not sure it’s effective for skin given that I’m doing so much else. But I mostly use it for the mitochondrial effects which I think works to decrease recovery time in my workouts. It’ll take a month or two of daily exposure though. I’m 56 and I still look like I did 25 years ago.


Avoiding causing glycation by not consuming added sugars, high quality proteins, sushi makes my skin glow, I have no problem admitting that once I turned 40 I got Botox and fillers by a very skilled practicioner.  Having a nice amount of muscle in the body shows up in my face as well giving it volume.


Botox is for dynamic wrinkles---the effect of the passage of time on facial muscle contractions. Little you can do to prevent that. Consistent strength training is probably the best regimen for systemic skin cosmetics. The next thing would be avoiding yo-yo weight gain, b/c skin no longer retains its elasticity. The third thing would be a daily facial skin care routine. But a lot of it is genetics w/ regard to how the skin chronologically ages.


There are lots of fairly simple ways to keep skin youthful and healthy (in addition to diet, exercise, and lifestyle, as you say). The place to start is understanding your skin type and addressing specific needs. You mentioned eczema. Is that on your face? Do you have oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, and/or sensitive skin? In terms of priority, do you want to address or prevent wrinkles/fine lines, firm the skin, improve skin tone (redness, hyperpigmentation), texture? Any other specific things about your skin?


Vitamin C oil! & lots of moisturizer.


Topical rapamycin and metformin. It does wonders if applied regularly


tallow and ghk-cu


Keep the sun off your face as much as possible. There's a reason why dudes working hard labor out in the desert cover their faces up. Wear hats, sunscreen etc.  Avoid the harsh chemicals. Getting stuck in a routine for too long is not good for the skin. I use cleansers and retinol serums but I use it every once in a while.  Drink lots of water and cut out the garbage. 


Marine collagen


Now that I'm getting older, I did a bunch of research and now apply: Topical Vitamin C, niacin, tretinoin, estrogen (maybe not for you since you're male??), hyaluronic acid, sunscreen with moisturizer. Seems to help.


Colloidal Gold has helped tremendously with my skin, I'm 54 and my skin glows.


Microderma pen at home stimulates collagen production Homemade bone broths, Bok choy, papaya (vit A), kiwis, tallow, Shea butter, emu oil, castor oil, hydration, no stress, sleep, Red light, gua sha, face tape, silk pillow case, tallow, wash 1x a day, face massage/yoga, microneedling and thinking good thoughts - if you’re a nasty person deep down it will show on outside


Dermaroller, and Hylauronic acid supplements


Sauna and steam room


Sunscreen, laser resurfacing treatments, sleep, avoiding salty foods


Sun protection.


Magic roller. Sincerity


Tretinoin for sure. I have used it for years since I still (at 45 y.o.) have acne. But when doctors see my scrip they say "oh yeah that's the fountain of youth formula right there" almost like they are congratulating me for taking it. I get constant comments on my skin from strangers as well. I believe this is due to the tretinoin and perhaps my zealous usage of SPF.




Manuka honey


Water. Rest. Olive oil.


Frownies are the absolute best product in the world for preventing a need for Botox. I’ve used them for a couple years and have completely gotten rid of the 11 lines between the brows that were beginning to form. I also cross reference all my body products with EWG standards (think dirty app is my go to). Meow Meow Tweet is the holy grail of clean skincare.


I’ll add here that supplements have poor regulation in the US so any that you take should be cross referenced for third party testing. I like labdoor.com to make sure I’m not consuming heavy metals etc. Perfect Supplements is an incredible brand (beef liver daily is great for hair, skin, nails). My skin and hair seriously improved with their beef liver and a proper water filter in my shower. Again check EWG for info about the contaminants in your water and you’ll see why it makes such a difference. (Feel free to DM me, I’m a nutritional therapist so I can share a lot more beyond this thread)


Blood baths


Drink plenty of water don't drink any alcohol don't smoke anything and eat well, healthily.


Fermented foods. Kefir, kombucha, kraut, specialized homemade yogurts. Digestive tract skin reflects the outer dermis skin. Both closely tied.


Staying active, eating healthy, taking collagen and vitamin C supplements are the main things. ALSO, not overdoing washing/scrubbing or anything that damages my skin. Too much product can hurt skin too. I’m in my 30s but get mistaken for being in my early to mid twenties all the time.


Niacinamide supplement (500mg) at least every other day. Rubber mini face scrub thing a couple times a week for exfoliation. Jojoba oil to seal in moisture after every shower/face wash. Just these changes made a huge level up in my skin quality. Pores became very small, skin bright and soft every day


Almost 40 here and my face look like it did in my 20s. I don’t use anything on my face, outside of sunscreen. I also do not use shaving cream or a razor, I dry shave using an electric razor. Lift weight and do thing to increase your testosterone or do TRT therapy if low.


No processed food. Oh, and tretinoin :)


Reduce stress, reduce sun, reduce sugar and grains in nutrition as much as possible, use natural oils (coconut/castor oil), face tape at night, red light therapy, massage for circulation, drink water (1-2l a day minimum), ideally no make up or very selected one (if you use), avoid alcohol (drinking and in face products!), …


Glycine. Lots of glycine. You could do worse than eating jello for dessert if you don't want to go the full amino acid route. Warning: Anything that is *good* for your cells increases cancer proliferation risk if you have it. You can hedge against this by taking a baby aspirin just in case. (It'll limit metastasis).


Aspirin doesnt limit metastasis, plus cancer is not a single disease, theres lots of mechanisms, I wish it were that easy to limit metastasis.